“What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?”

You just have to stand back and howl at these gun Bubbas , these self proclaimed experts , really know very little about their subject.
What is the ballistic coefficient for the 223?
whats the sectional density of the 223?
The same as most any 22 caliber
Now he is trying to tell you that a .223 isn't any different then a 22 caliber , what a clown
You asked what the sectional density of a .223 is... depending on how many grains it is... it’s the same as any other 22 caliber...
  • 55 grain, SD = .157
There are already 8 million AR-15s out there, and wanna be super soldier psychos love buying and using them in mass murders, so let's stop selling them and let's have really Universal background checks lyke everyone but real gun nuts want to have. Gun corporations run the NRA and the GOP. Great job...

And the worst mass school shooting was done with 2 pistols, Virginia Tech, and 32 people were murdered......making your point about banning AR-15s stupid.

Universal background checks are also stupid...

Mass public shooters can pass current federal background checks, dumb ass, which means, dumb ass....that they can pass a universal background check....making your point really stupid....

criminals use straw buyers to get their guns.....straw buyers can pass current federally mandated background checks which means they can also pass any universal background check........

The only reason the anti gun movement wants universal background checks is so they can demand universal gun registration.....their golden ticket to banning and confiscating guns when they finally get the power...
I I am worried about the psychos who love buying AR-15s. Nobody wants to ban all all guns, super duper...
Actually all progressives want to ban all firearms and live in the Utopia of a Marxist village
This guy not only has no clue about assault weapons , he thinks there are Marxist around every corner , I've never met one, they only exist by the hand full or behind every bush that these lame brains live in. If one of us joined they still could be counted by both hands.
Progressive/Marxist same diff... stupid in the head
Of course cars should be banned, the holy 2nd amendment says every well regulated psychopath should be able to own an assault rifle, it doesn't say anything about cars....
The 2nd Amendment says that Congress will not pass laws regulating arms.

The general right to life, liberty, and property dictates that owning a car is a right. Operating that car on state roads is not a right.

Your hyperbolic strawman was so fucked up, you actually ended up proving our point.

No, it clearly does NOT say that Congress cannot pass laws regulating arms. It says they cannot prevent individuals from having arms. Something COMPLETELY different
They can pick the guns that they can have.

They being individuals or they being Congress?

Please, think about what you're writing.
The courts and politicians. The second can be dumped, It won't be but it can be and as we speak there are 7 states and multiple cities that has banned the Assault weapon and they all have been backed totally by the courts, including all the way up to the supreme court. The number will increase quickly now, one because it's the weapon of choice of all mass murderers. And the brain dead gun bubbas who say it's their way or the highway. They trying to protect the unpredictable.
I I am worried about the psychos who love buying AR-15s. Nobody wants to ban all all guns, super duper...
Actually all progressives want to ban all firearms and live in the Utopia of a Marxist village

Wrong, oh Pink Tutu'd one. Some certainly do. Meanwhile, some (and I hate to use this term like this) Conservatives want to go back to the old OK Corral Days of Yore. Maybe we need a few OK Corral things to happen with Gun Nutzoids. Sure would thin the herd a bit fast. And it would make room for the good Conservatives to be finally be heard for a change.
Anti-gun nutters like yourself would fit right in marxist Europe...

Gun Nutters like you would fit right in in Canyon City in the Prison System. Keep nuttering, you'll make it someday.
I’ve been selling firearms and ammo for 20+ years, because it’s my right
Don't believe you, you would know something about them if you did.
Guns were designed and made to kill people, 2x4's weren't. No guns , no deaths by guns
Na, not really.
Firearms have no control over people, most people learn that in grade school
Tell that to the millions that have been killed by them, why make such a stupid comment.
People kill people not firearms, please educate yourself on the subject
There is no more stupid comment out there then it's not the gun it's the guy who pulls the trigger , well if you took every trigger away their would be nobody killed by guns would there. My comment is stupid but it is twice as reasonable as your nonsense.
Terrorists and crazy people much prefer bombs and vehicles over firearms to kill others people. Proof is the Middle East Terrorism
Stupid the Middle east terrorist carry assault weapons.
Of course cars should be banned, the holy 2nd amendment says every well regulated psychopath should be able to own an assault rifle, it doesn't say anything about cars....
The 2nd Amendment says that Congress will not pass laws regulating arms.

The general right to life, liberty, and property dictates that owning a car is a right. Operating that car on state roads is not a right.

Your hyperbolic strawman was so fucked up, you actually ended up proving our point.

No, it clearly does NOT say that Congress cannot pass laws regulating arms. It says they cannot prevent individuals from having arms. Something COMPLETELY different
They can pick the guns that they can have.

They being individuals or they being Congress?

Please, think about what you're writing.
The courts and politicians. The second can be dumped, It won't be but it can be and as we speak there are 7 states and multiple cities that has banned the Assault weapon and they all have been backed totally by the courts, including all the way up to the supreme court. The number will increase quickly now, one because it's the weapon of choice of all mass murderers. And the brain dead gun bubbas who say it's their way or the highway. They trying to protect the unpredictable.
Obviously you want to get rid of the Second Amendment like all anti-gun nutters, good luck.


After the 2016 elections...


He dealt with plenty. He had the most powerful Empire in the world hunting him down to be hanged. Americans need to stop giving in to fear. Otherwise, they'll be left with neither freedom or safety.
There is no other reason for the massive increase of gun ownership. The hypocrisy is unbelievable.

Then don't obtain a firearm. No one's forcing you to. However it is my Constitutional right, so mind your own business.
No that's not the solution, 7 states and multiple cities have banned assault weapons and the courts have supported all of them, give your money and push for the local ban in every part of the country , increase the number of places that they are banned. It is clear to everyone by example that none of these haters here , who have nothing but threats and people offering to murder me , should be able to have a gun, simply read the responses to my post here and decide if you think these people should be able to have a gun.
An ar15 and the like are not so called assault weapons they are just sporting rifles, nothing more nothing less.
You are obviously not very bright, Please educate yourself on the subject before you speak - you look foolish

There is very little difference between an AR-15 and a M-16-A-4 except the A-4 has a 3 shot burst setting. But in combat, that setting is rarely used. It's pretty worthless. Since you arm chair generals have never served you wouldn't know that.

Yes, the Military uses it as a sporting rifle as well. Their game is humans.

Wow, where do you get your 'information' from? Nancy Pelosi? Seriously, go do some real research on AR-15's.
Actually all progressives want to ban all firearms and live in the Utopia of a Marxist village

Wrong, oh Pink Tutu'd one. Some certainly do. Meanwhile, some (and I hate to use this term like this) Conservatives want to go back to the old OK Corral Days of Yore. Maybe we need a few OK Corral things to happen with Gun Nutzoids. Sure would thin the herd a bit fast. And it would make room for the good Conservatives to be finally be heard for a change.
Anti-gun nutters like yourself would fit right in marxist Europe...

Gun Nutters like you would fit right in in Canyon City in the Prison System. Keep nuttering, you'll make it someday.
I’ve been selling firearms and ammo for 20+ years, because it’s my right
Don't believe you, you would know something about them if you did.
You obviously don’t, because you call an AR15 a military grade assault rifle… Typical anti-gun nutter...
Then don't obtain a firearm. No one's forcing you to. However it is my Constitutional right, so mind your own business.
No that's not the solution, 7 states and multiple cities have banned assault weapons and the courts have supported all of them, give your money and push for the local ban in every part of the country , increase the number of places that they are banned. It is clear to everyone by example that none of these haters here , who have nothing but threats and people offering to murder me , should be able to have a gun, simply read the responses to my post here and decide if you think these people should be able to have a gun.
An ar15 and the like are not so called assault weapons they are just sporting rifles, nothing more nothing less.
You are obviously not very bright, Please educate yourself on the subject before you speak - you look foolish

There is very little difference between an AR-15 and a M-16-A-4 except the A-4 has a 3 shot burst setting. But in combat, that setting is rarely used. It's pretty worthless. Since you arm chair generals have never served you wouldn't know that.

Yes, the Military uses it as a sporting rifle as well. Their game is humans.
Actually I did serve eight years in the guard. Second of all, there is no way an over the counter Ar15 would ever pass military muster you obviously know nothing of the subject.

Funny, I can buy a military grade AR-15 over the counter. The only difference will be the receiver which cannot be changed out with the M-16 receiver. Same barrel, same everything else. The cost won't be no crummy 500 bucks. It will be closer to 1500 or better. You get what you pay for.

And I doubt you ever served. You don't know the history of the Military at all.

'military grade AR-15 over the counter?' Yeah, you're just woefully uninformed. Have you ever actually attempted to purchase a firearm before? I'm gonna go with no. You're a typical uninformed Gun Grabber Democrat. So, i'm done wit ya. Movin on...
Then you also don't need a firearm. WE all would be safer if you didn't have either.
I have never killed anybody, Need has nothing to do with it... someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your business just like it’s none of my business.
The last person I would want as a neighbor, is one of these gun bubbas spouting off here. You couldn't let your kids play in your own yard, it would be stupid to let a dog loose outside , living in the country or not. And when they were home you would have to make sure you have as many walls as you can between your family and your gun bubba neighbor.
Yep, you’re a control freak

With the number of accidental discharges that happen every day he's controlling his Family and Home. I live beside someone like that. He also knows that I am armed and would not put up with him running around in the yard wielding his guns. It could get very serious very quickly. Bullets have no idea where the property lines begin and end.

The odds of an accidental discharge killing anyone is 1.55 in 300,000,000. If that keeps you up at night that’s really sad. But shows your disturbed mental state.
Having a gun bubbas as a neighbor is bad, can't let your children play in the yard, can't let your dog outside even if it is in the country, always having to live on one side of you house with as many walls in between you and your family and one of these goofball gun bubbas. Even at that there is one thing way worse , your neighbor gun bubba owning a assault weapon. How many of you have threatened to kill me here. Why would anyone want you as a neighbor.
I have never killed anybody, Need has nothing to do with it... someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your business just like it’s none of my business.
The last person I would want as a neighbor, is one of these gun bubbas spouting off here. You couldn't let your kids play in your own yard, it would be stupid to let a dog loose outside , living in the country or not. And when they were home you would have to make sure you have as many walls as you can between your family and your gun bubba neighbor.
Yep, you’re a control freak

With the number of accidental discharges that happen every day he's controlling his Family and Home. I live beside someone like that. He also knows that I am armed and would not put up with him running around in the yard wielding his guns. It could get very serious very quickly. Bullets have no idea where the property lines begin and end.

The odds of an accidental discharge killing anyone is 1.55 in 300,000,000. If that keeps you up at night that’s really sad. But shows your disturbed mental state.
Having a gun bubbas as a neighbor is bad, can't let your children play in the yard, can't let your dog outside even if it is in the country, always having to live on one side of you house with as many walls in between you and your family and one of these goofball gun bubbas. Even at that there is one thing way worse , your neighbor gun bubba owning a assault weapon. How many of you have threatened to kill me here. Why would anyone want you as a neighbor.
Chicken Little, are you afraid of everything? LOL
The chances of being killed by someone using a Ar15 are many times less than getting struck by lightning. Fact
No that's not the solution, 7 states and multiple cities have banned assault weapons and the courts have supported all of them, give your money and push for the local ban in every part of the country , increase the number of places that they are banned. It is clear to everyone by example that none of these haters here , who have nothing but threats and people offering to murder me , should be able to have a gun, simply read the responses to my post here and decide if you think these people should be able to have a gun.
An ar15 and the like are not so called assault weapons they are just sporting rifles, nothing more nothing less.
You are obviously not very bright, Please educate yourself on the subject before you speak - you look foolish

There is very little difference between an AR-15 and a M-16-A-4 except the A-4 has a 3 shot burst setting. But in combat, that setting is rarely used. It's pretty worthless. Since you arm chair generals have never served you wouldn't know that.

Yes, the Military uses it as a sporting rifle as well. Their game is humans.
Actually I did serve eight years in the guard. Second of all, there is no way an over the counter Ar15 would ever pass military muster you obviously know nothing of the subject.

Funny, I can buy a military grade AR-15 over the counter. The only difference will be the receiver which cannot be changed out with the M-16 receiver. Same barrel, same everything else. The cost won't be no crummy 500 bucks. It will be closer to 1500 or better. You get what you pay for.

And I doubt you ever served. You don't know the history of the Military at all.

'military grade AR-15 over the counter?' Yeah, you're just woefully uninformed. Have you ever actually attempted to purchase a firearm before? I'm gonna go with no. You're a typical Gun Grabber Democrat. So, i'm done wit ya. Movin on...
You have no clue, try the mini 14 it can use the nato shell. Have people here ever seen a group that knows so little about their toys.
An ar15 and the like are not so called assault weapons they are just sporting rifles, nothing more nothing less.
You are obviously not very bright, Please educate yourself on the subject before you speak - you look foolish

There is very little difference between an AR-15 and a M-16-A-4 except the A-4 has a 3 shot burst setting. But in combat, that setting is rarely used. It's pretty worthless. Since you arm chair generals have never served you wouldn't know that.

Yes, the Military uses it as a sporting rifle as well. Their game is humans.
Actually I did serve eight years in the guard. Second of all, there is no way an over the counter Ar15 would ever pass military muster you obviously know nothing of the subject.

Funny, I can buy a military grade AR-15 over the counter. The only difference will be the receiver which cannot be changed out with the M-16 receiver. Same barrel, same everything else. The cost won't be no crummy 500 bucks. It will be closer to 1500 or better. You get what you pay for.

And I doubt you ever served. You don't know the history of the Military at all.

'military grade AR-15 over the counter?' Yeah, you're just woefully uninformed. Have you ever actually attempted to purchase a firearm before? I'm gonna go with no. You're a typical Gun Grabber Democrat. So, i'm done wit ya. Movin on...
You have no clue, try the mini 14 it can use the nato shell. Have people here ever seen a group that knows so little about their toys.
The shell does not make a weapon an assault weapon dumbass
The last person I would want as a neighbor, is one of these gun bubbas spouting off here. You couldn't let your kids play in your own yard, it would be stupid to let a dog loose outside , living in the country or not. And when they were home you would have to make sure you have as many walls as you can between your family and your gun bubba neighbor.
Yep, you’re a control freak

With the number of accidental discharges that happen every day he's controlling his Family and Home. I live beside someone like that. He also knows that I am armed and would not put up with him running around in the yard wielding his guns. It could get very serious very quickly. Bullets have no idea where the property lines begin and end.

The odds of an accidental discharge killing anyone is 1.55 in 300,000,000. If that keeps you up at night that’s really sad. But shows your disturbed mental state.
Having a gun bubbas as a neighbor is bad, can't let your children play in the yard, can't let your dog outside even if it is in the country, always having to live on one side of you house with as many walls in between you and your family and one of these goofball gun bubbas. Even at that there is one thing way worse , your neighbor gun bubba owning a assault weapon. How many of you have threatened to kill me here. Why would anyone want you as a neighbor.
Chicken Little, are you afraid of everything? LOL
Just wouldn't want to go through the hassle of having a gun bubba as a neighbor.

Pretty much all of these can be used in any configuration possible, and no they do not chase down people and kill them… LOL
Did you have fun with all those posts. You don't mind if I didn't read them all since they pretty welll say the same thing over and over.

Since you won't prove that you are a gun dealer, I guess we just consider you wear a pink tutu and ride a Unicorn which makes more sense.

Have a nice day and watch your world disappear.
Typical anti-gun nutter and a control freak...
The count down has started , 7 states and multiple cities already have banned the assault weapon and many more to come. It's easy with these, I'm going to kill you gun bubbas on the other side of the issue.
Yet we have had millions of GI go into fire fights with that "Glorified 22LR". Except it's not a 22LR. It's a 223/556 high velocity rifle cartridge originally designed to kill or wound Human Beings long before it was introduced in a sporting rifle. Let' s look at the specs on the two.

22 long rifle
.22 caliber
40 grain
1200 fps
131 ft lbs
Used by many boyscouts as their first gun.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

Wow, that's some Glorification you have there, Grandma.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

When did the military start using the AR-15?
Lots more bullets can be carried and it is a real hamburger maker. They are light and full of little tricks that makes hamburger without breaking geneva. That's both the gun and ammunition.

FYI the military NEVER issued an Ar 15 to any soldier

From the NRA's American rifleman "The U.S. Air Force recommended after its 1960 test that the AR-15 rifle be adopted as the standard shoulder weapon in the Air Force."

Was the Ar 15 ever USED by the military in any combat

No it was not
The first 40,000 were sold to the air force as the AR-15, anyway that is what the NRA says.
Did you have fun with all those posts. You don't mind if I didn't read them all since they pretty welll say the same thing over and over.

Since you won't prove that you are a gun dealer, I guess we just consider you wear a pink tutu and ride a Unicorn which makes more sense.

Have a nice day and watch your world disappear.
Typical anti-gun nutter and a control freak...
The count down has started , 7 states and multiple cities already have banned the assault weapon and many more to come. It's easy with these, I'm going to kill you gun bubbas on the other side of the issue.
You can do whatever you want in your urban diseased utopias, I don’t give two shits. I live in the red area. Thank God for the electoral college…

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