“What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?”

Google is your friend, and while googling, let us ALL know what guns were used at the Virginia Tech shootings, K?

It took him almost 3 hours to get those kills. They were isolated in many areas from the Dorms to the Classrooms. His was the first which gained him a high body count. The School, Community and Cops weren't prepared for anything like that. It never entered into their imagination that something like that could happen. Today, it's not so easy. Instead of 17 dead like he ended up with, he might end up with maybe 3 before they bagged him, cornered him and either shot him, he surrendered or he shot himself. They would not have stopped him today but they would have reduced the body count. And that is all you can do.

So, the 17 year old couldn't have used used semi automatic pistols and rack up the same, if not more kills. Is that what you are trying to sell?

Nice try, but everyone knows that Bridge, ain't for sale, and no ones gonna buy it. Take away the antidepressants, and a whole lotta people are alive today that are now 6 foot under.

Sad, but true.

You just can't face it that you aren't going to win this one. We have had at least one near mass shooting here. It was stopped by an alert community. The 17 year old was apprehended before he got to the school gate by the cops who overwhelmed him with force and didn't give him time to get his mind together enough to get his weapon out. You see, walking down a sidewalk in a long coat with a bulge under it and it's not raining isn't exactly normal. Someone has to see it. If the Community doesn't report it, the kid makes it to the school and the school has things in place to keep the body count down, not to stop the initial shootings. But it was stopped before it reached the gates by a concerned citizen calling it in. The 1000 foot rule of no guns around a school was taken seriously and it paid off. This did not make the Nation News. No mention of it on Fox News or CNN. Nothing. His weapon of Choice? An AR-15 style weapon he "Borrowed" from his Dad along with 3 30 round mags. His reason given? He was going for the record. It wasn't even his school. Was he on any prescription drugs? None. I wonder how many other almost happenings like that are thwarted and not reported each day on the national news.
Millions of ARs and the like are owned by second amendment enthusiasts in this country, The percentage of them used in violent crime is what? A fraction of a fraction of fraction of a percent... maybe
This country has much bigger fish to fry, take your pick...
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America

We prevent what we can in life. Common Sense Gun Laws makes sense. it takes the really foolish off the books. And it minimizes the body count. If that is all it does then that's a good thing. If what you preach prevents the common sense gun laws and the body count stays high then you are contributing to those high body counts.
More frivolous gun control laws will not save a single soul… Fact
My firearms are registered according to the State Laws. It's constitutional and has been upheld by the Supreme Court.
No one I sell firearms to has to register as the way it should be. It’s unlawful and unconstitutional to expect anyone to register their firearms...

Everytime I buy a firearm, there is a background check. Each weapon has to be listed on that background check. The last time I checked, it was called on thing but it's a backdoor firearms registration. You can call a Peakcock a Pig but if it still roots around in the mud, it's a pig.;
The FBI has to discard any information on firearm ownership within 48 hours of doing a background check

The State does not. It's still a Pig.
I know of no one that registers their firearms, as it should be.
Nowhere on the background check does it ask what firearm is being purchased...

it's right on the form. If you really were an Arms Dealer, you would know this. Guess you are shagging on that pink TuTu and mounting that Spotted Unicorn way too much these days.
Cars have massive amounts of regulations, guns should have the same.
but you don't have a right to drive a car on public roads

you do have the right to keep and bear arms.

Don't be afraid exercise your rights
yes and the biggest threat to the second is you my way or the highway gun bubbas. You need a car , you don't need a gun. Cars have massive amounts of regulations so should guns
I don’t need a car, and my firearm ownership is none of your business

Then you also don't need a firearm. WE all would be safer if you didn't have either.
I have never killed anybody, Need has nothing to do with it... someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your business just like it’s none of my business.
The last person I would want as a neighbor, is one of these gun bubbas spouting off here. You couldn't let your kids play in your own yard, it would be stupid to let a dog loose outside , living in the country or not. And when they were home you would have to make sure you have as many walls as you can between your family and your gun bubba neighbor.
The question is not "What percentage of murders are committed with an AR-15?" ...


The question is "What percentage of mass shootings are committed with an AR-15?"

Next slide, please.

Good question

how many
Of the mass murders above 10 people, by far the majority is assault weapons. nothing comes as close. They are the weapons of choice for every mass shooting and every school massacre.
This country has much bigger fish to fry, take your pick
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America
but you don't have a right to drive a car on public roads

you do have the right to keep and bear arms.

Don't be afraid exercise your rights
yes and the biggest threat to the second is you my way or the highway gun bubbas. You need a car , you don't need a gun. Cars have massive amounts of regulations so should guns
I don’t need a car, and my firearm ownership is none of your business

Then you also don't need a firearm. WE all would be safer if you didn't have either.
I have never killed anybody, Need has nothing to do with it... someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your business just like it’s none of my business.

I don't contribute to the high body counts by not getting involved. Get involved. This is how we keep the body count low. No we can't stop the body count but we can keep it low. If that is all we can do then at least that is something. If we don't do something then we are just as guilty as the shooter.
This country has much bigger fish to fry… Take your pick
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America
It took him almost 3 hours to get those kills. They were isolated in many areas from the Dorms to the Classrooms. His was the first which gained him a high body count. The School, Community and Cops weren't prepared for anything like that. It never entered into their imagination that something like that could happen. Today, it's not so easy. Instead of 17 dead like he ended up with, he might end up with maybe 3 before they bagged him, cornered him and either shot him, he surrendered or he shot himself. They would not have stopped him today but they would have reduced the body count. And that is all you can do.

So, the 17 year old couldn't have used used semi automatic pistols and rack up the same, if not more kills. Is that what you are trying to sell?

Nice try, but everyone knows that Bridge, ain't for sale, and no ones gonna buy it. Take away the antidepressants, and a whole lotta people are alive today that are now 6 foot under.

Sad, but true.

You just can't face it that you aren't going to win this one. We have had at least one near mass shooting here. It was stopped by an alert community. The 17 year old was apprehended before he got to the school gate by the cops who overwhelmed him with force and didn't give him time to get his mind together enough to get his weapon out. You see, walking down a sidewalk in a long coat with a bulge under it and it's not raining isn't exactly normal. Someone has to see it. If the Community doesn't report it, the kid makes it to the school and the school has things in place to keep the body count down, not to stop the initial shootings. But it was stopped before it reached the gates by a concerned citizen calling it in. The 1000 foot rule of no guns around a school was taken seriously and it paid off. This did not make the Nation News. No mention of it on Fox News or CNN. Nothing. His weapon of Choice? An AR-15 style weapon he "Borrowed" from his Dad along with 3 30 round mags. His reason given? He was going for the record. It wasn't even his school. Was he on any prescription drugs? None. I wonder how many other almost happenings like that are thwarted and not reported each day on the national news.
Millions of ARs and the like are owned by second amendment enthusiasts in this country, The percentage of them used in violent crime is what? A fraction of a fraction of fraction of a percent... maybe
This country has much bigger fish to fry, take your pick...
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America

We prevent what we can in life. Common Sense Gun Laws makes sense. it takes the really foolish off the books. And it minimizes the body count. If that is all it does then that's a good thing. If what you preach prevents the common sense gun laws and the body count stays high then you are contributing to those high body counts.
More frivolous gun control laws will not save a single soul… Fact

Those frivolous gun control laws you mention stopped at least one school shooting here. Common Sense Gun Laws DO make a difference. It doesn't stop them all but it does stop most and does keep the body count down on the ones it doesn't. And if that is all we can do then it's a good thing. You lose this one but the rest of us win. Now, let's see your ad for your gun dealership. Or at least post a picture of you wearing your pink tutu while riding your spotted Unicorn.
No one I sell firearms to has to register as the way it should be. It’s unlawful and unconstitutional to expect anyone to register their firearms...

Everytime I buy a firearm, there is a background check. Each weapon has to be listed on that background check. The last time I checked, it was called on thing but it's a backdoor firearms registration. You can call a Peakcock a Pig but if it still roots around in the mud, it's a pig.;
The FBI has to discard any information on firearm ownership within 48 hours of doing a background check

The State does not. It's still a Pig.
I know of no one that registers their firearms, as it should be.
Nowhere on the background check does it ask what firearm is being purchased...

it's right on the form. If you really were an Arms Dealer, you would know this. Guess you are shagging on that pink TuTu and mounting that Spotted Unicorn way too much these days.
No it is not, there is nothing about The specific firearm.
It’s a criminal background check not a serial number check
just a guess, but I'd say since the popularity of the AK more shootings have taken place with it than the AR.
AR-15 and its brothers are the winners. That is if your talking about mass murders. Otherwise I have no clue but it can be found
yes and the biggest threat to the second is you my way or the highway gun bubbas. You need a car , you don't need a gun. Cars have massive amounts of regulations so should guns
I don’t need a car, and my firearm ownership is none of your business

Then you also don't need a firearm. WE all would be safer if you didn't have either.
I have never killed anybody, Need has nothing to do with it... someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your business just like it’s none of my business.

I don't contribute to the high body counts by not getting involved. Get involved. This is how we keep the body count low. No we can't stop the body count but we can keep it low. If that is all we can do then at least that is something. If we don't do something then we are just as guilty as the shooter.
This country has much bigger fish to fry… Take your pick
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America

Since you aren't proud enough to post your business, would you please post you wearing your pink tutu while riding that Unicorn? At least that would be worth it.
but you don't have a right to drive a car on public roads

you do have the right to keep and bear arms.

Don't be afraid exercise your rights
yes and the biggest threat to the second is you my way or the highway gun bubbas. You need a car , you don't need a gun. Cars have massive amounts of regulations so should guns
I don’t need a car, and my firearm ownership is none of your business

Then you also don't need a firearm. WE all would be safer if you didn't have either.
I have never killed anybody, Need has nothing to do with it... someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your business just like it’s none of my business.
The last person I would want as a neighbor, is one of these gun bubbas spouting off here. You couldn't let your kids play in your own yard, it would be stupid to let a dog loose outside , living in the country or not. And when they were home you would have to make sure you have as many walls as you can between your family and your gun bubba neighbor.
Yep, you’re a control freak
So, the 17 year old couldn't have used used semi automatic pistols and rack up the same, if not more kills. Is that what you are trying to sell?

Nice try, but everyone knows that Bridge, ain't for sale, and no ones gonna buy it. Take away the antidepressants, and a whole lotta people are alive today that are now 6 foot under.

Sad, but true.

You just can't face it that you aren't going to win this one. We have had at least one near mass shooting here. It was stopped by an alert community. The 17 year old was apprehended before he got to the school gate by the cops who overwhelmed him with force and didn't give him time to get his mind together enough to get his weapon out. You see, walking down a sidewalk in a long coat with a bulge under it and it's not raining isn't exactly normal. Someone has to see it. If the Community doesn't report it, the kid makes it to the school and the school has things in place to keep the body count down, not to stop the initial shootings. But it was stopped before it reached the gates by a concerned citizen calling it in. The 1000 foot rule of no guns around a school was taken seriously and it paid off. This did not make the Nation News. No mention of it on Fox News or CNN. Nothing. His weapon of Choice? An AR-15 style weapon he "Borrowed" from his Dad along with 3 30 round mags. His reason given? He was going for the record. It wasn't even his school. Was he on any prescription drugs? None. I wonder how many other almost happenings like that are thwarted and not reported each day on the national news.
Millions of ARs and the like are owned by second amendment enthusiasts in this country, The percentage of them used in violent crime is what? A fraction of a fraction of fraction of a percent... maybe
This country has much bigger fish to fry, take your pick...
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America

We prevent what we can in life. Common Sense Gun Laws makes sense. it takes the really foolish off the books. And it minimizes the body count. If that is all it does then that's a good thing. If what you preach prevents the common sense gun laws and the body count stays high then you are contributing to those high body counts.
More frivolous gun control laws will not save a single soul… Fact

Those frivolous gun control laws you mention stopped at least one school shooting here. Common Sense Gun Laws DO make a difference. It doesn't stop them all but it does stop most and does keep the body count down on the ones it doesn't. And if that is all we can do then it's a good thing. You lose this one but the rest of us win. Now, let's see your ad for your gun dealership. Or at least post a picture of you wearing your pink tutu while riding your spotted Unicorn.
You just cannot stand not being able to control people you disagree with... obviously
Everytime I buy a firearm, there is a background check. Each weapon has to be listed on that background check. The last time I checked, it was called on thing but it's a backdoor firearms registration. You can call a Peakcock a Pig but if it still roots around in the mud, it's a pig.;
The FBI has to discard any information on firearm ownership within 48 hours of doing a background check

The State does not. It's still a Pig.
I know of no one that registers their firearms, as it should be.
Nowhere on the background check does it ask what firearm is being purchased...

it's right on the form. If you really were an Arms Dealer, you would know this. Guess you are shagging on that pink TuTu and mounting that Spotted Unicorn way too much these days.
No it is not, there is nothing about The specific firearm.
It’s a criminal background check not a serial number check

On my last one, it certainly did list the Ruger 45ACP with model number and serial number. The State is very aware of the gun and of me. They use that information to track the weapon if it is used in a crime, stolen or lost. Happens every day by police forces. Get ready to fire up that Pink Tutu and saddle up that Unicorn.
Depends on the number of attackers and the location....that is why limiting law abiding people to 10 arbitrary bullets is stupid...
You are an IDIOT!!! 3 is all you ever need!!!

If someone is attacking me, believe it or not, I ain't about to take your word for it. K?
Gun Bubbas are real weak people, they are scared of the world and thinks that a gun will make them a man but when the time comes these scaredy cats are still weak but now with a gun in their hand that is shaking faster then they can aim it and once the trigger is pulled, get out of the way because the bullets will be flying everywhere until the clip is empty , killing their own families and neighbors in the process, so no you don't want to give these wimps more bullets to shoot.
Someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your business
Everyone in this country can make any gun you or the other gun bubbas own their personal business and we can work our politicians and the courts to do what we think is right with your guns honcho,
yes and the biggest threat to the second is you my way or the highway gun bubbas. You need a car , you don't need a gun. Cars have massive amounts of regulations so should guns
I don’t need a car, and my firearm ownership is none of your business

Then you also don't need a firearm. WE all would be safer if you didn't have either.
I have never killed anybody, Need has nothing to do with it... someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your business just like it’s none of my business.
The last person I would want as a neighbor, is one of these gun bubbas spouting off here. You couldn't let your kids play in your own yard, it would be stupid to let a dog loose outside , living in the country or not. And when they were home you would have to make sure you have as many walls as you can between your family and your gun bubba neighbor.
Yep, you’re a control freak

With the number of accidental discharges that happen every day he's controlling his Family and Home. I live beside someone like that. He also knows that I am armed and would not put up with him running around in the yard wielding his guns. It could get very serious very quickly. Bullets have no idea where the property lines begin and end.
There are already 8 million AR-15s out there, and wanna be super soldier psychos love buying and using them in mass murders, so let's stop selling them and let's have really Universal background checks lyke everyone but real gun nuts want to have. Gun corporations run the NRA and the GOP. Great job...

And the worst mass school shooting was done with 2 pistols, Virginia Tech, and 32 people were murdered......making your point about banning AR-15s stupid.

Universal background checks are also stupid...

Mass public shooters can pass current federal background checks, dumb ass, which means, dumb ass....that they can pass a universal background check....making your point really stupid....

criminals use straw buyers to get their guns.....straw buyers can pass current federally mandated background checks which means they can also pass any universal background check........

The only reason the anti gun movement wants universal background checks is so they can demand universal gun registration.....their golden ticket to banning and confiscating guns when they finally get the power...
I I am worried about the psychos who love buying AR-15s. Nobody wants to ban all all guns, super duper...
We need Universal background check and registration of semi automatics at least. You dupes are terrified of imaginary stuff that has no chance. The NRA totally dominates.
Universal background checks and firearm registration are 100% unconstitutional
Kiss off bubba you have zero clue what the constitution means. Every one of you wackers have your own interpretation of the constitution, but buddy the legislators and courts can take away any gun from you they see to be detrimental to this republic , You have zero clue and every time you say something you prove it.
When a crazy decides to go on a rampage, and kill as many as they can do they chose bolt action, lever, or pump gun? No, they chose an assault weapon, with a fast reloadable magazine. Since Columbine we have seen multiple mass murders. The ones that have the highest kill rates are done with AR type weapons. Requiring a special license to own one of these would help considerably in keeping the assault weapons out of the hands of the crazies. However, you absolutists will create a situation where we have gun control laws that affect even the weapons I have. It is you, and those like you are a danger to my right to own a weapon.
Assault weapon?
You obviously know nothing and are just a liberal parrot.
No one, repeat NO ONE would go into a fire fight with a glorified 22LR, and, THAT IS WHAT AN AR15 IS.
You are an idiot.

Yet we have had millions of GI go into fire fights with that "Glorified 22LR". Except it's not a 22LR. It's a 223/556 high velocity rifle cartridge originally designed to kill or wound Human Beings long before it was introduced in a sporting rifle. Let' s look at the specs on the two.

22 long rifle
.22 caliber
40 grain
1200 fps
131 ft lbs
Used by many boyscouts as their first gun.

Comes in two varieties but we will lump them together for time restraints
.223/.556 Caliber
55 grain
3240 fps
1282 ft lbs
Used primarily by Military

Wow, that's some Glorification you have there, Grandma.
It’s just slightly more than a varmint rifle that’s all ar15’s are, you watch far too many Hollywood movies made by child molesting Hollywood types. You need to educate yourself old man
Tell me how many people would be killed by guns if there was no guns. Hell this comment makes more sense then yours.
You look at one detail and fail to see the big picture.
There are other factors involved in killings besides guns.
It appears that people want to blame guns, but forget that murderers don't need guns to kill.
It's like the gun is the murderer, not the person pulling the trigger.
No guns no triggers.
No guns but knives, bats, 2 by 4s , fists, feet, tree limbs, rebar, cars, trucks, etc ad infinitum

Once again

Irrefutable laws of the universe

1 People kill people
2 People have always killed people
3 People will always kill people
4 Gravity
Guns were designed and made to kill people, 2x4's weren't. No guns , no deaths by guns
Na, not really.
Firearms have no control over people, most people learn that in grade school
Tell that to the millions that have been killed by them, why make such a stupid comment.
You just can't face it that you aren't going to win this one. We have had at least one near mass shooting here. It was stopped by an alert community. The 17 year old was apprehended before he got to the school gate by the cops who overwhelmed him with force and didn't give him time to get his mind together enough to get his weapon out. You see, walking down a sidewalk in a long coat with a bulge under it and it's not raining isn't exactly normal. Someone has to see it. If the Community doesn't report it, the kid makes it to the school and the school has things in place to keep the body count down, not to stop the initial shootings. But it was stopped before it reached the gates by a concerned citizen calling it in. The 1000 foot rule of no guns around a school was taken seriously and it paid off. This did not make the Nation News. No mention of it on Fox News or CNN. Nothing. His weapon of Choice? An AR-15 style weapon he "Borrowed" from his Dad along with 3 30 round mags. His reason given? He was going for the record. It wasn't even his school. Was he on any prescription drugs? None. I wonder how many other almost happenings like that are thwarted and not reported each day on the national news.
Millions of ARs and the like are owned by second amendment enthusiasts in this country, The percentage of them used in violent crime is what? A fraction of a fraction of fraction of a percent... maybe
This country has much bigger fish to fry, take your pick...
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America

We prevent what we can in life. Common Sense Gun Laws makes sense. it takes the really foolish off the books. And it minimizes the body count. If that is all it does then that's a good thing. If what you preach prevents the common sense gun laws and the body count stays high then you are contributing to those high body counts.
More frivolous gun control laws will not save a single soul… Fact

Those frivolous gun control laws you mention stopped at least one school shooting here. Common Sense Gun Laws DO make a difference. It doesn't stop them all but it does stop most and does keep the body count down on the ones it doesn't. And if that is all we can do then it's a good thing. You lose this one but the rest of us win. Now, let's see your ad for your gun dealership. Or at least post a picture of you wearing your pink tutu while riding your spotted Unicorn.
You just cannot stand not being able to control people you disagree with... obviously

Let's see. The law in almost all the states say that we have common sense gun laws. You scream that they are against the constitution. The Supreme Court says they are constitutional. I follow the law. You claim to be a Gun Dealer yet you refuse to follow the law because it's Unconstitutional. Since you aren't in prison, that means that you aren't a gun dealer unless it's an illegal gun dealer to gangs and you just haven't been caught yet. Or you are blowing smoke and do wear a pink tutu and ride a Unicorn.
There are already 8 million AR-15s out there, and wanna be super soldier psychos love buying and using them in mass murders, so let's stop selling them and let's have really Universal background checks lyke everyone but real gun nuts want to have. Gun corporations run the NRA and the GOP. Great job...

And the worst mass school shooting was done with 2 pistols, Virginia Tech, and 32 people were murdered......making your point about banning AR-15s stupid.

Universal background checks are also stupid...

Mass public shooters can pass current federal background checks, dumb ass, which means, dumb ass....that they can pass a universal background check....making your point really stupid....

criminals use straw buyers to get their guns.....straw buyers can pass current federally mandated background checks which means they can also pass any universal background check........

The only reason the anti gun movement wants universal background checks is so they can demand universal gun registration.....their golden ticket to banning and confiscating guns when they finally get the power...
I I am worried about the psychos who love buying AR-15s. Nobody wants to ban all all guns, super duper...
We need Universal background check and registration of semi automatics at least. You dupes are terrified of imaginary stuff that has no chance. The NRA totally dominates.
Universal background checks and firearm registration are 100% unconstitutional
Kiss off bubba you have zero clue what the constitution means. Every one of you wackers have your own interpretation of the constitution, but buddy the legislators and courts can take away any gun from you they see to be detrimental to this republic , You have zero clue and every time you say something you prove it.
Universal background checks are just dog whistle for firearm confiscation and firearm registration is 100% unconstitutional

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