"What To The Slave Is The 4th Of July?"

Slaves ceased to be slaves after slavery by default but were still not freed from 2nd class citizenship..

WE? How old are you?

Feel free to point out where I used the word "We".
Sorry, misread it. Too much we stuff in the "community". Yes, blacks were treated badly but it's not an excuse today. Many are quite successful and living WAY better than me in this city alone.

Considering that the facts show us that whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks and Hispanics, you are a liar.

Do I have 15 times the wealth of Blacks and Hispanics in my neighborhood? really? The fact is, today Blacks and Hispanics can do something about it. They can get scholarships, loans, there is plenty of education available for them today in the United States, as long as they don't major in African American studies. Companies are more than willing to hire minorities and they can start their own businesses as well. If they are making 15 times less as a "Group", then I guess they can do something about it. Its in their hands. The whole point is kind of fucking riddiculous because your happiness or success in life is not predicated on what someone else has and what you don't. Now thats kind of 5th grade mentality.
Slaves ceased to be slaves after slavery by default but were still not freed from 2nd class citizenship..

WE? How old are you?

Feel free to point out where I used the word "We".
Sorry, misread it. Too much we stuff in the "community". Yes, blacks were treated badly but it's not an excuse today. Many are quite successful and living WAY better than me in this city alone.

Considering that the facts show us that whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks and Hispanics, you are a liar.

Do I have 15 times the wealth of Blacks and Hispanics in my neighborhood? really? The fact is, today Blacks and Hispanics can do something about it. They can get scholarships, loans, there is plenty of education available for them today in the United States, as long as they don't major in African American studies. Companies are more than willing to hire minorities and they can start their own businesses as well. If they are making 15 times less as a "Group", then I guess they can do something about it. Its in their hands. The whole point is kind of fucking riddiculous because your happiness or success in life is not predicated on what someone else has and what you don't. Now thats kind of 5th grade mentality.

There's also the aspect that Parenting Matters.

My dad took me to the bank to open my first savings account when I was in 2nd grade. Both of my parents stressed getting an education, developing a work ethic, and saving-investing (as opposed to credit fueled instant gratification). These values are healthy, and are the basis for how most people accumulate wealth.
What to a slave is July 4th?

A beacon of hope that he may one day be free. That has happened in the U.S.

If the OP really cared about Slavery, he'd spend his ire on the issue of present day slaves...of which there are an estimated 21 Million worldwide (compare that to the aggregate less than half a million that were imported to North America over 240+ years).

And note, Latin and South America imported over 90% of the slaves from Africa. Why doesn't the OP hold those societies accountable?

There never should have been that beacon of hope. Blacks should have been free in July 4th, 1776 just like whites. This is the problem with your arguments. You want to pretend that saying it offered a beacon of hope for freedom for those slaves like is supposed to be a positive that we should be happy for. Why don't I hold those other societies responsible? Because I don't live in those other societies and most of those societies got rid of the colonizers who imported the slaves into those paces in the first place.

You don't get to tell me what I am going to spend my ire on. I live here in America, I am spending my ire on American racism. You aren't interested in todays slavery, You only mention it because I talk about how whites are still practicing racism.
I am not reading your bullshit. I know what's what. The fact is slavery could have been ended in this nation when the nation started. Not on principles that lead to an end of slavery eventually. I don't have to appreciate that.

Slavery could have ended when the Benin Empire and Nigerians stopped building their economy around the slave trade. But wait, they didnt. They didn't have a document saying all people were created equal either.
A lot of things could have been, should have been, and then weren't. America , is a great country that a lot of people around the world are trying to come to for self advancment. To bad you can't be part of that.

The Benin Empire and Nigeria have nothing to do with what happened in America.. Lets stop using Africa as an excuse. Part of the supposed greatness pf this nation that I participate in is the right to air my grievance peacefully as a citizen. This is the right people like you want to try silencing. That you try doing this is un-American.

You have the right to grieve and i have the right to give my opinion. The Benin Empire and other west Africans have everything to do with what happened in America. They were dealing in the slave trade long before Europeans got involved and the networks were already in place. And Europeans were taken as slaves first through the eastern slave trade anyway, slavery was nothing new to the world.

Well you have that right but you also have the right to be told how you are wrong by someone black who has studied the issue of slavery deeper than you have. You see the trade of slaves were done by transactions, The slaves came over here from Benin on either Dutch or Portuguese ships primarily This means that a Dutchmen or a Portuguese individual or shipping company purchased the slaves. The slaves were not given away. So then if there is no purchase there is no slave trade.

So stop using Africa to excuse what whites have done.

There fore to say that slavery in the America/United States could have ended with the law written in in the constitution which forbade slavery immediately is correct. You offer noting but excuses. But this is par for the course around here. You guys have an excuse for everything whites do that is wrong. You guys are quick to tell others how they are making excuses, but you feel it fine that you can. That is childish.

If we don't talk about slavery and try discussing how whites benefitted from segregation, well that didn't happen either. I mean you guys lie to yourselves completely about how things have happened for you here in this country. And it is very sad that people choose to live with such a refusal to accept reality to such an extent as you conservatives.

I have learned from an early age that slavery was wrong, racism is wrong, discrimination is wrong. I have no need to have someone try to convince me I need to hate myself for being born whatever race I was born into. Which is pretty much the premise of your thread. If I don't work, If I don't try hard, I end up living under a freeway overpass. Same goes for black people the fact that there was once segregation in this country does nothing for me if I don't try to work and get ahead. The fact that more white people have gone to college or have connections does absolutely nothing for me, and you seem to think that takes away from black people today. Your one of those who likes to lump every one together as a group. So please tell me how "Things have happened for me as a group" when you really dont know my life. you come in here with a lot of assumptions about people because they have light colored skin then wonder why you get the reaction you do

This is snot about teaching you to hate yourself

This about you and others recognizing the contradictions in your arguments in this specific thread,

Spare me the lie of an argument about someone making things about groups. The laws of this nation made things about groups. So them you tell me who the laws of this nation do not apply to you but apply to others.

Understand this, I have read thread after thread where you whites make assumptions about us a people because we are darker than you. So don't try that double standard here. I knew what kind of reaction I was going t get. I am not surprised by your refusal to take responsibility, and your immaturity. I don't worry about your responses because I can post and at the end of my post can predict what each one of you are going to say. You and others here seem to believe that you have the right to judge and criticize us, But when we turn the tables using the standards you use on us suddenly it's wrong. The lot of you conservatives live with a child like mentality. For you to be so stupid as to cry about someone teaching your ass how to hate yourselves after there are countless threads here with you whites trying to teach us to hate ourselves is a show of just how childlike the conservative white mind truly is..

And none of this going to register with you. You probably will now try that lame conservative trick of you didn't answer my question or you didn't show me, when I should not have to show you anything, because the truth is that you already know.
Slaves ceased to be slaves after slavery by default but were still not freed from 2nd class citizenship..

WE? How old are you?

Feel free to point out where I used the word "We".
Sorry, misread it. Too much we stuff in the "community". Yes, blacks were treated badly but it's not an excuse today. Many are quite successful and living WAY better than me in this city alone.

Considering that the facts show us that whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks and Hispanics, you are a liar.

Do I have 15 times the wealth of Blacks and Hispanics in my neighborhood? really? The fact is, today Blacks and Hispanics can do something about it. They can get scholarships, loans, there is plenty of education available for them today in the United States, as long as they don't major in African American studies. Companies are more than willing to hire minorities and they can start their own businesses as well. If they are making 15 times less as a "Group", then I guess they can do something about it. Its in their hands. The whole point is kind of fucking riddiculous because your happiness or success in life is not predicated on what someone else has and what you don't. Now thats kind of 5th grade mentality.

Yawn! More of the same old white conservative denials and excuses.

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.
WE? How old are you?

Feel free to point out where I used the word "We".
Sorry, misread it. Too much we stuff in the "community". Yes, blacks were treated badly but it's not an excuse today. Many are quite successful and living WAY better than me in this city alone.

Considering that the facts show us that whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks and Hispanics, you are a liar.

Do I have 15 times the wealth of Blacks and Hispanics in my neighborhood? really? The fact is, today Blacks and Hispanics can do something about it. They can get scholarships, loans, there is plenty of education available for them today in the United States, as long as they don't major in African American studies. Companies are more than willing to hire minorities and they can start their own businesses as well. If they are making 15 times less as a "Group", then I guess they can do something about it. Its in their hands. The whole point is kind of fucking riddiculous because your happiness or success in life is not predicated on what someone else has and what you don't. Now thats kind of 5th grade mentality.

Yawn! More of the same old white conservative denials and excuses.

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.
Says the guy who claimed the US had slaves in 1640.
WE? How old are you?

Feel free to point out where I used the word "We".
Sorry, misread it. Too much we stuff in the "community". Yes, blacks were treated badly but it's not an excuse today. Many are quite successful and living WAY better than me in this city alone.

Considering that the facts show us that whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks and Hispanics, you are a liar.

Do I have 15 times the wealth of Blacks and Hispanics in my neighborhood? really? The fact is, today Blacks and Hispanics can do something about it. They can get scholarships, loans, there is plenty of education available for them today in the United States, as long as they don't major in African American studies. Companies are more than willing to hire minorities and they can start their own businesses as well. If they are making 15 times less as a "Group", then I guess they can do something about it. Its in their hands. The whole point is kind of fucking riddiculous because your happiness or success in life is not predicated on what someone else has and what you don't. Now thats kind of 5th grade mentality.

There's also the aspect that Parenting Matters.

My dad took me to the bank to open my first savings account when I was in 2nd grade. Both of my parents stressed getting an education, developing a work ethic, and saving-investing (as opposed to credit fueled instant gratification). These values are healthy, and are the basis for how most people accumulate wealth.

Yawn. My grandmother started a bank account for me when I was born. Whites did not accumulate wealth by adhering to those principles. If they did, no one would be here saying anything different,
Feel free to point out where I used the word "We".
Sorry, misread it. Too much we stuff in the "community". Yes, blacks were treated badly but it's not an excuse today. Many are quite successful and living WAY better than me in this city alone.

Considering that the facts show us that whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks and Hispanics, you are a liar.

Do I have 15 times the wealth of Blacks and Hispanics in my neighborhood? really? The fact is, today Blacks and Hispanics can do something about it. They can get scholarships, loans, there is plenty of education available for them today in the United States, as long as they don't major in African American studies. Companies are more than willing to hire minorities and they can start their own businesses as well. If they are making 15 times less as a "Group", then I guess they can do something about it. Its in their hands. The whole point is kind of fucking riddiculous because your happiness or success in life is not predicated on what someone else has and what you don't. Now thats kind of 5th grade mentality.

There's also the aspect that Parenting Matters.

My dad took me to the bank to open my first savings account when I was in 2nd grade. Both of my parents stressed getting an education, developing a work ethic, and saving-investing (as opposed to credit fueled instant gratification). These values are healthy, and are the basis for how most people accumulate wealth.

Yawn. My grandmother started a bank account for me when I was born. Whites did not accumulate wealth by adhering to those principles. If they did, no one would be here saying anything different,
Says the guys who claimed the US had slaves in 1640.
Feel free to point out where I used the word "We".
Sorry, misread it. Too much we stuff in the "community". Yes, blacks were treated badly but it's not an excuse today. Many are quite successful and living WAY better than me in this city alone.

Considering that the facts show us that whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks and Hispanics, you are a liar.

Do I have 15 times the wealth of Blacks and Hispanics in my neighborhood? really? The fact is, today Blacks and Hispanics can do something about it. They can get scholarships, loans, there is plenty of education available for them today in the United States, as long as they don't major in African American studies. Companies are more than willing to hire minorities and they can start their own businesses as well. If they are making 15 times less as a "Group", then I guess they can do something about it. Its in their hands. The whole point is kind of fucking riddiculous because your happiness or success in life is not predicated on what someone else has and what you don't. Now thats kind of 5th grade mentality.

Yawn! More of the same old white conservative denials and excuses.

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.
Says the guy who claimed the US had slaves in 1640.

Yawn. The US did have slaves in 1640. Your playing semantics is just another example of the childlike nature of the white conservative mind.
Sorry, misread it. Too much we stuff in the "community". Yes, blacks were treated badly but it's not an excuse today. Many are quite successful and living WAY better than me in this city alone.

Considering that the facts show us that whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks and Hispanics, you are a liar.

Do I have 15 times the wealth of Blacks and Hispanics in my neighborhood? really? The fact is, today Blacks and Hispanics can do something about it. They can get scholarships, loans, there is plenty of education available for them today in the United States, as long as they don't major in African American studies. Companies are more than willing to hire minorities and they can start their own businesses as well. If they are making 15 times less as a "Group", then I guess they can do something about it. Its in their hands. The whole point is kind of fucking riddiculous because your happiness or success in life is not predicated on what someone else has and what you don't. Now thats kind of 5th grade mentality.

Yawn! More of the same old white conservative denials and excuses.

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.
Says the guy who claimed the US had slaves in 1640.

Yawn. The US did have slaves in 1640. Your playing semantics is just another example of the childlike nature of the white conservative mind.

The US didn't exist in 1640
WE? How old are you?

Feel free to point out where I used the word "We".
Sorry, misread it. Too much we stuff in the "community". Yes, blacks were treated badly but it's not an excuse today. Many are quite successful and living WAY better than me in this city alone.

Considering that the facts show us that whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks and Hispanics, you are a liar.

Do I have 15 times the wealth of Blacks and Hispanics in my neighborhood? really? The fact is, today Blacks and Hispanics can do something about it. They can get scholarships, loans, there is plenty of education available for them today in the United States, as long as they don't major in African American studies. Companies are more than willing to hire minorities and they can start their own businesses as well. If they are making 15 times less as a "Group", then I guess they can do something about it. Its in their hands. The whole point is kind of fucking riddiculous because your happiness or success in life is not predicated on what someone else has and what you don't. Now thats kind of 5th grade mentality.

There's also the aspect that Parenting Matters.

My dad took me to the bank to open my first savings account when I was in 2nd grade. Both of my parents stressed getting an education, developing a work ethic, and saving-investing (as opposed to credit fueled instant gratification). These values are healthy, and are the basis for how most people accumulate wealth.

Yeah you could just about guarantee that black kids who come from families that had both mother and father at home ended up staying in school and being financially successful at much higher rates than black kids who came from single parent homes. and the same is probably true on average for white kids or any other race.
Slaves ceased to be slaves after slavery by default but were still not freed from 2nd class citizenship..

WE? How old are you?

Feel free to point out where I used the word "We".
Sorry, misread it. Too much we stuff in the "community". Yes, blacks were treated badly but it's not an excuse today. Many are quite successful and living WAY better than me in this city alone.

Considering that the facts show us that whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks and Hispanics, you are a liar.

^^^ So many underlying assumptions that pin the Bogometer ^^^

Most wealth is EARNED, not inherited. If white people have more, perhaps you should consider the Culture and Values which cause people to Work-Earn-Save instead of engaging in your Neverending-Incessant-Racist-Race-Baiting-Victimology Schtick.

I reject your ideology of Collective-Inherited-Guilt.

Like I care what you reject.

Now seriously you white folks do not want us to emulate your culture and how it made it's wealth.
Considering that the facts show us that whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks and Hispanics, you are a liar.

Do I have 15 times the wealth of Blacks and Hispanics in my neighborhood? really? The fact is, today Blacks and Hispanics can do something about it. They can get scholarships, loans, there is plenty of education available for them today in the United States, as long as they don't major in African American studies. Companies are more than willing to hire minorities and they can start their own businesses as well. If they are making 15 times less as a "Group", then I guess they can do something about it. Its in their hands. The whole point is kind of fucking riddiculous because your happiness or success in life is not predicated on what someone else has and what you don't. Now thats kind of 5th grade mentality.

Yawn! More of the same old white conservative denials and excuses.

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.
Says the guy who claimed the US had slaves in 1640.

Yawn. The US did have slaves in 1640. Your playing semantics is just another example of the childlike nature of the white conservative mind.

The US didn't exist in 1640

Slavery could have ended when the Benin Empire and Nigerians stopped building their economy around the slave trade. But wait, they didnt. They didn't have a document saying all people were created equal either.
A lot of things could have been, should have been, and then weren't. America , is a great country that a lot of people around the world are trying to come to for self advancment. To bad you can't be part of that.

The Benin Empire and Nigeria have nothing to do with what happened in America.. Lets stop using Africa as an excuse. Part of the supposed greatness pf this nation that I participate in is the right to air my grievance peacefully as a citizen. This is the right people like you want to try silencing. That you try doing this is un-American.

You have the right to grieve and i have the right to give my opinion. The Benin Empire and other west Africans have everything to do with what happened in America. They were dealing in the slave trade long before Europeans got involved and the networks were already in place. And Europeans were taken as slaves first through the eastern slave trade anyway, slavery was nothing new to the world.

Well you have that right but you also have the right to be told how you are wrong by someone black who has studied the issue of slavery deeper than you have. You see the trade of slaves were done by transactions, The slaves came over here from Benin on either Dutch or Portuguese ships primarily This means that a Dutchmen or a Portuguese individual or shipping company purchased the slaves. The slaves were not given away. So then if there is no purchase there is no slave trade.

So stop using Africa to excuse what whites have done.

There fore to say that slavery in the America/United States could have ended with the law written in in the constitution which forbade slavery immediately is correct. You offer noting but excuses. But this is par for the course around here. You guys have an excuse for everything whites do that is wrong. You guys are quick to tell others how they are making excuses, but you feel it fine that you can. That is childish.

If we don't talk about slavery and try discussing how whites benefitted from segregation, well that didn't happen either. I mean you guys lie to yourselves completely about how things have happened for you here in this country. And it is very sad that people choose to live with such a refusal to accept reality to such an extent as you conservatives.

I have learned from an early age that slavery was wrong, racism is wrong, discrimination is wrong. I have no need to have someone try to convince me I need to hate myself for being born whatever race I was born into. Which is pretty much the premise of your thread. If I don't work, If I don't try hard, I end up living under a freeway overpass. Same goes for black people the fact that there was once segregation in this country does nothing for me if I don't try to work and get ahead. The fact that more white people have gone to college or have connections does absolutely nothing for me, and you seem to think that takes away from black people today. Your one of those who likes to lump every one together as a group. So please tell me how "Things have happened for me as a group" when you really dont know my life. you come in here with a lot of assumptions about people because they have light colored skin then wonder why you get the reaction you do

This is snot about teaching you to hate yourself

This about you and others recognizing the contradictions in your arguments in this specific thread,

Spare me the lie of an argument about someone making things about groups. The laws of this nation made things about groups. So them you tell me who the laws of this nation do not apply to you but apply to others.

Understand this, I have read thread after thread where you whites make assumptions about us a people because we are darker than you. So don't try that double standard here. I knew what kind of reaction I was going t get. I am not surprised by your refusal to take responsibility, and your immaturity. I don't worry about your responses because I can post and at the end of my post can predict what each one of you are going to say. You and others here seem to believe that you have the right to judge and criticize us, But when we turn the tables using the standards you use on us suddenly it's wrong. The lot of you conservatives live with a child like mentality. For you to be so stupid as to cry about someone teaching your ass how to hate yourselves after there are countless threads here with you whites trying to teach us to hate ourselves is a show of just how childlike the conservative white mind truly is..

And none of this going to register with you. You probably will now try that lame conservative trick of you didn't answer my question or you didn't show me, when I should not have to show you anything, because the truth is that you already know.

Maybe it's not about teaching white people to hate themselves, but it is most certainly about pressuring white people to assume a mantle of Collective and Inherited Guilt for somethign done centuries before they were born.

I reject such nonsense.
Feel free to point out where I used the word "We".
Sorry, misread it. Too much we stuff in the "community". Yes, blacks were treated badly but it's not an excuse today. Many are quite successful and living WAY better than me in this city alone.

Considering that the facts show us that whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks and Hispanics, you are a liar.

Do I have 15 times the wealth of Blacks and Hispanics in my neighborhood? really? The fact is, today Blacks and Hispanics can do something about it. They can get scholarships, loans, there is plenty of education available for them today in the United States, as long as they don't major in African American studies. Companies are more than willing to hire minorities and they can start their own businesses as well. If they are making 15 times less as a "Group", then I guess they can do something about it. Its in their hands. The whole point is kind of fucking riddiculous because your happiness or success in life is not predicated on what someone else has and what you don't. Now thats kind of 5th grade mentality.

There's also the aspect that Parenting Matters.

My dad took me to the bank to open my first savings account when I was in 2nd grade. Both of my parents stressed getting an education, developing a work ethic, and saving-investing (as opposed to credit fueled instant gratification). These values are healthy, and are the basis for how most people accumulate wealth.

Yawn. My grandmother started a bank account for me when I was born. Whites did not accumulate wealth by adhering to those principles. If they did, no one would be here saying anything different,

LAIR! White people have most certainly accumulated wealth by adhering to such principles. Those are core and traditional American Values.

And good for your grandmother to teach you proper values. Perhaps other black people would benefit from such teaching.
Feel free to point out where I used the word "We".
Sorry, misread it. Too much we stuff in the "community". Yes, blacks were treated badly but it's not an excuse today. Many are quite successful and living WAY better than me in this city alone.

Considering that the facts show us that whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks and Hispanics, you are a liar.

Do I have 15 times the wealth of Blacks and Hispanics in my neighborhood? really? The fact is, today Blacks and Hispanics can do something about it. They can get scholarships, loans, there is plenty of education available for them today in the United States, as long as they don't major in African American studies. Companies are more than willing to hire minorities and they can start their own businesses as well. If they are making 15 times less as a "Group", then I guess they can do something about it. Its in their hands. The whole point is kind of fucking riddiculous because your happiness or success in life is not predicated on what someone else has and what you don't. Now thats kind of 5th grade mentality.

There's also the aspect that Parenting Matters.

My dad took me to the bank to open my first savings account when I was in 2nd grade. Both of my parents stressed getting an education, developing a work ethic, and saving-investing (as opposed to credit fueled instant gratification). These values are healthy, and are the basis for how most people accumulate wealth.

Yeah you could just about guarantee that black kids who come from families that had both mother and father at home ended up staying in school and being financially successful at much higher rates than black kids who came from single parent homes. and the same is probably true on average for white kids or any other race.

Kids from single parents homes of any racial make up do far less well in life than those raised in cohesive two parent families.

It's not a race issue. It's an issue of Culture and Values.
WE? How old are you?

Feel free to point out where I used the word "We".
Sorry, misread it. Too much we stuff in the "community". Yes, blacks were treated badly but it's not an excuse today. Many are quite successful and living WAY better than me in this city alone.

Considering that the facts show us that whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks and Hispanics, you are a liar.

^^^ So many underlying assumptions that pin the Bogometer ^^^

Most wealth is EARNED, not inherited. If white people have more, perhaps you should consider the Culture and Values which cause people to Work-Earn-Save instead of engaging in your Neverending-Incessant-Racist-Race-Baiting-Victimology Schtick.

I reject your ideology of Collective-Inherited-Guilt.

Like I care what you reject.

Now seriously you white folks do not want us to emulate your culture and how it made it's wealth.

LAIR. I would be delighted to see anyone succeed through honest work and to accumulate plenty of wealth to ensure self-sufficiency.

Unlike you, I don't ascribe to zero sum game identity politics.
WE? How old are you?

Feel free to point out where I used the word "We".
Sorry, misread it. Too much we stuff in the "community". Yes, blacks were treated badly but it's not an excuse today. Many are quite successful and living WAY better than me in this city alone.

Considering that the facts show us that whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks and Hispanics, you are a liar.

Do I have 15 times the wealth of Blacks and Hispanics in my neighborhood? really? The fact is, today Blacks and Hispanics can do something about it. They can get scholarships, loans, there is plenty of education available for them today in the United States, as long as they don't major in African American studies. Companies are more than willing to hire minorities and they can start their own businesses as well. If they are making 15 times less as a "Group", then I guess they can do something about it. Its in their hands. The whole point is kind of fucking riddiculous because your happiness or success in life is not predicated on what someone else has and what you don't. Now thats kind of 5th grade mentality.

Yawn! More of the same old white conservative denials and excuses.

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.

I never said racism doesnt exist in America. It surely does. But I don't need a peer reviewed study to tell me there are more good people out there than bad. If your living in Academia and not the real world then.... maybe you need that. Usually the underlying thread to you white guilt people is expropriation of wealth isnt it? It's not in my power to change history. I can only control what is in my life, to the extent that I can. It is in each person's hands to make their own success. Can we help each other ? yes. Should we? yes sure. But I'm not going to accept the hatred from the left in order to do that.
It's not a race issue. It's an issue of Culture and Values.

Feel free to point out where I used the word "We".
Sorry, misread it. Too much we stuff in the "community". Yes, blacks were treated badly but it's not an excuse today. Many are quite successful and living WAY better than me in this city alone.

Considering that the facts show us that whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks and Hispanics, you are a liar.

Do I have 15 times the wealth of Blacks and Hispanics in my neighborhood? really? The fact is, today Blacks and Hispanics can do something about it. They can get scholarships, loans, there is plenty of education available for them today in the United States, as long as they don't major in African American studies. Companies are more than willing to hire minorities and they can start their own businesses as well. If they are making 15 times less as a "Group", then I guess they can do something about it. Its in their hands. The whole point is kind of fucking riddiculous because your happiness or success in life is not predicated on what someone else has and what you don't. Now thats kind of 5th grade mentality.

There's also the aspect that Parenting Matters.

My dad took me to the bank to open my first savings account when I was in 2nd grade. Both of my parents stressed getting an education, developing a work ethic, and saving-investing (as opposed to credit fueled instant gratification). These values are healthy, and are the basis for how most people accumulate wealth.

Yawn. My grandmother started a bank account for me when I was born. Whites did not accumulate wealth by adhering to those principles. If they did, no one would be here saying anything different,

Whites did not accumulate wealth by adhering to those principles.

How'd they do it?
What's the white secret?

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