“What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?”

hmmmmm, why would Big Pharma pay such huge settlements if SSRI's were safe:

Big Pharma Paid Millions in Secret Settlements After Antidepressants Linked to Mass Murder

Lawsuit Over a Suicide Points to a Risk of Antidepressants


And This:


Is it Drugs Not Guns that Cause Violence? | HuffPost

An excerpt:

"Below are some of the mass-murderer statistics (thanks to Deborah Merlin and her book, Victory Over ADHD ):

The Virginia Tech shooter murdered thirty-two. Cho was prescribed the antidepressant drug Prozac prior to his rampage.

Jeffrey Weiss went on a shooting rampage on March 21, 2005, at Red Lake High School that left ten dead, including him. Earlier that day, Weiss had killed his grandfather and his grandfather’s girlfriend. He was on Prozac and the dosage had recently been increased.

Eric Harris, one of the killers at Columbine High School, was on the antidepressant drug Luvox. Court records show that the prescription for Harris had been filled ten times between April 1998 and March 1999.Three and a half months before the shooting, the dosage had been increased. The Physician’s Desk Reference records show that during controlled clinical trials of Luvox, manic reactions developed in 4 percent of the children given the drug.

In Houston, Texas, Andrea Yates drowned her five children while taking Effexor and Remeron.

Christopher Pittman shot and killed his grandparents at age twelve. He claimed a voice inside his head told him to kill his grandparents on November 28, 2001. Christopher had recently started to take Zoloft to treat mild depression."



"A common thread amongst the most horrific school shootings of the past 25 years is that the majority of the shooters were taking a psychiatric medication.

As a psychiatrist who is all too familiar with this issue, I am dismayed at this oversight, and believe that these tragedies should also contain some lessons going forward - both for the public and for prescribing doctors.
These drugs do not always cause violent behavior, of course, and in many cases, they are used to treat it. However, certain medications, such as Prozac, have been linked to increase risk for violent, and even homicidal behavior. Several of the most tragic cases of violent murder by prescription takers should be noted."

Nope, look the other way, cuz ignoring the obvious allows you to continue chanting........ NRA NRA NRA
Thank the Repubtards for pushing those drugs & guns to mental defectives!

And thank the loony left for their undying support of Big Pharma (but only when it's pointed out that antidepressants are the cause of mass shootings)
Big Pharma Patent Extensions Bankrupting the USA is supported by the Republicans on the Take! Reagan Republicans closed down most Mental Institutions & had the Mental Defectives turned lose on zombie drugs. Reagan's CIA pushed drugs into cities & gangs.

hmmmmmmm, then why aren't the left all pissed off about Big Pharma creating Monsters that shoot up schools?

Too busy watching funny cat videos on youtube?
Crime rate soared to ALL TIME HIGH under Reagan / Bush. Clinton Reduced Crime more than Any President in History!!!

Yes....more Americans began to own and carry guns in the 1990s......and this happened...

This is a fact, you can't hide from it.....Americans owning and carrying guns does not increase the gun crime rate, the gun murder rate or the violent crime rate....

you can't hide from that fact...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Fewer crazy people with access to Guns = Less Violent Crime!


I've repeatedly said that, anyone who voluntarily goes on an SSRI antidepressant should immediately have all weapons from the home removed until 3 months after the final treatment. That includes guns, sharp and blunt objects. The gas turned off as well as the water.
I agree! Anyone on drugs or has mental issues should NOT be allowed to Drive, Fly, have Dangerous Chemicals, Explosives, Guns, Weapons etc!
Fewer crazy people with access to Guns = Less Violent Crime!


I've repeatedly said that, anyone who voluntarily goes on an SSRI antidepressant should immediately have all weapons from the home removed until 3 months after the final treatment. That includes guns, sharp and blunt objects. The gas turned off as well as the water.
I agree! Anyone on drugs or has mental issues should NOT be allowed to Drive, Fly, have Dangerous Chemicals, Explosives, Guns, Weapons etc!

What kind of drugs? What mental issues? That is the rub........
Hey, where's Synthaholic go? Taking her antidepressants?
What kind of gun was used in the Las Vegas mass murder?
A plain old semiautomatic rifle no different than any semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
Hey, where's Synthaholic go? Taking her antidepressants?
What kind of gun was used in the Las Vegas mass murder?
A plain old semiautomatic rifle no different than any semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
Love it, do you want to know why gun bubbas will always lose , because they only deal in lies , distortions or half truth, here's his normal semiAutomatic weapons
View attachment 190126

If you knew anything about firearms you would know it's not the way a gun looks that matters

This .223


Is no different from this AR 15

When a crazy decides to go on a rampage, and kill as many as they can do they chose bolt action, lever, or pump gun? No, they chose an assault weapon, with a fast reloadable magazine. Since Columbine we have seen multiple mass murders. The ones that have the highest kill rates are done with AR type weapons. Requiring a special license to own one of these would help considerably in keeping the assault weapons out of the hands of the crazies. However, you absolutists will create a situation where we have gun control laws that affect even the weapons I have. It is you, and those like you are a danger to my right to own a weapon.
Assault weapon?
You obviously know nothing and are just a liberal parrot.
No one, repeat NO ONE would go into a fire fight with a glorified 22LR, and, THAT IS WHAT AN AR15 IS.
You are an idiot.

Yet we have had millions of GI go into fire fights with that "Glorified 22LR". Except it's not a 22LR. It's a 223/556 high velocity rifle cartridge originally designed to kill or wound Human Beings long before it was introduced in a sporting rifle. Let' s look at the specs on the two.

22 long rifle
.22 caliber
40 grain
1200 fps
131 ft lbs
Used by many boyscouts as their first gun.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

Wow, that's some Glorification you have there, Grandma.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

When did the military start using the AR-15?
Lots more bullets can be carried and it is a real hamburger maker. They are light and full of little tricks that makes hamburger without breaking geneva. That's both the gun and ammunition.

FYI the military NEVER issued an Ar 15 to any soldier

When a crazy decides to go on a rampage, and kill as many as they can do they chose bolt action, lever, or pump gun? No, they chose an assault weapon, with a fast reloadable magazine. Since Columbine we have seen multiple mass murders. The ones that have the highest kill rates are done with AR type weapons. Requiring a special license to own one of these would help considerably in keeping the assault weapons out of the hands of the crazies. However, you absolutists will create a situation where we have gun control laws that affect even the weapons I have. It is you, and those like you are a danger to my right to own a weapon.
Assault weapon?
You obviously know nothing and are just a liberal parrot.
No one, repeat NO ONE would go into a fire fight with a glorified 22LR, and, THAT IS WHAT AN AR15 IS.
You are an idiot.

Yet we have had millions of GI go into fire fights with that "Glorified 22LR". Except it's not a 22LR. It's a 223/556 high velocity rifle cartridge originally designed to kill or wound Human Beings long before it was introduced in a sporting rifle. Let' s look at the specs on the two.

22 long rifle
.22 caliber
40 grain
1200 fps
131 ft lbs
Used by many boyscouts as their first gun.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

Wow, that's some Glorification you have there, Grandma.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

When did the military start using the AR-15?
Lots more bullets can be carried and it is a real hamburger maker. They are light and full of little tricks that makes hamburger without breaking geneva. That's both the gun and ammunition.

I didn't ask WHY, I asked WHEN.

try again...

"When did the military start using the AR-15? "
What kind of gun was used in the Las Vegas mass murder?

Google is your friend, and while googling, let us ALL know what guns were used at the Virginia Tech shootings, K?

It took him almost 3 hours to get those kills. They were isolated in many areas from the Dorms to the Classrooms. His was the first which gained him a high body count. The School, Community and Cops weren't prepared for anything like that. It never entered into their imagination that something like that could happen. Today, it's not so easy. Instead of 17 dead like he ended up with, he might end up with maybe 3 before they bagged him, cornered him and either shot him, he surrendered or he shot himself. They would not have stopped him today but they would have reduced the body count. And that is all you can do.

If they armed some staff and teachers they wouldn't be attacking schools any more....we know this from actual mass shooters who state they picked democrat gun free zones so that no one could stop them....

You have it all wrong.... you stop this by making the target, not a target, and you do that by letting the mass shooters know someone will shoot back....
What a comedy act, Police hit their target in a gun fight 18% of the time, Even when the armed criminal wont shoot back cops still only hit their target 30% of the time. gun bubba teacher with a building full of kids will probably hit their target 1% of the time and the other 99 bullets will be puked all over the school that is packed full of kids. Great Idea , what a laugh.

Mass shooter who are captured and those who are dead but leave their notes....state they choose gun free zones as their targets...and change targets if they find out there will be armed people at the location....so, doofus.....by arming some staff and placing armed guards....you stop the attack from ever happening.....

And again, as actual experience shows....once a mass shooter is confronted by armed resistance....either police or...yes...armed citizens...they commit suicide, surrender or run away....so merely having an armed staff member confront the attacker would more than likely end the attack...just like at the Waffle House, or Sandy Hook, or Colorad.....or any number of other mass shootings that ended as soon as good people with guns showed up..

It would help in these discussions if you did some basic research....
since gun bubbas never tell the truth I have to assume that his letter left at the mass murder never said a word about gun free zones , here's the reality "In reality, many shooters target a location based on an emotional grievance or an attachment to a particular person or place. An FBI study of 160 active shootings (defined as a shooter actively attempting to kill people in a populated area, regardless of the amount of fatalities) between 2000 and 2013 — including the high-profile mass shootings in Tucson and Aurora — shows that of the shootings that occurred in commercial or educational areas, the shooter had some relationship with the area in 63 percent of the cases." ttps://www.thetrace.org/2015/06/gun-rights-advocates-say-that-places-that-ban-guns-attract-mass-shooters-the-data-says-theyre-wrong/
When a crazy decides to go on a rampage, and kill as many as they can do they chose bolt action, lever, or pump gun? No, they chose an assault weapon, with a fast reloadable magazine. Since Columbine we have seen multiple mass murders. The ones that have the highest kill rates are done with AR type weapons. Requiring a special license to own one of these would help considerably in keeping the assault weapons out of the hands of the crazies. However, you absolutists will create a situation where we have gun control laws that affect even the weapons I have. It is you, and those like you are a danger to my right to own a weapon.
Assault weapon?
You obviously know nothing and are just a liberal parrot.
No one, repeat NO ONE would go into a fire fight with a glorified 22LR, and, THAT IS WHAT AN AR15 IS.
You are an idiot.

Yet we have had millions of GI go into fire fights with that "Glorified 22LR". Except it's not a 22LR. It's a 223/556 high velocity rifle cartridge originally designed to kill or wound Human Beings long before it was introduced in a sporting rifle. Let' s look at the specs on the two.

22 long rifle
.22 caliber
40 grain
1200 fps
131 ft lbs
Used by many boyscouts as their first gun.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

Wow, that's some Glorification you have there, Grandma.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

When did the military start using the AR-15?
Lots more bullets can be carried and it is a real hamburger maker. They are light and full of little tricks that makes hamburger without breaking geneva. That's both the gun and ammunition.

I didn't ask WHY, I asked WHEN.

try again...

"When did the military start using the AR-15? "
Well I answered when and threw in some facts with it for nothing , you should be thanking me, I said a few things about your hamburger maker.
Hey, where's Synthaholic go? Taking her antidepressants?
What kind of gun was used in the Las Vegas mass murder?
A plain old semiautomatic rifle no different than any semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
Hey, where's Synthaholic go? Taking her antidepressants?
What kind of gun was used in the Las Vegas mass murder?
A plain old semiautomatic rifle no different than any semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
Love it, do you want to know why gun bubbas will always lose , because they only deal in lies , distortions or half truth, here's his normal semiAutomatic weapons
View attachment 190126

Yes....dumb ass....that rifle is the same rifle as the other, over 8 million other AR-15 rifles that were not used to shoot anyone that day, and it is no different from the over 16 million semi automatic rifles in private hands of all types...

Again....it would be a big help if you did some basic research....
Well thank you, that' the point that all ar15 have to go.
Assault weapon?
You obviously know nothing and are just a liberal parrot.
No one, repeat NO ONE would go into a fire fight with a glorified 22LR, and, THAT IS WHAT AN AR15 IS.
You are an idiot.

Yet we have had millions of GI go into fire fights with that "Glorified 22LR". Except it's not a 22LR. It's a 223/556 high velocity rifle cartridge originally designed to kill or wound Human Beings long before it was introduced in a sporting rifle. Let' s look at the specs on the two.

22 long rifle
.22 caliber
40 grain
1200 fps
131 ft lbs
Used by many boyscouts as their first gun.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

Wow, that's some Glorification you have there, Grandma.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

When did the military start using the AR-15?
Lots more bullets can be carried and it is a real hamburger maker. They are light and full of little tricks that makes hamburger without breaking geneva. That's both the gun and ammunition.

I didn't ask WHY, I asked WHEN.

try again...

"When did the military start using the AR-15? "
Well I answered when and threw in some facts with it for nothing , you should be thanking me, I said a few things about your hamburger maker.
you answered WHEN?


You didn't do it in this thread
Hey, where's Synthaholic go? Taking her antidepressants?
What kind of gun was used in the Las Vegas mass murder?
A plain old semiautomatic rifle no different than any semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
Hey, where's Synthaholic go? Taking her antidepressants?
What kind of gun was used in the Las Vegas mass murder?
A plain old semiautomatic rifle no different than any semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
Love it, do you want to know why gun bubbas will always lose , because they only deal in lies , distortions or half truth, here's his normal semiAutomatic weapons
View attachment 190126

Yes....dumb ass....that rifle is the same rifle as the other, over 8 million other AR-15 rifles that were not used to shoot anyone that day, and it is no different from the over 16 million semi automatic rifles in private hands of all types...

Again....it would be a big help if you did some basic research....
Well thank you, that' the point that all ar15 have to go.

They are protected by the 2nd Amendment...but please...tell everyone you want to ban all rifles.....that would be helpful...
Hey, where's Synthaholic go? Taking her antidepressants?
What kind of gun was used in the Las Vegas mass murder?
A plain old semiautomatic rifle no different than any semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
Hey, where's Synthaholic go? Taking her antidepressants?
What kind of gun was used in the Las Vegas mass murder?
A plain old semiautomatic rifle no different than any semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
Love it, do you want to know why gun bubbas will always lose , because they only deal in lies , distortions or half truth, here's his normal semiAutomatic weapons
View attachment 190126

If you knew anything about firearms you would know it's not the way a gun looks that matters

This .223


Is no different from this AR 15

Yup thats why all AR15 have to go
Hey, where's Synthaholic go? Taking her antidepressants?
What kind of gun was used in the Las Vegas mass murder?
A plain old semiautomatic rifle no different than any semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
Hey, where's Synthaholic go? Taking her antidepressants?
What kind of gun was used in the Las Vegas mass murder?
A plain old semiautomatic rifle no different than any semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
Love it, do you want to know why gun bubbas will always lose , because they only deal in lies , distortions or half truth, here's his normal semiAutomatic weapons
View attachment 190126

If you knew anything about firearms you would know it's not the way a gun looks that matters

This .223


Is no different from this AR 15

Yup thats why all AR15 have to go

Thanks...keep saying this whenever you can.....the elections are coming up and gun owners have to understand the truth about you assholes...
When a crazy decides to go on a rampage, and kill as many as they can do they chose bolt action, lever, or pump gun? No, they chose an assault weapon, with a fast reloadable magazine. Since Columbine we have seen multiple mass murders. The ones that have the highest kill rates are done with AR type weapons. Requiring a special license to own one of these would help considerably in keeping the assault weapons out of the hands of the crazies. However, you absolutists will create a situation where we have gun control laws that affect even the weapons I have. It is you, and those like you are a danger to my right to own a weapon.
Assault weapon?
You obviously know nothing and are just a liberal parrot.
No one, repeat NO ONE would go into a fire fight with a glorified 22LR, and, THAT IS WHAT AN AR15 IS.
You are an idiot.

Yet we have had millions of GI go into fire fights with that "Glorified 22LR". Except it's not a 22LR. It's a 223/556 high velocity rifle cartridge originally designed to kill or wound Human Beings long before it was introduced in a sporting rifle. Let' s look at the specs on the two.

22 long rifle
.22 caliber
40 grain
1200 fps
131 ft lbs
Used by many boyscouts as their first gun.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

Wow, that's some Glorification you have there, Grandma.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

When did the military start using the AR-15?
Lots more bullets can be carried and it is a real hamburger maker. They are light and full of little tricks that makes hamburger without breaking geneva. That's both the gun and ammunition.

FYI the military NEVER issued an Ar 15 to any soldier

From the NRA's American rifleman "The U.S. Air Force recommended after its 1960 test that the AR-15 rifle be adopted as the standard shoulder weapon in the Air Force."
Assault weapon?
You obviously know nothing and are just a liberal parrot.
No one, repeat NO ONE would go into a fire fight with a glorified 22LR, and, THAT IS WHAT AN AR15 IS.
You are an idiot.

Yet we have had millions of GI go into fire fights with that "Glorified 22LR". Except it's not a 22LR. It's a 223/556 high velocity rifle cartridge originally designed to kill or wound Human Beings long before it was introduced in a sporting rifle. Let' s look at the specs on the two.

22 long rifle
.22 caliber
40 grain
1200 fps
131 ft lbs
Used by many boyscouts as their first gun.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

Wow, that's some Glorification you have there, Grandma.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

When did the military start using the AR-15?
Lots more bullets can be carried and it is a real hamburger maker. They are light and full of little tricks that makes hamburger without breaking geneva. That's both the gun and ammunition.

FYI the military NEVER issued an Ar 15 to any soldier

From the NRA's American rifleman "The U.S. Air Force recommended after its 1960 test that the AR-15 rifle be adopted as the standard shoulder weapon in the Air Force."

It wasn't the same rifle...they had to change it to a select fire weapon...but thanks for trying.
What kind of gun was used in the Las Vegas mass murder?
A plain old semiautomatic rifle no different than any semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
What kind of gun was used in the Las Vegas mass murder?
A plain old semiautomatic rifle no different than any semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
Love it, do you want to know why gun bubbas will always lose , because they only deal in lies , distortions or half truth, here's his normal semiAutomatic weapons
View attachment 190126

If you knew anything about firearms you would know it's not the way a gun looks that matters

This .223


Is no different from this AR 15

Yup thats why all AR15 have to go

Thanks...keep saying this whenever you can.....the elections are coming up and gun owners have to understand the truth about you assholes...
Your just another hate group, this one just plays with guns, so do You think I would assume anything other then , that you or any of your gun bubbas would vote for anyone other then a hate candidate,
Assault weapon?
You obviously know nothing and are just a liberal parrot.
No one, repeat NO ONE would go into a fire fight with a glorified 22LR, and, THAT IS WHAT AN AR15 IS.
You are an idiot.

Yet we have had millions of GI go into fire fights with that "Glorified 22LR". Except it's not a 22LR. It's a 223/556 high velocity rifle cartridge originally designed to kill or wound Human Beings long before it was introduced in a sporting rifle. Let' s look at the specs on the two.

22 long rifle
.22 caliber
40 grain
1200 fps
131 ft lbs
Used by many boyscouts as their first gun.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

Wow, that's some Glorification you have there, Grandma.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

When did the military start using the AR-15?
Lots more bullets can be carried and it is a real hamburger maker. They are light and full of little tricks that makes hamburger without breaking geneva. That's both the gun and ammunition.

FYI the military NEVER issued an Ar 15 to any soldier

From the NRA's American rifleman "The U.S. Air Force recommended after its 1960 test that the AR-15 rifle be adopted as the standard shoulder weapon in the Air Force."

"The U.S. Air Force recommended after its 1960 test that the AR-15 rifle be adopted as the standard shoulder weapon in the Air Force."


Does not mean it was ever issued.

The military did, however, use a modified version of the AR-15, called the M16.

you need to learn more about the subject, and stop trolling
What kind of gun was used in the Las Vegas mass murder?
A plain old semiautomatic rifle no different than any semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
What kind of gun was used in the Las Vegas mass murder?
A plain old semiautomatic rifle no different than any semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
Love it, do you want to know why gun bubbas will always lose , because they only deal in lies , distortions or half truth, here's his normal semiAutomatic weapons
View attachment 190126

Yes....dumb ass....that rifle is the same rifle as the other, over 8 million other AR-15 rifles that were not used to shoot anyone that day, and it is no different from the over 16 million semi automatic rifles in private hands of all types...

Again....it would be a big help if you did some basic research....
Well thank you, that' the point that all ar15 have to go.

They are protected by the 2nd Amendment...but please...tell everyone you want to ban all rifles.....that would be helpful...
Why the hell would I do that, when I don't support banning all guns but I will understand if this country does because the endless lying , distortions and half truths being all you can ever get from you gun bubbas , people will turn on guns and the 2nd because they just want to turn on you and your bullshit. Gun bubbas are by far the biggest threat to the second.
A plain old semiautomatic rifle no different than any semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
A plain old semiautomatic rifle no different than any semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
Love it, do you want to know why gun bubbas will always lose , because they only deal in lies , distortions or half truth, here's his normal semiAutomatic weapons
View attachment 190126

Yes....dumb ass....that rifle is the same rifle as the other, over 8 million other AR-15 rifles that were not used to shoot anyone that day, and it is no different from the over 16 million semi automatic rifles in private hands of all types...

Again....it would be a big help if you did some basic research....
Well thank you, that' the point that all ar15 have to go.

They are protected by the 2nd Amendment...but please...tell everyone you want to ban all rifles.....that would be helpful...
Why the hell would I do that, when I don't support banning all guns but I will understand if this country does because the endless lying , distortions and half truths being all you can ever get from you gun bubbas , people will turn on guns and the 2nd because they just want to turn on you and your bullshit. Gun bubbas are by far the biggest threat to the second.

At this point, you have shown no facts, have given no truth and nothing you post is based in reality...

Please......do some research, put away the teddy grahams, juice boxes and toys, and tell your nanny to give you something more productive to do...
A plain old semiautomatic rifle no different than any semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
A plain old semiautomatic rifle no different than any semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
Love it, do you want to know why gun bubbas will always lose , because they only deal in lies , distortions or half truth, here's his normal semiAutomatic weapons
View attachment 190126

Yes....dumb ass....that rifle is the same rifle as the other, over 8 million other AR-15 rifles that were not used to shoot anyone that day, and it is no different from the over 16 million semi automatic rifles in private hands of all types...

Again....it would be a big help if you did some basic research....
Well thank you, that' the point that all ar15 have to go.

They are protected by the 2nd Amendment...but please...tell everyone you want to ban all rifles.....that would be helpful...
Why the hell would I do that, when I don't support banning all guns but I will understand if this country does because the endless lying , distortions and half truths being all you can ever get from you gun bubbas , people will turn on guns and the 2nd because they just want to turn on you and your bullshit. Gun bubbas are by far the biggest threat to the second.

if they ever decide to ban guns, it will be because of 'the endless lying , distortions and half truths we get from you '

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