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Zone1 What to Do with Gaza?

First of all, the reason Hamas exists is to resist the Jewish occupation of Palestinian lands and your racist, apartheid state.
So you are back to the same lies and errors. Nothing new to say it seems. So just as a reminder -- there are no "Palestinian" lands, Israel doesn't occupy, Israel isn't racist or apartheid and Hamas exists to kill Jews and other infidels world wide. You packed so many mistakes into one sentence! Good work. Very efficient.
Hamas wouldn't exist if your apartheid state didn't exist.
Hamas wouldn't exist if the Arabs involved cared about life.
The fact that Hamas in the past, had its fighters operating within Shifa Hospital, doesn't justify the destruction of the hospital with thousands of patients and people sheltering themselves from your genocidal bombing campaign.
Interesting. You went from "no proof" to "in the past" without blinking an eye. Good pivot on your lies.
Hamas is a people's resistance organization against Israeli occupation and state terrorism. The only way to eliminate it is by lifting the occupation and respecting the human rights of Palestinians.
That must explain the murders on Oct 7. The simplest way to throw off the yoke of the oppressor is to invade and murder civilians. Well considered!
There are targets in war that are prohibited. It doesn't matter if supposedly, there are Hamas fighters in that location or a tunnel under the building. You don't have the right to destroy that target with thousands of civilians to kill some Hamas fighters.
So you don't know the rules of war. Got it.
As I mentioned earlier, you created Hamas through your illegal occupation and Zionist ethnic cleansing project.
Ooh, I love that one...

The occupiers don't have a right to defend their occupation, whereas the occupied have every right to resist the occupation of their lands and fight their oppressors.
Governments have the right and responsibility to defend their population.

If Hamas fighters were in an Israeli hospital in Tel Aviv would the Israelis bomb the Israeli hospital with thousands of Jews to kill a Hamas fighter?
I don't know -- I assume that the Israelis in the hospital would reject their presence and drive them out before the army got there. Seems that the Arabs in Gaza are OK with it. Are you?
I asked:

-Where are the international boundaries between Israel and Jordan, as established by treaty?
-Where are the international boundaries between Israel and Egypt, as established by treaty?

I didn't see your response.
I already debunked your silly reasoning for justifying the Zionist occupation of Palestinian lands and Zionist Israel's apartheid state. You can continue being delusional, thinking you've won something.
Many groups on the left are in full support of HAMAS terrorists, including Democratic socialists and numerous chapters of BLM, and their members are invading social media - as we see here. Because the moderators here are primarily leftists, these terrorism supporters are given free rein.

(Sorry, couldn’t resist checking in….)

The key word is fringe.
yes they are but I appreciate being called a Muppet as I am a fan of the Muppets.
OK pal why is some Cab driver from New Jersey more entitled to live on the west bank sometimes after forcing someone from their home than an Arab who goes back generations there ? this is going to good.
OK pal why is some Cab driver from New Jersey more entitled to live on the west bank sometimes after forcing someone from their home than an Arab who goes back generations there ? this is going to good.
oooh, I notice that you are changing the details of your scenario. Someone from New Jersey no matter his religion can choose to move to Israel and (if he can afford it and find the right place) settle in Jerusalem. Why are you against that?
oooh, I notice that you are changing the details of your scenario. Someone from New Jersey no matter his religion can choose to move to Israel and (if he can afford it and find the right place) settle in Jerusalem. Why are you against that?
You are the one moving the goal post
oooh, I notice that you are changing the details of your scenario. Someone from New Jersey no matter his religion can choose to move to Israel and (if he can afford it and find the right place) settle in Jerusalem. Why are you against that?
My mistake, i missed out the word Jewish, if a jewish cab driver wanted to settle there, you told me that's ok.
Any jewish person living anywhere in the world has the automatic right to settle there, that's the only regulation they have.
"Every Jew in the world has the unrestricted right to immigrate to Israel and become an Israeli citizen. Individuals born within the country receive Israeli citizenship at birth if at least one parent is a citizen."

Well then - she's right. She has the right to live there.
What was your point?
I am stumped by what to do with the two million Palestinians living in Gaza. A simple idea is to leave them alone, but this has resulted in endless war with Israel. On the other hand, no other country appears willing to assume responsibility for this area. A third possibility would to resettle these people elsewhere, but who would want to accept them? My biggest fear is that the US might try to do this.

Any thoughts/solutions?
First, the problem isn't the people of Gaza nor those of Israel.

The problem is the hunger for power and the willingness to use religion as the hammer to get that power.

If I were to strip an Arab Jew, Arab Muslim, and Arab Christian down to their tighty whiteys and put them in a lineup no one could tell them apart.

the difference is religion and those seeking power and wealth using religion to divide a common people.

In a region with such vast wealth and resources the overwhelming majority of the people are desperately poor. Why?
Because keeping them poor and blaming one another for their condition is advantageous to those in power.

If we were to eliminate their religions, what would the fight over?

Of course, if we were to eliminate religion those in power would lose the source of their power and the people on all sides would see that their enemy is not one another but the powerful rulers that set them to war with one another for personal gain.

Bibi isn't leading troops into those tunnels.
The HAMAS leadership didn't lead the barbary into Israel.

But neither will be bothered at all by the death and destruction because it doesn't hurt them but does enhance their power.

There are no good guys here. Just corrupt leaders and their victims.
So you are back to the same lies and errors. Nothing new to say it seems. So just as a reminder -- there are no "Palestinian" lands, Israel doesn't occupy, Israel isn't racist or apartheid and Hamas exists to kill Jews and other infidels world wide. You packed so many mistakes into one sentence! Good work. Very efficient.

Hamas wouldn't exist if the Arabs involved cared about life.

Interesting. You went from "no proof" to "in the past" without blinking an eye. Good pivot on your lies.

That must explain the murders on Oct 7. The simplest way to throw off the yoke of the oppressor is to invade and murder civilians. Well considered!

So you don't know the rules of war. Got it.

Ooh, I love that one...
View attachment 856240

Governments have the right and responsibility to defend their population.
View attachment 856241

I don't know -- I assume that the Israelis in the hospital would reject their presence and drive them out before the army got there. Seems that the Arabs in Gaza are OK with it. Are you?

So you are back to the same lies and errors. Nothing new to say it seems. So just as a reminder -- there are no "Palestinian" lands, Israel doesn't occupy, Israel isn't racist or apartheid and Hamas exists to kill Jews and other infidels world wide.
You packed so many mistakes into one sentence! Good work. Very efficient.

Reality doesn't align with your fantasy that Israel isn't occupying Palestinian lands and isn't an apartheid state. The whole world that has a conscience and at least half a brain knows that's the case.

Hamas wouldn't exist if the Arabs involved cared about life.

Hamas exists because violence is the only language ZioNazis like you understand and appreciate. Palestinians are defending themselves against the Zionist terrorist state of "Israel" that is occupying their lands, murdering their people and dehumanizing them.

Interesting. You went from "no proof" to "in the past" without blinking an eye. Good pivot on your lies.

There's no proof that Hamas now has anyone operating within the hospital or that there's a "Hamas headquarters" there in the building or under it. Even if in the past that was the case it doesn't imply that it is still the situation today. Practically everything that comes out of your Israeli "Hasbara Department" is BULLSHIT. Here is a current testimony by a foreign volunteer doctor and professor who until recently worked in Shifa Hospital:

There's no justification whatsoever for bombing hospitals full of civilians, in a futile attempt to destroy Hamas. By doing that you're not eliminating Hamas, you are expanding and growing Hamas. You're ensuring its survival well into the future, recruiting the next generation of Hamas fighters. Whenever you kill a person's parents, children, spouse, brothers, and sisters, you are creating more Hamas and anti-Semitism.
That must explain the murders on Oct 7. The simplest way to throw off the yoke of the oppressor is to invade and murder civilians. Well considered!

Oct 7th didn't happen in a vacuum. You occupy their lands, dehumanize and murder them, and they lash out violently and kill you. The Israeli infrastructure around Gaza, including the Kibuttzim serves the purpose of oppressing and killing Palestinians. It serves the Israeli military, many Israeli soldiers live in those communities. You're a colonialist, racist, settler society, that has been imprisoning the people of Gaza in a giant concentration camp, an open-air prison for over a decade, then you wonder why Oct 7th happened? Your denial of the Israeli occupation and colonial project only ensures the violence continues. You're never going to eliminate Hamas by bombing Gaza to the ground and killing civilians.

Israel has been bombing Gaza for over a decade. The current genocidal bombing campaign isn't new, this has happened in the past at a smaller scale. In 2021, in 2018, 2014, 2009....etc. Major bombing operations have killed hundreds, even over a thousand civilians. You control the water, electricity, all supplies, the air, the sea, and everything around Gaza. The people aren't allowed to leave and return, without getting an almost impossible to obtain permit. The water is toxic, there is food insecurity, a lack of resources..etc. Then you wonder why Oct 7th?

So you don't know the rules of war. Got it.

Keep deluding yourself thinking it's permissible to slaughter civilians under the circumstances Israel is in.

Governments have the right and responsibility to defend their population.

Not when a government is illegally occupying land and those who are being occupied defend themselves. You are the ones oppressing the Palestinians, dispossessing them of their lands and homes, and dehumanizing them. Your Zionist apartheid state is an illegal colonial project and hence doesn't have the same rights as other sovereign states.

Moreover, a government defending its citizens doesn't justify the genocidal bombing campaign we're now witnessing in Gaza.

I don't know -- I assume that the Israelis in the hospital would reject their presence and drive them out before the army got there. Seems that the Arabs in Gaza are OK with it. Are you?

You missed the point. The Israelis would not kill thousands of Jews in a hospital to kill a few Hamas fighters or to destroy Hamas facilities. If the circumstances didn't allow Israelis to leave the hospital or the location where Hamas is operating underground or secretly embedded among the Jews, the Israeli government wouldn't sacrifice hundreds, or thousands of Jewish lives to kill a few Hamas fighters. You know that, but since the civilians in Gaza are "goyim", you slaughter them.

Seems that the Palestinian Arabs in Gaza are simply living in Gaza and due to your genocidal bombing campaign they are looking for refuge in the hospital and wherever else they can find it. They don't eliminate Hamas in Shifa Hospital, because there is no freaking Hamas in that location. Even if Hamas was there, you expect civilians to fight a heavily armed paramilitary force with rocks? Women and children throwing rocks at Hamas? You Zionist Jews created Hamas with your occupation and colonization of Palestine. Your Zionist terrorism created the Hamas resistance movement.

Your beloved rabbi here claims that the people living in Gaza must leave the city to be considered civilians, otherwise, they should be slaughtered:

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oooh, I notice that you are changing the details of your scenario. Someone from New Jersey no matter his religion can choose to move to Israel and (if he can afford it and find the right place) settle in Jerusalem. Why are you against that?
Because you being a Jew from New Jersey have more rights in Palestine than a Palestinian who is a native of that land. Just because you had a great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather who lived in East Jerusalem 2000 years ago, you shouldn't have a right to go there and take the land and homes of people who live there now, because they speak Arabic and are Christians or Muslims.

You have more rights as a Jew from New Jersey in the Holy Land, than the indigenous population that never left and whose families have been there for generations, even thousands of years. Obviously like DUH, you shouldn't be in such a position, just because you're an adherent of "rabbinic Judaism". You Jews from New Jersey created Hamas, with your Zionist bullshit.

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Which part is unsupportable nonsense? The building of Israeli settlements while restricting the construction of Arabs or the encouragement of Jewish immigration while refusing to allow Palestinian refugees the right of return?

It's a ZioFascist, Jewish supremacist state. Whoever denies it is either ignorant or dishonest. Anyone with half a brain can see that what is going on in "Israel" is WRONG. A heinous crime.

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