What percentage of white america is racist?

Because it is much blacker than Norway is white, so by the standards of diversity enforced on western nations it should be called "too black".
Who is enforcing diversity on Norway? What you white boys do in your countries is your business. Stop whining. We dont pay attention to what you cave monkeys want.
Well of course you don't, everybody knows that white people are the most progressive and least racist population in the world, and black people are easily among the most racist.

This is why the time for self loathing white liberals is running out, there is nothing "progressive" about blatant self hatred.
I guess thats why there is racism in so many white countries. Because whites are progressive and non racist.
There are no progressives in non-white countries.
If that were true europeans would still be living in caves.
More bullshit.
Who is enforcing diversity on Norway? What you white boys do in your countries is your business. Stop whining. We dont pay attention to what you cave monkeys want.
Well of course you don't, everybody knows that white people are the most progressive and least racist population in the world, and black people are easily among the most racist.

This is why the time for self loathing white liberals is running out, there is nothing "progressive" about blatant self hatred.
I guess thats why there is racism in so many white countries. Because whites are progressive and non racist.
There are no progressives in non-white countries.
If that were true europeans would still be living in caves.
More bullshit.
Actually it would be more cave monkey shit.
You are full of shit! You have no idea what the meaning of the consent decree is, or that it is promulgated by cities, counties and special districts too. Why lie? Does the truth cause you cognitive dissonance? Do you even cogitate?

I have a good idea that you've been fucked over, and not because some women or person of color got a special break. Your attitude wouldn't get you a passing score in any interview, unless the panel doing the interview were all wearing flour sack hats.

So you are hiring people based on the color of their skin, rather than their suitability for the job.

But that's not institutional racism because OBAMA AKBAR....

The people I hired were hired based on their MQ's, & their ability to write clearly and communicate with a large demographic; their proven ability to get alone with others and get to work on time consistently. I did not hire anyone do to their ethnicity, color, place of birth or gender.

Did we make mistakes? Sure, but LE personal are very well supervised during their first year on the job, and it was rare but not uncommon that I asked for the badge of those who did not have the right stuff. They, being on probation, had no repeal rights.
Nope. A racist in my world is any cave monkey that dislikes me and thinks they are superior due to their inferiority complex. BTW I dont hate whitey. I have a child thats half white and I get along with most white women just fine.

Ah -- so you'll fuck a white chick to show the white man who's really the boss. Got it. How progressive of you.

......... and here, I had been wondering the origin of that old saying "Once you go milk weed, with no other you'll breed".
Nope. A racist in my world is any cave monkey that dislikes me and thinks they are superior due to their inferiority complex. BTW I dont hate whitey. I have a child thats half white and I get along with most white women just fine.

Ah -- so you'll fuck a white chick to show the white man who's really the boss. Got it. How progressive of you.

......... and here, I had been wondering the origin of that old saying "Once you go milk weed, with no other you'll breed".
I've never fucked a white chick to show a white man who the boss was. When I needed to do that I left the white women out of it and just kicked the white boys ass so there was no room for misinterpretation of the message I was sending.

I dont think its progressive of me to have sex with white women. They are women and its a natural thing.
What percentage of black America is racist?

Likely 70+ percent.
I understand why the Jews don't like Germans but why did the Germans hate Jews? Rhetorical question. The point is, I understand why black people hate whites. It's justified.

So, racism and hate is OK with you?
Not really. I think black people need to get over it.

There is no reason anyone has to be poor in America. ANYONE can make it in America.

BUT if you have kids before you've made it out of poverty, that's your fault. I'm done feeling sorry for people who cause their own problems.

That doesn't mean I think GOP policies are good for them or even the middle class. I just think blacks need to to take conservatives advice
Well of course you don't, everybody knows that white people are the most progressive and least racist population in the world, and black people are easily among the most racist.

This is why the time for self loathing white liberals is running out, there is nothing "progressive" about blatant self hatred.
I guess thats why there is racism in so many white countries. Because whites are progressive and non racist.
There are no progressives in non-white countries.
If that were true europeans would still be living in caves.
More bullshit.
Actually it would be more cave monkey shit.
As if their covert racism isn't obvious.

For example, if they wanted to do the right thing they wouldn't defund public schools. We all know who that's going to hurt the most.

If they wanted to be fair they'd give every child going to public schools the same amount. People in upper middle class Ares of course pay more than poor inner city people but every kid should get an equal education
.... I think black people need to get over it......

And who the fuck are you to say?

You're always whining, chink.

We don't even know your position. Why don't you tell us what you think.

A. So you didn't like me saying blacks need to get over it. What are you saying? What is your opinion? Please explain

Are you black?
What percentage of black America is racist?

Likely 70+ percent.
I understand why the Jews don't like Germans but why did the Germans hate Jews? Rhetorical question. The point is, I understand why black people hate whites. It's justified.

So, racism and hate is OK with you?
Apparently unkotard disagrees with me so he must agree with you but the little retard is unable to articulate himself.
.... I think black people need to get over it......

And who the fuck are you to say?

You're always whining, chink.

We don't even know your position. Why don't you tell us what you think.

A. So you didn't like me saying blacks need to get over it. What are you saying? What is your opinion? Please explain

Are you black?
Are you retarded unkotard? Dropped on your head too many times? Is that why you washed out of wrestling?

I'll tell you boy that philosophy degree was wasted on you
.... I think black people need to get over it......

And who the fuck are you to say?

You're always whining, chink.


You're always attacking people, what's the deal? :D
And that's all he has to say? Who am I to say blacks need to get over it? I'm a fucking guy on a message board.

And if I'm wrong can unkoretard explain to us why? I bet he cant
.... I think black people need to get over it......

And who the fuck are you to say?

You're always whining, chink.


You're always attacking people, what's the deal? :D
And that's all he has to say? Who am I to say blacks need to get over it? I'm a fucking guy on a message board.

And if I'm wrong can unkoretard explain to us why? I bet he cant

Take it easy on the poor fella. :biggrin:

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