What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

You don't know these weapons. You clowns have been telling us they aren't military, not assault rifles. Well 50 dead and 50 injured later they sure as hell are mass killing weapons. You tell us if only there is an armed defender. Well there was an armed defender. You have been selling BS.

I know the weapons far better than you. I also recognize the special type of crazy stupid you are.
Have you noticed that every time these liberal assholes go on the gun control warpath we mock them without mercy making them look like stupid retards and they shut up.

Actually you look like morons again.

Wow, that is the debating skill level of a previous poster, SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED.

How many times do you guys need to be proven wrong?

you haven't proven jack shit.

50 dead and 50 injured with an armed defender there. That pretty much shoots down all your BS actually.

Do you fondle yourself each type you repeat "50 dead and 50 injured"?
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a killing machine?

They should not be able to. Look at the carnage at Orlando, nobody should be able to own one.
Too damned bad. Too late. Already in my possession. Come and get it!

You sound like those Oregon guys that are dead or in jail now...
the real question is

why are libtards so ignorant about firearms

The real question is why does the right want to arm mass killers so well?
Nobody wants to arm mass killers.

Cry me a fucking river.

Well you are.

And you know it.

Because of the right he went and legally bought a mass killing weapons. So yes you are.
jmo, but I sorta doubt a terrorist will obey gun purchase laws.

Then he might get caught before killing people.

FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center
No offense but your link does not support your assertion because the authorities had received a tip before he armed himself.

I never considered an AR-15 for home defense, but after some reseach I'm sold. Unfortunately, I suspect prices have gone up the past couple of days.
the real question is

why are libtards so ignorant about firearms

The real question is why does the right want to arm mass killers so well?
Nobody wants to arm mass killers.

Cry me a fucking river.

Well you are.

And you know it.

Because of the right he went and legally bought a mass killing weapons. So yes you are.
Again. Bullshit.
An AR 15 is no more,or less potential to be deadly than a pump shot gun,or any other gun .

Really. And they say lefties have no firearms knowledge.

I guess if you compare a single shotgun blast to a single round fired from an AR, you might be on to something.

However, there is no shotgun with 30 round clips. There is no shotgun where you will hit your target lethally at 100 yards. There is no shotgun firing a rough at 2200fps that can penetrate armored helmets and jackets.

But you keep telling yourself whatever.

But if shotguns are as lethal as an AR, why are they so popular? Is it because they look like a military weapon? Shotguns can be oat less expensive. Both to buy and shoot.
If someone had a gun 49 might not be dead.

You can take any semi-auto rifle look like this.

And tell me again what rifle was used at the Boston Marathon Massacre?

Just how many may be dead when these Terrorists start using explosives?

There was an armed off duty cop there. Sorry but the if only someone was armed is BS.

The dude made 16 calls. If more people were armed this would not have happened.
jmo, but I sorta doubt a terrorist will obey gun purchase laws.

Then he might get caught before killing people.

FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center
No offense but your link does not support your assertion because the authorities had received a tip before he armed himself.

I never considered an AR-15 for home defense, but after some reseach I'm sold. Unfortunately, I suspect prices have gone up the past couple of days.

He was caught because he tried to illegally buy guns. Rather than murdering many he is in jail.
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

If you think a .223 is an assault rifle, you're as loony as the rest of the anti gun left. You'll let us know when we can own real military assault rifles such as the SAW.
If someone had a gun 49 might not be dead.

You can take any semi-auto rifle look like this.

And tell me again what rifle was used at the Boston Marathon Massacre?

Just how many may be dead when these Terrorists start using explosives?

There was an armed off duty cop there. Sorry but the if only someone was armed is BS.

The dude made 16 calls. If more people were armed this would not have happened.

The police also arrived very quickly. You still clinging to the sad we need more guns argument? Pathetic. Imagine all the friendly fire if many were armed. Heck they might stil be shooting each other after the oringinal shooter was down.
2nd amendment retard.


Why then can I not go to the local gun shop and buy a BAR and a few frag grenades? I could us the Browning for curls when I'm not hunting squirrels. The frag grenade would be great for those a-holes who tailgate, that would awaken them to the dangers they create.

Answer these questions, genius

Let the bitterness and rage out. It continues to burn through your soul. Lol.
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

If you think a .223 is an assault rifle, you're as loony as the rest of the anti gun left. You'll let us know when we can own real military assault rifles such as the SAW.

Sure kills a lot of people fast.
And if someone with more guns were inside?

So the cops arrived quickly? And you want to give up guns and let the cops protect you - RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And the why should anyone have a gun like this? BECAUSE IT'S THEIR RIGHT.

And it was not a AR-15
And if someone with more guns were inside?

So the cops arrived quickly? And you want to give up guns and let the cops protect you - RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want magazine limits. Nobody is using a high cap mag for defense.

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