What "State Secrets" Did Joe Biden Sell ?

What I'm in is a political party that values law & order, national sovereignty, sanity, the Constitution, fairness. You are in a cult that values sexual perversion, lawlessness, and multicultural chaos/lunacy.

I've noticed though that you guys use the word "cult" quite a bit, as if you think that is somehow helping you . It's not . It looks stupid. Maybe you should go back to some of your previous catchwords/phrases like "conspiracy theory", "out of context", "debunked', "racist. lol
Then you aren’t a Republican.
What I'm in is a political party that values law & order, national sovereignty, sanity, the Constitution, fairness. You are in a cult that values sexual perversion, lawlessness, and multicultural chaos/lunacy.

I've noticed though that you guys use the word "cult" quite a bit, as if you think that is somehow helping you . It's not . It looks stupid. Maybe you should go back to some of your previous catchwords/phrases like "conspiracy theory", "out of context", "debunked', "racist. lol


You value law and order, do ya, gramps?

Trump is facing 71 charges, with more likely coming. Are you gonna vote for him if he's convicted on any of them?

You value law and order, do ya, gramps?

Trump is facing 71 charges, with more likely coming. Are you gonna vote for him if he's convicted on any of them?
Absolutely. He doesnt HAVE ANY "charges". He has concocted accusations, all designed to stop him from running for president.
62% of Americans say politics is ''motivating'' the Justice Department's case.

The Chinese are very smart. In the end it is quite likely they will not have to defeat us with their military but instead they will just buy our politicians.. Our politicians will just then give our nation away so they can become rich beyond belief.
It's happening, and oblivious Democirats, are supporting it, by supporting Biden.
Absolutely. He doesnt HAVE ANY "charges". He has concocted accusations, all designed to stop him from running for president.
62% of Americans say politics is ''motivating'' the Justice Department's case.

So much for your bullshit that you stand for law and order.

Taiwan makes most of the best computer chips, so it needs to be protected.
Then why do you support Biden? when his policy (confirmed by Sect of State Blinken last week) is ONE CHINA (ie. NO defense of Taiwan independence)
So much for your bullshit that you stand for law and order.

You are the bullshitter. Republicans stand for law & order. Want a few examples of Democrat lawlessness ? >>>

1. Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, instead of having his cops arrest rioters, he joined the rioters.
2. Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkin still didn't take action against rioters/occupiers, when they tried to burn down a police station while locking the cops inside. She called the occupation "Summer of Love" and a "Block party"
3. New York run by Democrats, released David Jakubonis with hours, after his attempted murder of Republican governor candidate Lee Zeldin.
4. For 58 years, Democrats have illegally enacted Affirmative Action, in violation if the 1964 US Civil Rights Act. Most of them still support it.
5. In riots all over the country ( San Jose, Chicago, New York, Baltimore, Ferguson,etc) Democrat mayors had cops stand down, and let rioters riot. Democrat Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings said :"we gave those who wished to destroy, space to do that". Democrat pro-crime lunacy.
What I'm in is a political party that values law & order, national sovereignty, sanity, the Constitution, fairness. You are in a cult that values sexual perversion, lawlessness, and multicultural chaos/lunacy.

I've noticed though that you guys use the word "cult" quite a bit, as if you think that is somehow helping you . It's not . It looks stupid. Maybe you should go back to some of your previous catchwords/phrases like "conspiracy theory", "out of context", "debunked', "racist. lol
You don't value law and order. In your mind that chimp trump can do no wrong. You believe in undermining American values ie elections and law enforcement. You can't accept reality. You're a piece of shit.
Then why do you support Biden? when his policy (confirmed by Sect of State Blinken last week) is ONE CHINA (ie. NO defense of Taiwan independence)
Who are you to demand Biden do one thing or another? I remember the Trumpistas whining about a possible WW III, when Pelosi went to Taiwan. Hardly the crowd to be giving advice. Go back to your bunker. We’ll let you know when it’s over.

Gramps, you posited, "you name it." But you can't name it. :lmao:

Now I see why this thread is in the conspiracy cellar.
I didn't say I COULD name it. In fact I said I could NOT name the state secrets Biden said that he sold. So I was asking posters if THEY knew what the secrets are, and if so, then tell us what they are (you name it) - Get it, now ?
Joe Biden has openly admitted to the corruption, if not treason, of selling state secrets, We all know that. But WHAT those "state secrets" are (or we should now say WERE), is my question.

Were they >>>
1. Military ?
2. Economic ?
3. Political ?
4. Scientific ?
5. You name it >>
All of them, traitor.
You don't value law and order. In your mind that chimp trump can do no wrong. You believe in undermining American values ie elections and law enforcement. You can't accept reality. You're a piece of shit.
You are just a total DUPE, who is duped into believing Trump broke laws, when all his charges are nothing but political hack job to stop him from running for president in 2024.

In the meantime. Biden has repeatedly, openly admitted to serious real crimes (videos posted in this thread), and you mindlessly support him.

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