What will we do when Google, Facebook and Twitter stop all conservative expression on the internet?

If they are going to act as publishers, then the can be sued like publishers.

That's kind of the problem for you conservatives.... The reason why they can be sued is because the line between "Conservative values" and "Inciting hate speech" is so blurred by your Fuhrer that they usually take the safe route and just censor your nonsense.
If they are going to act as publishers, then the can be sued like publishers.

That's kind of the problem for you conservatives.... The reason why they can be sued is because the line between "Conservative values" and "Inciting hate speech" is so blurred by your Fuhrer that they usually take the safe route and just censor your nonsense.
So it's only freedom of speech - as long as it's leftist spew. Gotcha.
Duhhhh. I do not have, never had and have no intention of, ever getting a faceplant or tooter account. I spend plenty of time talking to other conservatives and insulting tards everywhere on website chats and don't feel left out. Try it.
Then the tards would have no one with brains to talk to..... Just imagine that. LOL
If they are going to act as publishers, then the can be sued like publishers.

That's kind of the problem for you conservatives.... The reason why they can be sued is because the line between "Conservative values" and "Inciting hate speech" is so blurred by your Fuhrer that they usually take the safe route and just censor your nonsense.
/—-/ Sure, we hate illegals pouring over the border and you libtards treating them like royalty.
So it's only freedom of speech - as long as it's leftist spew. Gotcha.

I see you need to work on your reading comprehension skills. Go back and read what I said, and then have someone who didn't go to a Home School explain the big words to you.

/—-/ Sure, we hate illegals pouring over the border and you libtards treating them like royalty.

I wasn't aware that giving someone a menial job and having them live in a slum was treating them like royalty.

Okay, one more time... if you are such a loser that you are seen as less desirable for a job than a guy with no money, no connections and a limited grasp on the English Language, you probably are going to be a loser if there are illegals or not.
So it's only freedom of speech - as long as it's leftist spew. Gotcha.

I see you need to work on your reading comprehension skills. Go back and read what I said, and then have someone who didn't go to a Home School explain the big words to you.

/—-/ Sure, we hate illegals pouring over the border and you libtards treating them like royalty.

I wasn't aware that giving someone a menial job and having them live in a slum was treating them like royalty.

Okay, one more time... if you are such a loser that you are seen as less desirable for a job than a guy with no money, no connections and a limited grasp on the English Language, you probably are going to be a loser if there are illegals or not.
/----/ "I wasn't aware that giving someone a menial job and having them live in a slum was treating them like royalty. "
Giving them preference over those trying to come here legally, offering them free healthcare and welfare while our Vets are homeless in the street, allowing them to vote so democRATs can stay in power is treating them like royalty. And please stop with the fake compassion of offering them menial jobs and forcing them to live in slums. What a load of Hillary.
MeWe and Gab are alternatives.
The Big Three survive because of ad revenues.
Reduce the number of users and reduce the revenues.
If they are going to act as publishers, then the can be sued like publishers.

That's kind of the problem for you conservatives.... The reason why they can be sued is because the line between "Conservative values" and "Inciting hate speech" is so blurred by your Fuhrer that they usually take the safe route and just censor your nonsense.
Liberal Dictionary:
Hate speech - truth, facts, logic
The liberals don't even let you register your own domain name or run your own website once they have you on their blacklist.
If they know you're gonna push conspiracy theories, racism, and hatred probably not. Why open themselves up to lawsuits and such?
Another worthless leftist traitor libturd with "Maddow On The Brain" disease.
Another moronic nonreply from the drooling idiots on the right.

Damn you kids are dumb.
The liberals don't even let you register your own domain name or run your own website once they have you on their blacklist.
If they know you're gonna push conspiracy theories, racism, and hatred probably not. Why open themselves up to lawsuits and such?
Another worthless leftist traitor libturd with "Maddow On The Brain" disease.
Another moronic nonreply from the drooling idiots on the right.

Damn you kids are dumb.
/——-/ As dumb as we are, we’re still to smart to fall for your liberal propaganda.
The liberals don't even let you register your own domain name or run your own website once they have you on their blacklist.
If they know you're gonna push conspiracy theories, racism, and hatred probably not. Why open themselves up to lawsuits and such?
Another worthless leftist traitor libturd with "Maddow On The Brain" disease.
Another moronic nonreply from the drooling idiots on the right.

Damn you kids are dumb.
/——-/ As dumb as we are, we’re still to smart to fall for your liberal propaganda.
What propaganda?
If they are going to act as publishers, then the can be sued like publishers.

That's kind of the problem for you conservatives.... The reason why they can be sued is because the line between "Conservative values" and "Inciting hate speech" is so blurred by your Fuhrer that they usually take the safe route and just censor your nonsense.
Liberal Dictionary:
Hate speech - truth, facts, logic

Hate is an emotion.

When people have that much hate, it is quite correct to talk it out and redirect the disussion to truth, facts and logic.

Inciting hate speech? It's like some black guy is going to sue some other guy in federal court for “inciting” a third party to say “n****r.”

People couldn’t say “black” in English, so they mispronounced “negro” in Spanish, and improperly pluralized it as “Negroes” and feminized it as “Negress(es)” — it got worse and worse.

The word “negro” is an adjective and not a noun in Spanish, unless one is referring to the name of the color black. The feminine form is “negra.”

Either form takes a simple “s” in the plural: “negros/negras” to agree in gender & number with the object that is being described as black.

I don't really know a lot of Spanish, but I do know it is very similar to Portuguese & French with the “s” plurals.
That day is coming soon.
Americans find other ways to express themselves when peaceful avenues are denied them.

Perhaps that is the outcome our corp media desires ... hot news to generate viewers, readers, and clicks.
The liberals don't even let you register your own domain name or run your own website once they have you on their blacklist.
If they know you're gonna push conspiracy theories, racism, and hatred probably not. Why open themselves up to lawsuits and such?
Another worthless leftist traitor libturd with "Maddow On The Brain" disease.
Another moronic nonreply from the drooling idiots on the right.

Damn you kids are dumb.
/——-/ As dumb as we are, we’re still to smart to fall for your liberal propaganda.
What propaganda?
/----/Liberal lies - Conservapedia
Lies about conservatives and racism
For example, liberals have claimed for decades that U.S. Conservatives are "racist" and that the side that truly cares about oppressed minorities is the liberal side. The evidence for this is that Democrats JFK and RFK helped Martin Luther King with the civil rights movement and that LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act. But the evidence against it is that the majority of southern Democrats opposed equal rights for blacks. White House support was the exception, not the rule. It was rather the party of Lincoln (today's Republican Party) which freed the slaves. And President Bush appointed more people of color to high office than President Clinton.

Lies about science and wealth redistribution
Liberals lie about science, when it suits their cause. They want massive international wealth redistribution. When they couldn't get it through communism, they turned to indirect means like the Kyoto Protocol which mandates a "carbon tax" on the use of fossil fuels. This tax has nothing to with "saving the Earth"; that is just another liberal lie. Warm weather is good for the environment, particularly for farming. Anyone who cares about the poor would want them to be able to grow more food for themselves. Actually, liberals just want to get more power over money so they can be bureaucrats and fund their liberal social causes.

Lies about women's health and abortion
Ron Fitzsimmons admitted he "lied through his teeth" when he claimed late-term abortions were uncommon and used only in the most extreme situations. He admitted partial birth abortion was almost always performed on healthy mothers with healthy babies.[1]

Lies about guns
Liberals have made numerous false statements about guns with the aim of promoting gun control,[2] including the twisted statement that more Americans have been killed by guns in the U.S. since 1968 than in every battlefield in U.S. history, a statistic that is only accurate if one includes suicides where one uses a gun.[3]

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