“What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?”

Hey, where's Synthaholic go? Taking her antidepressants?
What kind of gun was used in the Las Vegas mass murder?

Google is your friend, and while googling, let us ALL know what guns were used at the Virginia Tech shootings, K?

It took him almost 3 hours to get those kills. They were isolated in many areas from the Dorms to the Classrooms. His was the first which gained him a high body count. The School, Community and Cops weren't prepared for anything like that. It never entered into their imagination that something like that could happen. Today, it's not so easy. Instead of 17 dead like he ended up with, he might end up with maybe 3 before they bagged him, cornered him and either shot him, he surrendered or he shot himself. They would not have stopped him today but they would have reduced the body count. And that is all you can do.

So, the 17 year old couldn't have used used semi automatic pistols and rack up the same, if not more kills. Is that what you are trying to sell?

Nice try, but everyone knows that Bridge, ain't for sale, and no ones gonna buy it. Take away the antidepressants, and a whole lotta people are alive today that are now 6 foot under.

Sad, but true.

You just can't face it that you aren't going to win this one. We have had at least one near mass shooting here. It was stopped by an alert community. The 17 year old was apprehended before he got to the school gate by the cops who overwhelmed him with force and didn't give him time to get his mind together enough to get his weapon out. You see, walking down a sidewalk in a long coat with a bulge under it and it's not raining isn't exactly normal. Someone has to see it. If the Community doesn't report it, the kid makes it to the school and the school has things in place to keep the body count down, not to stop the initial shootings. But it was stopped before it reached the gates by a concerned citizen calling it in. The 1000 foot rule of no guns around a school was taken seriously and it paid off. This did not make the Nation News. No mention of it on Fox News or CNN. Nothing. His weapon of Choice? An AR-15 style weapon he "Borrowed" from his Dad along with 3 30 round mags. His reason given? He was going for the record. It wasn't even his school. Was he on any prescription drugs? None. I wonder how many other almost happenings like that are thwarted and not reported each day on the national news.

Dollars to Doughnuts, the kid was on a prescription SSRI antidepressant. So, if you have a point, make it.
Hey, where's Synthaholic go? Taking her antidepressants?
What kind of gun was used in the Las Vegas mass murder?
A plain old semiautomatic rifle no different than any semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years

I read an article about these shootings. And the writer had an excellent point.

If you go to a Doctor with a reoccurring indigestion problem that has happened over the last month, the Doctor won't ask you what you were eating before the problem started, but will ask you what you've been eating since the problem started.

So the question really is, since these guns have been available for an extended period of time, but these shootings have only started in the recent couple of decades, why are we not asking "what have you been eating lately?"

That is, we are medicating our children with a drug that deadens their emotions, the key emotion it deadens is empathy. And without empathetic emotions, killings become more likely.

You are delving into an area that many of old Combat Vets are pros at. I am supposed to be on a Prozac type drug. I choose not to be on it. The side affects are worse than the condition. But it's not the willingness to kill, it's the other things that I won't go into. It does NOT cause you to anger. It works the other way around. It makes you slow down. It's more a sleeping pill than an exciter. This is why Grass has a positive affect on PTSD. I don't use Grass but others do and swear by it that have acute PTSD and it seems to work for them. An Antidepressant does not have the kind of side affects you proclaim they do. It's actually the opposite. The only living person in jeopardy from an antidepressant is the person taking it due to some having suicidal tendencies. This is another case of "Hey, look over There" routine instead of facing the real problems head on.
nonsensical and boring
I found his comment on point. Allow me to attempt to convince you as to why:

I assume your motive for wanting to remove all gun ownership is to promote safety, particularly the safety of children.

You want to ban an inanimate object to protect children.

Doing so will create a precedent or standard that can be applied globally to other objects that harm children, like lawnmowers. In your effort to get the desired result, you will have created unintended consequences.

It goes a lot deeper than that, but you can see the serious concern, can you not?

Using your logic, we can also stop having child proof medical tops, child proof household chemical tops, and all that unnecessary things that cost us money to have on our products. And of course, the use by dates, you know how much that costs us at the market. And those stupid Children Seats, Seat and Shoulder Belts, Collision Bags in Cars, Neutral Switches, any form of warning buzzers and more. All of these just cost us money, lots of money. My old 53 Roadmaster didn't have a single one of these and I survived. Of course, the size of that beast, everyone was too afraid to come within a country mile of it. The problems were, the deaths per capita were out of control as the speeds came up on the highways. The deaths of children in accidents were out of control. You might think you were safer in your most recent Mastodon of Detroitness but when you smacked into another mammothed one, all bets were off. When the earth stopped shaking, you just picked up the body parts (those that you could find) and hauled them off. Today, we have almost a 100% chance of survival in an accident in a car that once would have killed everyone involved. It's not just you that's out there, it's also other people. The Government did force those changes and they were "Painful" to the car industries if you listen to them at them at the time but it was necessary to save lives. And that is what we are trying to do for the Mass Shootings. Minimize the body counts.

We will never stop the mass shooting completely. But we can minimize the body counts. Yes, there are other ways to kill enmass but the new sexy way is with a gun. And the new record is 58 and the new record holder is the AR-15 in a 19 year old hands. Yes, the record is held by a 40is person but it gives the 19 year old a goal to exceed. If you are looking for a medical cure for this, don't. There isn't one. If you are looking for a way that Society can stop this by it's actions, don't, it just isn't there. Just look at the target words. AR-15 in a 19 year olds hands with a high capacity mag. Those are the only 3 things we can control. Nothing else.

AR-15 in a 19 year olds hands with a high capacity mag....... under the influence of an SSRI Antidepressant.

There, I fixed it for you, cuz without the last part, the first part would likely never happen.

But that's logical and scientific. And no matter how many times you are presented the EVIDENCE, we know you will continue to ignore it.

Have a pleasant day.

Now imagine the shooter without the antidepressant. And using your own cite, I removed that from your equation since a Female is 4 to 5 times more apt to be violent than a male under antidepressants yet the modern mass shootings have all be male.

Now, remove the antidepressants from the equations and you now have a 19 year old running up and down the sidewalk during rush hour blowing people away because he just couldn't wait to get to the school. Nothing changed but the location.

Do your research and stop the nonsense. Research has shown, and if you'd have read the links, that it is ONLY those taking these prescriptions that have a higher Violent Criminal conviction rate (and suicide rate to boot), than those, WITH THE SAME ILLNESS, but choosing a different course of treatment.

Maybe you'll believe an Oxford University study: Source: Oxford psychiatrist Senna Faze | SSRI Stories

"Young people who take drugs including Prozac are ‘50% more likely to be convicted of assault and murder’
Those in late teens and early 20s 50% more likely to commit violent crime.
SSRI drugs include Prozac, Seroxat, Lustral, Cipralex and Cipramil
Experts believe adolescent brains are more sensitive to drug interference.
And less likely to take their pills allowing symptoms to boil over to violence.

Popular antidepressant pills make young people violent, it is feared.
An Oxford University study found that men – and women – in their late teens and early 20s – were almost 50 per cent more likely to be convicted of offences from assault to murder when taking SSRI drugs.
This family of anti-depressants includes Prozac, as well as Seroxat, Lustral, Cipralex and Cipramil, the most commonly prescribed of the pills.
One in eight Britons takes SSRIs each year – and the number of prescription has doubled in the last decade.
Meanwhile in the US around 11 per cent of people aged 12 and over take antidepressants, including SSRIs, according to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.

Men and women in their late teens and early 20s were almost 50 per cent more likely to be convicted of offences from assault to murder when they were taking SSRI drugs, new research has found (file image)
The tablets already carry a warning that the drugs are linked to suicidal thoughts in young people and it was suspected they were also linked to violence but evidence was sparse until now.
The researchers said the risk in 15 to 24 year olds is ‘not insignificant’ and that the public health implications ‘require careful consideration’."


You are doing it again. You are using an ultra rightwing site that has a 74% rate of publishing untruths and lies as a source. And they don't even bother to give the source cite to back up their claim. It's rubbish from the word go. I work with young people in their 20s that use Prozac and other forms similar to it and find that they are less likely to violence. In fact, that is the reason they are taking it. It lessens their violence by a drastic amount. I have PSTD and am quite aware that I have anger issues but use other methods to combat them other than drugs that also work. I rather like Bruce Banner and you don't want to make me angry.

You know nothing about any of this and your crackpot ultra right wing gun nutzoids don't either. You are just mudding up the mess so that the real reason will be overlooked. You lost your "Gun Grabber" argument so you move onto another Strawman looking for a win. You can't win this one because us old hands in the PTSD department are living that life and are experts far and above your right wing nutzoid "Experts" that just make crap up to sell advertising space.
Hey, where's Synthaholic go? Taking her antidepressants?
What kind of gun was used in the Las Vegas mass murder?
A plain old semiautomatic rifle no different than any semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years

I read an article about these shootings. And the writer had an excellent point.

If you go to a Doctor with a reoccurring indigestion problem that has happened over the last month, the Doctor won't ask you what you were eating before the problem started, but will ask you what you've been eating since the problem started.

So the question really is, since these guns have been available for an extended period of time, but these shootings have only started in the recent couple of decades, why are we not asking "what have you been eating lately?"

That is, we are medicating our children with a drug that deadens their emotions, the key emotion it deadens is empathy. And without empathetic emotions, killings become more likely.

You are delving into an area that many of old Combat Vets are pros at. I am supposed to be on a Prozac type drug. I choose not to be on it. The side affects are worse than the condition. But it's not the willingness to kill, it's the other things that I won't go into. It does NOT cause you to anger. It works the other way around. It makes you slow down. It's more a sleeping pill than an exciter. This is why Grass has a positive affect on PTSD. I don't use Grass but others do and swear by it that have acute PTSD and it seems to work for them. An Antidepressant does not have the kind of side affects you proclaim they do. It's actually the opposite. The only living person in jeopardy from an antidepressant is the person taking it due to some having suicidal tendencies. This is another case of "Hey, look over There" routine instead of facing the real problems head on.

Then I guess the researchers that say you are wrong, dead wrong in many cases, need to go back to school? Nearly every case of a mass shooting, including school mass shootings, have occured:

1. In the past 25 years
2. The individual was on an SSRI antidepressant
3. Since SSRI antidepressants have been issued in such large quantities

Helluva coincidence if you ask me, and it reminds me of what I posted earlier. When you go to the Doctor and ask about a recent bout of indigestion, the Doctor will never ask what you were eating before you developed the problem, but will always ask what you've been eating since you developed the problem. We should be doing the same.

And as for grass? I am a supporter of full legalization even though I have never used it.
What kind of gun was used in the Las Vegas mass murder?

Google is your friend, and while googling, let us ALL know what guns were used at the Virginia Tech shootings, K?

It took him almost 3 hours to get those kills. They were isolated in many areas from the Dorms to the Classrooms. His was the first which gained him a high body count. The School, Community and Cops weren't prepared for anything like that. It never entered into their imagination that something like that could happen. Today, it's not so easy. Instead of 17 dead like he ended up with, he might end up with maybe 3 before they bagged him, cornered him and either shot him, he surrendered or he shot himself. They would not have stopped him today but they would have reduced the body count. And that is all you can do.

So, the 17 year old couldn't have used used semi automatic pistols and rack up the same, if not more kills. Is that what you are trying to sell?

Nice try, but everyone knows that Bridge, ain't for sale, and no ones gonna buy it. Take away the antidepressants, and a whole lotta people are alive today that are now 6 foot under.

Sad, but true.

You just can't face it that you aren't going to win this one. We have had at least one near mass shooting here. It was stopped by an alert community. The 17 year old was apprehended before he got to the school gate by the cops who overwhelmed him with force and didn't give him time to get his mind together enough to get his weapon out. You see, walking down a sidewalk in a long coat with a bulge under it and it's not raining isn't exactly normal. Someone has to see it. If the Community doesn't report it, the kid makes it to the school and the school has things in place to keep the body count down, not to stop the initial shootings. But it was stopped before it reached the gates by a concerned citizen calling it in. The 1000 foot rule of no guns around a school was taken seriously and it paid off. This did not make the Nation News. No mention of it on Fox News or CNN. Nothing. His weapon of Choice? An AR-15 style weapon he "Borrowed" from his Dad along with 3 30 round mags. His reason given? He was going for the record. It wasn't even his school. Was he on any prescription drugs? None. I wonder how many other almost happenings like that are thwarted and not reported each day on the national news.

Dollars to Doughnuts, the kid was on a prescription SSRI antidepressant. So, if you have a point, make it.

Sorry to bust our bubble but he wasn't. He was just a misaligned kid going for a record. It was so simple it's scary. The record for the US stands at 58.
I found his comment on point. Allow me to attempt to convince you as to why:

I assume your motive for wanting to remove all gun ownership is to promote safety, particularly the safety of children.

You want to ban an inanimate object to protect children.

Doing so will create a precedent or standard that can be applied globally to other objects that harm children, like lawnmowers. In your effort to get the desired result, you will have created unintended consequences.

It goes a lot deeper than that, but you can see the serious concern, can you not?

Using your logic, we can also stop having child proof medical tops, child proof household chemical tops, and all that unnecessary things that cost us money to have on our products. And of course, the use by dates, you know how much that costs us at the market. And those stupid Children Seats, Seat and Shoulder Belts, Collision Bags in Cars, Neutral Switches, any form of warning buzzers and more. All of these just cost us money, lots of money. My old 53 Roadmaster didn't have a single one of these and I survived. Of course, the size of that beast, everyone was too afraid to come within a country mile of it. The problems were, the deaths per capita were out of control as the speeds came up on the highways. The deaths of children in accidents were out of control. You might think you were safer in your most recent Mastodon of Detroitness but when you smacked into another mammothed one, all bets were off. When the earth stopped shaking, you just picked up the body parts (those that you could find) and hauled them off. Today, we have almost a 100% chance of survival in an accident in a car that once would have killed everyone involved. It's not just you that's out there, it's also other people. The Government did force those changes and they were "Painful" to the car industries if you listen to them at them at the time but it was necessary to save lives. And that is what we are trying to do for the Mass Shootings. Minimize the body counts.

We will never stop the mass shooting completely. But we can minimize the body counts. Yes, there are other ways to kill enmass but the new sexy way is with a gun. And the new record is 58 and the new record holder is the AR-15 in a 19 year old hands. Yes, the record is held by a 40is person but it gives the 19 year old a goal to exceed. If you are looking for a medical cure for this, don't. There isn't one. If you are looking for a way that Society can stop this by it's actions, don't, it just isn't there. Just look at the target words. AR-15 in a 19 year olds hands with a high capacity mag. Those are the only 3 things we can control. Nothing else.

AR-15 in a 19 year olds hands with a high capacity mag....... under the influence of an SSRI Antidepressant.

There, I fixed it for you, cuz without the last part, the first part would likely never happen.

But that's logical and scientific. And no matter how many times you are presented the EVIDENCE, we know you will continue to ignore it.

Have a pleasant day.

Now imagine the shooter without the antidepressant. And using your own cite, I removed that from your equation since a Female is 4 to 5 times more apt to be violent than a male under antidepressants yet the modern mass shootings have all be male.

Now, remove the antidepressants from the equations and you now have a 19 year old running up and down the sidewalk during rush hour blowing people away because he just couldn't wait to get to the school. Nothing changed but the location.

Do your research and stop the nonsense. Research has shown, and if you'd have read the links, that it is ONLY those taking these prescriptions that have a higher Violent Criminal conviction rate (and suicide rate to boot), than those, WITH THE SAME ILLNESS, but choosing a different course of treatment.

Maybe you'll believe an Oxford University study: Source: Oxford psychiatrist Senna Faze | SSRI Stories

"Young people who take drugs including Prozac are ‘50% more likely to be convicted of assault and murder’
Those in late teens and early 20s 50% more likely to commit violent crime.
SSRI drugs include Prozac, Seroxat, Lustral, Cipralex and Cipramil
Experts believe adolescent brains are more sensitive to drug interference.
And less likely to take their pills allowing symptoms to boil over to violence.

Popular antidepressant pills make young people violent, it is feared.
An Oxford University study found that men – and women – in their late teens and early 20s – were almost 50 per cent more likely to be convicted of offences from assault to murder when taking SSRI drugs.
This family of anti-depressants includes Prozac, as well as Seroxat, Lustral, Cipralex and Cipramil, the most commonly prescribed of the pills.
One in eight Britons takes SSRIs each year – and the number of prescription has doubled in the last decade.
Meanwhile in the US around 11 per cent of people aged 12 and over take antidepressants, including SSRIs, according to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.

Men and women in their late teens and early 20s were almost 50 per cent more likely to be convicted of offences from assault to murder when they were taking SSRI drugs, new research has found (file image)
The tablets already carry a warning that the drugs are linked to suicidal thoughts in young people and it was suspected they were also linked to violence but evidence was sparse until now.
The researchers said the risk in 15 to 24 year olds is ‘not insignificant’ and that the public health implications ‘require careful consideration’."


You are doing it again. You are using an ultra rightwing site that has a 74% rate of publishing untruths and lies as a source. And they don't even bother to give the source cite to back up their claim. It's rubbish from the word go. I work with young people in their 20s that use Prozac and other forms similar to it and find that they are less likely to violence. In fact, that is the reason they are taking it. It lessens their violence by a drastic amount. I have PSTD and am quite aware that I have anger issues but use other methods to combat them other than drugs that also work. I rather like Bruce Banner and you don't want to make me angry.

You know nothing about any of this and your crackpot ultra right wing gun nutzoids don't either. You are just mudding up the mess so that the real reason will be overlooked. You lost your "Gun Grabber" argument so you move onto another Strawman looking for a win. You can't win this one because us old hands in the PTSD department are living that life and are experts far and above your right wing nutzoid "Experts" that just make crap up to sell advertising space.

Yes, Oxford university, the British Journal of Medicine, Mother Jones and the Huffington Post, all of which I cited in this, and many other threads, are Right Wing Trash?

Folks, you just can't make this shit up!
Hey, where's Synthaholic go? Taking her antidepressants?
What kind of gun was used in the Las Vegas mass murder?
A plain old semiautomatic rifle no different than any semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years

I read an article about these shootings. And the writer had an excellent point.

If you go to a Doctor with a reoccurring indigestion problem that has happened over the last month, the Doctor won't ask you what you were eating before the problem started, but will ask you what you've been eating since the problem started.

So the question really is, since these guns have been available for an extended period of time, but these shootings have only started in the recent couple of decades, why are we not asking "what have you been eating lately?"

That is, we are medicating our children with a drug that deadens their emotions, the key emotion it deadens is empathy. And without empathetic emotions, killings become more likely.

You are delving into an area that many of old Combat Vets are pros at. I am supposed to be on a Prozac type drug. I choose not to be on it. The side affects are worse than the condition. But it's not the willingness to kill, it's the other things that I won't go into. It does NOT cause you to anger. It works the other way around. It makes you slow down. It's more a sleeping pill than an exciter. This is why Grass has a positive affect on PTSD. I don't use Grass but others do and swear by it that have acute PTSD and it seems to work for them. An Antidepressant does not have the kind of side affects you proclaim they do. It's actually the opposite. The only living person in jeopardy from an antidepressant is the person taking it due to some having suicidal tendencies. This is another case of "Hey, look over There" routine instead of facing the real problems head on.

Then I guess the researchers that say you are wrong, dead wrong in many cases, need to go back to school? Nearly every case of a mass shooting, including school mass shootings, have occured:

1. In the past 25 years
2. The individual was on an SSRI antidepressant
3. Since SSRI antidepressants have been issued in such large quantities

Helluva coincidence if you ask me, and it reminds me of what I posted earlier. When you go to the Doctor and ask about a recent bout of indigestion, the Doctor will never ask what you were eating before you developed the problem, but will always ask what you've been eating since you developed the problem. We should be doing the same.

And as for grass? I am a supporter of full legalization even though I have never used it.

If you use the studies directly from the accredited agencies then i might agree. But don't use the crackpot sites. They are there to sell advertising. They sprinkle in enough truth and the sensationalize it to draw you in in hopes to sell you crap.
Google is your friend, and while googling, let us ALL know what guns were used at the Virginia Tech shootings, K?

It took him almost 3 hours to get those kills. They were isolated in many areas from the Dorms to the Classrooms. His was the first which gained him a high body count. The School, Community and Cops weren't prepared for anything like that. It never entered into their imagination that something like that could happen. Today, it's not so easy. Instead of 17 dead like he ended up with, he might end up with maybe 3 before they bagged him, cornered him and either shot him, he surrendered or he shot himself. They would not have stopped him today but they would have reduced the body count. And that is all you can do.

So, the 17 year old couldn't have used used semi automatic pistols and rack up the same, if not more kills. Is that what you are trying to sell?

Nice try, but everyone knows that Bridge, ain't for sale, and no ones gonna buy it. Take away the antidepressants, and a whole lotta people are alive today that are now 6 foot under.

Sad, but true.

You just can't face it that you aren't going to win this one. We have had at least one near mass shooting here. It was stopped by an alert community. The 17 year old was apprehended before he got to the school gate by the cops who overwhelmed him with force and didn't give him time to get his mind together enough to get his weapon out. You see, walking down a sidewalk in a long coat with a bulge under it and it's not raining isn't exactly normal. Someone has to see it. If the Community doesn't report it, the kid makes it to the school and the school has things in place to keep the body count down, not to stop the initial shootings. But it was stopped before it reached the gates by a concerned citizen calling it in. The 1000 foot rule of no guns around a school was taken seriously and it paid off. This did not make the Nation News. No mention of it on Fox News or CNN. Nothing. His weapon of Choice? An AR-15 style weapon he "Borrowed" from his Dad along with 3 30 round mags. His reason given? He was going for the record. It wasn't even his school. Was he on any prescription drugs? None. I wonder how many other almost happenings like that are thwarted and not reported each day on the national news.

Dollars to Doughnuts, the kid was on a prescription SSRI antidepressant. So, if you have a point, make it.

Sorry to bust our bubble but he wasn't. He was just a misaligned kid going for a record. It was so simple it's scary. The record for the US stands at 58.

He was just a misaligned kid going for a record.

Got a link stating that?
Google is your friend, and while googling, let us ALL know what guns were used at the Virginia Tech shootings, K?

It took him almost 3 hours to get those kills. They were isolated in many areas from the Dorms to the Classrooms. His was the first which gained him a high body count. The School, Community and Cops weren't prepared for anything like that. It never entered into their imagination that something like that could happen. Today, it's not so easy. Instead of 17 dead like he ended up with, he might end up with maybe 3 before they bagged him, cornered him and either shot him, he surrendered or he shot himself. They would not have stopped him today but they would have reduced the body count. And that is all you can do.

So, the 17 year old couldn't have used used semi automatic pistols and rack up the same, if not more kills. Is that what you are trying to sell?

Nice try, but everyone knows that Bridge, ain't for sale, and no ones gonna buy it. Take away the antidepressants, and a whole lotta people are alive today that are now 6 foot under.

Sad, but true.

You just can't face it that you aren't going to win this one. We have had at least one near mass shooting here. It was stopped by an alert community. The 17 year old was apprehended before he got to the school gate by the cops who overwhelmed him with force and didn't give him time to get his mind together enough to get his weapon out. You see, walking down a sidewalk in a long coat with a bulge under it and it's not raining isn't exactly normal. Someone has to see it. If the Community doesn't report it, the kid makes it to the school and the school has things in place to keep the body count down, not to stop the initial shootings. But it was stopped before it reached the gates by a concerned citizen calling it in. The 1000 foot rule of no guns around a school was taken seriously and it paid off. This did not make the Nation News. No mention of it on Fox News or CNN. Nothing. His weapon of Choice? An AR-15 style weapon he "Borrowed" from his Dad along with 3 30 round mags. His reason given? He was going for the record. It wasn't even his school. Was he on any prescription drugs? None. I wonder how many other almost happenings like that are thwarted and not reported each day on the national news.

Dollars to Doughnuts, the kid was on a prescription SSRI antidepressant. So, if you have a point, make it.

Sorry to bust our bubble but he wasn't. He was just a misaligned kid going for a record. It was so simple it's scary. The record for the US stands at 58.

And you have a link he wasn't on an SSRI?

What kind of gun was used in the Las Vegas mass murder?
A plain old semiautomatic rifle no different than any semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years

I read an article about these shootings. And the writer had an excellent point.

If you go to a Doctor with a reoccurring indigestion problem that has happened over the last month, the Doctor won't ask you what you were eating before the problem started, but will ask you what you've been eating since the problem started.

So the question really is, since these guns have been available for an extended period of time, but these shootings have only started in the recent couple of decades, why are we not asking "what have you been eating lately?"

That is, we are medicating our children with a drug that deadens their emotions, the key emotion it deadens is empathy. And without empathetic emotions, killings become more likely.

You are delving into an area that many of old Combat Vets are pros at. I am supposed to be on a Prozac type drug. I choose not to be on it. The side affects are worse than the condition. But it's not the willingness to kill, it's the other things that I won't go into. It does NOT cause you to anger. It works the other way around. It makes you slow down. It's more a sleeping pill than an exciter. This is why Grass has a positive affect on PTSD. I don't use Grass but others do and swear by it that have acute PTSD and it seems to work for them. An Antidepressant does not have the kind of side affects you proclaim they do. It's actually the opposite. The only living person in jeopardy from an antidepressant is the person taking it due to some having suicidal tendencies. This is another case of "Hey, look over There" routine instead of facing the real problems head on.

Then I guess the researchers that say you are wrong, dead wrong in many cases, need to go back to school? Nearly every case of a mass shooting, including school mass shootings, have occured:

1. In the past 25 years
2. The individual was on an SSRI antidepressant
3. Since SSRI antidepressants have been issued in such large quantities

Helluva coincidence if you ask me, and it reminds me of what I posted earlier. When you go to the Doctor and ask about a recent bout of indigestion, the Doctor will never ask what you were eating before you developed the problem, but will always ask what you've been eating since you developed the problem. We should be doing the same.

And as for grass? I am a supporter of full legalization even though I have never used it.

If you use the studies directly from the accredited agencies then i might agree. But don't use the crackpot sites. They are there to sell advertising. They sprinkle in enough truth and the sensationalize it to draw you in in hopes to sell you crap.

Dispute them then. Quit taking the easy way out. I even supplied a link to a congressional hearing HEADED UP BY A DEMOCRAT.

And while your at it, quit the fuck acting like you give a shit about children OR YOUR FELLOW VETS! You'd just as soon see them die so you can yell....... NRA NRA NRA
Using your logic, we can also stop having child proof medical tops, child proof household chemical tops, and all that unnecessary things that cost us money to have on our products. And of course, the use by dates, you know how much that costs us at the market. And those stupid Children Seats, Seat and Shoulder Belts, Collision Bags in Cars, Neutral Switches, any form of warning buzzers and more. All of these just cost us money, lots of money. My old 53 Roadmaster didn't have a single one of these and I survived. Of course, the size of that beast, everyone was too afraid to come within a country mile of it. The problems were, the deaths per capita were out of control as the speeds came up on the highways. The deaths of children in accidents were out of control. You might think you were safer in your most recent Mastodon of Detroitness but when you smacked into another mammothed one, all bets were off. When the earth stopped shaking, you just picked up the body parts (those that you could find) and hauled them off. Today, we have almost a 100% chance of survival in an accident in a car that once would have killed everyone involved. It's not just you that's out there, it's also other people. The Government did force those changes and they were "Painful" to the car industries if you listen to them at them at the time but it was necessary to save lives. And that is what we are trying to do for the Mass Shootings. Minimize the body counts.

We will never stop the mass shooting completely. But we can minimize the body counts. Yes, there are other ways to kill enmass but the new sexy way is with a gun. And the new record is 58 and the new record holder is the AR-15 in a 19 year old hands. Yes, the record is held by a 40is person but it gives the 19 year old a goal to exceed. If you are looking for a medical cure for this, don't. There isn't one. If you are looking for a way that Society can stop this by it's actions, don't, it just isn't there. Just look at the target words. AR-15 in a 19 year olds hands with a high capacity mag. Those are the only 3 things we can control. Nothing else.

AR-15 in a 19 year olds hands with a high capacity mag....... under the influence of an SSRI Antidepressant.

There, I fixed it for you, cuz without the last part, the first part would likely never happen.

But that's logical and scientific. And no matter how many times you are presented the EVIDENCE, we know you will continue to ignore it.

Have a pleasant day.

Now imagine the shooter without the antidepressant. And using your own cite, I removed that from your equation since a Female is 4 to 5 times more apt to be violent than a male under antidepressants yet the modern mass shootings have all be male.

Now, remove the antidepressants from the equations and you now have a 19 year old running up and down the sidewalk during rush hour blowing people away because he just couldn't wait to get to the school. Nothing changed but the location.

Do your research and stop the nonsense. Research has shown, and if you'd have read the links, that it is ONLY those taking these prescriptions that have a higher Violent Criminal conviction rate (and suicide rate to boot), than those, WITH THE SAME ILLNESS, but choosing a different course of treatment.

Maybe you'll believe an Oxford University study: Source: Oxford psychiatrist Senna Faze | SSRI Stories

"Young people who take drugs including Prozac are ‘50% more likely to be convicted of assault and murder’
Those in late teens and early 20s 50% more likely to commit violent crime.
SSRI drugs include Prozac, Seroxat, Lustral, Cipralex and Cipramil
Experts believe adolescent brains are more sensitive to drug interference.
And less likely to take their pills allowing symptoms to boil over to violence.

Popular antidepressant pills make young people violent, it is feared.
An Oxford University study found that men – and women – in their late teens and early 20s – were almost 50 per cent more likely to be convicted of offences from assault to murder when taking SSRI drugs.
This family of anti-depressants includes Prozac, as well as Seroxat, Lustral, Cipralex and Cipramil, the most commonly prescribed of the pills.
One in eight Britons takes SSRIs each year – and the number of prescription has doubled in the last decade.
Meanwhile in the US around 11 per cent of people aged 12 and over take antidepressants, including SSRIs, according to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.

Men and women in their late teens and early 20s were almost 50 per cent more likely to be convicted of offences from assault to murder when they were taking SSRI drugs, new research has found (file image)
The tablets already carry a warning that the drugs are linked to suicidal thoughts in young people and it was suspected they were also linked to violence but evidence was sparse until now.
The researchers said the risk in 15 to 24 year olds is ‘not insignificant’ and that the public health implications ‘require careful consideration’."


You are doing it again. You are using an ultra rightwing site that has a 74% rate of publishing untruths and lies as a source. And they don't even bother to give the source cite to back up their claim. It's rubbish from the word go. I work with young people in their 20s that use Prozac and other forms similar to it and find that they are less likely to violence. In fact, that is the reason they are taking it. It lessens their violence by a drastic amount. I have PSTD and am quite aware that I have anger issues but use other methods to combat them other than drugs that also work. I rather like Bruce Banner and you don't want to make me angry.

You know nothing about any of this and your crackpot ultra right wing gun nutzoids don't either. You are just mudding up the mess so that the real reason will be overlooked. You lost your "Gun Grabber" argument so you move onto another Strawman looking for a win. You can't win this one because us old hands in the PTSD department are living that life and are experts far and above your right wing nutzoid "Experts" that just make crap up to sell advertising space.

Yes, Oxford university, the British Journal of Medicine, Mother Jones and the Huffington Post, all of which I cited in this, and many other threads, are Right Wing Trash?

Folks, you just can't make this shit up!

Except the British Journal of Medicine didn't say what you say it said. Neither did Mother Jones. And neither did Huffington Post. Sprinkling in those names into an article doesn't mean they actually said anything that you want them to say. Now, if you actually have a cite back to them then that's another thing. Your crackpot sites are famous for this behavior.
AR-15 in a 19 year olds hands with a high capacity mag....... under the influence of an SSRI Antidepressant.

There, I fixed it for you, cuz without the last part, the first part would likely never happen.

But that's logical and scientific. And no matter how many times you are presented the EVIDENCE, we know you will continue to ignore it.

Have a pleasant day.

Now imagine the shooter without the antidepressant. And using your own cite, I removed that from your equation since a Female is 4 to 5 times more apt to be violent than a male under antidepressants yet the modern mass shootings have all be male.

Now, remove the antidepressants from the equations and you now have a 19 year old running up and down the sidewalk during rush hour blowing people away because he just couldn't wait to get to the school. Nothing changed but the location.

Do your research and stop the nonsense. Research has shown, and if you'd have read the links, that it is ONLY those taking these prescriptions that have a higher Violent Criminal conviction rate (and suicide rate to boot), than those, WITH THE SAME ILLNESS, but choosing a different course of treatment.

Maybe you'll believe an Oxford University study: Source: Oxford psychiatrist Senna Faze | SSRI Stories

"Young people who take drugs including Prozac are ‘50% more likely to be convicted of assault and murder’
Those in late teens and early 20s 50% more likely to commit violent crime.
SSRI drugs include Prozac, Seroxat, Lustral, Cipralex and Cipramil
Experts believe adolescent brains are more sensitive to drug interference.
And less likely to take their pills allowing symptoms to boil over to violence.

Popular antidepressant pills make young people violent, it is feared.
An Oxford University study found that men – and women – in their late teens and early 20s – were almost 50 per cent more likely to be convicted of offences from assault to murder when taking SSRI drugs.
This family of anti-depressants includes Prozac, as well as Seroxat, Lustral, Cipralex and Cipramil, the most commonly prescribed of the pills.
One in eight Britons takes SSRIs each year – and the number of prescription has doubled in the last decade.
Meanwhile in the US around 11 per cent of people aged 12 and over take antidepressants, including SSRIs, according to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.

Men and women in their late teens and early 20s were almost 50 per cent more likely to be convicted of offences from assault to murder when they were taking SSRI drugs, new research has found (file image)
The tablets already carry a warning that the drugs are linked to suicidal thoughts in young people and it was suspected they were also linked to violence but evidence was sparse until now.
The researchers said the risk in 15 to 24 year olds is ‘not insignificant’ and that the public health implications ‘require careful consideration’."


You are doing it again. You are using an ultra rightwing site that has a 74% rate of publishing untruths and lies as a source. And they don't even bother to give the source cite to back up their claim. It's rubbish from the word go. I work with young people in their 20s that use Prozac and other forms similar to it and find that they are less likely to violence. In fact, that is the reason they are taking it. It lessens their violence by a drastic amount. I have PSTD and am quite aware that I have anger issues but use other methods to combat them other than drugs that also work. I rather like Bruce Banner and you don't want to make me angry.

You know nothing about any of this and your crackpot ultra right wing gun nutzoids don't either. You are just mudding up the mess so that the real reason will be overlooked. You lost your "Gun Grabber" argument so you move onto another Strawman looking for a win. You can't win this one because us old hands in the PTSD department are living that life and are experts far and above your right wing nutzoid "Experts" that just make crap up to sell advertising space.

Yes, Oxford university, the British Journal of Medicine, Mother Jones and the Huffington Post, all of which I cited in this, and many other threads, are Right Wing Trash?

Folks, you just can't make this shit up!

Except the British Journal of Medicine didn't say what you say it said. Neither did Mother Jones. And neither did Huffington Post. Sprinkling in those names into an article doesn't mean they actually said anything that you want them to say. Now, if you actually have a cite back to them then that's another thing. Your crackpot sites are famous for this behavior.

It took him almost 3 hours to get those kills. They were isolated in many areas from the Dorms to the Classrooms. His was the first which gained him a high body count. The School, Community and Cops weren't prepared for anything like that. It never entered into their imagination that something like that could happen. Today, it's not so easy. Instead of 17 dead like he ended up with, he might end up with maybe 3 before they bagged him, cornered him and either shot him, he surrendered or he shot himself. They would not have stopped him today but they would have reduced the body count. And that is all you can do.

So, the 17 year old couldn't have used used semi automatic pistols and rack up the same, if not more kills. Is that what you are trying to sell?

Nice try, but everyone knows that Bridge, ain't for sale, and no ones gonna buy it. Take away the antidepressants, and a whole lotta people are alive today that are now 6 foot under.

Sad, but true.

You just can't face it that you aren't going to win this one. We have had at least one near mass shooting here. It was stopped by an alert community. The 17 year old was apprehended before he got to the school gate by the cops who overwhelmed him with force and didn't give him time to get his mind together enough to get his weapon out. You see, walking down a sidewalk in a long coat with a bulge under it and it's not raining isn't exactly normal. Someone has to see it. If the Community doesn't report it, the kid makes it to the school and the school has things in place to keep the body count down, not to stop the initial shootings. But it was stopped before it reached the gates by a concerned citizen calling it in. The 1000 foot rule of no guns around a school was taken seriously and it paid off. This did not make the Nation News. No mention of it on Fox News or CNN. Nothing. His weapon of Choice? An AR-15 style weapon he "Borrowed" from his Dad along with 3 30 round mags. His reason given? He was going for the record. It wasn't even his school. Was he on any prescription drugs? None. I wonder how many other almost happenings like that are thwarted and not reported each day on the national news.

Dollars to Doughnuts, the kid was on a prescription SSRI antidepressant. So, if you have a point, make it.

Sorry to bust our bubble but he wasn't. He was just a misaligned kid going for a record. It was so simple it's scary. The record for the US stands at 58.

And you have a link he wasn't on an SSRI?


It was not mentioned in the police report which was local only. And you can't prove if he was if he wasn't. You want proof, you fly here and ask him. He ain't going anywhere. You will find him in Buena Vista, Colorado until he is 21 and then Pueblo Colorado probably for the rest of his life.
Now imagine the shooter without the antidepressant. And using your own cite, I removed that from your equation since a Female is 4 to 5 times more apt to be violent than a male under antidepressants yet the modern mass shootings have all be male.

Now, remove the antidepressants from the equations and you now have a 19 year old running up and down the sidewalk during rush hour blowing people away because he just couldn't wait to get to the school. Nothing changed but the location.

Do your research and stop the nonsense. Research has shown, and if you'd have read the links, that it is ONLY those taking these prescriptions that have a higher Violent Criminal conviction rate (and suicide rate to boot), than those, WITH THE SAME ILLNESS, but choosing a different course of treatment.

Maybe you'll believe an Oxford University study: Source: Oxford psychiatrist Senna Faze | SSRI Stories

"Young people who take drugs including Prozac are ‘50% more likely to be convicted of assault and murder’
Those in late teens and early 20s 50% more likely to commit violent crime.
SSRI drugs include Prozac, Seroxat, Lustral, Cipralex and Cipramil
Experts believe adolescent brains are more sensitive to drug interference.
And less likely to take their pills allowing symptoms to boil over to violence.

Popular antidepressant pills make young people violent, it is feared.
An Oxford University study found that men – and women – in their late teens and early 20s – were almost 50 per cent more likely to be convicted of offences from assault to murder when taking SSRI drugs.
This family of anti-depressants includes Prozac, as well as Seroxat, Lustral, Cipralex and Cipramil, the most commonly prescribed of the pills.
One in eight Britons takes SSRIs each year – and the number of prescription has doubled in the last decade.
Meanwhile in the US around 11 per cent of people aged 12 and over take antidepressants, including SSRIs, according to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.

Men and women in their late teens and early 20s were almost 50 per cent more likely to be convicted of offences from assault to murder when they were taking SSRI drugs, new research has found (file image)
The tablets already carry a warning that the drugs are linked to suicidal thoughts in young people and it was suspected they were also linked to violence but evidence was sparse until now.
The researchers said the risk in 15 to 24 year olds is ‘not insignificant’ and that the public health implications ‘require careful consideration’."


You are doing it again. You are using an ultra rightwing site that has a 74% rate of publishing untruths and lies as a source. And they don't even bother to give the source cite to back up their claim. It's rubbish from the word go. I work with young people in their 20s that use Prozac and other forms similar to it and find that they are less likely to violence. In fact, that is the reason they are taking it. It lessens their violence by a drastic amount. I have PSTD and am quite aware that I have anger issues but use other methods to combat them other than drugs that also work. I rather like Bruce Banner and you don't want to make me angry.

You know nothing about any of this and your crackpot ultra right wing gun nutzoids don't either. You are just mudding up the mess so that the real reason will be overlooked. You lost your "Gun Grabber" argument so you move onto another Strawman looking for a win. You can't win this one because us old hands in the PTSD department are living that life and are experts far and above your right wing nutzoid "Experts" that just make crap up to sell advertising space.

Yes, Oxford university, the British Journal of Medicine, Mother Jones and the Huffington Post, all of which I cited in this, and many other threads, are Right Wing Trash?

Folks, you just can't make this shit up!

Except the British Journal of Medicine didn't say what you say it said. Neither did Mother Jones. And neither did Huffington Post. Sprinkling in those names into an article doesn't mean they actually said anything that you want them to say. Now, if you actually have a cite back to them then that's another thing. Your crackpot sites are famous for this behavior.


I can't give link to links you didn't give. You give the links that they did. I already looked, they just aren't there. Well Cupcake, Fact Checking done over here and your 74% BS rate just went to 75%.
When a crazy decides to go on a rampage, and kill as many as they can do they chose bolt action, lever, or pump gun? No, they chose an assault weapon, with a fast reloadable magazine. Since Columbine we have seen multiple mass murders. The ones that have the highest kill rates are done with AR type weapons. Requiring a special license to own one of these would help considerably in keeping the assault weapons out of the hands of the crazies. However, you absolutists will create a situation where we have gun control laws that affect even the weapons I have. It is you, and those like you are a danger to my right to own a weapon.
Assault weapon?
You obviously know nothing and are just a liberal parrot.
No one, repeat NO ONE would go into a fire fight with a glorified 22LR, and, THAT IS WHAT AN AR15 IS.
You are an idiot.
So, the 17 year old couldn't have used used semi automatic pistols and rack up the same, if not more kills. Is that what you are trying to sell?

Nice try, but everyone knows that Bridge, ain't for sale, and no ones gonna buy it. Take away the antidepressants, and a whole lotta people are alive today that are now 6 foot under.

Sad, but true.

You just can't face it that you aren't going to win this one. We have had at least one near mass shooting here. It was stopped by an alert community. The 17 year old was apprehended before he got to the school gate by the cops who overwhelmed him with force and didn't give him time to get his mind together enough to get his weapon out. You see, walking down a sidewalk in a long coat with a bulge under it and it's not raining isn't exactly normal. Someone has to see it. If the Community doesn't report it, the kid makes it to the school and the school has things in place to keep the body count down, not to stop the initial shootings. But it was stopped before it reached the gates by a concerned citizen calling it in. The 1000 foot rule of no guns around a school was taken seriously and it paid off. This did not make the Nation News. No mention of it on Fox News or CNN. Nothing. His weapon of Choice? An AR-15 style weapon he "Borrowed" from his Dad along with 3 30 round mags. His reason given? He was going for the record. It wasn't even his school. Was he on any prescription drugs? None. I wonder how many other almost happenings like that are thwarted and not reported each day on the national news.

Dollars to Doughnuts, the kid was on a prescription SSRI antidepressant. So, if you have a point, make it.

Sorry to bust our bubble but he wasn't. He was just a misaligned kid going for a record. It was so simple it's scary. The record for the US stands at 58.

And you have a link he wasn't on an SSRI?


It was not mentioned in the police report which was local only. And you can't prove if he was if he wasn't. You want proof, you fly here and ask him. He ain't going anywhere. You will find him in Buena Vista, Colorado until he is 21 and then Pueblo Colorado probably for the rest of his life.

Just another, I said so, now I can't back it up.
Do your research and stop the nonsense. Research has shown, and if you'd have read the links, that it is ONLY those taking these prescriptions that have a higher Violent Criminal conviction rate (and suicide rate to boot), than those, WITH THE SAME ILLNESS, but choosing a different course of treatment.

Maybe you'll believe an Oxford University study: Source: Oxford psychiatrist Senna Faze | SSRI Stories

"Young people who take drugs including Prozac are ‘50% more likely to be convicted of assault and murder’
Those in late teens and early 20s 50% more likely to commit violent crime.
SSRI drugs include Prozac, Seroxat, Lustral, Cipralex and Cipramil
Experts believe adolescent brains are more sensitive to drug interference.
And less likely to take their pills allowing symptoms to boil over to violence.

Popular antidepressant pills make young people violent, it is feared.
An Oxford University study found that men – and women – in their late teens and early 20s – were almost 50 per cent more likely to be convicted of offences from assault to murder when taking SSRI drugs.
This family of anti-depressants includes Prozac, as well as Seroxat, Lustral, Cipralex and Cipramil, the most commonly prescribed of the pills.
One in eight Britons takes SSRIs each year – and the number of prescription has doubled in the last decade.
Meanwhile in the US around 11 per cent of people aged 12 and over take antidepressants, including SSRIs, according to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.

Men and women in their late teens and early 20s were almost 50 per cent more likely to be convicted of offences from assault to murder when they were taking SSRI drugs, new research has found (file image)
The tablets already carry a warning that the drugs are linked to suicidal thoughts in young people and it was suspected they were also linked to violence but evidence was sparse until now.
The researchers said the risk in 15 to 24 year olds is ‘not insignificant’ and that the public health implications ‘require careful consideration’."


You are doing it again. You are using an ultra rightwing site that has a 74% rate of publishing untruths and lies as a source. And they don't even bother to give the source cite to back up their claim. It's rubbish from the word go. I work with young people in their 20s that use Prozac and other forms similar to it and find that they are less likely to violence. In fact, that is the reason they are taking it. It lessens their violence by a drastic amount. I have PSTD and am quite aware that I have anger issues but use other methods to combat them other than drugs that also work. I rather like Bruce Banner and you don't want to make me angry.

You know nothing about any of this and your crackpot ultra right wing gun nutzoids don't either. You are just mudding up the mess so that the real reason will be overlooked. You lost your "Gun Grabber" argument so you move onto another Strawman looking for a win. You can't win this one because us old hands in the PTSD department are living that life and are experts far and above your right wing nutzoid "Experts" that just make crap up to sell advertising space.

Yes, Oxford university, the British Journal of Medicine, Mother Jones and the Huffington Post, all of which I cited in this, and many other threads, are Right Wing Trash?

Folks, you just can't make this shit up!

Except the British Journal of Medicine didn't say what you say it said. Neither did Mother Jones. And neither did Huffington Post. Sprinkling in those names into an article doesn't mean they actually said anything that you want them to say. Now, if you actually have a cite back to them then that's another thing. Your crackpot sites are famous for this behavior.


I can't give link to links you didn't give. You give the links that they did. I already looked, they just aren't there. Well Cupcake, Fact Checking done over here and your 74% BS rate just went to 75%.

And you have now run away again. I'm not going back and give you links over and over and over again.

You are simply boring.
When a crazy decides to go on a rampage, and kill as many as they can do they chose bolt action, lever, or pump gun? No, they chose an assault weapon, with a fast reloadable magazine. Since Columbine we have seen multiple mass murders. The ones that have the highest kill rates are done with AR type weapons. Requiring a special license to own one of these would help considerably in keeping the assault weapons out of the hands of the crazies. However, you absolutists will create a situation where we have gun control laws that affect even the weapons I have. It is you, and those like you are a danger to my right to own a weapon.
Assault weapon?
You obviously know nothing and are just a liberal parrot.
No one, repeat NO ONE would go into a fire fight with a glorified 22LR, and, THAT IS WHAT AN AR15 IS.
You are an idiot.

Yet we have had millions of GI go into fire fights with that "Glorified 22LR". Except it's not a 22LR. It's a 223/556 high velocity rifle cartridge originally designed to kill or wound Human Beings long before it was introduced in a sporting rifle. Let' s look at the specs on the two.

22 long rifle
.22 caliber
40 grain
1200 fps
131 ft lbs
Used by many boyscouts as their first gun.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

Wow, that's some Glorification you have there, Grandma.
You just can't face it that you aren't going to win this one. We have had at least one near mass shooting here. It was stopped by an alert community. The 17 year old was apprehended before he got to the school gate by the cops who overwhelmed him with force and didn't give him time to get his mind together enough to get his weapon out. You see, walking down a sidewalk in a long coat with a bulge under it and it's not raining isn't exactly normal. Someone has to see it. If the Community doesn't report it, the kid makes it to the school and the school has things in place to keep the body count down, not to stop the initial shootings. But it was stopped before it reached the gates by a concerned citizen calling it in. The 1000 foot rule of no guns around a school was taken seriously and it paid off. This did not make the Nation News. No mention of it on Fox News or CNN. Nothing. His weapon of Choice? An AR-15 style weapon he "Borrowed" from his Dad along with 3 30 round mags. His reason given? He was going for the record. It wasn't even his school. Was he on any prescription drugs? None. I wonder how many other almost happenings like that are thwarted and not reported each day on the national news.

Dollars to Doughnuts, the kid was on a prescription SSRI antidepressant. So, if you have a point, make it.

Sorry to bust our bubble but he wasn't. He was just a misaligned kid going for a record. It was so simple it's scary. The record for the US stands at 58.

And you have a link he wasn't on an SSRI?


It was not mentioned in the police report which was local only. And you can't prove if he was if he wasn't. You want proof, you fly here and ask him. He ain't going anywhere. You will find him in Buena Vista, Colorado until he is 21 and then Pueblo Colorado probably for the rest of his life.

Just another, I said so, now I can't back it up.

I can't back up why you have the lack of those cites. Only you can back up why you have the lack of those cites. I don't answer for you. I ain't your Daddy. If I were, you would either have learned better or would have been drowned in the creek behind the outhouse.
You are doing it again. You are using an ultra rightwing site that has a 74% rate of publishing untruths and lies as a source. And they don't even bother to give the source cite to back up their claim. It's rubbish from the word go. I work with young people in their 20s that use Prozac and other forms similar to it and find that they are less likely to violence. In fact, that is the reason they are taking it. It lessens their violence by a drastic amount. I have PSTD and am quite aware that I have anger issues but use other methods to combat them other than drugs that also work. I rather like Bruce Banner and you don't want to make me angry.

You know nothing about any of this and your crackpot ultra right wing gun nutzoids don't either. You are just mudding up the mess so that the real reason will be overlooked. You lost your "Gun Grabber" argument so you move onto another Strawman looking for a win. You can't win this one because us old hands in the PTSD department are living that life and are experts far and above your right wing nutzoid "Experts" that just make crap up to sell advertising space.

Yes, Oxford university, the British Journal of Medicine, Mother Jones and the Huffington Post, all of which I cited in this, and many other threads, are Right Wing Trash?

Folks, you just can't make this shit up!

Except the British Journal of Medicine didn't say what you say it said. Neither did Mother Jones. And neither did Huffington Post. Sprinkling in those names into an article doesn't mean they actually said anything that you want them to say. Now, if you actually have a cite back to them then that's another thing. Your crackpot sites are famous for this behavior.


I can't give link to links you didn't give. You give the links that they did. I already looked, they just aren't there. Well Cupcake, Fact Checking done over here and your 74% BS rate just went to 75%.

And you have now run away again. I'm not going back and give you links over and over and over again.

You are simply boring.

considering you never gave them, you aren't giving them over and over. What you are doing over and over is claiming that you have.

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