What Will Trump Be Indicted For Next?

I have it on good authority that they are investigating Trump for use of a biological weapon....He spit on the sidewalk on 1-6. ;)
What, did he fart in public? Cause I can totally see that. And he'd blame it on someone else too.
I have to say, the Jack Smith indictment is probably the dumbest one yet. It even surpasses fat boy in NYC. EVERYTHING that Smith indicted Trump for can can be used to indict Biden, Obama, and any number of politicians. Defrauding America? What? WHAT?!?!?!?!?! I have lost count of how many times Joe Biden has done this. Hillary did it incessantly about Trump's 2016 win, inspiring people to hit the streets.

The primary problem here is going to be Smith being able to prove legal causation. The hack judge will be no help in maintaining rule of law. It will have to be addressed on appeal... in the DC Circuit. In other words, it will have to be rectified - long after the 2024 election, no doubt - the U.S. Supreme Court. This is what legal scholars call a "Shit Case". It is pure banana republic BS.

Yesterday after the publication of the indictment, shit head went on TV and spoke about saving DuhMoKRisy!! I find this quite ironic since these kind of political prosecutions undermine democracy. Trump did nothing to undermine democracy. He was trying to advance his campaign. Note that Trump never did actually do anything wrong in any of these absurd indictments; rather is all about conspiracy to commit and attempt. TRUMP IS NEVER ALLEGED TO HAVE DONE SOMETHING WRONG, BUT FOR HAVING TRIED TO DO SOMETHING WRONG. And it is very arguable that what they allege Trump attempted to/conspired to do, what even illegal. Logically, the chain of inferences needed to connect the dots is so long and unsupported by fact and law, that such charges should warrant sanction of the nimrod prosecutor who brings them. Jack Smith and fat boy should both be disbarred.
Except Stacey never lobbied the SOS of GA to try and find her enough votes...did she? :)....oh wait, the SOS was her opponent. :auiqs.jpg:

Well, there's goes that narrative.
It does not matter. They still did what Trump is being charged with. Disagreeing with election results.
It does not matter. They still did what Trump is being charged with. Disagreeing with election results.
It's the ONLY thing that matters. And no, she did not do what Trump did. So, no matter how much you whine, it ain't the same.

Trump is recorded on phone asking the SOS of GA to find him 11K votes.

Blind loyalty is just never a good thing.
Don't know but I just saw a major flaw in Smith's newest indictment, it actually can backfire on the dems who his claims would make them guilty of "lying that caused the Protest".
Fact: the Durham report showed the Dems lied which caused not just election intereferences even in mid terms but caused the rage which incited and fueled the protest which falls into Smiths parameters. Furthermore to have the case thrown out all the Trump lawyers would need is huge amounts of testimony showing people did not come to protest for the vote issue or just the vote issue, many protested due to lock downs once again caused by lies by the left=Smith's parameters to charge people like Michigan's Gov Whittmer which fueled many protesters, further even Bernie Bros were there protesting both lock downs and vote integrity as they felt Bernie was also railroaded by the left.
There were enough percentages of people who were planed to protest before Trumps speech, proving that throufh travel booked flight records would be easy, case closed Smith then can be brought into congress and answer why only Trump at this specific time was charged and not Dems, in which case you catch Smith perjuring himself or giving up his boss ordweing this obstructive act. Hence you can charge Smith with both obstruction, and perjury and violating his former ethics warnings against his license to practice. (Why wasn't he temporarily or fully disbarred before?) That's a question to ask.

This gets better and better

“What Will Trump Be Indicted For Next?”​

Hard to say. What crimes will he commit next?
Any chance he’ll shoot somebody on 5th Avenue?
This gets better and better
Ooohhhh the can of worms they opened does get bigger and better!
Because of the excessive lying by the left and MSM and the leftist resist (insurrection), Cuomo was forced to tow the line and obstruct and resist Trump's gracious and ingenious resolution to the hospital problems during covid, when Cuomo refused to make Trump look good by rufusing to utilize Trump's Naval Hospital, and instead placed sick nursing home elderly back into the nursing homes which spread covid within, the amount killed by this insurrection was more than Bin Laden Killed in NY on 911.
Trump killed 0, DC police killed 1 Cuomo killed at least 4,100 and according to Garland and Smiths Legal standards Cuomo, MSM, Resist Org run by Obama activist, and Dem Politicians who killed more than Bin Laden get no Indictment, but they will go after a hero like Giuliani because Guiliani was digging into Biden's Ukraine corruption and was famous for going after crime families-mobsters.
Looks like this time he got busted for letting his dog hump the neighbor again. :rolleyes:


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