What percentage of elected politicians do you think actually care about the people they represent?

If I had to take a guess I'd sad about 20%

What say you?

I think your estimate is high. I'd say 10% or so. That would be the 1% to 2% have the real money & power, plus another 8% or 9% that are in the media or capable of causing a stink that would mess up their reelection chances.

You have to be a self-absorbed narcissist to seek public office. Any politician saying they got into the business to serve others is likely the worst offender.
I think they all do in their own way
I think they WANT to do good

But their primary objective is to get re-elected
To get re-elected, they need to make concessions to their party
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At least part of the problem is that most pols care about their political base, i.e., their voters and supporters, more than they do the populace in their district or state.
At least part of the problem is that most pols care about their political base, i.e., their voters and supporters, more than they do the populace in their district or state.
They need to realize once elected they work for everyone.
They care about their wealthy benefactors more than any of their constituents.
Which is why we need term limits.

Without a doubt, and on supreme court judges as well.

Agreed, IMHO at least every federal judge up to and including the SCOTUS ought to be re-confirmed every 10 years. Maybe through the electoral college process like the presidents go through. Our Legislative Branch ain't working too good these days.
If I had to take a guess I'd sad about 20%

What say you?

I would say that nobody runs for office unless they are deeply committed to serving their communities.

Seriously, why else would you put yourself and your family through that kind of agony for a job that really doesn't pay better than a mid-level executive?
They care about their wealthy benefactors more than any of their constituents.
Which is why we need term limits.

Without a doubt, and on supreme court judges as well.
I think age restrictions would be more appropriate for SCOTUS. Mandatory age retirement at say 60 or 65. Unless you are close to the elderly you can easily miss illnesses that can have adverse effects of their mental faculties
If I had to take a guess I'd sad about 20%

What say you?

I would say that nobody runs for office unless they are deeply committed to serving their communities.

Seriously, why else would you put yourself and your family through that kind of agony for a job that really doesn't pay better than a mid-level executive?

Simple, you get a great health plan.....completely different than the one that you forced upon the commoners, 175k per year, work about 10 days a year, great retirement, walk out a multimillionaire.
If I had to take a guess I'd sad about 20%

What say you?

I would say that nobody runs for office unless they are deeply committed to serving their communities.

Seriously, why else would you put yourself and your family through that kind of agony for a job that really doesn't pay better than a mid-level executive?

Simple, you get a great health plan.....completely different than the one that you forced upon the commoners, 175k per year, work about 10 days a year, great retirement, walk out a multimillionaire.
It is the ultimate welfare program.
What say you?
How many of them have We The People as their number one priority? I'd think 20% may be generous.

Yes, absolutely, they "care", at least a majority of them, but we come a distant second behind their own self interests, such as fundraising, re-election, power and influence.

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