What the hell is up with FNC?

There's your problem right there. The words "We had". The whole them vs us mentality. That's how it starts and descends. Fox was founded in 1996 as a conservative outlet because Murdoch felt that those people were being underserved. But FNC wasn't always the whack-a-doodle farm it turned into. Now, Murdoch's sons have largely taken over and they saw the writing on the wall and they pulled back from the crazy. Newsmax and OAN are up and comers so they gobbled up the crazy. It won't last. There are always true believers who will live in a bended reality because that's where they are comfortable. But most people will either get bored or disgusted.
This is war. It is us vs. YOU.

You communist filth are the enemy and we are justified in doing whatever is necessary to deal with you.


There's your problem right there. The words "We had". The whole them vs us mentality. That's how it starts and descends. Fox was founded in 1996 as a conservative outlet because Murdoch felt that those people were being underserved. But FNC wasn't always the whack-a-doodle farm it turned into. Now, Murdoch's sons have largely taken over and they saw the writing on the wall and they pulled back from the crazy. Newsmax and OAN are up and comers so they gobbled up the crazy. It won't last. There are always true believers who will live in a bended reality because that's where they are comfortable. But most people will either get bored or disgusted.
View attachment 415527

You've perfectly described the people who've exodus'd en masse to Newsmax and OAN.
Hungry for those lies and conspiracy theories.

Hey fun fact, like goats, sheep will consume just about anything.
/——/ Thanks to your post, I just downloaded the OAN app. I now have two outlets to replace Fox. Appreciate it.

Has OAN admitted Trump lost yet?
/----/ OAN does not report Fake News.
But to answer your thoughtful question.

"This election is far from over.
We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him: THEY DON’T WANT THE TRUTH TO BE EXPOSED.
Joe Biden has NOT been certified as the winner of any states, let alone any highly contested states headed for mandatory recounts, or any states where our campaign has valid and legitimate legal challenges that could determine the ultimate victor.
The American People are entitled to an honest Election; that means counting all legal ballots, and not counting any illegal ballots. This is the only way to ensure the public has full confidence in our Election. " DJT
Interesting position
Did they have the same position when Trump declared victory on Election Night 2016?

OAN is a propaganda outlet.......and not a very good one
There's your problem right there. The words "We had". The whole them vs us mentality. That's how it starts and descends. Fox was founded in 1996 as a conservative outlet because Murdoch felt that those people were being underserved. But FNC wasn't always the whack-a-doodle farm it turned into. Now, Murdoch's sons have largely taken over and they saw the writing on the wall and they pulled back from the crazy. Newsmax and OAN are up and comers so they gobbled up the crazy. It won't last. There are always true believers who will live in a bended reality because that's where they are comfortable. But most people will either get bored or disgusted.
View attachment 415527

You've perfectly described the people who've exodus'd en masse to Newsmax and OAN.
Hungry for those lies and conspiracy theories.

Hey fun fact, like goats, sheep will consume just about anything.
/——/ Thanks to your post, I just downloaded the OAN app. I now have two outlets to replace Fox. Appreciate it.

Has OAN admitted Trump lost yet?
/----/ OAN does not report Fake News.
But to answer your thoughtful question.

"This election is far from over.
We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him: THEY DON’T WANT THE TRUTH TO BE EXPOSED.
Joe Biden has NOT been certified as the winner of any states, let alone any highly contested states headed for mandatory recounts, or any states where our campaign has valid and legitimate legal challenges that could determine the ultimate victor.
The American People are entitled to an honest Election; that means counting all legal ballots, and not counting any illegal ballots. This is the only way to ensure the public has full confidence in our Election. " DJT

You are correct. OAN IS fake news. They literally manufacture it.
The election is over. Best to move on.
There's your problem right there. The words "We had". The whole them vs us mentality. That's how it starts and descends. Fox was founded in 1996 as a conservative outlet because Murdoch felt that those people were being underserved. But FNC wasn't always the whack-a-doodle farm it turned into. Now, Murdoch's sons have largely taken over and they saw the writing on the wall and they pulled back from the crazy. Newsmax and OAN are up and comers so they gobbled up the crazy. It won't last. There are always true believers who will live in a bended reality because that's where they are comfortable. But most people will either get bored or disgusted.
View attachment 415527

You've perfectly described the people who've exodus'd en masse to Newsmax and OAN.
Hungry for those lies and conspiracy theories.

Hey fun fact, like goats, sheep will consume just about anything.
/——/ Thanks to your post, I just downloaded the OAN app. I now have two outlets to replace Fox. Appreciate it.

Has OAN admitted Trump lost yet?
/----/ OAN does not report Fake News.
But to answer your thoughtful question.

"This election is far from over.
We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him: THEY DON’T WANT THE TRUTH TO BE EXPOSED.
Joe Biden has NOT been certified as the winner of any states, let alone any highly contested states headed for mandatory recounts, or any states where our campaign has valid and legitimate legal challenges that could determine the ultimate victor.
The American People are entitled to an honest Election; that means counting all legal ballots, and not counting any illegal ballots. This is the only way to ensure the public has full confidence in our Election. " DJT

You are correct. OAN IS fake news. They literally manufacture it.
The election is over. Best to move on.
/----/ If I was a simple-minded tool like you - I would - but then I'd be just another democRAT.
What is desperately needed are international, independent news sources willing to challenge both parties’ and all nations’ and private corporations’ special interests. Groups like WikiLeaks showed the way. Of course Pompeo and Trump are still prosecuting WikiLeaks’ Australian founder Julian Assange ... infinitely more harshly than Obama did.

Trump can still ... Pardon Julian Assange (& Edward Snowden)!

It will be interesting to see if President-Elect Biden will ever return to Obama’s old position on Assange, which while hostile at least basically treated him as a foreign reporter legally publishing truthful, if very embarrassing, news and leaked documents.

Fox News lied to you with its rigged polls.
Fox News lied to you by calling Arizona early when it took eight days to call the state — and is going to an almost certain recount.
Fox News lied to you when it accused Trump of not condemning white supremacists.
Fox News censors content Fox News doesn’t want you to hear.
Fox News lied to you when it accused Trump of causing the interruptions in the first presidential debate.
Fox News rigged the first presidential debate.
Fox News lied to you about waiting for a “certified” winner before declaring Joe Biden “president-elect.”
And here’s Fox News smugly lying to its sucker viewers about Pelosi dominating on Election Night, when the truth is she took a humiliating beating.
Oh, and I have not even gotten to the worst yet.
It took these Fox News liars eight days — eight fucking days — to retract that lie. It was only yesterday, eight days after Fox News knew it had lied, that Fox News finally retracted it — and that was only after Bret Baier was shamed into it on Twitter.
Why are you watching Fox News?
Do you enjoy being a sucker?
Do you enjoy knowing that Fox News is literally making faces at you when it thinks you’re not looking?
Do you enjoy being lied to and stabbed in the back and betrayed and mocked?
Only suckers watch Fox News.
There's your problem right there. The words "We had". The whole them vs us mentality. That's how it starts and descends. Fox was founded in 1996 as a conservative outlet because Murdoch felt that those people were being underserved. But FNC wasn't always the whack-a-doodle farm it turned into. Now, Murdoch's sons have largely taken over and they saw the writing on the wall and they pulled back from the crazy. Newsmax and OAN are up and comers so they gobbled up the crazy. It won't last. There are always true believers who will live in a bended reality because that's where they are comfortable. But most people will either get bored or disgusted.
View attachment 415527

You've perfectly described the people who've exodus'd en masse to Newsmax and OAN.
Hungry for those lies and conspiracy theories.

Hey fun fact, like goats, sheep will consume just about anything.
While you want to be spoonfed a washed out version of lies from mainstream media.

The mainstream media has journalistic ethics. Something that FOX knows nothing about.
What is desperately needed are international, independent news sources willing to challenge both parties’ and all nations’ and private corporations’ special interests. Groups like WikiLeaks showed the way. Of course Pompeo and Trump are still prosecuting WikiLeaks’ Australian founder Julian Assange ... infinitely more harshly than Obama did.

Trump can still ... Pardon Julian Assange (& Edward Snowden)!

It will be interesting to see if President-Elect Biden will ever return to Obama’s old position on Assange, which while hostile at least basically treated him as a foreign reporter legally publishing truthful, if very embarrassing, news and leaked documents.

Julian Assange used WikiLeaks to punish people he didn’t like. Like Hillary Clinton.
There's your problem right there. The words "We had". The whole them vs us mentality. That's how it starts and descends. Fox was founded in 1996 as a conservative outlet because Murdoch felt that those people were being underserved. But FNC wasn't always the whack-a-doodle farm it turned into. Now, Murdoch's sons have largely taken over and they saw the writing on the wall and they pulled back from the crazy. Newsmax and OAN are up and comers so they gobbled up the crazy. It won't last. There are always true believers who will live in a bended reality because that's where they are comfortable. But most people will either get bored or disgusted.
View attachment 415527

You've perfectly described the people who've exodus'd en masse to Newsmax and OAN.
Hungry for those lies and conspiracy theories.

Hey fun fact, like goats, sheep will consume just about anything.
/——/ Thanks to your post, I just downloaded the OAN app. I now have two outlets to replace Fox. Appreciate it.

Has OAN admitted Trump lost yet?

That's a joke .... Right? :confused-84:
It’s in the title....We had one of three cable outlets, now it seems they have sold us out.

We all switched to Newsmax, OANN and Parlor.

FOX already knows that the damage they inflicted on themselves is irreversible at this point, so now they are competing the for "moderate" Democrat viewerbase (the Nancy Pelosi/Hillary types) and neocons (Bush/Cheney types).
Ruppert Murdock has done what he thinks will benefit a neocon globalist like himself the most. He is following the establishment pack toward a more controllable world populist through totalitarian government. In other words, he gave up on the pretense of pretending to care about the people or the country. This is his declaration that he's in it for himself. That's why all these greedy globalist bastards hate Trump so much. It's not personality. It's not social policies or healthcare. It's not his COVID response which happened to be magnificent. It's greed.

Rupert Murdoch no longer runs Fox News. There is your problem!
What is desperately needed are international, independent news sources willing to challenge both parties’ and all nations’ and private corporations’ special interests. Groups like WikiLeaks showed the way. Of course Pompeo and Trump are still prosecuting WikiLeaks’ Australian founder Julian Assange ... infinitely more harshly than Obama did.

Trump can still ... Pardon Julian Assange (& Edward Snowden)!

It will be interesting to see if President-Elect Biden will ever return to Obama’s old position on Assange, which while hostile at least basically treated him as a foreign reporter legally publishing truthful, if very embarrassing, news and leaked documents.

Julian Assange used WikiLeaks to punish people he didn’t like. Like Hillary Clinton.
There is no question Assange didn’t like Hillary Clinton. Neither did I. What Assange published “to punish” Clinton were 100% accurate emails. Mostly utterly unsurprising stuff so far as I could see. That it made a sensation in the U.S. is not Assange’s fault. Not releasing them would have been a partisan act that damaged WikiLeak’s reputation. I admit Assange handled the matter in too sensational a manner, but I think passing them on to somebody else to release was his minimal responsibility.
There's your problem right there. The words "We had". The whole them vs us mentality. That's how it starts and descends.
When I'm talking with a friend or relative who doesn't understand what the fuck these people are thinking, I always tell them the same thing: If you really want to understand it, commit to listening to Rush and Sean and Tucker for one (1) week. But you have to do two more things.

First, try to stop yourself from thinking the obvious counterpoints when they go into of their bizarre, one-sided diatribes (which will be most of the show, of course). Do not think critically. Imagine yourself believing every last goddamn word that comes out of their mouths. Do not intellectually challenge what you are hearing.

Second, try to extrapolate this out for two, three, ten years. Imagine doing this day in and day out. Exposing yourself only to this and the other hosts and shows and websites in that alternate universe, and automatically dismissing any contrary thought, opinion or facts.
There's your problem right there. The words "We had". The whole them vs us mentality. That's how it starts and descends. Fox was founded in 1996 as a conservative outlet because Murdoch felt that those people were being underserved. But FNC wasn't always the whack-a-doodle farm it turned into. Now, Murdoch's sons have largely taken over and they saw the writing on the wall and they pulled back from the crazy. Newsmax and OAN are up and comers so they gobbled up the crazy. It won't last. There are always true believers who will live in a bended reality because that's where they are comfortable. But most people will either get bored or disgusted.

Fox went into a ditch after Roger Ailes died. Well, Fox was always in a ditch but really went much further to the right after he died. I don't think Ailes would have allowed such Trump ass-kissing as we've seen.
There's your problem right there. The words "We had". The whole them vs us mentality. That's how it starts and descends. Fox was founded in 1996 as a conservative outlet because Murdoch felt that those people were being underserved. But FNC wasn't always the whack-a-doodle farm it turned into. Now, Murdoch's sons have largely taken over and they saw the writing on the wall and they pulled back from the crazy. Newsmax and OAN are up and comers so they gobbled up the crazy. It won't last. There are always true believers who will live in a bended reality because that's where they are comfortable. But most people will either get bored or disgusted.
/——/ You will be assimilated into MSM. Resistance is futile.

Thanks for my first chuckle of the day.

You are 100% right: "Resistance is futile."

People in Hong Kong, for example, have just discovered that.

Is Taiwan next? President Biden & the American military and most Americans may not feel that Taiwan's freedom is worth a war.

This country is a-changing, and so are the media. They are now merely propaganda outlets for the Democratic ("Democratic," my foot!) Party.

So as in China and other dictatorships, increasing numbers of Americans will simply tune out the media & concentrate on their personal lives.
There's your problem right there. The words "We had". The whole them vs us mentality. That's how it starts and descends.
When I'm talking with a friend or relative who doesn't understand what the fuck these people are thinking, I always tell them the same thing: If you really want to understand it, commit to listening to Rush and Sean and Tucker for one (1) week. But you have to do two more things.

First, try to stop yourself from thinking the obvious counterpoints when they go into of their bizarre, one-sided diatribes (which will be most of the show, of course). Do not think critically. Imagine yourself believing every last goddamn word that comes out of their mouths. Do not intellectually challenge what you are hearing.

Second, try to extrapolate this out for two, three, ten years. Imagine doing this day in and day out. Exposing yourself only to this and the other hosts and shows and websites in that alternate universe, and automatically dismissing any contrary thought, opinion or facts.

Yep. After a short time, these shows completely warp your thinking process and slowly destroy your objectivity. Listening to the radio or watching the TV, a slow diet of bile, hatred, misinformation, and slanted "opinion".
It's short hop from there to crawling through the sludge of the Internet to find the worst of the worst...because darkness is all you know.

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