“What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?”

Did you have fun with all those posts. You don't mind if I didn't read them all since they pretty welll say the same thing over and over.

Since you won't prove that you are a gun dealer, I guess we just consider you wear a pink tutu and ride a Unicorn which makes more sense.

Have a nice day and watch your world disappear.
Typical anti-gun nutter and a control freak...
..110 people a day are killed in cars, how can you not want cars and vans banned

Of course cars should be banned, the holy 2nd amendment says every well regulated psychopath should be able to own an assault rifle, it doesn't say anything about cars....

Too bad progressives have no idea what an assault rifle even is. LOL
Then you also don't need a firearm. WE all would be safer if you didn't have either.
I have never killed anybody, Need has nothing to do with it... someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your business just like it’s none of my business.
The last person I would want as a neighbor, is one of these gun bubbas spouting off here. You couldn't let your kids play in your own yard, it would be stupid to let a dog loose outside , living in the country or not. And when they were home you would have to make sure you have as many walls as you can between your family and your gun bubba neighbor.
Yep, you’re a control freak

With the number of accidental discharges that happen every day he's controlling his Family and Home. I live beside someone like that. He also knows that I am armed and would not put up with him running around in the yard wielding his guns. It could get very serious very quickly. Bullets have no idea where the property lines begin and end.

The odds of an accidental discharge killing anyone is 1.55 in 300,000,000. If that keeps you up at night that’s really sad. But shows your disturbed mental state.
He’s just an old coot that’s upset that he cannot control people he disagrees with...
I don’t need a car, and my firearm ownership is none of your business

Then you also don't need a firearm. WE all would be safer if you didn't have either.
I have never killed anybody, Need has nothing to do with it... someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your business just like it’s none of my business.
The last person I would want as a neighbor, is one of these gun bubbas spouting off here. You couldn't let your kids play in your own yard, it would be stupid to let a dog loose outside , living in the country or not. And when they were home you would have to make sure you have as many walls as you can between your family and your gun bubba neighbor.
Yep, you’re a control freak

With the number of accidental discharges that happen every day he's controlling his Family and Home. I live beside someone like that. He also knows that I am armed and would not put up with him running around in the yard wielding his guns. It could get very serious very quickly. Bullets have no idea where the property lines begin and end.

OK, OK, now we get where this guys coming from. He is fucking freaked out over accidental discharges that result in odds of 1.55 in 300,000,000 that it would ever happen to him.

Most people would'nt freak out over ANYTHING with odds as high as 1 in a Million, and this paranoid freak is all bent out of shape over something WITH ODDS AS HIGH AS 1.55 in THREE HUNDRED MILLION.

He's so friggen freaked out about that, that he want's the GUBMINT to take care of it FOR HIM.

What next Daryl, you gonna ask your Senator to pass a law REQUIRING the State to supply you an ass wiper because there's a 1 in a million chance you might dislocate a shoulder in the effort? Oh, no, with those odds you probably don't wipe your ass at all, right?

Stunning, absolutely stunning, what idiocy you post.

But here's the kicker folks, Daryl is all paranoid over odds of 1.55 per 300,000,000, but he's OK that the odds of a woman getting raped is 1:5, AND DARYL obviously doesn't think those odds ARE HIGH ENOUGH. Daryl thinks COMMON SENSE is to make it, what Daryl, maybe 2:5, 3:5, maybe higher? Why?

And he has the audacity of accusing anyone else of riding a unicorn or wearing a pink tutu? How the fuck does he cope with day to day life while wearing a suit made of bubble wrap, cuz his odds of dying while falling down are 1 in 119. Maybe he has a pink tutu made out of bubble wrap? I dunno man.

Good God Man, give it up. You look like a god damn fool.

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Assault weapon?
You obviously know nothing and are just a liberal parrot.
No one, repeat NO ONE would go into a fire fight with a glorified 22LR, and, THAT IS WHAT AN AR15 IS.
You are an idiot.

Yet we have had millions of GI go into fire fights with that "Glorified 22LR". Except it's not a 22LR. It's a 223/556 high velocity rifle cartridge originally designed to kill or wound Human Beings long before it was introduced in a sporting rifle. Let' s look at the specs on the two.

22 long rifle
.22 caliber
40 grain
1200 fps
131 ft lbs
Used by many boyscouts as their first gun.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

Wow, that's some Glorification you have there, Grandma.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

When did the military start using the AR-15?
Lots more bullets can be carried and it is a real hamburger maker. They are light and full of little tricks that makes hamburger without breaking geneva. That's both the gun and ammunition.

FYI the military NEVER issued an Ar 15 to any soldier

From the NRA's American rifleman "The U.S. Air Force recommended after its 1960 test that the AR-15 rifle be adopted as the standard shoulder weapon in the Air Force."

Was the Ar 15 ever USED by the military in any combat

No it was not
A plain old semiautomatic rifle no different than any semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
A plain old semiautomatic rifle no different than any semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
Love it, do you want to know why gun bubbas will always lose , because they only deal in lies , distortions or half truth, here's his normal semiAutomatic weapons
View attachment 190126

If you knew anything about firearms you would know it's not the way a gun looks that matters

This .223


Is no different from this AR 15

Yup thats why all AR15 have to go

Thanks...keep saying this whenever you can.....the elections are coming up and gun owners have to understand the truth about you assholes...
Your just another hate group, this one just plays with guns, so do You think I would assume anything other then , that you or any of your gun bubbas would vote for anyone other then a hate candidate,
Hey, where's Synthaholic go? Taking her antidepressants?
What kind of gun was used in the Las Vegas mass murder?
A plain old semiautomatic rifle no different than any semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
Hey, where's Synthaholic go? Taking her antidepressants?
What kind of gun was used in the Las Vegas mass murder?
A plain old semiautomatic rifle no different than any semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
Love it, do you want to know why gun bubbas will always lose , because they only deal in lies , distortions or half truth, here's his normal semiAutomatic weapons
View attachment 190126

If you knew anything about firearms you would know it's not the way a gun looks that matters

This .223


Is no different from this AR 15

Yup thats why all AR15 have to go

Wow you are dumber than a bag of rocks
When did the military start using the AR-15?
Lots more bullets can be carried and it is a real hamburger maker. They are light and full of little tricks that makes hamburger without breaking geneva. That's both the gun and ammunition.

FYI the military NEVER issued an Ar 15 to any soldier

From the NRA's American rifleman "The U.S. Air Force recommended after its 1960 test that the AR-15 rifle be adopted as the standard shoulder weapon in the Air Force."

"The U.S. Air Force recommended after its 1960 test that the AR-15 rifle be adopted as the standard shoulder weapon in the Air Force."


Does not mean it was ever issued.

The military did, however, use a modified version of the AR-15, called the M16.

you need to learn more about the subject, and stop trolling
Read more: AR 15 Rifle - A Brief History & Historical Time Line
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Eugene Stoner leaves ArmaLite to serve as a consultant to Colt Firearms. At this point, ArmaLite was out of the AR-15 business – for the time being. The United States Air Force tests the AR 15 Rifle and purchases 8,500 rifles. You people never have a clue what your talking about
Those rifles were never issued as service weapons you idiot
The AR-15 from the start was designed as a military weapon, and the gumdrops here want you to think that it isn't , they want to bullshit their way through this , with all their mumbo jumbo about this gun. The gun industry got together when the heat was on and decided to try to stop calling these assault weapons assault weapons and maybe the heat would go away, they tried to bullshit their way through this and all gun bubbas do nothing but.
It wasn't

All the Ar 15 is is a semiautomatic rifle chambered for 5.56 caliber ammo

But with your room temperature IQ you are utterly incapable of understanding that
The question is not "What percentage of murders are committed with an AR-15?" ...


The question is "What percentage of mass shootings are committed with an AR-15?"

Next slide, please.
Who cares?

Why do you people think it's somehow worse to be killed by a rifle the same time as a few other people than it is to be killed individually in any other way?
When a crazy decides to go on a rampage, and kill as many as they can do they chose bolt action, lever, or pump gun? No, they chose an assault weapon, with a fast reloadable magazine. Since Columbine we have seen multiple mass murders. The ones that have the highest kill rates are done with AR type weapons. Requiring a special license to own one of these would help considerably in keeping the assault weapons out of the hands of the crazies. However, you absolutists will create a situation where we have gun control laws that affect even the weapons I have. It is you, and those like you are a danger to my right to own a weapon.
Assault weapon?
You obviously know nothing and are just a liberal parrot.
No one, repeat NO ONE would go into a fire fight with a glorified 22LR, and, THAT IS WHAT AN AR15 IS.
You are an idiot.

Yet we have had millions of GI go into fire fights with that "Glorified 22LR". Except it's not a 22LR. It's a 223/556 high velocity rifle cartridge originally designed to kill or wound Human Beings long before it was introduced in a sporting rifle. Let' s look at the specs on the two.

22 long rifle
.22 caliber
40 grain
1200 fps
131 ft lbs
Used by many boyscouts as their first gun.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

Wow, that's some Glorification you have there, Grandma.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

When did the military start using the AR-15?

The original contract for the Air Force was for the AR-15. Once it was accepted, it was redesignated the M-16. The Original AR-15 was a full auto rifle. It was a scaled down AR-10. You really need to read a few weapons history books.
So what?

The civilian version is not full auto and is no different from any other semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years

My Remington 870 pump action shotgun however is a military weapon
No guns no death by guns
Cars cause more than 1000x the death caused by all guns, much less that caused by the undefinable or indistinguishable subset of guns you call "assault weapons."

No cars. No death by cars also applies, no?

You appear to be motivated by the desire to promote public safety, but fail to prioritize your efforts to that end, which causes me to suspect your motives. If your approach to promoting public safety is to ban the instruments involved in making the public unsafe, cars should have been banned LONG before guns.

It's akin to "penny wise, dollar dumb."

I can only conclude that your motive is only to rid citizens of their ability to resist an attempted collectivist take-over. Am I wrong?
Cars have massive amounts of regulations, guns should have the same.
No one has right to vehicle ownership, firearm ownership is an absolute right till someone screws it up for themselves.
So don’t confuse the two little man...

And exactly why doesn't anyone have a right to own a vehicle is they also have the right to own a firearm? Doesn't make a whole lot of sense. And don't go into the 2nd amendment crap. The 2nd amendment has already been preempted.
You have a right to own a vehicle but you do not have the right to operate that vehicle on publicly owned roads
Again, you're just spewing more hysterical fearmongering shite. Look to the stats. Because when you look to stats and facts, you're less likely to panic and make rash decisions pertaining to Freedom & Liberty. Also check out what Benjamin Franklin had to say about fear and safety.
Benjamin Franklin said it's stupid to put a gun in the hands of people like on this thread because they can't be trusted with a gun, as in their threats to kill me. Tell me why a person who threatens to kill someone should be able to own a gun.

That depends on who they threaten to kill and why they threatened to kill them.....
The reason they threaten to kill me here is, i'm opposed to what they want. That is quite obvious. so your saying it ok to threaten peoples life with a gun.
Firearms are harmless, People kill people not firearms

Cars are harmless. Drivers kill people not cars. And your point is?
and guns don't kill people people kill people so what's your point
Cars cause more than 1000x the death caused by all guns, much less that caused by the undefinable or indistinguishable subset of guns you call "assault weapons."

No cars. No death by cars also applies, no?

You appear to be motivated by the desire to promote public safety, but fail to prioritize your efforts to that end, which causes me to suspect your motives. If your approach to promoting public safety is to ban the instruments involved in making the public unsafe, cars should have been banned LONG before guns.

It's akin to "penny wise, dollar dumb."

I can only conclude that your motive is only to rid citizens of their ability to resist an attempted collectivist take-over. Am I wrong?
Cars have massive amounts of regulations, guns should have the same.
No one has right to vehicle ownership, firearm ownership is an absolute right till someone screws it up for themselves.
So don’t confuse the two little man...

And exactly why doesn't anyone have a right to own a vehicle is they also have the right to own a firearm? Doesn't make a whole lot of sense. And don't go into the 2nd amendment crap. The 2nd amendment has already been preempted.
Driving is a privilege not a right. Ya old coot

And who says it's a privilege?
The state can revoke your drivers' license anytime it wants for any reason that's what defines it as a privilege
Why in the hell would I give a dam about numbers, when the assault weapon is the choice of all mass murderers and the choice of all the killers at school mass killing
Your claim that "assault weapons" are the choice of mass murderers necessarily depends on NUMBERS. How can you make that claim without numbers to support such a claim? Why DON'T you give a damn about numbers is the better question.
Why would anyone care about the number of kids killed in school with a assault weapon. Being the weapon of choice by mass murderers is hardly my idea , every person that has looked at it knows that. Google it , then you can go after the millions that have said that,

Do you understand that the number of kids killed by a rifle in a school over 35 years is less than the number of kids killed by lawnmowers...every single year...

And again....the rifle is not the weapon of choice of mass shooters...that would be the pistol.....

You don't "know" anything......a google search does not support what you say.....that is why you are not taken seriously....
Do you know that there will be no death by guns if there isn't any guns.
You must live in a fairytale
Well that is where fairies live
but you don't have a right to drive a car on public roads

you do have the right to keep and bear arms.

Don't be afraid exercise your rights
yes and the biggest threat to the second is you my way or the highway gun bubbas. You need a car , you don't need a gun. Cars have massive amounts of regulations so should guns
I don’t need a car, and my firearm ownership is none of your business

Then you also don't need a firearm. WE all would be safer if you didn't have either.
I have never killed anybody, Need has nothing to do with it... someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your business just like it’s none of my business.

I don't contribute to the high body counts by not getting involved. Get involved. This is how we keep the body count low. No we can't stop the body count but we can keep it low. If that is all we can do then at least that is something. If we don't do something then we are just as guilty as the shooter.
you do not give a shit about the murder rate.

If you did you wouldn't be harping about the AR 15

70% of all murders occur in very distinct and very small geographical areas in this country
We all know where the problem is and we all ignore it
When a crazy decides to go on a rampage, and kill as many as they can do they chose bolt action, lever, or pump gun? No, they chose an assault weapon, with a fast reloadable magazine. Since Columbine we have seen multiple mass murders. The ones that have the highest kill rates are done with AR type weapons. Requiring a special license to own one of these would help considerably in keeping the assault weapons out of the hands of the crazies. However, you absolutists will create a situation where we have gun control laws that affect even the weapons I have. It is you, and those like you are a danger to my right to own a weapon.
Assault weapon?
You obviously know nothing and are just a liberal parrot.
No one, repeat NO ONE would go into a fire fight with a glorified 22LR, and, THAT IS WHAT AN AR15 IS.
You are an idiot.

Yet we have had millions of GI go into fire fights with that "Glorified 22LR". Except it's not a 22LR. It's a 223/556 high velocity rifle cartridge originally designed to kill or wound Human Beings long before it was introduced in a sporting rifle. Let' s look at the specs on the two.

22 long rifle
.22 caliber
40 grain
1200 fps
131 ft lbs
Used by many boyscouts as their first gun.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

Wow, that's some Glorification you have there, Grandma.
It’s just slightly more than a varmint rifle that’s all ar15’s are, you watch far too many Hollywood movies made by child molesting Hollywood types. You need to educate yourself old man

That "Varmint" rifle was invented to kill people in wars. And it is still used for that purpose throughout the world today. Can it be used for other things? Sure. I can use a Mah Duece to unclog the drain as well. But it's still designed to kill people. I know of very few people that show up on varmint shoots with an AR-15 but I know a number of people that show up with Mini-14 223s along with various models of 22-250s and others. The AR is NOT a popular Varmint Rifle and never has been. When I shot varmint, I got laughed at when they found out I was using a 22 lr until they saw the rig. A Mauser Shavetail with a 20 power scope and match grade ammo. The guys with the more powerful guns would shoot where the shot was. I shot where it was going to be at 200 yds and only did head shots. The night before, I placed pieces of cloth every 50 ft to gauge wind. I didn't fire until all flags were down. When it was my turn to shoot it took some time. But no one made any noise and were extremely respectful since they knew my shot was much more skillful than theirs.

So don't BS around using an AR for Varmint shooting.
The mini 14 is functionally no different from the Ar 15

They both shoot the same round at the same rate of fire which is one round per trigger pull

The only differences between the 2 rifles are purely cosmetic
I don't contribute to the high body counts by not getting involved. Get involved. This is how we keep the body count low. No we can't stop the body count but we can keep it low. If that is all we can do then at least that is something. If we don't do something then we are just as guilty as the shooter.

That kind of logic is just BS, no common sense involved.


It's not either or in this case. It's a compromise. You can't have it your way and the gun grabbers can't have it their way.

Screw the gun grabbers, no more negotiation, no more compromise. My rights are not up for negotiation or compromise. No matter what has been done in the past it's never enough for the grabbers, it's time to draw a line in the sand. They just got a bill the NRA has been pushing for 25 years to fix the NICS system, no matter what's done they want more. FUCK'EM!!!!!!!!!

Change the channel LOL get some fresh air.

OK, gets kind of riled up when the Late, Late, Movie plays a John Wayne film....

Movies, I don need no stink'n movies.

Bathtubs kill more people than people using ar15’s... Fact

More frivolous gun control laws equal more violent crime… Every time
Of course cars should be banned, the holy 2nd amendment says every well regulated psychopath should be able to own an assault rifle, it doesn't say anything about cars....
The 2nd Amendment says that Congress will not pass laws regulating arms.

The general right to life, liberty, and property dictates that owning a car is a right. Operating that car on state roads is not a right.

Your hyperbolic strawman was so fucked up, you actually ended up proving our point.
Actually I did serve eight years in the guard. Second of all, there is no way an over the counter Ar15 would ever pass military muster you obviously know nothing of the subject.

Funny, I can buy a military grade AR-15 over the counter. The only difference will be the receiver which cannot be changed out with the M-16 receiver. Same barrel, same everything else. The cost won't be no crummy 500 bucks. It will be closer to 1500 or better. You get what you pay for.

And I doubt you ever served. You don't know the history of the Military at all.
I sell firearms and ammo for a living, an over the counter Ar15 would never pass military muster... fact
Of course I served, lots of Americans have.
The only ballistic difference for this hamburger maker is the NATO shell other wise they are just about right on, it was made from day one as a military weapon. The inventor invented it as a military weapon. Military muster , military bullshit.
Na, A .223 Remington is not a so called high-powered cartridge as the Hollywood movies would have believe
View attachment 190242
You have no understanding of ballistics obviously. Only a fool would think a .223 Remington is high powered

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