“What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?”

An ar15 and the like are not so called assault weapons they are just sporting rifles, nothing more nothing less.
You are obviously not very bright, Please educate yourself on the subject before you speak - you look foolish

There is very little difference between an AR-15 and a M-16-A-4 except the A-4 has a 3 shot burst setting. But in combat, that setting is rarely used. It's pretty worthless. Since you arm chair generals have never served you wouldn't know that.

Yes, the Military uses it as a sporting rifle as well. Their game is humans.
Actually I did serve eight years in the guard. Second of all, there is no way an over the counter Ar15 would ever pass military muster you obviously know nothing of the subject.

Funny, I can buy a military grade AR-15 over the counter. The only difference will be the receiver which cannot be changed out with the M-16 receiver. Same barrel, same everything else. The cost won't be no crummy 500 bucks. It will be closer to 1500 or better. You get what you pay for.

And I doubt you ever served. You don't know the history of the Military at all.
I sell firearms and ammo for a living, an over the counter Ar15 would never pass military muster... fact
Of course I served, lots of Americans have.
The only ballistic difference for this hamburger maker is the NATO shell other wise they are just about right on, it was made from day one as a military weapon. The inventor invented it as a military weapon. Military muster , military bullshit.

Differences between AR-15 .223 and Mil-Spec 5.56 mm Chambers

Differences between AR-15 .223 and Mil-Spec 5.56 mm Chambers

If you ask some people about the difference between AR-15 .223 and Mil-Spec 5.56 mm chambers, most of them won’t know the answer. Therefore, if you don’t know the main differences, you should make a quick research. In this way you will avoid purchasing a model and being sorry later because you weren’t well educated.

Before going on, you should know that there are three types of chambers in the M16/M4/AR-15/MSR riffles, even if the majority of people believe that there are only two. These types are the following:

– Mil-Spec 5.56 mm chamber, being used in the M16 and M4

– .233 chamber, being used in AR-15

– .223 Match chamber, being used in AR-15s

The most common is definitely the .223 Remington chamber, being commonly called .223 Rem, or simply .223. Usually the AR-15s comes with chrome-lined chambers and barrels. However, in the specifications aren’t always mentioned both of them, and therefore, if you read that an AR has chrome-lined barrel, it is safe to assume that it will also have a chrome-lined chamber, even though it is not mentioned. You should also know that the .223 chambers are tighter, and even smaller than the 5.56 mm ones. Before buying you will also need to know about certain features and drawbacks that aren’t told by anyone else. For instance, even if you hear that you can shoot 5.56 through your .223 chambered Ar-15, the decision of trying it isn’t the best one, and you might end up regretting. There are many unfavorable things that might happen, such as blowing primers, experiencing more failures to eject the spent cases, and cracking the upper receiver. The last one is the less frequent, but also the most dangerous. Another reason they are not a perfect match is represented by the heavy bullets. This problem becomes more obvious when you try to eject them without firing. Therefore, the rifling my actually grab the heavy bullet at the moment you are trying to eject it. As it ejects, you can be left with a projectile in the barrel, and therefore you will actually need a cleaning rod in order to knock it out.

If there is anything you should know about the .223 Match chamber, is the fact it is not chrome lined. However, it is the preferred chambering for competitive shooters who compete at a national level.

On the other hand, Mil-Spec 5.56 mm chambers are always chrome lined, being slightly larger than the .223. This means that you will be able to use both .223 and 5.56 ammo. However, if you want to have a greater accuracy whenever you are shooting, you shouldn’t change the ammo type. Additionally, if you are trying to eject it, it won’t happen the same thing as in the case of .223 chamber.

Now that you know all this, you should know that if you want to purchase something, then you should definitely choose the 5.56 chambers.
yes and the biggest threat to the second is you my way or the highway gun bubbas. You need a car , you don't need a gun. Cars have massive amounts of regulations so should guns
I don’t need a car, and my firearm ownership is none of your business

Then you also don't need a firearm. WE all would be safer if you didn't have either.
I have never killed anybody, Need has nothing to do with it... someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your business just like it’s none of my business.

I don't contribute to the high body counts by not getting involved. Get involved. This is how we keep the body count low. No we can't stop the body count but we can keep it low. If that is all we can do then at least that is something. If we don't do something then we are just as guilty as the shooter.

That kind of logic is just BS, no common sense involved.


It's not either or in this case. It's a compromise. You can't have it your way and the gun grabbers can't have it their way.
The AR-15 from the start was designed as a military weapon, and the gumdrops here want you to think that it isn't , they want to bullshit their way through this , with all their mumbo jumbo about this gun. The gun industry got together when the heat was on and decided to try to stop calling these assault weapons assault weapons and maybe the heat would go away, they tried to bullshit their way through this and all gun bubbas do nothing but.
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle, Nothing more nothing less. You watch far too many Hollywood movies made by child molesting Hollywood types
I don’t need a car, and my firearm ownership is none of your business

Then you also don't need a firearm. WE all would be safer if you didn't have either.
I have never killed anybody, Need has nothing to do with it... someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your business just like it’s none of my business.

I don't contribute to the high body counts by not getting involved. Get involved. This is how we keep the body count low. No we can't stop the body count but we can keep it low. If that is all we can do then at least that is something. If we don't do something then we are just as guilty as the shooter.
This country has much bigger fish to fry… Take your pick
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America

Since you aren't proud enough to post your business, would you please post you wearing your pink tutu while riding that Unicorn? At least that would be worth it.

It's against posting ruled dumb ass.

That depends on who they threaten to kill and why they threatened to kill them.....
The reason they threaten to kill me here is, i'm opposed to what they want. That is quite obvious. so your saying it ok to threaten peoples life with a gun.
Firearms are harmless, People kill people not firearms

Cars are harmless. Drivers kill people not cars. And your point is?
and if guns didn't exist , no one would be killed with a gun.

It's not that simple. Guns are here to stay. Please don't be as pick headed as the gun nutz are. Go for the common sense gun regulations. You can win that one. But you will never win gun banning. It'll never happen.
By the way I'm simply responding in the language these gun Bubbas here will understand. These people lies have to be pointed out as bullshit, after the death threats. I'm a little more hardheaded dealing with them , they deserve very little of your respect and they have none of mine.
The reason they threaten to kill me here is, i'm opposed to what they want. That is quite obvious. so your saying it ok to threaten peoples life with a gun.
Firearms are harmless, People kill people not firearms

Cars are harmless. Drivers kill people not cars. And your point is?
and if guns didn't exist , no one would be killed with a gun.

It's not that simple. Guns are here to stay. Please don't be as pick headed as the gun nutz are. Go for the common sense gun regulations. You can win that one. But you will never win gun banning. It'll never happen.
I'm a supporter of the second amendment, there is no way that I want guns taken away, I've been a hunter all my life , I have Deer in multiple records books and I have another green scored for Boone and Crocket and another green scored for Minnesota whitetail classic and Pope and Young. I have a lifetime free membership and entry for all Minnesota whitetail classics shows. I've supported the second my whole life but if it is having to do it the NRA gun Bubbas way or getting rid of the second, I would choose to get rid of the second. I'm sick of there non stop lies and I'm getting tire of people on this forum threatening to kill me.
You are not fooling anybody, you want to ban the Second Amendment. You just want to get your foot in the door by using the scary “black gun”
Then you also don't need a firearm. WE all would be safer if you didn't have either.
I have never killed anybody, Need has nothing to do with it... someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your business just like it’s none of my business.

I don't contribute to the high body counts by not getting involved. Get involved. This is how we keep the body count low. No we can't stop the body count but we can keep it low. If that is all we can do then at least that is something. If we don't do something then we are just as guilty as the shooter.
This country has much bigger fish to fry… Take your pick
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America

Since you aren't proud enough to post your business, would you please post you wearing your pink tutu while riding that Unicorn? At least that would be worth it.

It's against posting ruled dumb ass.


Oh, I don't know. Let me post it for you.

Firearms are harmless, People kill people not firearms

Cars are harmless. Drivers kill people not cars. And your point is?
and if guns didn't exist , no one would be killed with a gun.

It's not that simple. Guns are here to stay. Please don't be as pick headed as the gun nutz are. Go for the common sense gun regulations. You can win that one. But you will never win gun banning. It'll never happen.
I'm a supporter of the second amendment, there is no way that I want guns taken away, I've been a hunter all my life , I have Deer in multiple records books and I have another green scored for Boone and Crocket and another green scored for Minnesota whitetail classic and Pope and Young. I have a lifetime free membership and entry for all Minnesota whitetail classics shows. I've supported the second my whole life but if it is having to do it the NRA gun Bubbas way or getting rid of the second, I would choose to get rid of the second. I'm sick of there non stop lies and I'm getting tire of people on this forum threatening to kill me.
You are not fooling anybody, you want to ban the Second Amendment. You just want to get your foot in the door by using the scary “black gun”

You are correct but he's just as wrong as you are. And you are just as right as he is. Neither of you will get your way in the end. Common Sense wins out in the end. It has to.
There are already 8 million AR-15s out there, and wanna be super soldier psychos love buying and using them in mass murders, so let's stop selling them and let's have really Universal background checks lyke everyone but real gun nuts want to have. Gun corporations run the NRA and the GOP. Great job...

And the worst mass school shooting was done with 2 pistols, Virginia Tech, and 32 people were murdered......making your point about banning AR-15s stupid.

Universal background checks are also stupid...

Mass public shooters can pass current federal background checks, dumb ass, which means, dumb ass....that they can pass a universal background check....making your point really stupid....

criminals use straw buyers to get their guns.....straw buyers can pass current federally mandated background checks which means they can also pass any universal background check........

The only reason the anti gun movement wants universal background checks is so they can demand universal gun registration.....their golden ticket to banning and confiscating guns when they finally get the power...
I I am worried about the psychos who love buying AR-15s. Nobody wants to ban all all guns, super duper...
Actually all progressives want to ban all firearms and live in the Utopia of a Marxist village
Cars are harmless. Drivers kill people not cars. And your point is?
and if guns didn't exist , no one would be killed with a gun.

It's not that simple. Guns are here to stay. Please don't be as pick headed as the gun nutz are. Go for the common sense gun regulations. You can win that one. But you will never win gun banning. It'll never happen.
I'm a supporter of the second amendment, there is no way that I want guns taken away, I've been a hunter all my life , I have Deer in multiple records books and I have another green scored for Boone and Crocket and another green scored for Minnesota whitetail classic and Pope and Young. I have a lifetime free membership and entry for all Minnesota whitetail classics shows. I've supported the second my whole life but if it is having to do it the NRA gun Bubbas way or getting rid of the second, I would choose to get rid of the second. I'm sick of there non stop lies and I'm getting tire of people on this forum threatening to kill me.
You are not fooling anybody, you want to ban the Second Amendment. You just want to get your foot in the door by using the scary “black gun”

You are correct but he's just as wrong as you are. And you are just as right as he is. Neither of you will get your way in the end. Common Sense wins out in the end. It has to.
All over the counter firearms are semi automatic, Looks do not determine anything
There are already 8 million AR-15s out there, and wanna be super soldier psychos love buying and using them in mass murders, so let's stop selling them and let's have really Universal background checks lyke everyone but real gun nuts want to have. Gun corporations run the NRA and the GOP. Great job...

And the worst mass school shooting was done with 2 pistols, Virginia Tech, and 32 people were murdered......making your point about banning AR-15s stupid.

Universal background checks are also stupid...

Mass public shooters can pass current federal background checks, dumb ass, which means, dumb ass....that they can pass a universal background check....making your point really stupid....

criminals use straw buyers to get their guns.....straw buyers can pass current federally mandated background checks which means they can also pass any universal background check........

The only reason the anti gun movement wants universal background checks is so they can demand universal gun registration.....their golden ticket to banning and confiscating guns when they finally get the power...
I I am worried about the psychos who love buying AR-15s. Nobody wants to ban all all guns, super duper...
Actually all progressives want to ban all firearms and live in the Utopia of a Marxist village

Wrong, oh Pink Tutu'd one. Some certainly do. Meanwhile, some (and I hate to use this term like this) Conservatives want to go back to the old OK Corral Days of Yore. Maybe we need a few OK Corral things to happen with Gun Nutzoids. Sure would thin the herd a bit fast. And it would make room for the good Conservatives to be finally be heard for a change.
Assault weapon?
You obviously know nothing and are just a liberal parrot.
No one, repeat NO ONE would go into a fire fight with a glorified 22LR, and, THAT IS WHAT AN AR15 IS.
You are an idiot.

Yet we have had millions of GI go into fire fights with that "Glorified 22LR". Except it's not a 22LR. It's a 223/556 high velocity rifle cartridge originally designed to kill or wound Human Beings long before it was introduced in a sporting rifle. Let' s look at the specs on the two.

22 long rifle
.22 caliber
40 grain
1200 fps
131 ft lbs
Used by many boyscouts as their first gun.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

Wow, that's some Glorification you have there, Grandma.
It’s just slightly more than a varmint rifle that’s all ar15’s are, you watch far too many Hollywood movies made by child molesting Hollywood types. You need to educate yourself old man

That "Varmint" rifle was invented to kill people in wars. And it is still used for that purpose throughout the world today. Can it be used for other things? Sure. I can use a Mah Duece to unclog the drain as well. But it's still designed to kill people. I know of very few people that show up on varmint shoots with an AR-15 but I know a number of people that show up with Mini-14 223s along with various models of 22-250s and others. The AR is NOT a popular Varmint Rifle and never has been. When I shot varmint, I got laughed at when they found out I was using a 22 lr until they saw the rig. A Mauser Shavetail with a 20 power scope and match grade ammo. The guys with the more powerful guns would shoot where the shot was. I shot where it was going to be at 200 yds and only did head shots. The night before, I placed pieces of cloth every 50 ft to gauge wind. I didn't fire until all flags were down. When it was my turn to shoot it took some time. But no one made any noise and were extremely respectful since they knew my shot was much more skillful than theirs.

So don't BS around using an AR for Varmint shooting.
Wrong, They are by far the most popular varmint rifle’s. A .223 Remington is a very accurate cartridge. No recoil on an ar platform, cheap to shoot, available everywhere, not barrel burners, short action, and so on.
I personally prefer a 6.8 SPC on an ar platform for my purposes, antelope, mule deer hunting and varmint shooting.
Firearm preference is a personal thing, but then again you are a control freak, old man..

The 223 is a popular varmint cartridge. The AR-15 is one of the least popular varmint rifles. There are one hell of a lot more Mini-14s shooting varmints than AR-15s. You are just making crap up again. Time for you to break out that pink tutu and saddle up that Unicorn.
They are the most popular varmint rifle’s up here in the northern plains(South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, Montana) by far.
They are pretty much the only varmint rifle’s I sell anymore.
Then don't obtain a firearm. No one's forcing you to. However it is my Constitutional right, so mind your own business.
No that's not the solution, 7 states and multiple cities have banned assault weapons and the courts have supported all of them, give your money and push for the local ban in every part of the country , increase the number of places that they are banned. It is clear to everyone by example that none of these haters here , who have nothing but threats and people offering to murder me , should be able to have a gun, simply read the responses to my post here and decide if you think these people should be able to have a gun.
An ar15 and the like are not so called assault weapons they are just sporting rifles, nothing more nothing less.
You are obviously not very bright, Please educate yourself on the subject before you speak - you look foolish

There is very little difference between an AR-15 and a M-16-A-4 except the A-4 has a 3 shot burst setting. But in combat, that setting is rarely used. It's pretty worthless. Since you arm chair generals have never served you wouldn't know that.

Yes, the Military uses it as a sporting rifle as well. Their game is humans.

I'm retired military and I use mine as a sporting rifle, for wild hogs, it has an IR scope and everything. BTW full auto was worthless, wasted too much ammo, 3 round burst isn't that bad.


Not all do. In fact, most don't. But it's your choice to do so.


and if guns didn't exist , no one would be killed with a gun.

It's not that simple. Guns are here to stay. Please don't be as pick headed as the gun nutz are. Go for the common sense gun regulations. You can win that one. But you will never win gun banning. It'll never happen.
I'm a supporter of the second amendment, there is no way that I want guns taken away, I've been a hunter all my life , I have Deer in multiple records books and I have another green scored for Boone and Crocket and another green scored for Minnesota whitetail classic and Pope and Young. I have a lifetime free membership and entry for all Minnesota whitetail classics shows. I've supported the second my whole life but if it is having to do it the NRA gun Bubbas way or getting rid of the second, I would choose to get rid of the second. I'm sick of there non stop lies and I'm getting tire of people on this forum threatening to kill me.
You are not fooling anybody, you want to ban the Second Amendment. You just want to get your foot in the door by using the scary “black gun”

You are correct but he's just as wrong as you are. And you are just as right as he is. Neither of you will get your way in the end. Common Sense wins out in the end. It has to.
All over the counter firearms are semi automatic, Looks do not determine anything

Wow, what a statement. My old Mouser Shavetail is a single shot bolt action and it was sold over the counter. I saw many Model 870 Shotguns at the Gunshop and they outsell the AR by a large margin and they aren't semi auto and they have to pass over the counter. My Model 70 308 certainly hasn't told me it was a semi auto. It's been lying to all this time telling me it's a bolt action. You just can't believe anything that critter says. Break out the Pink Tutu again.

There are already 8 million AR-15s out there, and wanna be super soldier psychos love buying and using them in mass murders, so let's stop selling them and let's have really Universal background checks lyke everyone but real gun nuts want to have. Gun corporations run the NRA and the GOP. Great job...

And the worst mass school shooting was done with 2 pistols, Virginia Tech, and 32 people were murdered......making your point about banning AR-15s stupid.

Universal background checks are also stupid...

Mass public shooters can pass current federal background checks, dumb ass, which means, dumb ass....that they can pass a universal background check....making your point really stupid....

criminals use straw buyers to get their guns.....straw buyers can pass current federally mandated background checks which means they can also pass any universal background check........

The only reason the anti gun movement wants universal background checks is so they can demand universal gun registration.....their golden ticket to banning and confiscating guns when they finally get the power...
I I am worried about the psychos who love buying AR-15s. Nobody wants to ban all all guns, super duper...
Actually all progressives want to ban all firearms and live in the Utopia of a Marxist village

Wrong, oh Pink Tutu'd one. Some certainly do. Meanwhile, some (and I hate to use this term like this) Conservatives want to go back to the old OK Corral Days of Yore. Maybe we need a few OK Corral things to happen with Gun Nutzoids. Sure would thin the herd a bit fast. And it would make room for the good Conservatives to be finally be heard for a change.
Anti-gun nutters like yourself would fit right in marxist Europe...
Yet we have had millions of GI go into fire fights with that "Glorified 22LR". Except it's not a 22LR. It's a 223/556 high velocity rifle cartridge originally designed to kill or wound Human Beings long before it was introduced in a sporting rifle. Let' s look at the specs on the two.

22 long rifle
.22 caliber
40 grain
1200 fps
131 ft lbs
Used by many boyscouts as their first gun.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

Wow, that's some Glorification you have there, Grandma.
It’s just slightly more than a varmint rifle that’s all ar15’s are, you watch far too many Hollywood movies made by child molesting Hollywood types. You need to educate yourself old man

That "Varmint" rifle was invented to kill people in wars. And it is still used for that purpose throughout the world today. Can it be used for other things? Sure. I can use a Mah Duece to unclog the drain as well. But it's still designed to kill people. I know of very few people that show up on varmint shoots with an AR-15 but I know a number of people that show up with Mini-14 223s along with various models of 22-250s and others. The AR is NOT a popular Varmint Rifle and never has been. When I shot varmint, I got laughed at when they found out I was using a 22 lr until they saw the rig. A Mauser Shavetail with a 20 power scope and match grade ammo. The guys with the more powerful guns would shoot where the shot was. I shot where it was going to be at 200 yds and only did head shots. The night before, I placed pieces of cloth every 50 ft to gauge wind. I didn't fire until all flags were down. When it was my turn to shoot it took some time. But no one made any noise and were extremely respectful since they knew my shot was much more skillful than theirs.

So don't BS around using an AR for Varmint shooting.
Wrong, They are by far the most popular varmint rifle’s. A .223 Remington is a very accurate cartridge. No recoil on an ar platform, cheap to shoot, available everywhere, not barrel burners, short action, and so on.
I personally prefer a 6.8 SPC on an ar platform for my purposes, antelope, mule deer hunting and varmint shooting.
Firearm preference is a personal thing, but then again you are a control freak, old man..

The 223 is a popular varmint cartridge. The AR-15 is one of the least popular varmint rifles. There are one hell of a lot more Mini-14s shooting varmints than AR-15s. You are just making crap up again. Time for you to break out that pink tutu and saddle up that Unicorn.
They are the most popular varmint rifle’s up here in the northern plains(South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, Montana) by far.
They are pretty much the only varmint rifle’s I sell anymore.

If it's the only thing you stock (other than pink tutus) than it would be.

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