“What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?”

No that's not the solution, 7 states and multiple cities have banned assault weapons and the courts have supported all of them, give your money and push for the local ban in every part of the country , increase the number of places that they are banned. It is clear to everyone by example that none of these haters here , who have nothing but threats and people offering to murder me , should be able to have a gun, simply read the responses to my post here and decide if you think these people should be able to have a gun.
An ar15 and the like are not so called assault weapons they are just sporting rifles, nothing more nothing less.
You are obviously not very bright, Please educate yourself on the subject before you speak - you look foolish

There is very little difference between an AR-15 and a M-16-A-4 except the A-4 has a 3 shot burst setting. But in combat, that setting is rarely used. It's pretty worthless. Since you arm chair generals have never served you wouldn't know that.

Yes, the Military uses it as a sporting rifle as well. Their game is humans.
Actually I did serve eight years in the guard. Second of all, there is no way an over the counter Ar15 would ever pass military muster you obviously know nothing of the subject.

Funny, I can buy a military grade AR-15 over the counter. The only difference will be the receiver which cannot be changed out with the M-16 receiver. Same barrel, same everything else. The cost won't be no crummy 500 bucks. It will be closer to 1500 or better. You get what you pay for.

And I doubt you ever served. You don't know the history of the Military at all.
I sell firearms and ammo for a living, an over the counter Ar15 would never pass military muster... fact
Of course I served, lots of Americans have.
Do you sell AR-15 that would pass muster?
I don’t need a car, and my firearm ownership is none of your business

Then you also don't need a firearm. WE all would be safer if you didn't have either.
I have never killed anybody, Need has nothing to do with it... someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your business just like it’s none of my business.
The last person I would want as a neighbor, is one of these gun bubbas spouting off here. You couldn't let your kids play in your own yard, it would be stupid to let a dog loose outside , living in the country or not. And when they were home you would have to make sure you have as many walls as you can between your family and your gun bubba neighbor.
Yep, you’re a control freak

With the number of accidental discharges that happen every day he's controlling his Family and Home. I live beside someone like that. He also knows that I am armed and would not put up with him running around in the yard wielding his guns. It could get very serious very quickly. Bullets have no idea where the property lines begin and end.
God when you have to threaten you gun stupid neighbor so he won't shoot you in your own house is pitiful
I I am worried about the psychos who love buying AR-15s. Nobody wants to ban all all guns, super duper...
We need Universal background check and registration of semi automatics at least. You dupes are terrified of imaginary stuff that has no chance. The NRA totally dominates.
Universal background checks and firearm registration are 100% unconstitutional

And the group that decides that ruled how on this? Are you saying that the Supreme Court is wrong? This Supreme Court is more Conservative than ever before and even it ruled that background checks and firearm registration is constitutional. You still hammer away on that? YOU are unconstitutional.
No one has to register their firearms because it’s unconstitutional

My firearms are registered according to the State Laws. It's constitutional and has been upheld by the Supreme Court.

Why would you do something they can't require a criminal to do?

When a crazy decides to go on a rampage, and kill as many as they can do they chose bolt action, lever, or pump gun? No, they chose an assault weapon, with a fast reloadable magazine. Since Columbine we have seen multiple mass murders. The ones that have the highest kill rates are done with AR type weapons. Requiring a special license to own one of these would help considerably in keeping the assault weapons out of the hands of the crazies. However, you absolutists will create a situation where we have gun control laws that affect even the weapons I have. It is you, and those like you are a danger to my right to own a weapon.
Assault weapon?
You obviously know nothing and are just a liberal parrot.
No one, repeat NO ONE would go into a fire fight with a glorified 22LR, and, THAT IS WHAT AN AR15 IS.
You are an idiot.

Yet we have had millions of GI go into fire fights with that "Glorified 22LR". Except it's not a 22LR. It's a 223/556 high velocity rifle cartridge originally designed to kill or wound Human Beings long before it was introduced in a sporting rifle. Let' s look at the specs on the two.

22 long rifle
.22 caliber
40 grain
1200 fps
131 ft lbs
Used by many boyscouts as their first gun.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

Wow, that's some Glorification you have there, Grandma.
It’s just slightly more than a varmint rifle that’s all ar15’s are, you watch far too many Hollywood movies made by child molesting Hollywood types. You need to educate yourself old man

That "Varmint" rifle was invented to kill people in wars. And it is still used for that purpose throughout the world today. Can it be used for other things? Sure. I can use a Mah Duece to unclog the drain as well. But it's still designed to kill people. I know of very few people that show up on varmint shoots with an AR-15 but I know a number of people that show up with Mini-14 223s along with various models of 22-250s and others. The AR is NOT a popular Varmint Rifle and never has been. When I shot varmint, I got laughed at when they found out I was using a 22 lr until they saw the rig. A Mauser Shavetail with a 20 power scope and match grade ammo. The guys with the more powerful guns would shoot where the shot was. I shot where it was going to be at 200 yds and only did head shots. The night before, I placed pieces of cloth every 50 ft to gauge wind. I didn't fire until all flags were down. When it was my turn to shoot it took some time. But no one made any noise and were extremely respectful since they knew my shot was much more skillful than theirs.

So don't BS around using an AR for Varmint shooting.
Wrong, They are by far the most popular varmint rifle’s. A .223 Remington is a very accurate cartridge. No recoil on an ar platform, cheap to shoot, available everywhere, not barrel burners, short action, and so on.
I personally prefer a 6.8 SPC on an ar platform for my purposes, antelope, mule deer hunting and varmint shooting.
Firearm preference is a personal thing, but then again you are a control freak, old man..
No guns no death by guns
Cars cause more than 1000x the death caused by all guns, much less that caused by the undefinable or indistinguishable subset of guns you call "assault weapons."

No cars. No death by cars also applies, no?

You appear to be motivated by the desire to promote public safety, but fail to prioritize your efforts to that end, which causes me to suspect your motives. If your approach to promoting public safety is to ban the instruments involved in making the public unsafe, cars should have been banned LONG before guns.

It's akin to "penny wise, dollar dumb."

I can only conclude that your motive is only to rid citizens of their ability to resist an attempted collectivist take-over. Am I wrong?
Cars have massive amounts of regulations, guns should have the same.
No one has right to vehicle ownership, firearm ownership is an absolute right till someone screws it up for themselves.
So don’t confuse the two little man...
Fact 7 states have implemented their own assault weapons law , and multiple cities have also , all have been to court and the court has decided against you assault weapon every time . The courts can interpret the constitution, they can regulate your guns , they have regulated guns and they will regulate guns in the future and with my support and money and the money and support of other people who care about children getting massacred in their schools will get rid of as many of the assault weapons as we can, and for all you gun bubbas here that have threatened my life in this forum I hope you stand up as macho with the police at your door as you have in threatened my life.
39 states disagree with you… Nice try
When a crazy decides to go on a rampage, and kill as many as they can do they chose bolt action, lever, or pump gun? No, they chose an assault weapon, with a fast reloadable magazine. Since Columbine we have seen multiple mass murders. The ones that have the highest kill rates are done with AR type weapons. Requiring a special license to own one of these would help considerably in keeping the assault weapons out of the hands of the crazies. However, you absolutists will create a situation where we have gun control laws that affect even the weapons I have. It is you, and those like you are a danger to my right to own a weapon.
Assault weapon?
You obviously know nothing and are just a liberal parrot.
No one, repeat NO ONE would go into a fire fight with a glorified 22LR, and, THAT IS WHAT AN AR15 IS.
You are an idiot.

Yet we have had millions of GI go into fire fights with that "Glorified 22LR". Except it's not a 22LR. It's a 223/556 high velocity rifle cartridge originally designed to kill or wound Human Beings long before it was introduced in a sporting rifle. Let' s look at the specs on the two.

22 long rifle
.22 caliber
40 grain
1200 fps
131 ft lbs
Used by many boyscouts as their first gun.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

Wow, that's some Glorification you have there, Grandma.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

When did the military start using the AR-15?

The original contract for the Air Force was for the AR-15. Once it was accepted, it was redesignated the M-16. The Original AR-15 was a full auto rifle. It was a scaled down AR-10. You really need to read a few weapons history books.
He has no clue they bought over 40000 in the ar-15 configuration That's what the NRA said anyway. These people that are gun bubbas that respond here can never be believed they lie non stop.

What most think is the M-16 isn't the original AR-15 at all. Sometime in the early 70s, they changed out the firing mechanism to only allow it to do single and 3 shot bursts. The M-16-A-2 was born. The AF still continued using the -1. The Army ungraded to the -3 trying to cure the jamming problem. The AF didn't have the jamming problem with the -1s. Then the AF upgraded to the -4 which is also the 3 shot burst version. After all the "Smoke" cleared, it was that Army was using it's own "Ball" powder that was too dirty for the M-16 and the M-16 would have had to be cleaned twice a day at least. Plus., they billed the M-16 as not having to be cleaned so they didn't ship enough cleaning kits. Those problems stopped with the -2 version when they changed to Colt style ammo and shipped enough cleaning kits for each weapon.
An ar15 and the like are not so called assault weapons they are just sporting rifles, nothing more nothing less.
You are obviously not very bright, Please educate yourself on the subject before you speak - you look foolish

There is very little difference between an AR-15 and a M-16-A-4 except the A-4 has a 3 shot burst setting. But in combat, that setting is rarely used. It's pretty worthless. Since you arm chair generals have never served you wouldn't know that.

Yes, the Military uses it as a sporting rifle as well. Their game is humans.
Actually I did serve eight years in the guard. Second of all, there is no way an over the counter Ar15 would ever pass military muster you obviously know nothing of the subject.

Funny, I can buy a military grade AR-15 over the counter. The only difference will be the receiver which cannot be changed out with the M-16 receiver. Same barrel, same everything else. The cost won't be no crummy 500 bucks. It will be closer to 1500 or better. You get what you pay for.

And I doubt you ever served. You don't know the history of the Military at all.
I sell firearms and ammo for a living, an over the counter Ar15 would never pass military muster... fact
Of course I served, lots of Americans have.
Do you sell AR-15 that would pass muster?
Your asking a gun seller that is lying to you, From the start the AR-15 was designed for the military . The inventors total idea was to design it for the military ,the inventor Thought they should never be made to be sold to the general population. The first major order was of 40000 AR-15 by the air force.
Universal background checks and firearm registration are 100% unconstitutional

And the group that decides that ruled how on this? Are you saying that the Supreme Court is wrong? This Supreme Court is more Conservative than ever before and even it ruled that background checks and firearm registration is constitutional. You still hammer away on that? YOU are unconstitutional.
No one has to register their firearms because it’s unconstitutional

My firearms are registered according to the State Laws. It's constitutional and has been upheld by the Supreme Court.
No one I sell firearms to has to register as the way it should be. It’s unlawful and unconstitutional to expect anyone to register their firearms...

Everytime I buy a firearm, there is a background check. Each weapon has to be listed on that background check. The last time I checked, it was called on thing but it's a backdoor firearms registration. You can call a Peakcock a Pig but if it still roots around in the mud, it's a pig.;

The seller retains those forms, I think for 5 years and then they're destroyed. They don't tell the government what you're buying. Rusty, correct me if I'm wrong.

When a crazy decides to go on a rampage, and kill as many as they can do they chose bolt action, lever, or pump gun? No, they chose an assault weapon, with a fast reloadable magazine. Since Columbine we have seen multiple mass murders. The ones that have the highest kill rates are done with AR type weapons. Requiring a special license to own one of these would help considerably in keeping the assault weapons out of the hands of the crazies. However, you absolutists will create a situation where we have gun control laws that affect even the weapons I have. It is you, and those like you are a danger to my right to own a weapon.
Assault weapon?
You obviously know nothing and are just a liberal parrot.
No one, repeat NO ONE would go into a fire fight with a glorified 22LR, and, THAT IS WHAT AN AR15 IS.
You are an idiot.

Yet we have had millions of GI go into fire fights with that "Glorified 22LR". Except it's not a 22LR. It's a 223/556 high velocity rifle cartridge originally designed to kill or wound Human Beings long before it was introduced in a sporting rifle. Let' s look at the specs on the two.

22 long rifle
.22 caliber
40 grain
1200 fps
131 ft lbs
Used by many boyscouts as their first gun.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

Wow, that's some Glorification you have there, Grandma.
It’s just slightly more than a varmint rifle that’s all ar15’s are, you watch far too many Hollywood movies made by child molesting Hollywood types. You need to educate yourself old man

That "Varmint" rifle was invented to kill people in wars. And it is still used for that purpose throughout the world today. Can it be used for other things? Sure. I can use a Mah Duece to unclog the drain as well. But it's still designed to kill people. I know of very few people that show up on varmint shoots with an AR-15 but I know a number of people that show up with Mini-14 223s along with various models of 22-250s and others. The AR is NOT a popular Varmint Rifle and never has been. When I shot varmint, I got laughed at when they found out I was using a 22 lr until they saw the rig. A Mauser Shavetail with a 20 power scope and match grade ammo. The guys with the more powerful guns would shoot where the shot was. I shot where it was going to be at 200 yds and only did head shots. The night before, I placed pieces of cloth every 50 ft to gauge wind. I didn't fire until all flags were down. When it was my turn to shoot it took some time. But no one made any noise and were extremely respectful since they knew my shot was much more skillful than theirs.

So don't BS around using an AR for Varmint shooting.
Wrong, They are by far the most popular varmint rifle’s. A .223 Remington is a very accurate cartridge. No recoil on an ar platform, cheap to shoot, available everywhere, not barrel burners, short action, and so on.
I personally prefer a 6.8 SPC on an ar platform for my purposes, antelope, mule deer hunting and varmint shooting.
Firearm preference is a personal thing, but then again you are a control freak, old man..

The 223 is a popular varmint cartridge. The AR-15 is one of the least popular varmint rifles. There are one hell of a lot more Mini-14s shooting varmints than AR-15s. You are just making crap up again. Time for you to break out that pink tutu and saddle up that Unicorn.
And the group that decides that ruled how on this? Are you saying that the Supreme Court is wrong? This Supreme Court is more Conservative than ever before and even it ruled that background checks and firearm registration is constitutional. You still hammer away on that? YOU are unconstitutional.
No one has to register their firearms because it’s unconstitutional

My firearms are registered according to the State Laws. It's constitutional and has been upheld by the Supreme Court.
No one I sell firearms to has to register as the way it should be. It’s unlawful and unconstitutional to expect anyone to register their firearms...

Everytime I buy a firearm, there is a background check. Each weapon has to be listed on that background check. The last time I checked, it was called on thing but it's a backdoor firearms registration. You can call a Peakcock a Pig but if it still roots around in the mud, it's a pig.;

The seller retains those forms, I think for 5 years and then they're destroyed. They don't tell the government what you're buying. Rusty, correct me if I'm wrong.


It depends on the State Laws. Here, they are retained by the State.
No guns no triggers.
No guns but knives, bats, 2 by 4s , fists, feet, tree limbs, rebar, cars, trucks, etc ad infinitum

Once again

Irrefutable laws of the universe

1 People kill people
2 People have always killed people
3 People will always kill people
4 Gravity
Guns were designed and made to kill people, 2x4's weren't. No guns , no deaths by guns
Na, not really.
Firearms have no control over people, most people learn that in grade school
Tell that to the millions that have been killed by them, why make such a stupid comment.
People kill people not firearms, please educate yourself on the subject
There is no more stupid comment out there then it's not the gun it's the guy who pulls the trigger , well if you took every trigger away their would be nobody killed by guns would there. My comment is stupid but it is twice as reasonable as your nonsense.
Again, you're just spewing more hysterical fearmongering shite. Look to the stats. Because when you look to stats and facts, you're less likely to panic and make rash decisions pertaining to Freedom & Liberty. Also check out what Benjamin Franklin had to say about fear and safety.
Benjamin Franklin said it's stupid to put a gun in the hands of people like on this thread because they can't be trusted with a gun, as in their threats to kill me. Tell me why a person who threatens to kill someone should be able to own a gun.

That depends on who they threaten to kill and why they threatened to kill them.....
The reason they threaten to kill me here is, i'm opposed to what they want. That is quite obvious. so your saying it ok to threaten peoples life with a gun.
Firearms are harmless, People kill people not firearms

Cars are harmless. Drivers kill people not cars. And your point is?
and if guns didn't exist , no one would be killed with a gun.
No guns no death by guns
Cars cause more than 1000x the death caused by all guns, much less that caused by the undefinable or indistinguishable subset of guns you call "assault weapons."

No cars. No death by cars also applies, no?

You appear to be motivated by the desire to promote public safety, but fail to prioritize your efforts to that end, which causes me to suspect your motives. If your approach to promoting public safety is to ban the instruments involved in making the public unsafe, cars should have been banned LONG before guns.

It's akin to "penny wise, dollar dumb."

I can only conclude that your motive is only to rid citizens of their ability to resist an attempted collectivist take-over. Am I wrong?
Cars have massive amounts of regulations, guns should have the same.
No one has right to vehicle ownership, firearm ownership is an absolute right till someone screws it up for themselves.
So don’t confuse the two little man...
Fact 7 states have implemented their own assault weapons law , and multiple cities have also , all have been to court and the court has decided against you assault weapon every time . The courts can interpret the constitution, they can regulate your guns , they have regulated guns and they will regulate guns in the future and with my support and money and the money and support of other people who care about children getting massacred in their schools will get rid of as many of the assault weapons as we can, and for all you gun bubbas here that have threatened my life in this forum I hope you stand up as macho with the police at your door as you have in threatened my life.
39 states disagree with you… Nice try

Yet most states have an age limit on buying it. It's not banned, it's regulated. It's called common sense gun laws. And you find faults with even that. The next time someone wants to do a Mass Killing, why don't you throw then a Bon Voyage Party to let them know you approve.
Benjamin Franklin said it's stupid to put a gun in the hands of people like on this thread because they can't be trusted with a gun, as in their threats to kill me. Tell me why a person who threatens to kill someone should be able to own a gun.

That depends on who they threaten to kill and why they threatened to kill them.....
The reason they threaten to kill me here is, i'm opposed to what they want. That is quite obvious. so your saying it ok to threaten peoples life with a gun.
Firearms are harmless, People kill people not firearms

Cars are harmless. Drivers kill people not cars. And your point is?
and if guns didn't exist , no one would be killed with a gun.

It's not that simple. Guns are here to stay. Please don't be as pick headed as the gun nutz are. Go for the common sense gun regulations. You can win that one. But you will never win gun banning. It'll never happen.
No that's not the solution, 7 states and multiple cities have banned assault weapons and the courts have supported all of them, give your money and push for the local ban in every part of the country , increase the number of places that they are banned. It is clear to everyone by example that none of these haters here , who have nothing but threats and people offering to murder me , should be able to have a gun, simply read the responses to my post here and decide if you think these people should be able to have a gun.
An ar15 and the like are not so called assault weapons they are just sporting rifles, nothing more nothing less.
You are obviously not very bright, Please educate yourself on the subject before you speak - you look foolish

There is very little difference between an AR-15 and a M-16-A-4 except the A-4 has a 3 shot burst setting. But in combat, that setting is rarely used. It's pretty worthless. Since you arm chair generals have never served you wouldn't know that.

Yes, the Military uses it as a sporting rifle as well. Their game is humans.
Actually I did serve eight years in the guard. Second of all, there is no way an over the counter Ar15 would ever pass military muster you obviously know nothing of the subject.

Funny, I can buy a military grade AR-15 over the counter. The only difference will be the receiver which cannot be changed out with the M-16 receiver. Same barrel, same everything else. The cost won't be no crummy 500 bucks. It will be closer to 1500 or better. You get what you pay for.

And I doubt you ever served. You don't know the history of the Military at all.
I sell firearms and ammo for a living, an over the counter Ar15 would never pass military muster... fact
Of course I served, lots of Americans have.
The only ballistic difference for this hamburger maker is the NATO shell other wise they are just about right on, it was made from day one as a military weapon. The inventor invented it as a military weapon. Military muster , military bullshit.
When a crazy decides to go on a rampage, and kill as many as they can do they chose bolt action, lever, or pump gun? No, they chose an assault weapon, with a fast reloadable magazine. Since Columbine we have seen multiple mass murders. The ones that have the highest kill rates are done with AR type weapons. Requiring a special license to own one of these would help considerably in keeping the assault weapons out of the hands of the crazies. However, you absolutists will create a situation where we have gun control laws that affect even the weapons I have. It is you, and those like you are a danger to my right to own a weapon.
Assault weapon?
You obviously know nothing and are just a liberal parrot.
No one, repeat NO ONE would go into a fire fight with a glorified 22LR, and, THAT IS WHAT AN AR15 IS.
You are an idiot.

Yet we have had millions of GI go into fire fights with that "Glorified 22LR". Except it's not a 22LR. It's a 223/556 high velocity rifle cartridge originally designed to kill or wound Human Beings long before it was introduced in a sporting rifle. Let' s look at the specs on the two.

22 long rifle
.22 caliber
40 grain
1200 fps
131 ft lbs
Used by many boyscouts as their first gun.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

Wow, that's some Glorification you have there, Grandma.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

When did the military start using the AR-15?
If the military was given ar15’s to use, they would laugh their asses off...

If it were of Military Grade they wouldn't think anything of it as long as it fired. They also would not notice any difference on that it couldn't do a 3 shot burst that they don't use anyway. You have been using what is equiv to the saturday night special version of the AR.
My preference is a Daniel Defense lower, Geissele trigger, Broughton barrel, SureFire suppressor, battle arms development upper, Strike Industries Viper PDW Stock, Swarovski Z3 Rifle Scope 3-9x36, Larue LT-745 20MOA QD mount.
An ar15 and the like are not so called assault weapons they are just sporting rifles, nothing more nothing less.
You are obviously not very bright, Please educate yourself on the subject before you speak - you look foolish

There is very little difference between an AR-15 and a M-16-A-4 except the A-4 has a 3 shot burst setting. But in combat, that setting is rarely used. It's pretty worthless. Since you arm chair generals have never served you wouldn't know that.

Yes, the Military uses it as a sporting rifle as well. Their game is humans.
Actually I did serve eight years in the guard. Second of all, there is no way an over the counter Ar15 would ever pass military muster you obviously know nothing of the subject.

Funny, I can buy a military grade AR-15 over the counter. The only difference will be the receiver which cannot be changed out with the M-16 receiver. Same barrel, same everything else. The cost won't be no crummy 500 bucks. It will be closer to 1500 or better. You get what you pay for.

And I doubt you ever served. You don't know the history of the Military at all.
I sell firearms and ammo for a living, an over the counter Ar15 would never pass military muster... fact
Of course I served, lots of Americans have.
The only ballistic difference for this hamburger maker is the NATO shell other wise they are just about right on, it was made from day one as a military weapon. The inventor invented it as a military weapon. Military muster , military bullshit.
Na, A .223 Remington is not a so called high-powered cartridge as the Hollywood movies would have believe
Google is your friend, and while googling, let us ALL know what guns were used at the Virginia Tech shootings, K?

It took him almost 3 hours to get those kills. They were isolated in many areas from the Dorms to the Classrooms. His was the first which gained him a high body count. The School, Community and Cops weren't prepared for anything like that. It never entered into their imagination that something like that could happen. Today, it's not so easy. Instead of 17 dead like he ended up with, he might end up with maybe 3 before they bagged him, cornered him and either shot him, he surrendered or he shot himself. They would not have stopped him today but they would have reduced the body count. And that is all you can do.

If they armed some staff and teachers they wouldn't be attacking schools any more....we know this from actual mass shooters who state they picked democrat gun free zones so that no one could stop them....

You have it all wrong.... you stop this by making the target, not a target, and you do that by letting the mass shooters know someone will shoot back....
What a comedy act, Police hit their target in a gun fight 18% of the time, Even when the armed criminal wont shoot back cops still only hit their target 30% of the time. gun bubba teacher with a building full of kids will probably hit their target 1% of the time and the other 99 bullets will be puked all over the school that is packed full of kids. Great Idea , what a laugh.

Mass shooter who are captured and those who are dead but leave their notes....state they choose gun free zones as their targets...and change targets if they find out there will be armed people at the location....so, doofus.....by arming some staff and placing armed guards....you stop the attack from ever happening.....

And again, as actual experience shows....once a mass shooter is confronted by armed resistance....either police or...yes...armed citizens...they commit suicide, surrender or run away....so merely having an armed staff member confront the attacker would more than likely end the attack...just like at the Waffle House, or Sandy Hook, or Colorad.....or any number of other mass shootings that ended as soon as good people with guns showed up..

It would help in these discussions if you did some basic research....
since gun bubbas never tell the truth I have to assume that his letter left at the mass murder never said a word about gun free zones , here's the reality "In reality, many shooters target a location based on an emotional grievance or an attachment to a particular person or place. An FBI study of 160 active shootings (defined as a shooter actively attempting to kill people in a populated area, regardless of the amount of fatalities) between 2000 and 2013 — including the high-profile mass shootings in Tucson and Aurora — shows that of the shootings that occurred in commercial or educational areas, the shooter had some relationship with the area in 63 percent of the cases." ttps://www.thetrace.org/2015/06/gun-rights-advocates-say-that-places-that-ban-guns-attract-mass-shooters-the-data-says-theyre-wrong/
More people die from falling down than from someone using an AR 15
but you don't have a right to drive a car on public roads

you do have the right to keep and bear arms.

Don't be afraid exercise your rights
yes and the biggest threat to the second is you my way or the highway gun bubbas. You need a car , you don't need a gun. Cars have massive amounts of regulations so should guns
I don’t need a car, and my firearm ownership is none of your business

Then you also don't need a firearm. WE all would be safer if you didn't have either.
I have never killed anybody, Need has nothing to do with it... someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your business just like it’s none of my business.

I don't contribute to the high body counts by not getting involved. Get involved. This is how we keep the body count low. No we can't stop the body count but we can keep it low. If that is all we can do then at least that is something. If we don't do something then we are just as guilty as the shooter.

That kind of logic is just BS, no common sense involved.

That depends on who they threaten to kill and why they threatened to kill them.....
The reason they threaten to kill me here is, i'm opposed to what they want. That is quite obvious. so your saying it ok to threaten peoples life with a gun.
Firearms are harmless, People kill people not firearms

Cars are harmless. Drivers kill people not cars. And your point is?
and if guns didn't exist , no one would be killed with a gun.

It's not that simple. Guns are here to stay. Please don't be as pick headed as the gun nutz are. Go for the common sense gun regulations. You can win that one. But you will never win gun banning. It'll never happen.
I'm a supporter of the second amendment, there is no way that I want guns taken away, I've been a hunter all my life , I have Deer in multiple records books and I have another green scored for Boone and Crocket and another green scored for Minnesota whitetail classic and Pope and Young. I have a lifetime free membership and entry for all Minnesota whitetail classics shows. I've supported the second my whole life but if it is having to do it the NRA gun Bubbas way or getting rid of the second, I would choose to get rid of the second. I'm sick of there non stop lies and I'm getting tire of people on this forum threatening to kill me.

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