What type of ‘white’ is still voting Democrat?

So you can't answer for your definitive inaccuracies? Are Muslims a race? Are Latinos a nonwhite race? Are Jews?
What is the White Race in your world?

So you can't refute what I said, and need to make up stupid crap you think is 'clever'? lol Ask IM2 and your fellow deviant gimps what Whitey is, they're always schooling us on that.
Single white women vote Democrat. Man-hating white women vote Democrat. White lesbians vote Democrat. White women with purple hair vote Democrat. Unhappy white women vote Democrat.
I’m obsessed with sharing the truth with ignorant, globalist, woke fucking fools who try to pretend that a darker America is a better America despite all the data that PROVES the opposite.
Here is some TRUTH for ya.

60% of Democratic voters are white, 70% are Christians, and more than 50% are under 50 years of age. They are younger, better educated, and and mainstream Christians.

You mean heretics. Anyone who claims to be "Christian" yet supports sexual sin like homosexuality is NOT saved.
A bit of a taboo-ish subject.
With 90% of blacks voting Dem and 70+% of brown people voting Dem and with all of the jubilant celebration of ‘fewer whites’ / more minorities will the remaining Dem voting whites move to protect themselves from extinction at some point?

Thomas Sowell once said:
“But if you don't have the instinct for self-preservation, it will not matter much in the long run whatever else you may have.”

Thomas Sowell - Will Orlando Change Anything?

They might be losing the Black vote to Trump.

You should embrace that.


Supporters Lined Up To See Trumpâs Booking At Fulton County JailâSee Photos


Crazy ass white liberals are a lost cause. Blue hairs and soy boys...they can't even tell the difference between a man and a woman?

Time to write them 'white savior' bigotry-of-low-expectation idiots off and attempt to bring the minority community into the fold.

They have more in common with us than with those college indoctrinated white liberal elites.
A bit of a taboo-ish subject.
With 90% of blacks voting Dem and 70+% of brown people voting Dem and with all of the jubilant celebration of ‘fewer whites’ / more minorities will the remaining Dem voting whites move to protect themselves from extinction at some point?

Thomas Sowell once said:
“But if you don't have the instinct for self-preservation, it will not matter much in the long run whatever else you may have.”

Thomas Sowell - Will Orlando Change Anything?



I think you should be more concerned with extinction from your own stupidity.
You mean heretics. Anyone who claims to be "Christian" yet supports sexual sin like homosexuality is NOT saved.

You're a complete idiot. Other than adultery, the Jesus has no prohibitions on sex whatsover. In fact, the Bible promotes incest, and other "deviant" sexual practices. MEN have used the Bible and to twist human sexuality into something sick and wrong. Especially when it comes to female sexuality.

Anyone who claims to be a Christian who DOESN'T support homosexuals, is in violation of Jesus laws of "Do unto others as you would have them do to you" who needs to be reminded that Jesus said "That which you do to the least among you, you also do to Me".

And last but not least,"Judge not, lest ye be judged".
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60% of Democratic voters are white, 70% are Christians, and more than 50% are under 50 years of age. They are younger, better educated, and and mainstream Christians.

"A man who is not a Liberal in his Youth has no Heart...

"A man who is not a Conservative in his Old Age has no Brains."

( apocryphally attributed to Winston Churchill )


As those high-earning college-educated types accumulate more wealth and years their political perspective usually changes.

Years of rampant crime and the flood of Illegal Aliens and Inflation and Democratic Corruption will also play a large part.

What's left behind are minorities, misguided working poor, anarchists, communists, genuine liberals, and various wiggers.

It's a big pool of triggered activists, porch potatoes, grifters, ,welfare queens, illegal aliens and their advocates, and fools.

It's a bigger pool of votes than the Republican-Conservative side of the aisle, if-and-when that pool is fully mobilized.

Republicans nowadays lack the numbers to win on their own and need Independents and Swing Voters to win nationally.

Republicans need to seriously contemplate what will attract and what will repel Independents and Swing Voters in 2024.

Republicans make a great show of bashing Hillary Clinton for her Fly-Over States mistakes during the 2016 general election.

Republicans need to realize that they risk the same profound type of mistake should they ignore Indies and Swing Voters.

The key question for them in 2024 is: With Trump at the lead can we attract enough Indies and Swing Voters to win?"

In that context, January 6, 2021 is the 10,000 lb elephant in the room.

And that very large pool of LibProgs and malcontents will be fully mobilized in November 2024 as a counterweight.
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"A man who is not a Liberal in his Youth has no Heart...

"A man who is not a Conservative in his Old Age has no Brains."

( apocryphally attributed to Winston Churchill )


As those high-earning college-educated types accumulate more wealth and years their political perspective usually changes.

Years of rampant crime and the flood of Illegal Aliens and Inflation and Democratic Corruption will also play a large part.

What's left behind are minorities, misguided working poor, anarchists, communists, genuine liberals, and various wiggers.

I disagree with both Churchill's statement, and your assessment. And I would start by reminding you that Sir Winston Churchill was an artistocrat, a member of the ruling class, and a lifelong Conservative, so the statement isn't a "pearl of wisdom", so much as a slag at the opposition.

But the American right has corrupted capitalism utterly, with successive Supreme Court rulings that the interests of the shareholders are to be the primary concern of the officers and directors of the corporation. That profits aren't the primary goal, they're the ONLY goal of the corporation. So companies fight life-saving environmental legislation because it will reduce profits, even as their own workers get sick. And Winston Churchill was long dead when it happened.

Bottom line management pits corporations against anything that will raise costs and/or reduce profits, even if their own employees or host communities will be better off as a result - universal health care, increasing the minimum wage, health and safety laws, anti-pollution legislation

The fossil fuel industry and the tobacco industries are two prime examples. The Lt. Governor of Texas said old people should be prepared to get covid and die to save the economy for their grandchildren.

I think people become more conservative the further removed they are from the struggles and work which created their success. Instead of looking at what today's conditions are, they simply say "If I could make it, why can't you? You must be lazy. I'm not giving you any help". In Churchill's case, he never had to work a day in his life. What does he know about working people, other than to disdain their lack of "iniative"?

Even as a teenager I rejected the concept of communism as stupid and doomed to failure. I wasn't looking for anything to be handed to me, and I was prepared to work for what I wanted. The communist governments of my youth were Stalin and Mao - the worst mass murders in history. The peace and prosperity of well regulated capitalism, which conducts itself with enlightened self-interest and individual rights for all, is truly the way to go. And I believe in balanced budgets, and paying your own way - something American conservatives haven't practiced since Nixon was in office.

Those views haven't changed, and I've become more liberal as I've aged. I used to hate unions. I know better now.
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I disagree with both Churchill's statement, and your assessment. And I would start by reminding you that Sir Winston Churchill was an artistocrat, a member of the ruling class, and a lifelong Conservative, so the statement isn't a "pearl of wisdom", so much as a slag at the opposition.

But the American right has corrupted capitalism utterly, with successive Supreme Court rulings that the interests of the shareholders are to be the primary concern of the officers and directors of the corporation. That profits aren't the primary goal, they're the ONLY goal of the corporation. So companies fight life-saving environmental legislation because it will reduce profits, even as their own workers get sick. And Winston Churchill was long dead when it happened.

Bottom line management pits corporations against anything that will raise costs and/or reduce profits, even if their own employees or host communities will be better off as a result - universal health care, increasing the minimum wage, health and safety laws, anti-pollution legislation

The fossil fuel industry and the tobacco industries are two prime examples. The Lt. Governor of Texas said old people should be prepared to get covid and die to save the economy for their grandchildren.

I think people become more conservative the further removed they are from the struggles and work which created their success. Instead of looking at what today's conditions are, they simply say "If I could make it, why can't you? You must be lazy. I'm not giving you any help". In Churchill's case, he never had to work a day in his life. What does he know about working people, other than to disdain their lack of "iniative"?

Even as a teenager I rejected the concept of communism as stupid and doomed to failure. I wasn't looking for anything to be handed to me, and I was prepared to work for what I wanted. The communist governments of my youth were Stalin and Mao - the worst mass murders in history. The peace and prosperity of well regulated capitalism, which conducts itself with enlightened self-interest and individual rights for all, is truly the way to go. And I believe in balanced budgets, and paying your own way - something American conservatives haven't practiced since Nixon was in office.

Those views haven't changed, and I've become more liberal as I've aged. I used to hate unions. I know better now.
You are a sincere and thoughtful and genuine Liberal. Vast numbers of your compatriots within the Democratic Party are not.

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