“What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?”

Then you also don't need a firearm. WE all would be safer if you didn't have either.
I have never killed anybody, Need has nothing to do with it... someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your business just like it’s none of my business.

I don't contribute to the high body counts by not getting involved. Get involved. This is how we keep the body count low. No we can't stop the body count but we can keep it low. If that is all we can do then at least that is something. If we don't do something then we are just as guilty as the shooter.

That kind of logic is just BS, no common sense involved.


It's not either or in this case. It's a compromise. You can't have it your way and the gun grabbers can't have it their way.

Screw the gun grabbers, no more negotiation, no more compromise. My rights are not up for negotiation or compromise. No matter what has been done in the past it's never enough for the grabbers, it's time to draw a line in the sand. They just got a bill the NRA has been pushing for 25 years to fix the NICS system, no matter what's done they want more. FUCK'EM!!!!!!!!!

Don’t mind Darrell he’s racist...
All progressives are
There are already 8 million AR-15s out there, and wanna be super soldier psychos love buying and using them in mass murders, so let's stop selling them and let's have really Universal background checks lyke everyone but real gun nuts want to have. Gun corporations run the NRA and the GOP. Great job...

And the worst mass school shooting was done with 2 pistols, Virginia Tech, and 32 people were murdered......making your point about banning AR-15s stupid.

Universal background checks are also stupid...

Mass public shooters can pass current federal background checks, dumb ass, which means, dumb ass....that they can pass a universal background check....making your point really stupid....

criminals use straw buyers to get their guns.....straw buyers can pass current federally mandated background checks which means they can also pass any universal background check........

The only reason the anti gun movement wants universal background checks is so they can demand universal gun registration.....their golden ticket to banning and confiscating guns when they finally get the power...
I I am worried about the psychos who love buying AR-15s. Nobody wants to ban all all guns, super duper...
Actually all progressives want to ban all firearms and live in the Utopia of a Marxist village

Wrong, oh Pink Tutu'd one. Some certainly do. Meanwhile, some (and I hate to use this term like this) Conservatives want to go back to the old OK Corral Days of Yore. Maybe we need a few OK Corral things to happen with Gun Nutzoids. Sure would thin the herd a bit fast. And it would make room for the good Conservatives to be finally be heard for a change.

Well, in the interest of fairness, the gunfight at the OK corral took place because some cowboys refused to obey the law not to carry firearms in town. They lost. Interestingly enough, it is still illegal to carry firearms in most businesses (including salons and municipal buildings) in Tombstone, about 130 years later, and yet, the government has not sent black helicopters there to force the citizens into communist reeducation camps....
Screw the gun grabbers, no more negotiation, no more compromise. My rights are not up for negotiation or compromise. No matter what has been done in the past it's never enough for the grabbers, it's time to draw a line in the sand. They just got a bill the NRA has been pushing for 25 years to fix the NICS system, no matter what's done they want more. FUCK'EM!!!!!!!!!
That's exactly what I have been preaching.


The next Congressional action on firearms better be NOT ONE GODDAMN THING but to repeal all federal gun laws.

There are already 8 million AR-15s out there, and wanna be super soldier psychos love buying and using them in mass murders, so let's stop selling them and let's have really Universal background checks lyke everyone but real gun nuts want to have. Gun corporations run the NRA and the GOP. Great job...

And the worst mass school shooting was done with 2 pistols, Virginia Tech, and 32 people were murdered......making your point about banning AR-15s stupid.

Universal background checks are also stupid...

Mass public shooters can pass current federal background checks, dumb ass, which means, dumb ass....that they can pass a universal background check....making your point really stupid....

criminals use straw buyers to get their guns.....straw buyers can pass current federally mandated background checks which means they can also pass any universal background check........

The only reason the anti gun movement wants universal background checks is so they can demand universal gun registration.....their golden ticket to banning and confiscating guns when they finally get the power...
I I am worried about the psychos who love buying AR-15s. Nobody wants to ban all all guns, super duper...
Actually all progressives want to ban all firearms and live in the Utopia of a Marxist village

Wrong, oh Pink Tutu'd one. Some certainly do. Meanwhile, some (and I hate to use this term like this) Conservatives want to go back to the old OK Corral Days of Yore. Maybe we need a few OK Corral things to happen with Gun Nutzoids. Sure would thin the herd a bit fast. And it would make room for the good Conservatives to be finally be heard for a change.

Well, in the interest of fairness, the gunfight at the OK corral took place because some cowboys refused to obey the law not to carry firearms in town. They lost. Interestingly enough, it is still illegal to carry firearms in most businesses (including salons and municipal buildings) in Tombstone, about 130 years later, and yet, the government has not sent black helicopters there to force the citizens into communist reeducation camps....
And they were all criminals that were involved, trying to control each other typical of control freaks
Because the threat of tyranny from our own government is a real concern, and because our government controls the most powerful military the world has ever known, our ability to remove and replace our government requires that we have equal firepower to that of our own military.

Therefore, Common Sense dictates that we MUST have motherfucking MACHINE GUNS.


Common Sense Gun Law: Machine guns for everyone. including felons and children.


I think that you are playing WAY too many video games, Lee.....
And they were all criminals that were involved, trying to control each other typical of control freaks
I know. The Earps were a bunch of lawless thug criminals too. It was a criminal shootout for control of Tombstone.

Also, note, that the whole incident was a continuation of Civil War hostilities.
I will have unrestricted ownership of this fully-automatic weapon:


or I will die in pursuit thereof and go to Valhalla.

On Thor's Hammer I swear!
I I am worried about the psychos who love buying AR-15s. Nobody wants to ban all all guns, super duper...
Actually all progressives want to ban all firearms and live in the Utopia of a Marxist village

Wrong, oh Pink Tutu'd one. Some certainly do. Meanwhile, some (and I hate to use this term like this) Conservatives want to go back to the old OK Corral Days of Yore. Maybe we need a few OK Corral things to happen with Gun Nutzoids. Sure would thin the herd a bit fast. And it would make room for the good Conservatives to be finally be heard for a change.
Anti-gun nutters like yourself would fit right in marxist Europe...
There are plenty enough guns over there for hunting especially... Not ridiculous like here of of course.
They have no right to firearms over there, they are under the governments thumb.
Their culture is supremely shallow... Just look at all the travesties of history they have caused
You are clueless. They are socialist so they are well regulated capitalism, with Healthcare daycare 6 week vacations, better infrastructure, living wage and plenty of guns. Not insanity like here, of course
Then you also don't need a firearm. WE all would be safer if you didn't have either.
I have never killed anybody, Need has nothing to do with it... someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your business just like it’s none of my business.

I don't contribute to the high body counts by not getting involved. Get involved. This is how we keep the body count low. No we can't stop the body count but we can keep it low. If that is all we can do then at least that is something. If we don't do something then we are just as guilty as the shooter.

That kind of logic is just BS, no common sense involved.


It's not either or in this case. It's a compromise. You can't have it your way and the gun grabbers can't have it their way.

Screw the gun grabbers, no more negotiation, no more compromise. My rights are not up for negotiation or compromise. No matter what has been done in the past it's never enough for the grabbers, it's time to draw a line in the sand. They just got a bill the NRA has been pushing for 25 years to fix the NICS system, no matter what's done they want more. FUCK'EM!!!!!!!!!

Change the channel LOL get some fresh air.
I have never killed anybody, Need has nothing to do with it... someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your business just like it’s none of my business.

I don't contribute to the high body counts by not getting involved. Get involved. This is how we keep the body count low. No we can't stop the body count but we can keep it low. If that is all we can do then at least that is something. If we don't do something then we are just as guilty as the shooter.

That kind of logic is just BS, no common sense involved.


It's not either or in this case. It's a compromise. You can't have it your way and the gun grabbers can't have it their way.

Screw the gun grabbers, no more negotiation, no more compromise. My rights are not up for negotiation or compromise. No matter what has been done in the past it's never enough for the grabbers, it's time to draw a line in the sand. They just got a bill the NRA has been pushing for 25 years to fix the NICS system, no matter what's done they want more. FUCK'EM!!!!!!!!!

Change the channel LOL get some fresh air.

OK, gets kind of riled up when the Late, Late, Movie plays a John Wayne film....
Do you understand that the number of kids killed by a rifle in a school over 35 years is less than the number of kids killed by lawnmowers...every single year...

And again....the rifle is not the weapon of choice of mass shooters...that would be the pistol.....

You don't "know" anything......a google search does not support what you say.....that is why you are not taken seriously....
nonsensical and boring
I found his comment on point. Allow me to attempt to convince you as to why:

I assume your motive for wanting to remove all gun ownership is to promote safety, particularly the safety of children.

You want to ban an inanimate object to protect children.

Doing so will create a precedent or standard that can be applied globally to other objects that harm children, like lawnmowers. In your effort to get the desired result, you will have created unintended consequences.

It goes a lot deeper than that, but you can see the serious concern, can you not?

Using your logic, we can also stop having child proof medical tops, child proof household chemical tops, and all that unnecessary things that cost us money to have on our products. And of course, the use by dates, you know how much that costs us at the market. And those stupid Children Seats, Seat and Shoulder Belts, Collision Bags in Cars, Neutral Switches, any form of warning buzzers and more. All of these just cost us money, lots of money. My old 53 Roadmaster didn't have a single one of these and I survived. Of course, the size of that beast, everyone was too afraid to come within a country mile of it. The problems were, the deaths per capita were out of control as the speeds came up on the highways. The deaths of children in accidents were out of control. You might think you were safer in your most recent Mastodon of Detroitness but when you smacked into another mammothed one, all bets were off. When the earth stopped shaking, you just picked up the body parts (those that you could find) and hauled them off. Today, we have almost a 100% chance of survival in an accident in a car that once would have killed everyone involved. It's not just you that's out there, it's also other people. The Government did force those changes and they were "Painful" to the car industries if you listen to them at them at the time but it was necessary to save lives. And that is what we are trying to do for the Mass Shootings. Minimize the body counts.

We will never stop the mass shooting completely. But we can minimize the body counts. Yes, there are other ways to kill enmass but the new sexy way is with a gun. And the new record is 58 and the new record holder is the AR-15 in a 19 year old hands. Yes, the record is held by a 40is person but it gives the 19 year old a goal to exceed. If you are looking for a medical cure for this, don't. There isn't one. If you are looking for a way that Society can stop this by it's actions, don't, it just isn't there. Just look at the target words. AR-15 in a 19 year olds hands with a high capacity mag. Those are the only 3 things we can control. Nothing else.
You’re a foolish old man

If you walk down the street hosing others with your ideas the I will out live you by quite a margin. Now about your business or are you dress in a pink tutu while riding around on the Unicorn.

. Now about your business or are you dress in a pink tutu while riding around on the Unicorn.

I suggest you stop requesting personal information in open forum.
Did you have fun with all those posts. You don't mind if I didn't read them all since they pretty welll say the same thing over and over.

Since you won't prove that you are a gun dealer, I guess we just consider you wear a pink tutu and ride a Unicorn which makes more sense.

Have a nice day and watch your world disappear.
The question is not "What percentage of murders are committed with an AR-15?" ...


The question is "What percentage of mass shootings are committed with an AR-15?"

Next slide, please.

Good question

how many
Of the mass murders above 10 people, by far the majority is assault weapons. nothing comes as close. They are the weapons of choice for every mass shooting and every school massacre.

..110 people a day are killed in cars, how can you not want cars and vans banned

Of course cars should be banned, the holy 2nd amendment says every well regulated psychopath should be able to own an assault rifle, it doesn't say anything about cars....

I don’t need a car, and my firearm ownership is none of your business

Then you also don't need a firearm. WE all would be safer if you didn't have either.
I have never killed anybody, Need has nothing to do with it... someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your business just like it’s none of my business.
The last person I would want as a neighbor, is one of these gun bubbas spouting off here. You couldn't let your kids play in your own yard, it would be stupid to let a dog loose outside , living in the country or not. And when they were home you would have to make sure you have as many walls as you can between your family and your gun bubba neighbor.
Yep, you’re a control freak

With the number of accidental discharges that happen every day he's controlling his Family and Home. I live beside someone like that. He also knows that I am armed and would not put up with him running around in the yard wielding his guns. It could get very serious very quickly. Bullets have no idea where the property lines begin and end.

The odds of an accidental discharge killing anyone is 1.55 in 300,000,000. If that keeps you up at night that’s really sad. But shows your disturbed mental state.
Actually all progressives want to ban all firearms and live in the Utopia of a Marxist village

Wrong, oh Pink Tutu'd one. Some certainly do. Meanwhile, some (and I hate to use this term like this) Conservatives want to go back to the old OK Corral Days of Yore. Maybe we need a few OK Corral things to happen with Gun Nutzoids. Sure would thin the herd a bit fast. And it would make room for the good Conservatives to be finally be heard for a change.
Anti-gun nutters like yourself would fit right in marxist Europe...
There are plenty enough guns over there for hunting especially... Not ridiculous like here of of course.
They have no right to firearms over there, they are under the governments thumb.
Their culture is supremely shallow... Just look at all the travesties of history they have caused
You are clueless. They are socialist so they are well regulated capitalism, with Healthcare daycare 6 week vacations, better infrastructure, living wage and plenty of guns. Not insanity like here, of course
Na, They can keep what they have over there I want nothing to do with that, millions are just like me.
They have no right to firearms over there in Western Europe

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