What should U.S. policy be towards the Ukraine conflict?

It’s really very simple. A policy of nonintervention is easy to implement and follow.

Ukraine is none of the USG’s fucking business.

If this policy had been followed, there’d be no war and 400,000 young Ukrainians would still be alive or uninjured.
Yeah, it is always very simple for you. A person with a dog-like worldview - through a black-and-white matrix - is barely able on something else.
Yeah, it is always very simple for you. A person with a dog-like worldview - through a black-and-white matrix - is barely able on something else.
That’s the thing about fools, they can’t see the truth because their blind to it.
I don't need your allowance. If you want to display your ignorance and simple-mindedness, I can't forbid you.
Yeah being anti-war is just so ignorant and simple-minded. Gotcha Attila.
It’s really very simple. A policy of nonintervention is easy to implement and follow.

Ukraine is none of the USG’s fucking business.

If this policy had been followed, there’d be no war and 400,000 young Ukrainians would still be alive or uninjured.
To say nothing of the trillions of dollars in damages and the collapsed economy.

I don't know that the lives of the Ukrainians would be any better or worse under Ukraine's rule or Russian.
You rejoice at every “victory” of Russian reaction and Putin’s army? This war — unfortunately — is by no means over.
Why do you support this crime?

War Is a Racket… U.S. and NATO Arms Industries Make Record $400 Billion in Sales From Proxy War With Russia

Strategic Culture
August 14, 2023
Western weapons manufacturers are popping champagne corks over record sales with total revenues hitting $400 billion for last year. According to media reports, this coming year-end will see that record figure exceeded by another salivating $50 billion.

Ukraine may be resembling a bloodbath, as we noted in last week’s editorial. But apparently, Western military corporations are swimming in a bonanza of profits and stock market investments.

Most of this lucrative new business stems from NATO’s proxy war with Russia in Ukraine, which is heading toward its second year. There is no sign of a diplomatic effort from the West or the Kiev regime it sponsors to end the bloodshed.

The main corporate beneficiaries making a financial killing from Ukraine are by far the American firms. They include such behemoths as Lockheed Martin, Boeing and RTX (formerly Raytheon). But also enjoying soaring profits are arms makers in other NATO countries: BAE in the United Kingdom, Airbus in France, Netherlands and Spain, Leonardo in Italy, and Germany’s Rheinmetall.

This week the Joe Biden administration requested another $24 billion in U.S. taxpayer-funded aid to Ukraine. It’s hard to keep track of the money flowing from NATO countries to prop up the Nazi regime in Kiev.

What we are seeing is an audacious racket whereby the American and European public are subsidizing the funneling of their own taxpayers’ money into the coffers of weapons firms. And there is no democratic choice in the matter. It’s a fait accompli. Or, put another way, extortion.
War Is a Racket… U.S. and NATO Arms Industries Make Record $400 Billion in Sales From Proxy War With Russia - LewRockwell
So you want Zelenski to decide U.S. policy?
I want Ukraine and Zalenski to decided Ukraine's policy toward Putin's invasion of their country, since they are the ones thinking their freedom and independence is worth fighting and dying for.
So, you do approve the invasion of Ukraine. I do not.
I don’t either, but it wouldn’t have occurred had the USG not instigated supported and promoted it. All to benefit the MIC and harm Russia.

War is a racket. If only Americans knew this.
I don’t either, but it wouldn’t have occurred had the USG not instigated supported and promoted it. All to benefit the MIC and harm Russia.

War is a racket. If only Americans knew this.
So, you are saying, without support, Ukraine would have fallen quickly, Russian control would have been reestablished, as you want it to be, and your opinion is that Russian Control of Ukraine, is in the interests of Ukraine, the US and NATO. I disagree.
The question is, what country would Russia have wanted next, and always has been. Besides the outright treasure of owning Ukraine for mother Russia, Ukraine is bordering NATO and NATO defends Europe and democracies across the continent. It is better to have Ukraine fighting Russia, than NATO countries, and they prefer to be free and independent of Russia, to they say it is in their interests and they are willing to fight for their country, if they have the means to fight. I support continuing to give them the means.
So, you do approve the invasion of Ukraine. I do not.
Approve of it? No.

Willing to spend billions of dollars in goods and treasure to defend with no discernable strategic purpose? NO!
Approve of it? No.

Willing to spend billions of dollars in goods and treasure to defend with no discernable strategic purpose? NO!
I think the strategic purpose is protection, assuring the continuity of a free democratically elected Europe, as a whole and the freedom of markets and economies.
The question is, what country would Russia have wanted next, and always has been. Besides the outright treasure of owning Ukraine for mother Russia, Ukraine is bordering NATO and NATO defends Europe and democracies across the continent. It is better to have Ukraine fighting Russia, than NATO countries, and they prefer to be free and independent of Russia, to they say it is in their interests and they are willing to fight for their country, if they have the means to fight. I support continuing to give them the means.
For how long? I thought Democrats were opposed to never-ending wars.
During the Cold War the Soviets weakened the US by supporting the North Vietnamese. They did a lot of damage and didn't lose any troops.

Turnabout is fair play.
Really? Oh, come on man! :D

I think the strategic purpose is protection, assuring the continuity of a free democratically elected Europe, as a whole and the freedom of markets and economies.
So it's Europe's problem, not ours. I thought Democrats were opposed to never-ending wars.

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