What would actually be in a "magical creation" textbook? Beyond it isn't evolution.

It seems very weird that someone would create a world full of "temptations", tell us not to be tempted and then send us to hell if we are.

Just to elaborate some more:

Most of the rules I make for my children are not designed to deny them pleasure, though from their perspective it might feel like it.

"Look both ways before you cross the street." Kids like to charge their bikes straight out into the road without checking for cars first. When my kids do that, they fell the wrath of God descend on them. Is that because I am an asshole, or is it because I love them more than I love myself?

It's all about perspective.

There's good reasons for why we should not commit adultery, no matter how hot our neighbor's wife is. You understand?

There's good reason why we should not steal, no matter how tempting that Ferrari is. God didn't make that rule because he doesn't want me to have a Ferrari.
The tree of knowledge seems like it would be something good. What could be dangerous about that?
So Republicans get their wish and schools suddenly decide it's only fair to teach magical creation. Besides "it isn't evolution", what is it exactly, they would "teach"? Anyone?

If evolution can be taught, isn't it fair, to use a Liberal construct, to teach the other? You lefties constantly talk about equal until equal involves doing something you don't think should be done.
Science isn't liberal. :laugh:
I personally believe in God because I have felt his presence and his influence in my life. I know plenty will laugh at that and attribute that feeling to many other things - and they will be very logical assumptions about where it really came from and what it really means. That's OK. I'll agree to disagree and respect others' beliefs and not try to shove mine down their throats.
I only laugh at people when they try to tell me about sky fairies judging me. What you may call your personal "god" is not a point of amusement to me as people have different beliefs and they are all valid to me as long as they dont intrude.
My question is, how does evolution rule out intelligent design. Is it possible that an intelligent creator used evolution as the mechanism?
There is no doubt there is a design. It is apparent everywhere in nature. The marks of engineering are all around us if we can see them.


I found a dimpled spider, fat and white,
On a white heal-all, holding up a moth
Like a white piece of rigid satin cloth--
Assorted characters of death and blight
Mixed ready to begin the morning right,
Like the ingredients of a witches' broth--
A snow-drop spider, a flower like a froth,
And dead wings carried like a paper kite.

What had that flower to do with being white,
The wayside blue and innocent heal-all?
What brought the kindred spider to that height,
Then steered the white moth thither in the night?
What but design of darkness to appall?--
If design govern in a thing so small.

R. Frost
It kinda rhymes. C+
My question is, how does evolution rule out intelligent design. Is it possible that an intelligent creator used evolution as the mechanism?
There is no doubt there is a design. It is apparent everywhere in nature. The marks of engineering are all around us if we can see them.
I disagree, we engineer, we build so it's natural fallacy to see that in nature even when it's not there.
I would agree except the pattern is repeated throughout natural design and its mathematical.

I'm not necessarily looking for scientific evidence of a creator. I am just asking. Why does it HAVE to be one or the other. I think we can all agree that science has not discovered all there is to be discovered or proven everything their is to be proven or answered every question there is to be answered.

So why does creationism necessarily eliminate evolution or what does evolution necessarily eliminate creationism?

Why not save the fighting for later, when we learn something that makes them mutually exclusive?
I think they are one and the same. What I dont think is that there is a sky fairy that is watching us and judging us on morality. It seems very weird that someone would create a world full of "temptations", tell us not to be tempted and then send us to hell if we are. BTW this same creator also knows this before hand making this an exercise in futility.

That's called rationalization .......................
My question is, how does evolution rule out intelligent design. Is it possible that an intelligent creator used evolution as the mechanism?
There is no doubt there is a design. It is apparent everywhere in nature. The marks of engineering are all around us if we can see them.


I found a dimpled spider, fat and white,
On a white heal-all, holding up a moth
Like a white piece of rigid satin cloth--
Assorted characters of death and blight
Mixed ready to begin the morning right,
Like the ingredients of a witches' broth--
A snow-drop spider, a flower like a froth,
And dead wings carried like a paper kite.

What had that flower to do with being white,
The wayside blue and innocent heal-all?
What brought the kindred spider to that height,
Then steered the white moth thither in the night?
What but design of darkness to appall?--
If design govern in a thing so small.

R. Frost
It kinda rhymes. C+

wow, Robert Frost gets a C+
Tough crowd
So Republicans get their wish and schools suddenly decide it's only fair to teach magical creation. Besides "it isn't evolution", what is it exactly, they would "teach"? Anyone?

If evolution can be taught, isn't it fair, to use a Liberal construct, to teach the other? You lefties constantly talk about equal until equal involves doing something you don't think should be done.

I have no problem teaching all sorts of creationism in a comparative religion class. Not in a science class.
It seems very weird that someone would create a world full of "temptations", tell us not to be tempted and then send us to hell if we are.

That is not a foregone conclusion.

As a father, I knew before my children were even born that they were not going to be perfect. They were going to make mistakes.

Now, when they do make mistakes, it in no way affects my love for them. There are times when one of my children makes a mistake that opens a gulf between us, and I realize as their father I have a responsibility to reach across that gulf and they have a responsibility to also reach across that gulf. When I reach across that gulf, I bring my children back to me. That is the nature of forgiveness. The realization that I created these imperfect beings and that I still love them.

I do not demand perfection from my children, and neither does God.

All we have to do is reach out. God's hands are already there, waiting for us.
Your assigning human attributes to a force you dont even know is human like. The general consensus is god is a male. What male do you know that conceives kids? Might I add without a woman?

So Jesus wasn't human?

God created man in his own image and man is male.
Men cant have kids by themselves. Where is mamma God or Goddess?
It seems very weird that someone would create a world full of "temptations", tell us not to be tempted and then send us to hell if we are.

Just to elaborate some more:

Most of the rules I make for my children are not designed to deny them pleasure, though from their perspective it might feel like it.

"Look both ways before you cross the street." Kids like to charge their bikes straight out into the road without checking for cars first. When my kids do that, they fell the wrath of God descend on them. Is that because I am an asshole, or is it because I love them more than I love myself?

It's all about perspective.

There's good reasons for why we should not commit adultery, no matter how hot our neighbor's wife is. You understand?

There's good reason why we should not steal, no matter how tempting that Ferrari is. God didn't make that rule because he doesn't want me to have a Ferrari.
The tree of knowledge seems like it would be something good. What could be dangerous about that?
The knowledge was of good and evil. You can't do wrong if you don't know it's wrong. Eating the fruit in the first place was wrong, because they knew it was wrong to eat it. Or so the story goes.
It seems very weird that someone would create a world full of "temptations", tell us not to be tempted and then send us to hell if we are.

Just to elaborate some more:

Most of the rules I make for my children are not designed to deny them pleasure, though from their perspective it might feel like it.

"Look both ways before you cross the street." Kids like to charge their bikes straight out into the road without checking for cars first. When my kids do that, they fell the wrath of God descend on them. Is that because I am an asshole, or is it because I love them more than I love myself?

It's all about perspective.

There's good reasons for why we should not commit adultery, no matter how hot our neighbor's wife is. You understand?

There's good reason why we should not steal, no matter how tempting that Ferrari is. God didn't make that rule because he doesn't want me to have a Ferrari.

People don't go to hell for being tempted. Jesus was tempted and he's not in hell.

There are good reasons why people don't do things. Where I see a contradiction when it comes to how people reach those conclusions is that someone not of a faith can say they oppose murder and I can say I oppose murder because my religious beliefs teach me it's wrong then be accused of wanting to push my religion down someone's throat yet the non-faith person being applauded because of what they believe.
It seems very weird that someone would create a world full of "temptations", tell us not to be tempted and then send us to hell if we are.

That is not a foregone conclusion.

As a father, I knew before my children were even born that they were not going to be perfect. They were going to make mistakes.

Now, when they do make mistakes, it in no way affects my love for them. There are times when one of my children makes a mistake that opens a gulf between us, and I realize as their father I have a responsibility to reach across that gulf and they have a responsibility to also reach across that gulf. When I reach across that gulf, I bring my children back to me. That is the nature of forgiveness. The realization that I created these imperfect beings and that I still love them.

I do not demand perfection from my children, and neither does God.

All we have to do is reach out. God's hands are already there, waiting for us.
Your assigning human attributes to a force you dont even know is human like. The general consensus is god is a male. What male do you know that conceives kids? Might I add without a woman?

So Jesus wasn't human?

God created man in his own image and man is male.
Men cant have kids by himself. Where is mamma God or Goddess?

If God can create man, he can also create woman. Maybe you missed that part.
I personally believe in God because I have felt his presence and his influence in my life. I know plenty will laugh at that and attribute that feeling to many other things - and they will be very logical assumptions about where it really came from and what it really means. That's OK. I'll agree to disagree and respect others' beliefs and not try to shove mine down their throats.
I only laugh at people when they try to tell me about sky fairies judging me. What you may call your personal "god" is not a point of amusement to me as people have different beliefs and they are all valid to me as long as they dont intrude.

Sky fairies exist in all religions, once you get to the point that you can accept religions are societal road maps, then the understanding of how those sky fairies fits into the whole concept is easier.
There is no doubt there is a design. It is apparent everywhere in nature. The marks of engineering are all around us if we can see them.
I disagree, we engineer, we build so it's natural fallacy to see that in nature even when it's not there.
I would agree except the pattern is repeated throughout natural design and its mathematical.

I'm not necessarily looking for scientific evidence of a creator. I am just asking. Why does it HAVE to be one or the other. I think we can all agree that science has not discovered all there is to be discovered or proven everything their is to be proven or answered every question there is to be answered.

So why does creationism necessarily eliminate evolution or what does evolution necessarily eliminate creationism?

Why not save the fighting for later, when we learn something that makes them mutually exclusive?
I think they are one and the same. What I dont think is that there is a sky fairy that is watching us and judging us on morality. It seems very weird that someone would create a world full of "temptations", tell us not to be tempted and then send us to hell if we are. BTW this same creator also knows this before hand making this an exercise in futility.

That's called rationalization .......................
Thats what rational people do....they rationalize.
It seems very weird that someone would create a world full of "temptations", tell us not to be tempted and then send us to hell if we are.

That is not a foregone conclusion.

As a father, I knew before my children were even born that they were not going to be perfect. They were going to make mistakes.

Now, when they do make mistakes, it in no way affects my love for them. There are times when one of my children makes a mistake that opens a gulf between us, and I realize as their father I have a responsibility to reach across that gulf and they have a responsibility to also reach across that gulf. When I reach across that gulf, I bring my children back to me. That is the nature of forgiveness. The realization that I created these imperfect beings and that I still love them.

I do not demand perfection from my children, and neither does God.

All we have to do is reach out. God's hands are already there, waiting for us.
Your assigning human attributes to a force you dont even know is human like. The general consensus is god is a male. What male do you know that conceives kids? Might I add without a woman?

So Jesus wasn't human?

God created man in his own image and man is male.
Men cant have kids by himself. Where is mamma God or Goddess?

If God can create man, he can also create woman. Maybe you missed that part.
Adam wanted a fuck friend. So sue him.
My question is, how does evolution rule out intelligent design. Is it possible that an intelligent creator used evolution as the mechanism?
There is no doubt there is a design. It is apparent everywhere in nature. The marks of engineering are all around us if we can see them.


I found a dimpled spider, fat and white,
On a white heal-all, holding up a moth
Like a white piece of rigid satin cloth--
Assorted characters of death and blight
Mixed ready to begin the morning right,
Like the ingredients of a witches' broth--
A snow-drop spider, a flower like a froth,
And dead wings carried like a paper kite.

What had that flower to do with being white,
The wayside blue and innocent heal-all?
What brought the kindred spider to that height,
Then steered the white moth thither in the night?
What but design of darkness to appall?--
If design govern in a thing so small.

R. Frost
It kinda rhymes. C+

wow, Robert Frost gets a C+
Tough crowd

But it rhymes.........LOL
So Republicans get their wish and schools suddenly decide it's only fair to teach magical creation. Besides "it isn't evolution", what is it exactly, they would "teach"? Anyone?

If evolution can be taught, isn't it fair, to use a Liberal construct, to teach the other? You lefties constantly talk about equal until equal involves doing something you don't think should be done.

I have no problem teaching all sorts of creationism in a comparative religion class. Not in a science class.

So religion classes have to be taught in a manner in which the religions aren't supposed to be studied yet science is to be taught as science. If science is taught as science, then religions, even comparatively, should be taught from a theological standpoint as that is what religion is. You can't compare religions in a secular manner and expect it to be more than a history class.
It seems very weird that someone would create a world full of "temptations", tell us not to be tempted and then send us to hell if we are.

That is not a foregone conclusion.

As a father, I knew before my children were even born that they were not going to be perfect. They were going to make mistakes.

Now, when they do make mistakes, it in no way affects my love for them. There are times when one of my children makes a mistake that opens a gulf between us, and I realize as their father I have a responsibility to reach across that gulf and they have a responsibility to also reach across that gulf. When I reach across that gulf, I bring my children back to me. That is the nature of forgiveness. The realization that I created these imperfect beings and that I still love them.

I do not demand perfection from my children, and neither does God.

All we have to do is reach out. God's hands are already there, waiting for us.
Your assigning human attributes to a force you dont even know is human like. The general consensus is god is a male. What male do you know that conceives kids? Might I add without a woman?

So Jesus wasn't human?

God created man in his own image and man is male.
Men cant have kids by himself. Where is mamma God or Goddess?

If God can create man, he can also create woman. Maybe you missed that part.
How did he create man with no woman if man is created in his image? Men cant have kids so that means he couldnt have been created in gods image.
That is not a foregone conclusion.

As a father, I knew before my children were even born that they were not going to be perfect. They were going to make mistakes.

Now, when they do make mistakes, it in no way affects my love for them. There are times when one of my children makes a mistake that opens a gulf between us, and I realize as their father I have a responsibility to reach across that gulf and they have a responsibility to also reach across that gulf. When I reach across that gulf, I bring my children back to me. That is the nature of forgiveness. The realization that I created these imperfect beings and that I still love them.

I do not demand perfection from my children, and neither does God.

All we have to do is reach out. God's hands are already there, waiting for us.
Your assigning human attributes to a force you dont even know is human like. The general consensus is god is a male. What male do you know that conceives kids? Might I add without a woman?

So Jesus wasn't human?

God created man in his own image and man is male.
Men cant have kids by himself. Where is mamma God or Goddess?

If God can create man, he can also create woman. Maybe you missed that part.
Adam wanted a fuck friend. So sue him.

Actually, it was more of him grumbling about the dog trying to bite him every time he got ........................
That is not a foregone conclusion.

As a father, I knew before my children were even born that they were not going to be perfect. They were going to make mistakes.

Now, when they do make mistakes, it in no way affects my love for them. There are times when one of my children makes a mistake that opens a gulf between us, and I realize as their father I have a responsibility to reach across that gulf and they have a responsibility to also reach across that gulf. When I reach across that gulf, I bring my children back to me. That is the nature of forgiveness. The realization that I created these imperfect beings and that I still love them.

I do not demand perfection from my children, and neither does God.

All we have to do is reach out. God's hands are already there, waiting for us.
Your assigning human attributes to a force you dont even know is human like. The general consensus is god is a male. What male do you know that conceives kids? Might I add without a woman?

So Jesus wasn't human?

God created man in his own image and man is male.
Men cant have kids by himself. Where is mamma God or Goddess?

If God can create man, he can also create woman. Maybe you missed that part.
How did he create man with no woman if man is created in his image? Men cant have kids so that means he couldnt have been created in gods image.

If you twist it anymore, you'll cut off more oxygen to your brain.

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