What the left doesn't get about conservatives.......from someone who used to be a left wing nut...

Leftists only know what they're told know about conservatives and their feelings take over from there. If they only realized the dems and the media tell them this nonsense just for votes this country could begin to heal its divide.

donald trump "the only good democrat is a dead democrat"
rush limbaugh "leave only some liberals left alive"
ann coulter "we shoot shoot a few liberals so the rest will know it can happen to them"
newt gingrich "we must change the laws of the land to reflect our religious beliefs and see to it that they can never be changed again"

I've been threatened with lynching and a shot in the head simply because I disagree with your opinions and beliefs.....

right wing conservatives are ignorant, hate filled, deranged, vile, loathsome, human scum....

I did NOT learn that from "my leaders
I did NOT learn that from MSM

I learned that from reading the statements and opinions of conservatives.....
Our statements of hating Marxist fags?
Our statements of pointing out the racist, fascist history of the Democratic Party?
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
Well I have never supported government sponsored theft but the others are not ideas. They are realities. Racism isnt an excuse. Racism is a reason. I could have let racism stop me. It was a great reason but I refuse to use it as an excuse. Yes I have to work harder but I'm used to that. Now if I didnt know my history I would have probably used it as an excuse but I know where and who I come from. I'm one of the lucky minority that knows I have to outwork whites 10 to 1 just to get the same thing. Racism can put plenty of obstacles in my way... and it has.... but it cannot make me give up and quit. Only I can do that to myself.

Now what were you saying about something not serving me well?

I'm glad you are not one of the 'life is not fair, so I give up' crowd. What do you think of the three keys to staying out of poverty? Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids. I'm not saying people have to live this way to succeed, but it sure makes life less difficult. Racism wasn't fair, and it made life extremely difficult for many, but good choices can still lead to prosperity. People always concentrate on how unfairness led to a certain point, but they never talk about how to overcome it.
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
Well I have never supported government sponsored theft but the others are not ideas. They are realities. Racism isnt an excuse. Racism is a reason. I could have let racism stop me. It was a great reason but I refuse to use it as an excuse. Yes I have to work harder but I'm used to that. Now if I didnt know my history I would have probably used it as an excuse but I know where and who I come from. I'm one of the lucky minority that knows I have to outwork whites 10 to 1 just to get the same thing. Racism can put plenty of obstacles in my way... and it has.... but it cannot make me give up and quit. Only I can do that to myself.

Now what were you saying about something not serving me well?

I'm glad you are not one of the 'life is not fair, so I give up' crowd. What do you think of the three keys to staying out of poverty? Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids. I'm not saying people have to live this way to succeed, but it sure makes life less difficult. Racism wasn't fair, and it made life extremely difficult for many, but good choices can still lead to prosperity. People always concentrate on how unfairness led to a certain point, but they never talk about how to overcome it.
"Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids."

I think its hilarious to expect people that are combating racism and oppressive crooked policing and drug crime to focus on those things. I cant even begin to describe to you what kind of life that is. I barely graduated high school and went to the military. When I got back I had a child and at the same time realized I had made it past the age I thought I would be still be alive and had to start planning a future. I had two more children got married and then bought a house. All during these times I experienced a lot of racism but I had knowledge and more importantly lots of people that encouraged me to do right and not turn to the easy money. You cant expect most people to be as lucky as I was. Most of my childhood friends are dead or in prison.
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
Well I have never supported government sponsored theft but the others are not ideas. They are realities. Racism isnt an excuse. Racism is a reason. I could have let racism stop me. It was a great reason but I refuse to use it as an excuse. Yes I have to work harder but I'm used to that. Now if I didnt know my history I would have probably used it as an excuse but I know where and who I come from. I'm one of the lucky minority that knows I have to outwork whites 10 to 1 just to get the same thing. Racism can put plenty of obstacles in my way... and it has.... but it cannot make me give up and quit. Only I can do that to myself.

Now what were you saying about something not serving me well?

I'm glad you are not one of the 'life is not fair, so I give up' crowd. What do you think of the three keys to staying out of poverty? Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids. I'm not saying people have to live this way to succeed, but it sure makes life less difficult. Racism wasn't fair, and it made life extremely difficult for many, but good choices can still lead to prosperity. People always concentrate on how unfairness led to a certain point, but they never talk about how to overcome it.
"Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids."

I think its hilarious to expect people that are combating racism and oppressive crooked policing and drug crime to focus on those things. I cant even begin to describe to you what kind of life that is. I barely graduated high school and went to the military. When I got back I had a child and at the same time realized I had made it past the age I thought I would be still be alive and had to start planning a future. I had two more children got married and then bought a house. All during these times I experienced a lot of racism but I had knowledge and more importantly lots of people that encouraged me to do right and not turn to the easy money. You cant expect most people to be as lucky as I was. Most of my childhood friends are dead or in prison.
Racism, crooked police and drug crime gets someone pregnant 5 times to 5 different men?
Good video....she finally took the Red Pill and knows truth....

its silly to think the 2@ will be lost with liberals in charge. It never was. Adding regulations has been acceptable even by the most conservative on the SC. Restrictions magazine size and not allowing any sales without a bgc is Normal procedure for new gun sales. Making iit mandatory for all is what is necessary

You don't understand the issues........

The magazine limit is a backdoor gun ban, since millions of pistols and rifles have magazines that hole more than 15 bullets.......they are now illegal to use because the magazines they take are over 15 bullets.............

And magazine bans do nothing to stop criminals or mass shooters......and you do not limit a right on "feelings."

The anti-gun extremists don't care about Background checks......they know that criminals get their guns using straw buyers, who can pass any background check, or they steal their guns........the anti-gun extremists want background checks so they can then demand gun registration....as so they can make getting a gun more expensive and filled with red tape that fewer people will go to the effort.....

You just don't understand the strategy behind the demands for magazine bans and universal background checks.
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
The conservative never gets the plight of the American Black born out of slavery. He’s had 100s of years of lost wealth and family break up by slave owners, that it has long been a cultural way of life. Everytime you whine about the black man with 6 kids by 4 wives remember this. It’s the result of slave owner mentality to keep the workers plentiful while breaking up families and moving and selling them around. You slave owners made much of their culture.

Wrong....up to the 1960s the Black family was intact and was actually becoming more and more wealthy.... actual facts show they were prospering......and then Lyndon Johnson, the racist from the democrat party pushed the "Great Society." The Great society programs destroyed the Black family and now 75% of Black children are raised in homes without fathers.......

There were more intact Black families under slavery than there are now...so you just don't know what you are talking about......ask Walter Williams, the economist or Thomas Sowell.....they both explain how you don't know the issue........
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
Well I have never supported government sponsored theft but the others are not ideas. They are realities. Racism isnt an excuse. Racism is a reason. I could have let racism stop me. It was a great reason but I refuse to use it as an excuse. Yes I have to work harder but I'm used to that. Now if I didnt know my history I would have probably used it as an excuse but I know where and who I come from. I'm one of the lucky minority that knows I have to outwork whites 10 to 1 just to get the same thing. Racism can put plenty of obstacles in my way... and it has.... but it cannot make me give up and quit. Only I can do that to myself.

Now what were you saying about something not serving me well?

I'm glad you are not one of the 'life is not fair, so I give up' crowd. What do you think of the three keys to staying out of poverty? Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids. I'm not saying people have to live this way to succeed, but it sure makes life less difficult. Racism wasn't fair, and it made life extremely difficult for many, but good choices can still lead to prosperity. People always concentrate on how unfairness led to a certain point, but they never talk about how to overcome it.

If you do those 3 things, actual research shows you have a 98% chance of staying out of poverty....which is why the democrat party attacks those things...

Avoid Poverty
“young people can virtually assure that they and their families will avoid poverty if they follow three elementary rules for success – complete at least a high school education, work full time, and wait until age 21 and get married before having a baby. Based on an analysis of Census data, people who followed all three of these rules had only a 2 percent chance of being in poverty and a 72 percent chance of joining the middle class (defined as above $55,000 in 2010.”


Consider an example. Today, more than 40 percent of American children, including more than 70 percent of black children and 50 percent of Hispanic children, are born outside marriage. This unprecedented rate of nonmarital births, combined with the nation’s high divorce rate, means that around half of children will spend part of their childhood—and for a considerable number of these all of their childhood — in a single-parent family.

Why would anyone watch 24 minutes of Jackassery? At least Fox ShitNews uses hot blondes to deliver their flim flam.
Leftists only know what they're told know about conservatives and their feelings take over from there. If they only realized the dems and the media tell them this nonsense just for votes this country could begin to heal its divide.

donald trump "the only good democrat is a dead democrat"
rush limbaugh "leave only some liberals left alive"
ann coulter "we shoot shoot a few liberals so the rest will know it can happen to them"
newt gingrich "we must change the laws of the land to reflect our religious beliefs and see to it that they can never be changed again"

I've been threatened with lynching and a shot in the head simply because I disagree with your opinions and beliefs.....

right wing conservatives are ignorant, hate filled, deranged, vile, loathsome, human scum....

I did NOT learn that from "my leaders
I did NOT learn that from MSM

I learned that from reading the statements and opinions of conservatives.....

and the person who threatened to lynch me and put a bullet in my head thinks this is funny!


proving what pieces of shit they are
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
The conservative never gets the plight of the American Black born out of slavery. He’s had 100s of years of lost wealth and family break up by slave owners, that it has long been a cultural way of life. Everytime you whine about the black man with 6 kids by 4 wives remember this. It’s the result of slave owner mentality to keep the workers plentiful while breaking up families and moving and selling them around. You slave owners made much of their culture.

Wrong....up to the 1960s the Black family was intact and was actually becoming more and more wealthy.... actual facts show they were prospering......and then Lyndon Johnson, the racist from the democrat party pushed the "Great Society." The Great society programs destroyed the Black family and now 75% of Black children are raised in homes without fathers.......

There were more intact Black families under slavery than there are now...so you just don't know what you are talking about......ask Walter Williams, the economist or Thomas Sowell.....they both explain how you don't know the issue........

" Wrong....up to the 1960s the Black family was intact and was actually becoming more and more wealthy.... actual facts show they were prospering..... "

Blacks were creating wealth despite racism. Whites couldnt figure out how this was happening so they decided they would just burn it down and steal the land.
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
The conservative never gets the plight of the American Black born out of slavery. He’s had 100s of years of lost wealth and family break up by slave owners, that it has long been a cultural way of life. Everytime you whine about the black man with 6 kids by 4 wives remember this. It’s the result of slave owner mentality to keep the workers plentiful while breaking up families and moving and selling them around. You slave owners made much of their culture.

Wrong....up to the 1960s the Black family was intact and was actually becoming more and more wealthy.... actual facts show they were prospering......and then Lyndon Johnson, the racist from the democrat party pushed the "Great Society." The Great society programs destroyed the Black family and now 75% of Black children are raised in homes without fathers.......

There were more intact Black families under slavery than there are now...so you just don't know what you are talking about......ask Walter Williams, the economist or Thomas Sowell.....they both explain how you don't know the issue........

" Wrong....up to the 1960s the Black family was intact and was actually becoming more and more wealthy.... actual facts show they were prospering..... "

Blacks were creating wealth despite racism. Whites couldnt figure out how this was happening so they decided they would just burn it down and steal the land.

I'm sorry, I don't understand. They were succeeding despite racism in the 60's, and then white people stopped it somehow? What happened? Who stole what?
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
The conservative never gets the plight of the American Black born out of slavery. He’s had 100s of years of lost wealth and family break up by slave owners, that it has long been a cultural way of life. Everytime you whine about the black man with 6 kids by 4 wives remember this. It’s the result of slave owner mentality to keep the workers plentiful while breaking up families and moving and selling them around. You slave owners made much of their culture.

Wrong....up to the 1960s the Black family was intact and was actually becoming more and more wealthy.... actual facts show they were prospering......and then Lyndon Johnson, the racist from the democrat party pushed the "Great Society." The Great society programs destroyed the Black family and now 75% of Black children are raised in homes without fathers.......

There were more intact Black families under slavery than there are now...so you just don't know what you are talking about......ask Walter Williams, the economist or Thomas Sowell.....they both explain how you don't know the issue........

" Wrong....up to the 1960s the Black family was intact and was actually becoming more and more wealthy.... actual facts show they were prospering..... "

Blacks were creating wealth despite racism. Whites couldnt figure out how this was happening so they decided they would just burn it down and steal the land.

No...you are almost there.....

The democrat party, who fought every single Civil Rights act up to the last 2.......were told by Lyndon Johnson, racist and likely klan member, that if they didn't vote for the last two, after fighting all the rest including anti-lynching laws....they wouldn't win national office ....

So....he came up with the Great Society....a program that offered wealthfare and destroyed Black families....causing an eventual 70% out of wedlock birth rate among Black American families...dooming those children to poverty and hopelessness....

The democrat party did this to Black families.....and they still vote for the democrats...
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
Well I have never supported government sponsored theft but the others are not ideas. They are realities. Racism isnt an excuse. Racism is a reason. I could have let racism stop me. It was a great reason but I refuse to use it as an excuse. Yes I have to work harder but I'm used to that. Now if I didnt know my history I would have probably used it as an excuse but I know where and who I come from. I'm one of the lucky minority that knows I have to outwork whites 10 to 1 just to get the same thing. Racism can put plenty of obstacles in my way... and it has.... but it cannot make me give up and quit. Only I can do that to myself.

Now what were you saying about something not serving me well?

I'm glad you are not one of the 'life is not fair, so I give up' crowd. What do you think of the three keys to staying out of poverty? Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids. I'm not saying people have to live this way to succeed, but it sure makes life less difficult. Racism wasn't fair, and it made life extremely difficult for many, but good choices can still lead to prosperity. People always concentrate on how unfairness led to a certain point, but they never talk about how to overcome it.
"Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids."

I think its hilarious to expect people that are combating racism and oppressive crooked policing and drug crime to focus on those things. I cant even begin to describe to you what kind of life that is. I barely graduated high school and went to the military. When I got back I had a child and at the same time realized I had made it past the age I thought I would be still be alive and had to start planning a future. I had two more children got married and then bought a house. All during these times I experienced a lot of racism but I had knowledge and more importantly lots of people that encouraged me to do right and not turn to the easy money. You cant expect most people to be as lucky as I was. Most of my childhood friends are dead or in prison.

Many people don't understand what it is like to be in a seemingly hopeless situation. I'm glad you made it out. It is chilling to think so many people don't think they have a chance.
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
Well I have never supported government sponsored theft but the others are not ideas. They are realities. Racism isnt an excuse. Racism is a reason. I could have let racism stop me. It was a great reason but I refuse to use it as an excuse. Yes I have to work harder but I'm used to that. Now if I didnt know my history I would have probably used it as an excuse but I know where and who I come from. I'm one of the lucky minority that knows I have to outwork whites 10 to 1 just to get the same thing. Racism can put plenty of obstacles in my way... and it has.... but it cannot make me give up and quit. Only I can do that to myself.

Now what were you saying about something not serving me well?

I'm glad you are not one of the 'life is not fair, so I give up' crowd. What do you think of the three keys to staying out of poverty? Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids. I'm not saying people have to live this way to succeed, but it sure makes life less difficult. Racism wasn't fair, and it made life extremely difficult for many, but good choices can still lead to prosperity. People always concentrate on how unfairness led to a certain point, but they never talk about how to overcome it.
"Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids."

I think its hilarious to expect people that are combating racism and oppressive crooked policing and drug crime to focus on those things. I cant even begin to describe to you what kind of life that is. I barely graduated high school and went to the military. When I got back I had a child and at the same time realized I had made it past the age I thought I would be still be alive and had to start planning a future. I had two more children got married and then bought a house. All during these times I experienced a lot of racism but I had knowledge and more importantly lots of people that encouraged me to do right and not turn to the easy money. You cant expect most people to be as lucky as I was. Most of my childhood friends are dead or in prison.

Many people don't understand what it is like to be in a seemingly hopeless situation. I'm glad you made it out. It is chilling to think so many people don't think they have a chance.

The democrat party pushes the idea that they don't have a chance......wealthy people won't need welfare, and then the democrat party will not have control over them.
Hey....Oldlady....you should watch this entire video......you might finally learn some truth about the conservative side of the aisle.

I have doubts she will ever learn anything. Some people will always value free shit over civilization or the propagation of their society.
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
Well I have never supported government sponsored theft but the others are not ideas. They are realities. Racism isnt an excuse. Racism is a reason. I could have let racism stop me. It was a great reason but I refuse to use it as an excuse. Yes I have to work harder but I'm used to that. Now if I didnt know my history I would have probably used it as an excuse but I know where and who I come from. I'm one of the lucky minority that knows I have to outwork whites 10 to 1 just to get the same thing. Racism can put plenty of obstacles in my way... and it has.... but it cannot make me give up and quit. Only I can do that to myself.

Now what were you saying about something not serving me well?

I'm glad you are not one of the 'life is not fair, so I give up' crowd. What do you think of the three keys to staying out of poverty? Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids. I'm not saying people have to live this way to succeed, but it sure makes life less difficult. Racism wasn't fair, and it made life extremely difficult for many, but good choices can still lead to prosperity. People always concentrate on how unfairness led to a certain point, but they never talk about how to overcome it.
"Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids."

I think its hilarious to expect people that are combating racism and oppressive crooked policing and drug crime to focus on those things. I cant even begin to describe to you what kind of life that is. I barely graduated high school and went to the military. When I got back I had a child and at the same time realized I had made it past the age I thought I would be still be alive and had to start planning a future. I had two more children got married and then bought a house. All during these times I experienced a lot of racism but I had knowledge and more importantly lots of people that encouraged me to do right and not turn to the easy money. You cant expect most people to be as lucky as I was. Most of my childhood friends are dead or in prison.

Many people don't understand what it is like to be in a seemingly hopeless situation. I'm glad you made it out. It is chilling to think so many people don't think they have a chance.

The democrat party pushes the idea that they don't have a chance......wealthy people won't need welfare, and then the democrat party will not have control over them.
Nope. Reality pushes that idea. If you've never been in that situation you cant comment on where that idea comes from.
Good video....she finally took the Red Pill and knows truth....

its silly to think the 2@ will be lost with liberals in charge. It never was. Adding regulations has been acceptable even by the most conservative on the SC. Restrictions magazine size and not allowing any sales without a bgc is Normal procedure for new gun sales. Making iit mandatory for all is what is necessary

No. Stripping back the current checks, and regulations is what is constitutionally neccessary.
Its easy to be conservative. No thinking allowed or needed. You just become a drone and parrot of Rush and Drumpf. In order to be liberal you actually have to put forth effort to think and utilize the full gamut of intelligence bestowed on the human race. I'm not surprised some people give up and fall into stupidity as a conservative. Its like falling asleep and everyone enjoys a good sleep.

So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. People can succeed if they are allowed. Crushing the middle class will not lift a single person out of poverty. Your utopia is not based in reality. If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. Eventually, people will have to care for themselves, which is just natural. The government should step aside and quit making it more difficult for people to care for themselves.
" So all your intelligence results in tent cities all across the West Coast? "

Not sure whats wrong with tent cities? They are transitional housing.

" I hardly call it being asleep to disavow a philosophy that has never worked in the history of mankind. "

Its called being conservative. They are unable to adapt to change and too timid to try because someone told them it would never work. Some call those type of people losers. My parents always told me that people that say something is impossible are just projecting their fears of failure.

"People can succeed if they are allowed."

True. The problem is that racism reduces those numbers drastically for the race the system is set up to put obstacles in front of. The idea that people are supposed to pull themselves up by their boot straps when they dont even have boots or they just have one boot is ridiculous and a thinly veiled lie.

"If you gutted the military and took every last dollar of the 'rich' people, you still do not come close to funding your vision. "

Not sure what you think my vision is but yeah this would do very nicely towards funding my vision.

In my brief conversations with you, you have supported tent cities, women with 6 kids by 5 dads, government sponserd theft, and using racism as an excuse why a whole group of people can't succeed. I'm not sure who told you those were productive ideas, but I don't think they will serve you well.
Well I have never supported government sponsored theft but the others are not ideas. They are realities. Racism isnt an excuse. Racism is a reason. I could have let racism stop me. It was a great reason but I refuse to use it as an excuse. Yes I have to work harder but I'm used to that. Now if I didnt know my history I would have probably used it as an excuse but I know where and who I come from. I'm one of the lucky minority that knows I have to outwork whites 10 to 1 just to get the same thing. Racism can put plenty of obstacles in my way... and it has.... but it cannot make me give up and quit. Only I can do that to myself.

Now what were you saying about something not serving me well?

I'm glad you are not one of the 'life is not fair, so I give up' crowd. What do you think of the three keys to staying out of poverty? Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids. I'm not saying people have to live this way to succeed, but it sure makes life less difficult. Racism wasn't fair, and it made life extremely difficult for many, but good choices can still lead to prosperity. People always concentrate on how unfairness led to a certain point, but they never talk about how to overcome it.
"Graduate high school, marriage and job before kids."

I think its hilarious to expect people that are combating racism and oppressive crooked policing and drug crime to focus on those things. I cant even begin to describe to you what kind of life that is. I barely graduated high school and went to the military. When I got back I had a child and at the same time realized I had made it past the age I thought I would be still be alive and had to start planning a future. I had two more children got married and then bought a house. All during these times I experienced a lot of racism but I had knowledge and more importantly lots of people that encouraged me to do right and not turn to the easy money. You cant expect most people to be as lucky as I was. Most of my childhood friends are dead or in prison.

Many people don't understand what it is like to be in a seemingly hopeless situation. I'm glad you made it out. It is chilling to think so many people don't think they have a chance.
This is what racism does. It is designed to keep people from having hope. I tell kids I mentor all the time. Racist whites have no problem with you being in poverty. Its when you try to make something of yourself that causes them to become outraged.

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