What rightwingers can’t seem to grasp about Trump’s “shitholes” statement

What rightwingers can’t seem to grasp about Trump’s “shitholes” statement

Sorry, no, how do you go about talking about something only alleged as if it is an actual fact? What does that say about our society when people do not distinguish between "stories" and actual events? When "facts" are what you just want to believe? It has already been shown that all of this started from a lie promulgated by the Left. He said she said. In other words, you have wasted DAYS of your life talking about something as if it were real that never even happened, making you the ultimate Dupe. Point of this thread? None.
Yes, arguably those countries are shitholes in terms of their functioning economies.

That isn’t the point, however. The economy is one thing, but he also insulted the culture and the people themselves. Why is it so hard for this 71 year old 8th grader to just show some basic respect for other nations regardless of what they are and how they are perceived?

Well as far as showing them respect, he did make the comment behind closed doors, didn't he? Trump uses a bad selection of words all the time, i would admit it doesn't sound presidential to me, but at least his comment was not meant to be a public address. It was only because of a 5th grade snitch that the words shithole were plastered all over television. that wasn't really necessary. The 5th grade snitch should have handled it like a man instead. Giving Trump a piece of his mind, face to face and asking for clarification about his comment would have been sufficient, but then, CNN would not have been able to parade one more thing in the effort to bring down Trump.So you could say it was a good thing for national news to get that out there.
As for Haiti being a shithole though, you are right. It's only because of their economy, well, they did have a rough start as a pirate haven, and I believe it's true that the International controllers of world currency have kept many of the carribean nations at a disadvantage especially at crucial times in their development. But regardless of the reasons, their society has descended to a lower level in some ways, and greatly because of poverty, and being isolated.
Haitian people are actually pretty nice, and like all people they are not inherently stupid. I know 4 people who are Hatian here in the US, one is a doctor, one is just a house wife with three kids and two are engineers who go back and forth from The island of LaTortue and California , because they own land and have a foundation on the island for their village. Honestly these people I know are really great,wonderful, its a small sample size though, if you go there youll sort of see that because of desperation and hopelessness life has become cheap in some ways but the potential is there. I have a close friend who worked with these guys directly over the last 8 years with their foundation, and In developing a primary school all the way up to college studies on the island. I'll tell you when she first started trying to get kids to go to school there, she could not stop them from throwing rocks at each other, and had to battle with the parents to let their kids go to school on days other than when meals were served, which was only 2 days a week. In other words, at least in this isolated place, they had to re-learn the value of education. But as years went on... the students themselves were asking for a college professor at the school. So what that tells me, is that though Haiti may be a shit hole for many reasons, the people there are still actually pretty amazing. faced with the fact that the ferry boat to the mainland was too dangerous for visitors, they two brothers built a three mast sailing boat by hand, the old fashioned way with hand tools and it looks amazing . The people are not stupid, In some ways they could be smarter than us with our modern conveniences. On the other hand though, look at the pictures where people throw garbage everywhere. they do that because they don't care, and just have to re-learn some of these things like conservation. I saw the same thing in Africa, people just throwing their wrappers of food wherever they happened to open them, and people burning garbage everywhere, and cutting down too many trees it's really a mess, and honestly, in those ways it is a shithole place to live. it just so happens that at the same time its in places that could be like paradise under the right circumstances.

Point trump was trying to make i think is if you bring to many millions of people all at one time who have not YET , learned the value of education and not throwing garbage everywhere, and throwing rocks and bottles at each other all at one time, it makes it pretty hard to assimilate. There is a point to be taken there despite the rough words.
Yes, arguably those countries are shitholes in terms of their functioning economies.

That isn’t the point, however. The economy is one thing, but he also insulted the culture and the people themselves. Why is it so hard for this 71 year old 8th grader to just show some basic respect for other nations regardless of what they are and how they are perceived?

Hmmmm. I don't know that Haitti is a shithole, seems like a lot of Americans go down there. Obviously after hurricanes, earthquakes, etc. everything can be considered a shithole. Look at some of the pictures of the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico today--are we now going to call them shitholes too?

You're talking about Tom Cotton Senator of Arkansas--and Senator David Perdue of Georgia, whose initial statement was "they couldn't recall" what Trump said in that meeting. They then came came and made another comment, that now they remember--"he didn't say that." Now today they recall it all. He didn't say shithole he said shithouses.

In a joint statement, Sens. Tom Cotton of Arkansas and David Purdue of Georgia said they did not recall Trump's remarks.
2 Republican senators claim to have not heard Trump's 'shithole' countries remark

Memory refreshed, Tom Cotton now disputes that Trump made "shithole" comments. I'm honestly a little confused why anyone is bothering to lie about President Donald Trump's controversial "shithole" comments at this point. Some of Trump's allies (Rep. Steve Womack included) have defended the substance of the comments, but there hasn't been much dispute that the president referred to immigrants from "shithole countries" (that would be Haiti and certain African nations). Both Sen. Dick Durbin and Sen. Lindsey Graham, who were in the room,have confirmed that Trump in fact said what he said. Sen. Jeff Flake has stated that he heard it from people who were at the meeting immediately after it was over.
Memory refreshed, Tom Cotton now disputes that Trump made "shithole" comments

But Washington Post reporter Josh Dawsey reported that this difference is the basis for the recent denials of Sens. Tom Cotton, R-Arkansas, and David Perdue, R-Georgia, that Mr. Trump used "sh*thole" to refer to the countries. Both senators were present at the meeting when the president was said by Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Illinois, to have uttered the phrase.
Did Trump say sh*thole or sh*thouse?

They're as big as liars as Trump is.


Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas


Senator David Purdue of Georgia

Obviously when you trying to cover for a pathological liar like Trump--by lying yourself to cover for him, you're going to get your ass burned in the process.
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Yes, arguably those countries are shitholes in terms of their functioning economies.

That isn’t the point, however. The economy is one thing, but he also insulted the culture and the people themselves. Why is it so hard for this 71 year old 8th grader to just show some basic respect for other nations regardless of what they are and how they are perceived?

Did he say anything specifically about the people or their culture? Or are you just making assumptions based on your own bigotry?

If a foreign leader called the US a “shithole” or anything remotely insulting, you dickbags wouid not stop crying over it and you know it.

Wrong. We would just laugh.
Third world countries SHOULD be insulted. The people and culture are the dregs of humanity who never had the brains of values to create a decent society. And parasites on first world countries. They ARE scum. They are cautionary tales on what NOT to do.

Where did you liberals get this fantasy that third-world vermin are these innocent, child-like, saint-like magical pixies incapable of doing wrong? Talk about putting lipstick on a pig!
Yes, arguably those countries are shitholes in terms of their functioning economies.

That isn’t the point, however. The economy is one thing, but he also insulted the culture and the people themselves. Why is it so hard for this 71 year old 8th grader to just show some basic respect for other nations regardless of what they are and how they are perceived?

Bullshit. A shithole is a shithole and Haiti has always been and will always be shithole.

You can't make that country better by telling everyone about the culture. That country has no culture and never will have.

Its a shithole.
Yes, arguably those countries are shitholes in terms of their functioning economies.

That isn’t the point, however. The economy is one thing, but he also insulted the culture and the people themselves. Why is it so hard for this 71 year old 8th grader to just show some basic respect for other nations regardless of what they are and how they are perceived?

Er...umm.. the comment was made during closed door bi-partisan negotiations regarding the immigration "deal" and the fact that some of the participants ran out and blathered to the media is a strong indication that those individual(s) were not there to negotiate in good faith, this is just another example of the partisan "gotcha" bullshit that has led to neither of the Washingtonian Crime Families being worth a damn when it comes to putting the interests of the citizenry before their own political interests.

It would be one thing if President Twitter had made the comment publicly (personally I wouldn't care since I enjoy watching all the politically correct dickweeds lose their minds over this sort of inane nonsense) but he didn't , he made it behind closed doors and those attending the negotiations should have kept it to themselves in order to keep the focus on concluding the negotiations successfully rather than engaging in childish tattling.
Yes, arguably those countries are shitholes in terms of their functioning economies.

That isn’t the point, however. The economy is one thing, but he also insulted the culture and the people themselves. Why is it so hard for this 71 year old 8th grader to just show some basic respect for other nations regardless of what they are and how they are perceived?
The people of those countries are responsible for the condition of their countries.
Trump was correct in saying those are not the types of people we need to be bringing in.
That’s not what he said. Face the nation Tom Cotton. Listen
I don't care if he did or didn't. The facts remain as I stated.
So blaming someone for something unsaid is your fair? That’s sad.
Yes, arguably those countries are shitholes in terms of their functioning economies.

That isn’t the point, however. The economy is one thing, but he also insulted the culture and the people themselves. Why is it so hard for this 71 year old 8th grader to just show some basic respect for other nations regardless of what they are and how they are perceived?

Er...umm.. the comment was made during closed door bi-partisan negotiations regarding the immigration "deal" and the fact that some of the participants ran out and blathered to the media is a strong indication that those individual(s) were not there to negotiate in good faith, this is just another example of the partisan "gotcha" bullshit that has led to neither of the Washingtonian Crime Families being worth a damn when it comes to putting the interests of the citizenry before their own political interests.

It would be one thing if President Twitter had made the comment publicly (personally I wouldn't care since I enjoy watching all the politically correct dickweeds lose their minds over this sort of inane nonsense) but he didn't , he made it behind closed doors and those attending the negotiations should have kept it to themselves in order to keep the focus on concluding the negotiations successfully rather than engaging in childish tattling.
But didn’t say it
Yes, arguably those countries are shitholes in terms of their functioning economies.

That isn’t the point, however. The economy is one thing, but he also insulted the culture and the people themselves. Why is it so hard for this 71 year old 8th grader to just show some basic respect for other nations regardless of what they are and how they are perceived?
Yes, arguably those countries are shitholes in terms of their functioning economies.
billy you just agreed with trump.....
Any moron can point out Africa contains terrible economies.
yea,like you just did....
Yes, arguably those countries are shitholes in terms of their functioning economies.

That isn’t the point, however. The economy is one thing, but he also insulted the culture and the people themselves. Why is it so hard for this 71 year old 8th grader to just show some basic respect for other nations regardless of what they are and how they are perceived?
Yes, arguably those countries are shitholes in terms of their functioning economies.
billy you just agreed with trump.....

Was Rump rejecting the idea of importing those countries' economies?

Who farted that?
billy just farted that he agrees with trump.....
Liberals call Pres. Trump a racist for not seeing the beauty of Haitian culture. .... :cool:


Which is what America would look like if the Cons got their way and eliminated the Epa and environmental laws .

Loserterian policies will turn America into a shit hole that is for sure!

Oh, right, it's the right wing that wants to import millions of ignorant peasants from the third world who will take American jobs.
Yes, arguably those countries are shitholes in terms of their functioning economies.

That isn’t the point, however. The economy is one thing, but he also insulted the culture and the people themselves. Why is it so hard for this 71 year old 8th grader to just show some basic respect for other nations regardless of what they are and how they are perceived?
The people of those countries are responsible for the condition of their countries.
Trump was correct in saying those are not the types of people we need to be bringing in.

Nope. He was engaging in a mass generalization fallacy.

Even if a given country was/is a shithole, he would have been talking about people who recognize that, and are leaving it. So DUH -- that would seem to be exactly what we do want. Rump is a fucking moron.
I don’t want that. Where do you think you make decisions for all. Let’s vote on it punk. Oh wait, we did trump fking won. So you’re incorrect
Liberals call Pres. Trump a racist for not seeing the beauty of Haitian culture. .... :cool:


Which is what America would look like if the Cons got their way and eliminated the Epa and environmental laws .

Loserterian policies will turn America into a shit hole that is for sure!

Oh, right, it's the right wing that wants to import millions of ignorant peasants from the third world who will take American jobs.
Trump won on this as main issue. Fk them all
Yes, arguably those countries are shitholes in terms of their functioning economies.

That isn’t the point, however. The economy is one thing, but he also insulted the culture and the people themselves. Why is it so hard for this 71 year old 8th grader to just show some basic respect for other nations regardless of what they are and how they are perceived?
The people of those countries are responsible for the condition of their countries.
Trump was correct in saying those are not the types of people we need to be bringing in.
And why do assholes like you get to decide that? Talk about unconditional. You hypocrites. You only harp on the constitution to fit your narrative.
He gets to decide because he's an American, dumbass. Who do you think should decide, the Haitians?
Derp derp derp! I’m an American too you doofus. It’s not up him, me, or you. It’s already in the constitution that they can come here.
It is? Post the statute
Yes, arguably those countries are shitholes in terms of their functioning economies.

That isn’t the point, however. The economy is one thing, but he also insulted the culture and the people themselves. Why is it so hard for this 71 year old 8th grader to just show some basic respect for other nations regardless of what they are and how they are perceived?
The people of those countries are responsible for the condition of their countries.
Trump was correct in saying those are not the types of people we need to be bringing in.
And why do assholes like you get to decide that? Talk about unconditional. You hypocrites. You only harp on the constitution to fit your narrative.
He gets to decide because he's an American, dumbass. Who do you think should decide, the Haitians?
Derp derp derp! I’m an American too you doofus. It’s not up him, me, or you. It’s already in the constitution that they can come here.
It is? Post the statute
This should be interesting lol
The people of those countries are responsible for the condition of their countries.
Trump was correct in saying those are not the types of people we need to be bringing in.
And why do assholes like you get to decide that? Talk about unconditional. You hypocrites. You only harp on the constitution to fit your narrative.
He gets to decide because he's an American, dumbass. Who do you think should decide, the Haitians?
Derp derp derp! I’m an American too you doofus. It’s not up him, me, or you. It’s already in the constitution that they can come here.
It is? Post the statute
This should be interesting lol
The left talk like they have Tourette’s syndrome. No knowledge of life
Yes, arguably those countries are shitholes in terms of their functioning economies.

That isn’t the point, however. The economy is one thing, but he also insulted the culture and the people themselves. Why is it so hard for this 71 year old 8th grader to just show some basic respect for other nations regardless of what they are and how they are perceived?
What rightists can’t grasp is that they’re as ridiculous as they are reprehensible in their failed attempt to defend Trump’s racism – one can’t ‘defend’ the indefensible.
And yet you defend obummer. What a fool

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