What will the left do when President Trump is re-elected?

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my friends, while its unlikely that Dems will start racking up victories in Alabama, Wyoming, and Kansas soon, they will NEVER win if they dont plant a flag and start organizing

Vermont was once one of the most GOP states in america. now it is one of the most progressive!
my friends, while its unlikely that Dems will start racking up victories in Alabama, Wyoming, and Kansas soon, they will NEVER win if they dont plant a flag and start organizing

Vermont was once one of the most GOP states in america. now it is one of the most progressive!
I think you mean New Hampshire.
Joe made a political deal with the right
Leave Roe v Wade alone and we will block government backed abortions

That deal stood for decades......Republicans broke it and now all bets are off
1. The right never agreed to accept The v Wade, and never has.

2. Biden never said his backing the Hyde Amendment was a deal with the right.

Did you make those lies up, or were you spoon fed them?

I wondered what the sheep would first bleat.
1 Roe v Wade passed nearly unanimously in a conservative court
2. But it was, not just Biden but all Dems. It was a compromise

Such a fucking liar. :lmao:

{Although Presidents Nixon, Ford, and Reagan all criticized the rulings of the Warren Court and sought to appoint conservative justices, the legacy of the Warren Court remained strong throughout the 1970s.[5] The Burger Court upheld many of the precedents of the Warren Court, even in regards to due process and criminal law.[6] The latter era of the Warren Court was dominated by liberal justices,}

Burger Court - Wikipedia

Radical leftists like that fuck John Paul Stevens were the "conservatives" of the Burger Court.

Yeah.. They control 500 large businesses.. But they haven't made Trump flip flop with a Twitter threat.

What is a twitter threat? Very grown up.
Proud of his 5 deferments paid for by his dad?
No 1 us guy who lost money? $1B
Can you quit with the ugly American stupid no knowledge MAGA?
Wall Street only controls 500?
Try Rothschild in the 20s.
Always manipulating rubes who never know it.
Chanting lock her up. Is enough
Didn't Biden have 5 deferments? Furthermore, he claimed he had asthma even though he was the star of the high school football team.

biden is a Tard that puts his finger in the wind on every issue....

Bite Me doesn't have a Flucking clue how he feels about anything....
Nice foul mouth.
Trump U?

Trump you shit for brains.
You fn traitor You don't take info from foreign govt's on our elections without telling the fbi Trump and republicans are traitors Live with it scum
Because it will happen. And they are already very close to the edge.

No going to happen, so the question is what will butthurt grifters do?

I just love how panicked all of you rwnutjobs are right now. Your world seems to be crumbling all around you. Imagine your Orange One may be calling on your to take up your arms in just over a year from now to defend his Kingdom.
Because it will happen. And they are already very close to the edge.
Easy answer IF that catastrophe were to occur he and his scumbag family will be investigated possibly indicted and in general given such a hard time that he won't have time to continue f-ing up America This includes his money grubbing thieving son in law And if God is great dems win the senate it will be 4 ,,,or less years of joy

So, you traitors will continue to behave like the vile piles of shit that you are.

Without the house, it will be a lot harder for you traitor Nazis to obstruct the legitimate government. And you filth WILL lose the house.
What is a twitter threat? Very grown up.
Proud of his 5 deferments paid for by his dad?
No 1 us guy who lost money? $1B
Can you quit with the ugly American stupid no knowledge MAGA?
Wall Street only controls 500?
Try Rothschild in the 20s.
Always manipulating rubes who never know it.
Chanting lock her up. Is enough
Didn't Biden have 5 deferments? Furthermore, he claimed he had asthma even though he was the star of the high school football team.

biden is a Tard that puts his finger in the wind on every issue....

Bite Me doesn't have a Flucking clue how he feels about anything....
Nice foul mouth.
Trump U?

Trump you shit for brains.
You fn traitor You don't take info from foreign govt's on our elections without telling the fbi Trump and republicans are traitors Live with it scum

Hey you Dumb Ass Tard....

It was your side that worked with the Russians to Frame Trump...

You would know that if you weren't a Dumb Ass cnn watching Tard...
Because it will happen. And they are already very close to the edge.

No going to happen, so the question is what will butthurt grifters do?

Are you really so stupid you don't grasp that Trump will be reelected.

Incumbents are nearly always reelected. Trump has a FIERCE core constituency. The Communists have 29 utter fools without a single standout among them. The leader is a pervert with a long history of flipflops. Number two is a Soviet era Marxist who promises a Stalinist regime. number three is a white woman who spent her career pretending to be an Indian to gain advantage in our racist society - knowing the vast disadvantage whites have.

So who is this Marxist champion that will defeat Trump and America and usher in the GLORIOUS socialist Amerkka you dream of?
we didn't like Obama and we did not show our asses like the faggot left did when their Killary lost ! the truth is the only people who freak out during an election loss is the spoiled crybaby left ! the truth is you dont see mobs of conservative activist rioting and burning down buildings and assaulting police officers like leftist groups like antifa and black lives matter !
you are delusional. Biden can't even put a logical sentence together, he is as senile as Pelosi.
You voted for Trump

He has the best words

Trump is getting the job done, and yes, he talks like a typical new yorker, I dont care about that, but I guess it bothers you because he keeps making fools of your left wing dem heroes.

I think typical New Yorkers would disagree.

you obviously have never spent any time in NY.

I've spent my share. Most New Yorkers don't make absolute idiots of themselves the way he does. Most New Yorkers don't like Trump, he doesn't represent them.

Ok, great, live that fantasy if it makes you feel good. I suppose you think DeBlasio is doing a good job as mayor?
Trump is getting the job done, and yes, he talks like a typical new yorker, I dont care about that, but I guess it bothers you because he keeps making fools of your left wing dem heroes.

I think typical New Yorkers would disagree.

you obviously have never spent any time in NY.

I've spent my share. Most New Yorkers don't make absolute idiots of themselves the way he does. Most New Yorkers don't like Trump, he doesn't represent them.
The "Russia! Russia! Russia" Dims are the ones making idiots of themselves. Everything they have claimed for the last 3 years turned out to be wrong.

That's not true.

actually it is true, sorry
Regardless of who is elected, I'll just go about my business as usual.

All I ask of politicians at this point is that they don't fuck things up more than they absolutely have to.
Regardless of who is elected, I'll just go about my business as usual.

All I ask of politicians at this point is that they don't fuck things up more than they absolutely have to.

I certainly agree with that. Lets see now, Schumer and Pelosi were in congress when Reagan was president and were saying that all our problems were his fault, they are still in congress and now saying that all our problems are Trump's fault. Can you see what the real problem is? and you can insert some GOP names if you like. We need term limits and age limits for congress.
The Left will cry bitter tears.....when President Trump is re-elected!

May he follow the first 3 of 5 presidents that died on July 4th

Do you have something planned Traitor? Hope the Secret Service is looking into you.
The SS LOL LOL think they want him around ??

when obozo was president they had to assign marines to whitehouse duty because no one applied, now that Trump is there they have thousands more applications than openings. What does that tell you, moron?
The Left will cry bitter tears.....when President Trump is re-elected!

May he follow the first 3 of 5 presidents that died on July 4th

Do you have something planned Traitor? Hope the Secret Service is looking into you.
The SS LOL LOL think they want him around ??

when obozo was president they had to assign marines to whitehouse duty because no one applied, now that Trump is there they have thousands more applications than openings. What does that tell you, moron?
All lining up to kiss his ass" We've already have seen what happens to those who don't They're outside looking in You red are one of those ass kissers
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