What the hell is up with FNC?

There's your problem right there. The words "We had". The whole them vs us mentality. That's how it starts and descends. Fox was founded in 1996 as a conservative outlet because Murdoch felt that those people were being underserved. But FNC wasn't always the whack-a-doodle farm it turned into. Now, Murdoch's sons have largely taken over and they saw the writing on the wall and they pulled back from the crazy. Newsmax and OAN are up and comers so they gobbled up the crazy. It won't last. There are always true believers who will live in a bended reality because that's where they are comfortable. But most people will either get bored or disgusted.
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You've perfectly described the people who've exodus'd en masse to Newsmax and OAN.
Hungry for those lies and conspiracy theories.

Hey fun fact, like goats, sheep will consume just about anything.
While you want to be spoonfed a washed out version of lies from mainstream media.

The mainstream media has journalistic ethics. Something that FOX knows nothing about.

They do? Being totally, and unashamedly in the tank for one political party over another is unethical to me...
There's your problem right there. The words "We had". The whole them vs us mentality. That's how it starts and descends.
When I'm talking with a friend or relative who doesn't understand what the fuck these people are thinking, I always tell them the same thing: If you really want to understand it, commit to listening to Rush and Sean and Tucker for one (1) week. But you have to do two more things.

First, try to stop yourself from thinking the obvious counterpoints when they go into of their bizarre, one-sided diatribes (which will be most of the show, of course). Do not think critically. Imagine yourself believing every last goddamn word that comes out of their mouths. Do not intellectually challenge what you are hearing.

Second, try to extrapolate this out for two, three, ten years. Imagine doing this day in and day out. Exposing yourself only to this and the other hosts and shows and websites in that alternate universe, and automatically dismissing any contrary thought, opinion or facts.

What a vile way to look at those who disagree with you ideologically...But, then again introspective was never your strong suit...
There's your problem right there. The words "We had". The whole them vs us mentality. That's how it starts and descends.
When I'm talking with a friend or relative who doesn't understand what the fuck these people are thinking, I always tell them the same thing: If you really want to understand it, commit to listening to Rush and Sean and Tucker for one (1) week. But you have to do two more things.

First, try to stop yourself from thinking the obvious counterpoints when they go into of their bizarre, one-sided diatribes (which will be most of the show, of course). Do not think critically. Imagine yourself believing every last goddamn word that comes out of their mouths. Do not intellectually challenge what you are hearing.

Second, try to extrapolate this out for two, three, ten years. Imagine doing this day in and day out. Exposing yourself only to this and the other hosts and shows and websites in that alternate universe, and automatically dismissing any contrary thought, opinion or facts.

Yep. After a short time, these shows completely warp your thinking process and slowly destroy your objectivity. Listening to the radio or watching the TV, a slow diet of bile, hatred, misinformation, and slanted "opinion".
It's short hop from there to crawling through the sludge of the Internet to find the worst of the worst...because darkness is all you know.

And people like yourself Jack, that consume a steady diet of CNN, and MSNBC never mislead you right? Hell, reading your posts to me sounds like a daily regurgitation of Rachel, Lawrence, and Brian from CNN....Give me a break.
There's your problem right there. The words "We had". The whole them vs us mentality. That's how it starts and descends.
When I'm talking with a friend or relative who doesn't understand what the fuck these people are thinking, I always tell them the same thing: If you really want to understand it, commit to listening to Rush and Sean and Tucker for one (1) week. But you have to do two more things.

First, try to stop yourself from thinking the obvious counterpoints when they go into of their bizarre, one-sided diatribes (which will be most of the show, of course). Do not think critically. Imagine yourself believing every last goddamn word that comes out of their mouths. Do not intellectually challenge what you are hearing.

Second, try to extrapolate this out for two, three, ten years. Imagine doing this day in and day out. Exposing yourself only to this and the other hosts and shows and websites in that alternate universe, and automatically dismissing any contrary thought, opinion or facts.

Yep. After a short time, these shows completely warp your thinking process and slowly destroy your objectivity. Listening to the radio or watching the TV, a slow diet of bile, hatred, misinformation, and slanted "opinion".
It's short hop from there to crawling through the sludge of the Internet to find the worst of the worst...because darkness is all you know.

And people like yourself Jack, that consume a steady diet of CNN, and MSNBC never mislead you right? Hell, reading your posts to me sounds like a daily regurgitation of Rachel, Lawrence, and Brian from CNN....Give me a break.

You'll have to point out what you consider "misleading"? Say what you will, these outlets pretty much report the news. I also consume NPR, the AP, and the BBC. As well as my local stations. I watch Fox as well, mostly in the afternoon. But largely, I can't get around in Fox without the slant. I try to draw from as many sources as I can and then make my own decision. I don't live in an alternate universe where the election was "rigged", there was massive voter fraud in every state that Biden won, and that DJT should still be declared as President. I don't listen to talk radio..period. I don't troll YouTube for any asshole's opinion podcast, and I don't live in an alt-right media bubble.
There's your problem right there. The words "We had". The whole them vs us mentality. That's how it starts and descends.
When I'm talking with a friend or relative who doesn't understand what the fuck these people are thinking, I always tell them the same thing: If you really want to understand it, commit to listening to Rush and Sean and Tucker for one (1) week. But you have to do two more things.

First, try to stop yourself from thinking the obvious counterpoints when they go into of their bizarre, one-sided diatribes (which will be most of the show, of course). Do not think critically. Imagine yourself believing every last goddamn word that comes out of their mouths. Do not intellectually challenge what you are hearing.

Second, try to extrapolate this out for two, three, ten years. Imagine doing this day in and day out. Exposing yourself only to this and the other hosts and shows and websites in that alternate universe, and automatically dismissing any contrary thought, opinion or facts.

Yep. After a short time, these shows completely warp your thinking process and slowly destroy your objectivity. Listening to the radio or watching the TV, a slow diet of bile, hatred, misinformation, and slanted "opinion".
It's short hop from there to crawling through the sludge of the Internet to find the worst of the worst...because darkness is all you know.

And people like yourself Jack, that consume a steady diet of CNN, and MSNBC never mislead you right? Hell, reading your posts to me sounds like a daily regurgitation of Rachel, Lawrence, and Brian from CNN....Give me a break.

You'll have to point out what you consider "misleading"?

That you would say this is proof enough for me....
Trump treated Fox News as if they were his personal propaganda outlet.

Just because they hold him accountable to the truth does not mean they turned against him
That’s 1.25 dimensional thinking...blobbers aren’t ready for it

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