What would happen if a president REFUSED to sign or veto a bill on his desk?

The other aspect of a signed veto is the president has to include why he is vetoing and what changes would make the bill acceptable, which invites a Christmas tree bill.
Okay, I'll bite. What is a Christmas Tree Bill? Love this thread. Learning a lot. Thank you!

The changes are added to get the bill passed and then little and not so little presents for the districts and states are tacked on to get the necessary votes. That is a Christmas tree bill.
So, in essence, it's changes to the bill plus bribes for individual states.

What do you think Trump will do? Just leave it as a veto and dems take to the SCOTUS on grounds of unconstitutional reasons?

Who knows, but with the college entrance scandal the Ds have big problems with their donors. This is going to be interesting.

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