What the left doesn't get about conservatives.......from someone who used to be a left wing nut...

Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
Well I have never supported government sponsored theft but the others are not ideas. They are realities. Racism isnt an excuse. Racism is a reason. I could have let racism stop me. It was a great reason but I refuse to use it as an excuse. Yes I have to work harder but I'm used to that. Now if I didnt know my history I would have probably used it as an excuse but I know where and who I come from. I'm one of the lucky minority that knows I have to outwork whites 10 to 1 just to get the same thing. Racism can put plenty of obstacles in my way... and it has.... but it cannot make me give up and quit. Only I can do that to myself.

Now what were you saying about something not serving me well?

I'm glad you are not one of the 'life is not fair, so I give up' crowd. What do you think of the three keys to staying out of poverty? Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids. I'm not saying people have to live this way to succeed, but it sure makes life less difficult. Racism wasn't fair, and it made life extremely difficult for many, but good choices can still lead to prosperity. People always concentrate on how unfairness led to a certain point, but they never talk about how to overcome it.
"Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids."

I think its hilarious to expect people that are combating racism and oppressive crooked policing and drug crime to focus on those things. I cant even begin to describe to you what kind of life that is. I barely graduated high school and went to the military. When I got back I had a child and at the same time realized I had made it past the age I thought I would be still be alive and had to start planning a future. I had two more children got married and then bought a house. All during these times I experienced a lot of racism but I had knowledge and more importantly lots of people that encouraged me to do right and not turn to the easy money. You cant expect most people to be as lucky as I was. Most of my childhood friends are dead or in prison.

Many people don't understand what it is like to be in a seemingly hopeless situation. I'm glad you made it out. It is chilling to think so many people don't think they have a chance.
This is what racism does. It is designed to keep people from having hope. I tell kids I mentor all the time. Racist whites have no problem with you being in poverty. Its when you try to make something of yourself that causes them to become outraged.
What a load of bullshit.

How about YOU take care of your kids and not blame whitey for not doing YOUR job. No one is standing in your way...
Even when you take care of your kids whitey still gets angry when youre successful despite racism. They know that I am a problem for them.

How? Why on earth would your success be a problem for anyone?
Thats what I would like to know. Why are whites so angry when they see a successful Black person that doesnt dance to their tune?

Only the democrats get furious... and it's not only black people. They get furious when anyone is successful. Their looting services are no longer required then.
I'm pretty sure some dems do. I know some of them are just as racist as repubs. Before they pick a party they are white people. The thing with the dems is that they at least attempt to overcome their prejudice and learn from it.

Democrats have made racial discrimination legal again in California.

What you meant to say is that democrats are pro-black, anti-white and anti-American party. That is correct. But if you want to have TRUE anti-white pro-black positions, only Africa can provide you with that. Why be satisfied with democrats, after all they are white and thus inferior?
No thats not what I meant to say. I already said what I meant to say. Africa is still being held down by whites via the world bank, tariffs etc etc.
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
Well I have never supported government sponsored theft but the others are not ideas. They are realities. Racism isnt an excuse. Racism is a reason. I could have let racism stop me. It was a great reason but I refuse to use it as an excuse. Yes I have to work harder but I'm used to that. Now if I didnt know my history I would have probably used it as an excuse but I know where and who I come from. I'm one of the lucky minority that knows I have to outwork whites 10 to 1 just to get the same thing. Racism can put plenty of obstacles in my way... and it has.... but it cannot make me give up and quit. Only I can do that to myself.

Now what were you saying about something not serving me well?

I'm glad you are not one of the 'life is not fair, so I give up' crowd. What do you think of the three keys to staying out of poverty? Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids. I'm not saying people have to live this way to succeed, but it sure makes life less difficult. Racism wasn't fair, and it made life extremely difficult for many, but good choices can still lead to prosperity. People always concentrate on how unfairness led to a certain point, but they never talk about how to overcome it.
"Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids."

I think its hilarious to expect people that are combating racism and oppressive crooked policing and drug crime to focus on those things. I cant even begin to describe to you what kind of life that is. I barely graduated high school and went to the military. When I got back I had a child and at the same time realized I had made it past the age I thought I would be still be alive and had to start planning a future. I had two more children got married and then bought a house. All during these times I experienced a lot of racism but I had knowledge and more importantly lots of people that encouraged me to do right and not turn to the easy money. You cant expect most people to be as lucky as I was. Most of my childhood friends are dead or in prison.

Many people don't understand what it is like to be in a seemingly hopeless situation. I'm glad you made it out. It is chilling to think so many people don't think they have a chance.
This is what racism does. It is designed to keep people from having hope. I tell kids I mentor all the time. Racist whites have no problem with you being in poverty. Its when you try to make something of yourself that causes them to become outraged.
What a load of bullshit.

How about YOU take care of your kids and not blame whitey for not doing YOUR job. No one is standing in your way...
Even when you take care of your kids whitey still gets angry when youre successful despite racism. They know that I am a problem for them.

How? Why on earth would your success be a problem for anyone?
Thats what I would like to know. Why are whites so angry when they see a successful Black person that doesnt dance to their tune?

Only the democrats get furious... and it's not only black people. They get furious when anyone is successful. Their looting services are no longer required then.
I'm pretty sure some dems do. I know some of them are just as racist as repubs. Before they pick a party they are white people. The thing with the dems is that they at least attempt to overcome their prejudice and learn from it.

Democrats have made racial discrimination legal again in California.

What you meant to say is that democrats are pro-black, anti-white and anti-American party. That is correct. But if you want to have TRUE anti-white pro-black positions, only Africa can provide you with that. Why be satisfied with democrats, after all they are white and thus inferior?
No thats not what I meant to say. I already said what I meant to say. Africa is still being held down by whites via the world bank, tariffs etc etc.

Held down by world bank... the throws of free resources paid by whites are now oppression?

Are blacks so inferior that they can't dictate the terms in their own countries? Which white country is so inferior that it claims to be held down by black country? Have some agency for fucks sake.
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
Well I have never supported government sponsored theft but the others are not ideas. They are realities. Racism isnt an excuse. Racism is a reason. I could have let racism stop me. It was a great reason but I refuse to use it as an excuse. Yes I have to work harder but I'm used to that. Now if I didnt know my history I would have probably used it as an excuse but I know where and who I come from. I'm one of the lucky minority that knows I have to outwork whites 10 to 1 just to get the same thing. Racism can put plenty of obstacles in my way... and it has.... but it cannot make me give up and quit. Only I can do that to myself.

Now what were you saying about something not serving me well?

I'm glad you are not one of the 'life is not fair, so I give up' crowd. What do you think of the three keys to staying out of poverty? Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids. I'm not saying people have to live this way to succeed, but it sure makes life less difficult. Racism wasn't fair, and it made life extremely difficult for many, but good choices can still lead to prosperity. People always concentrate on how unfairness led to a certain point, but they never talk about how to overcome it.
"Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids."

I think its hilarious to expect people that are combating racism and oppressive crooked policing and drug crime to focus on those things. I cant even begin to describe to you what kind of life that is. I barely graduated high school and went to the military. When I got back I had a child and at the same time realized I had made it past the age I thought I would be still be alive and had to start planning a future. I had two more children got married and then bought a house. All during these times I experienced a lot of racism but I had knowledge and more importantly lots of people that encouraged me to do right and not turn to the easy money. You cant expect most people to be as lucky as I was. Most of my childhood friends are dead or in prison.

Many people don't understand what it is like to be in a seemingly hopeless situation. I'm glad you made it out. It is chilling to think so many people don't think they have a chance.
This is what racism does. It is designed to keep people from having hope. I tell kids I mentor all the time. Racist whites have no problem with you being in poverty. Its when you try to make something of yourself that causes them to become outraged.
What a load of bullshit.

How about YOU take care of your kids and not blame whitey for not doing YOUR job. No one is standing in your way...
Even when you take care of your kids whitey still gets angry when youre successful despite racism. They know that I am a problem for them.

How? Why on earth would your success be a problem for anyone?
Thats what I would like to know. Why are whites so angry when they see a successful Black person that doesnt dance to their tune?

What do you mean by not dancing to their tune?
Take Ben Carson for example. A fucking sellout. He parrots just what the racists want to hear. He's an Uncle Ruckus. Now compare him to Lebron who is actually more successful. He doenst sell out and he speaks on racism. Carson denies it exists.

Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon. As such he knows---
first hand-----that all human brains look alike and function alike (barring illness and anomalies) Thus--
all humanoids have the same potential
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
Well I have never supported government sponsored theft but the others are not ideas. They are realities. Racism isnt an excuse. Racism is a reason. I could have let racism stop me. It was a great reason but I refuse to use it as an excuse. Yes I have to work harder but I'm used to that. Now if I didnt know my history I would have probably used it as an excuse but I know where and who I come from. I'm one of the lucky minority that knows I have to outwork whites 10 to 1 just to get the same thing. Racism can put plenty of obstacles in my way... and it has.... but it cannot make me give up and quit. Only I can do that to myself.

Now what were you saying about something not serving me well?

I'm glad you are not one of the 'life is not fair, so I give up' crowd. What do you think of the three keys to staying out of poverty? Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids. I'm not saying people have to live this way to succeed, but it sure makes life less difficult. Racism wasn't fair, and it made life extremely difficult for many, but good choices can still lead to prosperity. People always concentrate on how unfairness led to a certain point, but they never talk about how to overcome it.
"Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids."

I think its hilarious to expect people that are combating racism and oppressive crooked policing and drug crime to focus on those things. I cant even begin to describe to you what kind of life that is. I barely graduated high school and went to the military. When I got back I had a child and at the same time realized I had made it past the age I thought I would be still be alive and had to start planning a future. I had two more children got married and then bought a house. All during these times I experienced a lot of racism but I had knowledge and more importantly lots of people that encouraged me to do right and not turn to the easy money. You cant expect most people to be as lucky as I was. Most of my childhood friends are dead or in prison.

Many people don't understand what it is like to be in a seemingly hopeless situation. I'm glad you made it out. It is chilling to think so many people don't think they have a chance.
This is what racism does. It is designed to keep people from having hope. I tell kids I mentor all the time. Racist whites have no problem with you being in poverty. Its when you try to make something of yourself that causes them to become outraged.
What a load of bullshit.

How about YOU take care of your kids and not blame whitey for not doing YOUR job. No one is standing in your way...
Even when you take care of your kids whitey still gets angry when youre successful despite racism. They know that I am a problem for them.

How? Why on earth would your success be a problem for anyone?
Thats what I would like to know. Why are whites so angry when they see a successful Black person that doesnt dance to their tune?

What do you mean by not dancing to their tune?
Take Ben Carson for example. A fucking sellout. He parrots just what the racists want to hear. He's an Uncle Ruckus. Now compare him to Lebron who is actually more successful. He doenst sell out and he speaks on racism. Carson denies it exists.

Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon. As such he knows---
first hand-----that all human brains look alike and function alike (barring illness and anomalies) Thus--
all humanoids have the same potential

No such thing as equal brains... as one of the presidential candidate who forgot his message shows.
I don't think there are as many people out to get you as you think, and you might be surprised by the ones who actually want to harm you. Do you think the democrat party wants you to succeed? They've been telling you they are your friend for decades, but what happens if black people don't need them anymore? I'd hate white people too if they told me they loved me and then intentionally kept me in a hopeless situation. Hell, I'm getting angry just thinking about it.

I know there are way more people out to get me than you think. Like I said history up to and counting today tells us the story of white racism. The methods may shift and change but the results will always be the same. The mere fact of denying that racism is a real thing is exactly what keeps it operating. See people think that someone calling me the n word is racism. It is in a interpersonal way. However, its the less obvious system of racism thats in place and doing damage. Repubs not only deny its existence, they are openly transparent about their beliefs.
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
Well I have never supported government sponsored theft but the others are not ideas. They are realities. Racism isnt an excuse. Racism is a reason. I could have let racism stop me. It was a great reason but I refuse to use it as an excuse. Yes I have to work harder but I'm used to that. Now if I didnt know my history I would have probably used it as an excuse but I know where and who I come from. I'm one of the lucky minority that knows I have to outwork whites 10 to 1 just to get the same thing. Racism can put plenty of obstacles in my way... and it has.... but it cannot make me give up and quit. Only I can do that to myself.

Now what were you saying about something not serving me well?

I'm glad you are not one of the 'life is not fair, so I give up' crowd. What do you think of the three keys to staying out of poverty? Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids. I'm not saying people have to live this way to succeed, but it sure makes life less difficult. Racism wasn't fair, and it made life extremely difficult for many, but good choices can still lead to prosperity. People always concentrate on how unfairness led to a certain point, but they never talk about how to overcome it.
"Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids."

I think its hilarious to expect people that are combating racism and oppressive crooked policing and drug crime to focus on those things. I cant even begin to describe to you what kind of life that is. I barely graduated high school and went to the military. When I got back I had a child and at the same time realized I had made it past the age I thought I would be still be alive and had to start planning a future. I had two more children got married and then bought a house. All during these times I experienced a lot of racism but I had knowledge and more importantly lots of people that encouraged me to do right and not turn to the easy money. You cant expect most people to be as lucky as I was. Most of my childhood friends are dead or in prison.

Many people don't understand what it is like to be in a seemingly hopeless situation. I'm glad you made it out. It is chilling to think so many people don't think they have a chance.
This is what racism does. It is designed to keep people from having hope. I tell kids I mentor all the time. Racist whites have no problem with you being in poverty. Its when you try to make something of yourself that causes them to become outraged.
What a load of bullshit.

How about YOU take care of your kids and not blame whitey for not doing YOUR job. No one is standing in your way...
Even when you take care of your kids whitey still gets angry when youre successful despite racism. They know that I am a problem for them.

How? Why on earth would your success be a problem for anyone?
Thats what I would like to know. Why are whites so angry when they see a successful Black person that doesnt dance to their tune?

What do you mean by not dancing to their tune?
Take Ben Carson for example. A fucking sellout. He parrots just what the racists want to hear. He's an Uncle Ruckus. Now compare him to Lebron who is actually more successful. He doenst sell out and he speaks on racism. Carson denies it exists.

Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon. As such he knows---
first hand-----that all human brains look alike and function alike (barring illness and anomalies) Thus--
all humanoids have the same potential
Too bad potential has nothing to do with racism. Potential needs a place to grow strong and action to realize its goals. If the place to grow strong is missing and action is repeatedly redirected due to obstacles put in place by racism there is never going to be much realization.
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
Well I have never supported government sponsored theft but the others are not ideas. They are realities. Racism isnt an excuse. Racism is a reason. I could have let racism stop me. It was a great reason but I refuse to use it as an excuse. Yes I have to work harder but I'm used to that. Now if I didnt know my history I would have probably used it as an excuse but I know where and who I come from. I'm one of the lucky minority that knows I have to outwork whites 10 to 1 just to get the same thing. Racism can put plenty of obstacles in my way... and it has.... but it cannot make me give up and quit. Only I can do that to myself.

Now what were you saying about something not serving me well?

I'm glad you are not one of the 'life is not fair, so I give up' crowd. What do you think of the three keys to staying out of poverty? Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids. I'm not saying people have to live this way to succeed, but it sure makes life less difficult. Racism wasn't fair, and it made life extremely difficult for many, but good choices can still lead to prosperity. People always concentrate on how unfairness led to a certain point, but they never talk about how to overcome it.
"Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids."

I think its hilarious to expect people that are combating racism and oppressive crooked policing and drug crime to focus on those things. I cant even begin to describe to you what kind of life that is. I barely graduated high school and went to the military. When I got back I had a child and at the same time realized I had made it past the age I thought I would be still be alive and had to start planning a future. I had two more children got married and then bought a house. All during these times I experienced a lot of racism but I had knowledge and more importantly lots of people that encouraged me to do right and not turn to the easy money. You cant expect most people to be as lucky as I was. Most of my childhood friends are dead or in prison.

Many people don't understand what it is like to be in a seemingly hopeless situation. I'm glad you made it out. It is chilling to think so many people don't think they have a chance.
This is what racism does. It is designed to keep people from having hope. I tell kids I mentor all the time. Racist whites have no problem with you being in poverty. Its when you try to make something of yourself that causes them to become outraged.
What a load of bullshit.

How about YOU take care of your kids and not blame whitey for not doing YOUR job. No one is standing in your way...
Even when you take care of your kids whitey still gets angry when youre successful despite racism. They know that I am a problem for them.

How? Why on earth would your success be a problem for anyone?
Thats what I would like to know. Why are whites so angry when they see a successful Black person that doesnt dance to their tune?

What do you mean by not dancing to their tune?
Take Ben Carson for example. A fucking sellout. He parrots just what the racists want to hear. He's an Uncle Ruckus. Now compare him to Lebron who is actually more successful. He doenst sell out and he speaks on racism. Carson denies it exists.

Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon. As such he knows---
first hand-----that all human brains look alike and function alike (barring illness and anomalies) Thus--
all humanoids have the same potential
Too bad potential has nothing to do with racism. Potential needs a place to grow strong and action to realize its goals. If the place to grow strong is missing and action is repeatedly redirected due to obstacles put in place by racism there is never going to be much realization.

If whites in the US are the reason why you are so poor.

Why are blacks in Africa so much poorer?

Let's get real you as a FUCKING MONGOLOID RACIST, blame white folks for all your problems that they did nothing to cause. Get some agency and put your life in control, pathetic, absolutely pathetic.
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
Well I have never supported government sponsored theft but the others are not ideas. They are realities. Racism isnt an excuse. Racism is a reason. I could have let racism stop me. It was a great reason but I refuse to use it as an excuse. Yes I have to work harder but I'm used to that. Now if I didnt know my history I would have probably used it as an excuse but I know where and who I come from. I'm one of the lucky minority that knows I have to outwork whites 10 to 1 just to get the same thing. Racism can put plenty of obstacles in my way... and it has.... but it cannot make me give up and quit. Only I can do that to myself.

Now what were you saying about something not serving me well?

I'm glad you are not one of the 'life is not fair, so I give up' crowd. What do you think of the three keys to staying out of poverty? Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids. I'm not saying people have to live this way to succeed, but it sure makes life less difficult. Racism wasn't fair, and it made life extremely difficult for many, but good choices can still lead to prosperity. People always concentrate on how unfairness led to a certain point, but they never talk about how to overcome it.
"Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids."

I think its hilarious to expect people that are combating racism and oppressive crooked policing and drug crime to focus on those things. I cant even begin to describe to you what kind of life that is. I barely graduated high school and went to the military. When I got back I had a child and at the same time realized I had made it past the age I thought I would be still be alive and had to start planning a future. I had two more children got married and then bought a house. All during these times I experienced a lot of racism but I had knowledge and more importantly lots of people that encouraged me to do right and not turn to the easy money. You cant expect most people to be as lucky as I was. Most of my childhood friends are dead or in prison.

Many people don't understand what it is like to be in a seemingly hopeless situation. I'm glad you made it out. It is chilling to think so many people don't think they have a chance.
This is what racism does. It is designed to keep people from having hope. I tell kids I mentor all the time. Racist whites have no problem with you being in poverty. Its when you try to make something of yourself that causes them to become outraged.
What a load of bullshit.

How about YOU take care of your kids and not blame whitey for not doing YOUR job. No one is standing in your way...
Even when you take care of your kids whitey still gets angry when youre successful despite racism. They know that I am a problem for them.

How? Why on earth would your success be a problem for anyone?
Thats what I would like to know. Why are whites so angry when they see a successful Black person that doesnt dance to their tune?

What do you mean by not dancing to their tune?
Take Ben Carson for example. A fucking sellout. He parrots just what the racists want to hear. He's an Uncle Ruckus. Now compare him to Lebron who is actually more successful. He doenst sell out and he speaks on racism. Carson denies it exists.

Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon. As such he knows---
first hand-----that all human brains look alike and function alike (barring illness and anomalies) Thus--
all humanoids have the same potential
Too bad potential has nothing to do with racism. Potential needs a place to grow strong and action to realize its goals. If the place to grow strong is missing and action is repeatedly redirected due to obstacles put in place by racism there is never going to be much realization.

If whites in the US are the reason why you are so poor.

Why are blacks in Africa so much poorer?

Let's get real you as a FUCKING MONGOLOID RACIST, blame white folks for all your problems that they did nothing to cause. Get some agency and put your life in control, pathetic, absolutely pathetic.
If you werent so ignorant I would actually answer your question but your obvious lack of intellect tells me the answer is much too complicated for you.
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
Well I have never supported government sponsored theft but the others are not ideas. They are realities. Racism isnt an excuse. Racism is a reason. I could have let racism stop me. It was a great reason but I refuse to use it as an excuse. Yes I have to work harder but I'm used to that. Now if I didnt know my history I would have probably used it as an excuse but I know where and who I come from. I'm one of the lucky minority that knows I have to outwork whites 10 to 1 just to get the same thing. Racism can put plenty of obstacles in my way... and it has.... but it cannot make me give up and quit. Only I can do that to myself.

Now what were you saying about something not serving me well?

I'm glad you are not one of the 'life is not fair, so I give up' crowd. What do you think of the three keys to staying out of poverty? Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids. I'm not saying people have to live this way to succeed, but it sure makes life less difficult. Racism wasn't fair, and it made life extremely difficult for many, but good choices can still lead to prosperity. People always concentrate on how unfairness led to a certain point, but they never talk about how to overcome it.
"Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids."

I think its hilarious to expect people that are combating racism and oppressive crooked policing and drug crime to focus on those things. I cant even begin to describe to you what kind of life that is. I barely graduated high school and went to the military. When I got back I had a child and at the same time realized I had made it past the age I thought I would be still be alive and had to start planning a future. I had two more children got married and then bought a house. All during these times I experienced a lot of racism but I had knowledge and more importantly lots of people that encouraged me to do right and not turn to the easy money. You cant expect most people to be as lucky as I was. Most of my childhood friends are dead or in prison.

Many people don't understand what it is like to be in a seemingly hopeless situation. I'm glad you made it out. It is chilling to think so many people don't think they have a chance.
This is what racism does. It is designed to keep people from having hope. I tell kids I mentor all the time. Racist whites have no problem with you being in poverty. Its when you try to make something of yourself that causes them to become outraged.
What a load of bullshit.

How about YOU take care of your kids and not blame whitey for not doing YOUR job. No one is standing in your way...
Even when you take care of your kids whitey still gets angry when youre successful despite racism. They know that I am a problem for them.

How? Why on earth would your success be a problem for anyone?
Thats what I would like to know. Why are whites so angry when they see a successful Black person that doesnt dance to their tune?

Only the democrats get furious... and it's not only black people. They get furious when anyone is successful. Their looting services are no longer required then.
I'm pretty sure some dems do. I know some of them are just as racist as repubs. Before they pick a party they are white people. The thing with the dems is that they at least attempt to overcome their prejudice and learn from it.

Woke white people are pretty funny. You could tell them to walk through town naked and cluck like a chicken and they would do it. lol
Good video....she finally took the Red Pill and knows truth....

Good video....she finally took the Red Pill and knows truth....

Seems to me someone too in love with their own voice. Suffice it say she finally grew up, got real and decided that the idealistic crap of the left is just that crap and became a sensible, informed conservative and now thinks mankind may just have been able to learn a few things over the course of its history,
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
Well I have never supported government sponsored theft but the others are not ideas. They are realities. Racism isnt an excuse. Racism is a reason. I could have let racism stop me. It was a great reason but I refuse to use it as an excuse. Yes I have to work harder but I'm used to that. Now if I didnt know my history I would have probably used it as an excuse but I know where and who I come from. I'm one of the lucky minority that knows I have to outwork whites 10 to 1 just to get the same thing. Racism can put plenty of obstacles in my way... and it has.... but it cannot make me give up and quit. Only I can do that to myself.

Now what were you saying about something not serving me well?

I'm glad you are not one of the 'life is not fair, so I give up' crowd. What do you think of the three keys to staying out of poverty? Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids. I'm not saying people have to live this way to succeed, but it sure makes life less difficult. Racism wasn't fair, and it made life extremely difficult for many, but good choices can still lead to prosperity. People always concentrate on how unfairness led to a certain point, but they never talk about how to overcome it.
"Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids."

I think its hilarious to expect people that are combating racism and oppressive crooked policing and drug crime to focus on those things. I cant even begin to describe to you what kind of life that is. I barely graduated high school and went to the military. When I got back I had a child and at the same time realized I had made it past the age I thought I would be still be alive and had to start planning a future. I had two more children got married and then bought a house. All during these times I experienced a lot of racism but I had knowledge and more importantly lots of people that encouraged me to do right and not turn to the easy money. You cant expect most people to be as lucky as I was. Most of my childhood friends are dead or in prison.

Many people don't understand what it is like to be in a seemingly hopeless situation. I'm glad you made it out. It is chilling to think so many people don't think they have a chance.
This is what racism does. It is designed to keep people from having hope. I tell kids I mentor all the time. Racist whites have no problem with you being in poverty. Its when you try to make something of yourself that causes them to become outraged.
What a load of bullshit.

How about YOU take care of your kids and not blame whitey for not doing YOUR job. No one is standing in your way...
Even when you take care of your kids whitey still gets angry when youre successful despite racism. They know that I am a problem for them.

How? Why on earth would your success be a problem for anyone?
Thats what I would like to know. Why are whites so angry when they see a successful Black person that doesnt dance to their tune?

What do you mean by not dancing to their tune?
Take Ben Carson for example. A fucking sellout. He parrots just what the racists want to hear. He's an Uncle Ruckus. Now compare him to Lebron who is actually more successful. He doenst sell out and he speaks on racism. Carson denies it exists.

Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon. As such he knows---
first hand-----that all human brains look alike and function alike (barring illness and anomalies) Thus--
all humanoids have the same potential
Too bad potential has nothing to do with racism. Potential needs a place to grow strong and action to realize its goals. If the place to grow strong is missing and action is repeatedly redirected due to obstacles put in place by racism there is never going to be much realization.

If whites in the US are the reason why you are so poor.

Why are blacks in Africa so much poorer?

Let's get real you as a FUCKING MONGOLOID RACIST, blame white folks for all your problems that they did nothing to cause. Get some agency and put your life in control, pathetic, absolutely pathetic.
If you werent so ignorant I would actually answer your question but your obvious lack of intellect tells me the answer is much too complicated for you.

You already answered the question, which again averted all agency and claimed whites are the reasons why black nations fucking suck.

No, it is not the whites, it is the blacks running the nations who you never seem to have any issue with. Always blame the whites who build successful civilizations instead and don't always blame others when things don't go their way. You are a useless pussy.
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
Well I have never supported government sponsored theft but the others are not ideas. They are realities. Racism isnt an excuse. Racism is a reason. I could have let racism stop me. It was a great reason but I refuse to use it as an excuse. Yes I have to work harder but I'm used to that. Now if I didnt know my history I would have probably used it as an excuse but I know where and who I come from. I'm one of the lucky minority that knows I have to outwork whites 10 to 1 just to get the same thing. Racism can put plenty of obstacles in my way... and it has.... but it cannot make me give up and quit. Only I can do that to myself.

Now what were you saying about something not serving me well?

I'm glad you are not one of the 'life is not fair, so I give up' crowd. What do you think of the three keys to staying out of poverty? Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids. I'm not saying people have to live this way to succeed, but it sure makes life less difficult. Racism wasn't fair, and it made life extremely difficult for many, but good choices can still lead to prosperity. People always concentrate on how unfairness led to a certain point, but they never talk about how to overcome it.
"Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids."

I think its hilarious to expect people that are combating racism and oppressive crooked policing and drug crime to focus on those things. I cant even begin to describe to you what kind of life that is. I barely graduated high school and went to the military. When I got back I had a child and at the same time realized I had made it past the age I thought I would be still be alive and had to start planning a future. I had two more children got married and then bought a house. All during these times I experienced a lot of racism but I had knowledge and more importantly lots of people that encouraged me to do right and not turn to the easy money. You cant expect most people to be as lucky as I was. Most of my childhood friends are dead or in prison.

Many people don't understand what it is like to be in a seemingly hopeless situation. I'm glad you made it out. It is chilling to think so many people don't think they have a chance.
This is what racism does. It is designed to keep people from having hope. I tell kids I mentor all the time. Racist whites have no problem with you being in poverty. Its when you try to make something of yourself that causes them to become outraged.
What a load of bullshit.

How about YOU take care of your kids and not blame whitey for not doing YOUR job. No one is standing in your way...
Even when you take care of your kids whitey still gets angry when youre successful despite racism. They know that I am a problem for them.

How? Why on earth would your success be a problem for anyone?
Thats what I would like to know. Why are whites so angry when they see a successful Black person that doesnt dance to their tune?

What do you mean by not dancing to their tune?
Take Ben Carson for example. A fucking sellout. He parrots just what the racists want to hear. He's an Uncle Ruckus. Now compare him to Lebron who is actually more successful. He doenst sell out and he speaks on racism. Carson denies it exists.

Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon. As such he knows---
first hand-----that all human brains look alike and function alike (barring illness and anomalies) Thus--
all humanoids have the same potential
Too bad potential has nothing to do with racism. Potential needs a place to grow strong and action to realize its goals. If the place to grow strong is missing and action is repeatedly redirected due to obstacles put in place by racism there is never going to be much realization.

If whites in the US are the reason why you are so poor.

Why are blacks in Africa so much poorer?

Let's get real you as a FUCKING MONGOLOID RACIST, blame white folks for all your problems that they did nothing to cause. Get some agency and put your life in control, pathetic, absolutely pathetic.
If you werent so ignorant I would actually answer your question but your obvious lack of intellect tells me the answer is much too complicated for you.

You already answered the question, which again averted all agency and claimed whites are the reasons why black nations fucking suck.

No, it is not the whites, it is the blacks running the nations who you never seem to have any issue with. Always blame the whites who build successful civilizations instead and don't always blame others when things don't go their way. You are a useless pussy.
Whites have never built any successful civilization without help from Blacks or other people of color. You in fact were last to civilization and actually had to be rescued from devolving back to the stoneage by Blacks.
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
Well I have never supported government sponsored theft but the others are not ideas. They are realities. Racism isnt an excuse. Racism is a reason. I could have let racism stop me. It was a great reason but I refuse to use it as an excuse. Yes I have to work harder but I'm used to that. Now if I didnt know my history I would have probably used it as an excuse but I know where and who I come from. I'm one of the lucky minority that knows I have to outwork whites 10 to 1 just to get the same thing. Racism can put plenty of obstacles in my way... and it has.... but it cannot make me give up and quit. Only I can do that to myself.

Now what were you saying about something not serving me well?

I'm glad you are not one of the 'life is not fair, so I give up' crowd. What do you think of the three keys to staying out of poverty? Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids. I'm not saying people have to live this way to succeed, but it sure makes life less difficult. Racism wasn't fair, and it made life extremely difficult for many, but good choices can still lead to prosperity. People always concentrate on how unfairness led to a certain point, but they never talk about how to overcome it.
"Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids."

I think its hilarious to expect people that are combating racism and oppressive crooked policing and drug crime to focus on those things. I cant even begin to describe to you what kind of life that is. I barely graduated high school and went to the military. When I got back I had a child and at the same time realized I had made it past the age I thought I would be still be alive and had to start planning a future. I had two more children got married and then bought a house. All during these times I experienced a lot of racism but I had knowledge and more importantly lots of people that encouraged me to do right and not turn to the easy money. You cant expect most people to be as lucky as I was. Most of my childhood friends are dead or in prison.

Many people don't understand what it is like to be in a seemingly hopeless situation. I'm glad you made it out. It is chilling to think so many people don't think they have a chance.
This is what racism does. It is designed to keep people from having hope. I tell kids I mentor all the time. Racist whites have no problem with you being in poverty. Its when you try to make something of yourself that causes them to become outraged.
What a load of bullshit.

How about YOU take care of your kids and not blame whitey for not doing YOUR job. No one is standing in your way...
Even when you take care of your kids whitey still gets angry when youre successful despite racism. They know that I am a problem for them.

How? Why on earth would your success be a problem for anyone?
Thats what I would like to know. Why are whites so angry when they see a successful Black person that doesnt dance to their tune?

What do you mean by not dancing to their tune?
Take Ben Carson for example. A fucking sellout. He parrots just what the racists want to hear. He's an Uncle Ruckus. Now compare him to Lebron who is actually more successful. He doenst sell out and he speaks on racism. Carson denies it exists.

Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon. As such he knows---
first hand-----that all human brains look alike and function alike (barring illness and anomalies) Thus--
all humanoids have the same potential
Too bad potential has nothing to do with racism. Potential needs a place to grow strong and action to realize its goals. If the place to grow strong is missing and action is repeatedly redirected due to obstacles put in place by racism there is never going to be much realization.

If whites in the US are the reason why you are so poor.

Why are blacks in Africa so much poorer?

Let's get real you as a FUCKING MONGOLOID RACIST, blame white folks for all your problems that they did nothing to cause. Get some agency and put your life in control, pathetic, absolutely pathetic.
If you werent so ignorant I would actually answer your question but your obvious lack of intellect tells me the answer is much too complicated for you.

You already answered the question, which again averted all agency and claimed whites are the reasons why black nations fucking suck.

No, it is not the whites, it is the blacks running the nations who you never seem to have any issue with. Always blame the whites who build successful civilizations instead and don't always blame others when things don't go their way. You are a useless pussy.
Whites have never built any successful civilization without help from Blacks or other people of color. You in fact were last to civilization and actually had to be rescued from devolving back to the stoneage by Blacks.

Oh yeah?

You are one of these people?

About done with your nonsense. Truly delusional...

But hey if you want to talk about black superiority, black people at least would NEVER EVER clap and cheer for their own demise like the European super cucks.
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
Well I have never supported government sponsored theft but the others are not ideas. They are realities. Racism isnt an excuse. Racism is a reason. I could have let racism stop me. It was a great reason but I refuse to use it as an excuse. Yes I have to work harder but I'm used to that. Now if I didnt know my history I would have probably used it as an excuse but I know where and who I come from. I'm one of the lucky minority that knows I have to outwork whites 10 to 1 just to get the same thing. Racism can put plenty of obstacles in my way... and it has.... but it cannot make me give up and quit. Only I can do that to myself.

Now what were you saying about something not serving me well?

I'm glad you are not one of the 'life is not fair, so I give up' crowd. What do you think of the three keys to staying out of poverty? Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids. I'm not saying people have to live this way to succeed, but it sure makes life less difficult. Racism wasn't fair, and it made life extremely difficult for many, but good choices can still lead to prosperity. People always concentrate on how unfairness led to a certain point, but they never talk about how to overcome it.
"Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids."

I think its hilarious to expect people that are combating racism and oppressive crooked policing and drug crime to focus on those things. I cant even begin to describe to you what kind of life that is. I barely graduated high school and went to the military. When I got back I had a child and at the same time realized I had made it past the age I thought I would be still be alive and had to start planning a future. I had two more children got married and then bought a house. All during these times I experienced a lot of racism but I had knowledge and more importantly lots of people that encouraged me to do right and not turn to the easy money. You cant expect most people to be as lucky as I was. Most of my childhood friends are dead or in prison.

Many people don't understand what it is like to be in a seemingly hopeless situation. I'm glad you made it out. It is chilling to think so many people don't think they have a chance.
This is what racism does. It is designed to keep people from having hope. I tell kids I mentor all the time. Racist whites have no problem with you being in poverty. Its when you try to make something of yourself that causes them to become outraged.
What a load of bullshit.

How about YOU take care of your kids and not blame whitey for not doing YOUR job. No one is standing in your way...
Even when you take care of your kids whitey still gets angry when youre successful despite racism. They know that I am a problem for them.

How? Why on earth would your success be a problem for anyone?
Thats what I would like to know. Why are whites so angry when they see a successful Black person that doesnt dance to their tune?

What do you mean by not dancing to their tune?
Take Ben Carson for example. A fucking sellout. He parrots just what the racists want to hear. He's an Uncle Ruckus. Now compare him to Lebron who is actually more successful. He doenst sell out and he speaks on racism. Carson denies it exists.

Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon. As such he knows---
first hand-----that all human brains look alike and function alike (barring illness and anomalies) Thus--
all humanoids have the same potential
Too bad potential has nothing to do with racism. Potential needs a place to grow strong and action to realize its goals. If the place to grow strong is missing and action is repeatedly redirected due to obstacles put in place by racism there is never going to be much realization.

If whites in the US are the reason why you are so poor.

Why are blacks in Africa so much poorer?

Let's get real you as a FUCKING MONGOLOID RACIST, blame white folks for all your problems that they did nothing to cause. Get some agency and put your life in control, pathetic, absolutely pathetic.
If you werent so ignorant I would actually answer your question but your obvious lack of intellect tells me the answer is much too complicated for you.

You already answered the question, which again averted all agency and claimed whites are the reasons why black nations fucking suck.

No, it is not the whites, it is the blacks running the nations who you never seem to have any issue with. Always blame the whites who build successful civilizations instead and don't always blame others when things don't go their way. You are a useless pussy.
Whites have never built any successful civilization without help from Blacks or other people of color. You in fact were last to civilization and actually had to be rescued from devolving back to the stoneage by Blacks.

Oh yeah?

You are one of these people?

About done with your nonsense. Truly delusional...

Yeah. Thats a historical fact. I know you white boys are insecure about that but its really not your fault. You just took longer to become intelligent. Must have been the cold and lack of resources in europe.
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
Well I have never supported government sponsored theft but the others are not ideas. They are realities. Racism isnt an excuse. Racism is a reason. I could have let racism stop me. It was a great reason but I refuse to use it as an excuse. Yes I have to work harder but I'm used to that. Now if I didnt know my history I would have probably used it as an excuse but I know where and who I come from. I'm one of the lucky minority that knows I have to outwork whites 10 to 1 just to get the same thing. Racism can put plenty of obstacles in my way... and it has.... but it cannot make me give up and quit. Only I can do that to myself.

Now what were you saying about something not serving me well?

I'm glad you are not one of the 'life is not fair, so I give up' crowd. What do you think of the three keys to staying out of poverty? Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids. I'm not saying people have to live this way to succeed, but it sure makes life less difficult. Racism wasn't fair, and it made life extremely difficult for many, but good choices can still lead to prosperity. People always concentrate on how unfairness led to a certain point, but they never talk about how to overcome it.
"Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids."

I think its hilarious to expect people that are combating racism and oppressive crooked policing and drug crime to focus on those things. I cant even begin to describe to you what kind of life that is. I barely graduated high school and went to the military. When I got back I had a child and at the same time realized I had made it past the age I thought I would be still be alive and had to start planning a future. I had two more children got married and then bought a house. All during these times I experienced a lot of racism but I had knowledge and more importantly lots of people that encouraged me to do right and not turn to the easy money. You cant expect most people to be as lucky as I was. Most of my childhood friends are dead or in prison.

Many people don't understand what it is like to be in a seemingly hopeless situation. I'm glad you made it out. It is chilling to think so many people don't think they have a chance.
This is what racism does. It is designed to keep people from having hope. I tell kids I mentor all the time. Racist whites have no problem with you being in poverty. Its when you try to make something of yourself that causes them to become outraged.
What a load of bullshit.

How about YOU take care of your kids and not blame whitey for not doing YOUR job. No one is standing in your way...
Even when you take care of your kids whitey still gets angry when youre successful despite racism. They know that I am a problem for them.

How? Why on earth would your success be a problem for anyone?
Thats what I would like to know. Why are whites so angry when they see a successful Black person that doesnt dance to their tune?

What do you mean by not dancing to their tune?
Take Ben Carson for example. A fucking sellout. He parrots just what the racists want to hear. He's an Uncle Ruckus. Now compare him to Lebron who is actually more successful. He doenst sell out and he speaks on racism. Carson denies it exists.

Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon. As such he knows---
first hand-----that all human brains look alike and function alike (barring illness and anomalies) Thus--
all humanoids have the same potential
Too bad potential has nothing to do with racism. Potential needs a place to grow strong and action to realize its goals. If the place to grow strong is missing and action is repeatedly redirected due to obstacles put in place by racism there is never going to be much realization.

If whites in the US are the reason why you are so poor.

Why are blacks in Africa so much poorer?

Let's get real you as a FUCKING MONGOLOID RACIST, blame white folks for all your problems that they did nothing to cause. Get some agency and put your life in control, pathetic, absolutely pathetic.
If you werent so ignorant I would actually answer your question but your obvious lack of intellect tells me the answer is much too complicated for you.

You already answered the question, which again averted all agency and claimed whites are the reasons why black nations fucking suck.

No, it is not the whites, it is the blacks running the nations who you never seem to have any issue with. Always blame the whites who build successful civilizations instead and don't always blame others when things don't go their way. You are a useless pussy.
Whites have never built any successful civilization without help from Blacks or other people of color. You in fact were last to civilization and actually had to be rescued from devolving back to the stoneage by Blacks.

Oh yeah?

You are one of these people?

About done with your nonsense. Truly delusional...

Yeah. Thats a historical fact. I know you white boys are insecure about that but its really not your fault. You just took longer to become intelligent. Must have been the cold and lack of resources in europe.

Europe is white you stupid moron. All the best countries are white, there is no one single decent black nation.
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
Well I have never supported government sponsored theft but the others are not ideas. They are realities. Racism isnt an excuse. Racism is a reason. I could have let racism stop me. It was a great reason but I refuse to use it as an excuse. Yes I have to work harder but I'm used to that. Now if I didnt know my history I would have probably used it as an excuse but I know where and who I come from. I'm one of the lucky minority that knows I have to outwork whites 10 to 1 just to get the same thing. Racism can put plenty of obstacles in my way... and it has.... but it cannot make me give up and quit. Only I can do that to myself.

Now what were you saying about something not serving me well?

I'm glad you are not one of the 'life is not fair, so I give up' crowd. What do you think of the three keys to staying out of poverty? Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids. I'm not saying people have to live this way to succeed, but it sure makes life less difficult. Racism wasn't fair, and it made life extremely difficult for many, but good choices can still lead to prosperity. People always concentrate on how unfairness led to a certain point, but they never talk about how to overcome it.
"Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids."

I think its hilarious to expect people that are combating racism and oppressive crooked policing and drug crime to focus on those things. I cant even begin to describe to you what kind of life that is. I barely graduated high school and went to the military. When I got back I had a child and at the same time realized I had made it past the age I thought I would be still be alive and had to start planning a future. I had two more children got married and then bought a house. All during these times I experienced a lot of racism but I had knowledge and more importantly lots of people that encouraged me to do right and not turn to the easy money. You cant expect most people to be as lucky as I was. Most of my childhood friends are dead or in prison.

Many people don't understand what it is like to be in a seemingly hopeless situation. I'm glad you made it out. It is chilling to think so many people don't think they have a chance.
This is what racism does. It is designed to keep people from having hope. I tell kids I mentor all the time. Racist whites have no problem with you being in poverty. Its when you try to make something of yourself that causes them to become outraged.
What a load of bullshit.

How about YOU take care of your kids and not blame whitey for not doing YOUR job. No one is standing in your way...
Even when you take care of your kids whitey still gets angry when youre successful despite racism. They know that I am a problem for them.

How? Why on earth would your success be a problem for anyone?
Thats what I would like to know. Why are whites so angry when they see a successful Black person that doesnt dance to their tune?

What do you mean by not dancing to their tune?
Take Ben Carson for example. A fucking sellout. He parrots just what the racists want to hear. He's an Uncle Ruckus. Now compare him to Lebron who is actually more successful. He doenst sell out and he speaks on racism. Carson denies it exists.

Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon. As such he knows---
first hand-----that all human brains look alike and function alike (barring illness and anomalies) Thus--
all humanoids have the same potential
Too bad potential has nothing to do with racism. Potential needs a place to grow strong and action to realize its goals. If the place to grow strong is missing and action is repeatedly redirected due to obstacles put in place by racism there is never going to be much realization.

If whites in the US are the reason why you are so poor.

Why are blacks in Africa so much poorer?

Let's get real you as a FUCKING MONGOLOID RACIST, blame white folks for all your problems that they did nothing to cause. Get some agency and put your life in control, pathetic, absolutely pathetic.
If you werent so ignorant I would actually answer your question but your obvious lack of intellect tells me the answer is much too complicated for you.

You already answered the question, which again averted all agency and claimed whites are the reasons why black nations fucking suck.

No, it is not the whites, it is the blacks running the nations who you never seem to have any issue with. Always blame the whites who build successful civilizations instead and don't always blame others when things don't go their way. You are a useless pussy.
Whites have never built any successful civilization without help from Blacks or other people of color. You in fact were last to civilization and actually had to be rescued from devolving back to the stoneage by Blacks.

Oh yeah?

You are one of these people?

About done with your nonsense. Truly delusional...

Yeah. Thats a historical fact. I know you white boys are insecure about that but its really not your fault. You just took longer to become intelligent. Must have been the cold and lack of resources in europe.

Europe is white you stupid moron. All the best countries are white, there is no one single decent black nation.

Of course europe is white you idiot. No all the best countries are definitely not white. I would never live in a all white country.
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
Well I have never supported government sponsored theft but the others are not ideas. They are realities. Racism isnt an excuse. Racism is a reason. I could have let racism stop me. It was a great reason but I refuse to use it as an excuse. Yes I have to work harder but I'm used to that. Now if I didnt know my history I would have probably used it as an excuse but I know where and who I come from. I'm one of the lucky minority that knows I have to outwork whites 10 to 1 just to get the same thing. Racism can put plenty of obstacles in my way... and it has.... but it cannot make me give up and quit. Only I can do that to myself.

Now what were you saying about something not serving me well?

I'm glad you are not one of the 'life is not fair, so I give up' crowd. What do you think of the three keys to staying out of poverty? Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids. I'm not saying people have to live this way to succeed, but it sure makes life less difficult. Racism wasn't fair, and it made life extremely difficult for many, but good choices can still lead to prosperity. People always concentrate on how unfairness led to a certain point, but they never talk about how to overcome it.
"Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids."

I think its hilarious to expect people that are combating racism and oppressive crooked policing and drug crime to focus on those things. I cant even begin to describe to you what kind of life that is. I barely graduated high school and went to the military. When I got back I had a child and at the same time realized I had made it past the age I thought I would be still be alive and had to start planning a future. I had two more children got married and then bought a house. All during these times I experienced a lot of racism but I had knowledge and more importantly lots of people that encouraged me to do right and not turn to the easy money. You cant expect most people to be as lucky as I was. Most of my childhood friends are dead or in prison.

Many people don't understand what it is like to be in a seemingly hopeless situation. I'm glad you made it out. It is chilling to think so many people don't think they have a chance.
This is what racism does. It is designed to keep people from having hope. I tell kids I mentor all the time. Racist whites have no problem with you being in poverty. Its when you try to make something of yourself that causes them to become outraged.
What a load of bullshit.

How about YOU take care of your kids and not blame whitey for not doing YOUR job. No one is standing in your way...
Even when you take care of your kids whitey still gets angry when youre successful despite racism. They know that I am a problem for them.

How? Why on earth would your success be a problem for anyone?
Thats what I would like to know. Why are whites so angry when they see a successful Black person that doesnt dance to their tune?

What do you mean by not dancing to their tune?
Take Ben Carson for example. A fucking sellout. He parrots just what the racists want to hear. He's an Uncle Ruckus. Now compare him to Lebron who is actually more successful. He doenst sell out and he speaks on racism. Carson denies it exists.

Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon. As such he knows---
first hand-----that all human brains look alike and function alike (barring illness and anomalies) Thus--
all humanoids have the same potential
Too bad potential has nothing to do with racism. Potential needs a place to grow strong and action to realize its goals. If the place to grow strong is missing and action is repeatedly redirected due to obstacles put in place by racism there is never going to be much realization.

If whites in the US are the reason why you are so poor.

Why are blacks in Africa so much poorer?

Let's get real you as a FUCKING MONGOLOID RACIST, blame white folks for all your problems that they did nothing to cause. Get some agency and put your life in control, pathetic, absolutely pathetic.
If you werent so ignorant I would actually answer your question but your obvious lack of intellect tells me the answer is much too complicated for you.

You already answered the question, which again averted all agency and claimed whites are the reasons why black nations fucking suck.

No, it is not the whites, it is the blacks running the nations who you never seem to have any issue with. Always blame the whites who build successful civilizations instead and don't always blame others when things don't go their way. You are a useless pussy.
Whites have never built any successful civilization without help from Blacks or other people of color. You in fact were last to civilization and actually had to be rescued from devolving back to the stoneage by Blacks.

Oh yeah?

You are one of these people?

About done with your nonsense. Truly delusional...

Yeah. Thats a historical fact. I know you white boys are insecure about that but its really not your fault. You just took longer to become intelligent. Must have been the cold and lack of resources in europe.

Europe is white you stupid moron. All the best countries are white, there is no one single decent black nation.

Of course is europe is white you idiot. No all the best countries are definitely not white. I would never live in a all white country.

Well by the virtue that you are black, it would be rather impossible to live in an all white country.

All white countries are flipping awesome. Even the leftists you vote for constantly obsess about places like Sweden etc.

Ok, there are couple great Asian nations, but NONE of the best nations are black.
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
Well I have never supported government sponsored theft but the others are not ideas. They are realities. Racism isnt an excuse. Racism is a reason. I could have let racism stop me. It was a great reason but I refuse to use it as an excuse. Yes I have to work harder but I'm used to that. Now if I didnt know my history I would have probably used it as an excuse but I know where and who I come from. I'm one of the lucky minority that knows I have to outwork whites 10 to 1 just to get the same thing. Racism can put plenty of obstacles in my way... and it has.... but it cannot make me give up and quit. Only I can do that to myself.

Now what were you saying about something not serving me well?

I'm glad you are not one of the 'life is not fair, so I give up' crowd. What do you think of the three keys to staying out of poverty? Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids. I'm not saying people have to live this way to succeed, but it sure makes life less difficult. Racism wasn't fair, and it made life extremely difficult for many, but good choices can still lead to prosperity. People always concentrate on how unfairness led to a certain point, but they never talk about how to overcome it.
"Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids."

I think its hilarious to expect people that are combating racism and oppressive crooked policing and drug crime to focus on those things. I cant even begin to describe to you what kind of life that is. I barely graduated high school and went to the military. When I got back I had a child and at the same time realized I had made it past the age I thought I would be still be alive and had to start planning a future. I had two more children got married and then bought a house. All during these times I experienced a lot of racism but I had knowledge and more importantly lots of people that encouraged me to do right and not turn to the easy money. You cant expect most people to be as lucky as I was. Most of my childhood friends are dead or in prison.

Many people don't understand what it is like to be in a seemingly hopeless situation. I'm glad you made it out. It is chilling to think so many people don't think they have a chance.
This is what racism does. It is designed to keep people from having hope. I tell kids I mentor all the time. Racist whites have no problem with you being in poverty. Its when you try to make something of yourself that causes them to become outraged.
What a load of bullshit.

How about YOU take care of your kids and not blame whitey for not doing YOUR job. No one is standing in your way...
Even when you take care of your kids whitey still gets angry when youre successful despite racism. They know that I am a problem for them.

How? Why on earth would your success be a problem for anyone?
Thats what I would like to know. Why are whites so angry when they see a successful Black person that doesnt dance to their tune?

What do you mean by not dancing to their tune?
Take Ben Carson for example. A fucking sellout. He parrots just what the racists want to hear. He's an Uncle Ruckus. Now compare him to Lebron who is actually more successful. He doenst sell out and he speaks on racism. Carson denies it exists.

Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon. As such he knows---
first hand-----that all human brains look alike and function alike (barring illness and anomalies) Thus--
all humanoids have the same potential
Too bad potential has nothing to do with racism. Potential needs a place to grow strong and action to realize its goals. If the place to grow strong is missing and action is repeatedly redirected due to obstacles put in place by racism there is never going to be much realization.

If whites in the US are the reason why you are so poor.

Why are blacks in Africa so much poorer?

Let's get real you as a FUCKING MONGOLOID RACIST, blame white folks for all your problems that they did nothing to cause. Get some agency and put your life in control, pathetic, absolutely pathetic.
If you werent so ignorant I would actually answer your question but your obvious lack of intellect tells me the answer is much too complicated for you.

You already answered the question, which again averted all agency and claimed whites are the reasons why black nations fucking suck.

No, it is not the whites, it is the blacks running the nations who you never seem to have any issue with. Always blame the whites who build successful civilizations instead and don't always blame others when things don't go their way. You are a useless pussy.
Whites have never built any successful civilization without help from Blacks or other people of color. You in fact were last to civilization and actually had to be rescued from devolving back to the stoneage by Blacks.

Oh yeah?

You are one of these people?

About done with your nonsense. Truly delusional...

Yeah. Thats a historical fact. I know you white boys are insecure about that but its really not your fault. You just took longer to become intelligent. Must have been the cold and lack of resources in europe.

Europe is white you stupid moron. All the best countries are white, there is no one single decent black nation.

Of course is europe is white you idiot. No all the best countries are definitely not white. I would never live in a all white country.

Well by the virtue that you are black, it would be rather impossible to live in an all white country.

All white countries are flipping awesome. The leftists you vote for constantly obsess about places like Sweden etc.

There is no such thing as an all white country anyway. White women love Black guys so we are in every country. I was lucky enough to travel the world so I know these things from experience.

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