What will we do when Google, Facebook and Twitter stop all conservative expression on the internet?

In my early days on the internet it was the Wild West, for real.

Yeah, Google, Twitter and Facebook have too much influence.

They are the modern day AOL.
That day is coming soon.
Cons need to get off their asses and work, be creative, and create their own platforms. Although I highly doubt they can, they dont have smart people in their ranks....they master only hate.
/----/ This from the clowns who spent a billion dollars building an Obozcare website that didn't work.
Be a man and boycott the internet is mostly liberals that run the show.
/----/ Better yet, I boycotted Obozocare and voted for a guy who gutted it.
Millions have health care because of it. Many still die or go bankrupt because trump promised the best health care plan that was never there.
A man just killed his wife AMD himself and left a note saying they couldn't afford health care. Only in America.

AMD himself, huh?

Fake news motherfuckers never can spell right. Why is that?

Are they derp or lazy, or both?
Oh my, what will "conservatives" do if hateful rhetoric isn't allowed on Facebook or Twitter? The same thing they did when their "alternative facts" weren't welcome at Wikipedia of all places. Make their own little site nobody visits...

Sure it is, start your own platform. Say whatever you want. Why should they be forced to let you kids spew your hate and conspiracy theories on the platforms they built?

Start your own platform, don't allow reality of common sense. Just conservative nonsense

Platform: a company or technology that enables communication and distribution of information.

A good example is a phone company. When talking to a friend certain words or ideas you communicate don’t get censored or buzzed out. A platform is not responsible (legally) for the content that is posted.

Publisher: a company or person that qurates and distributes content

Is Facebook a Platform or a Publisher?

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That day is coming soon.
Cons need to get off their asses and work, be creative, and create their own platforms. Although I highly doubt they can, they dont have smart people in their ranks....they master only hate.
/----/ This from the clowns who spent a billion dollars building an Obozcare website that didn't work.
Be a man and boycott the internet is mostly liberals that run the show.
/----/ Better yet, I boycotted Obozocare and voted for a guy who gutted it.
Millions have health care because of it. Many still die or go bankrupt because trump promised the best health care plan that was never there.
A man just killed his wife AMD himself and left a note saying they couldn't afford health care. Only in America.
/---/ All Obozocare did was to make everyone drop their plans they were happy with and forced them to BUY more expensive policies with high deductibles. The freeloaders continued to get free healthcare at taxpayer expense.
The internet was supposed to be about freedom.

Now it isn't.

When was that established?

The Internet was about transmitting information. You guys can start your own platforms if you don't like the service on Facebook.
All conservatives should delete their accounts.

They admit they are private companies and are allowed to be biased.

What’s funny is those who try to lie and say they aren’t biased. That’s just stupid.
If they are going to act as publishers, then the can be sued like publishers.
Start your own platform?

The liberals don't even let you register your own domain name or run your own website once they have you on their blacklist.

They advertise their commercial sex shite right in your face and make a grab for your eyeballs come hell or high water, but then they slam you at The Spamhaus Project for making online political speech when you’re not even emailing or selling anything or asking for donations.
So, I've been pretty hard on the Trumpsters who want to regulate Google and the like. They're hypocrites through and through. But I've never denied that bias exists in these platforms.

For grins, I did two searches for "does anyone believe epstein committed suicide" - one on google.com, and one at duckduckgo.com. Notice the difference:


Cons need to get off their asses and work, be creative, and create their own platforms. Although I highly doubt they can, they dont have smart people in their ranks....they master only hate.
/----/ This from the clowns who spent a billion dollars building an Obozcare website that didn't work.
Be a man and boycott the internet is mostly liberals that run the show.
/----/ Better yet, I boycotted Obozocare and voted for a guy who gutted it.
Millions have health care because of it. Many still die or go bankrupt because trump promised the best health care plan that was never there.
A man just killed his wife AMD himself and left a note saying they couldn't afford health care. Only in America.
/---/ All Obozocare did was to make everyone drop their plans they were happy with and forced them to BUY more expensive policies with high deductibles. The freeloaders continued to get free healthcare at taxpayer expense.
You still getting robbed with or without Obamacare.
The liberals don't even let you register your own domain name or run your own website once they have you on their blacklist.
If they know you're gonna push conspiracy theories, racism, and hatred probably not. Why open themselves up to lawsuits and such?

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