What would happen if Trump is impeached/removed from office and wins the presidency in 2020?

Tea baggers are still around,
Yes, they are now trump cultists supporting the biggest national debt increase amd executive power grabs in history. It seems kind of a stretch to say they are still teabaggers. Joe Wilson is trying to appeal to them, and he is getting absolutely nowhere. That's definitive proof.

OWS? Packing Bernie and Warren rallies. Their platform hasnt changed. That's quite the contrast to the teabaggers.

Hmmm, did you forget that obozo doubled the national debt? Executive power grabs??? Obama tried to use the US intelligence agencies to influence a presidential election. WTF, dude, are you living under a rock?
Reflexive whataboutism. And even if those were equal, you would only be strenghtening and putting an exclamation point on my point. Thanks for the assist...will you be assisting me all day?

I will be correcting your lies, but I have no intention of staying on this silly message board all day, unlike you, I have a life.
Tea baggers are still around,
Yes, they are now trump cultists supporting the biggest national debt increase amd executive power grabs in history. It seems kind of a stretch to say they are still teabaggers. Joe Wilson is trying to appeal to them, and he is getting absolutely nowhere. That's definitive proof.

OWS? Packing Bernie and Warren rallies. Their platform hasnt changed. That's quite the contrast to the teabaggers.

Hmmm, did you forget that obozo doubled the national debt? Executive power grabs??? Obama tried to use the US intelligence agencies to influence a presidential election. WTF, dude, are you living under a rock?
Reflexive whataboutism. And even if those were equal, you would only be strenghtening and putting an exclamation point on my point. Thanks for the assist...will you be assisting me all day?

I will be correcting your lies, but I have no intention of staying on this silly message board all day, unlike you, I have a life.
You are welcome to chime in and strenghten my points for me whenever you like. I am flexible with my assistants' schedules.
Tea baggers are still around,
Yes, they are now trump cultists supporting the biggest national debt increase amd executive power grabs in history. It seems kind of a stretch to say they are still teabaggers. Joe Wilson is trying to appeal to them, and he is getting absolutely nowhere. That's definitive proof.

OWS? Packing Bernie and Warren rallies. Their platform hasnt changed. That's quite the contrast to the teabaggers.
Tea baggers are still around,
Yes, they are now trump cultists supporting the biggest national debt increase amd executive power grabs in history. It seems kind of a stretch to say they are still teabaggers. Joe Wilson is trying to appeal to them, and he is getting absolutely nowhere. That's definitive proof.

OWS? Packing Bernie and Warren rallies. Their platform hasnt changed. That's quite the contrast to the teabaggers.

Hmmm, did you forget that obozo doubled the national debt? Executive power grabs??? Obama tried to use the US intelligence agencies to influence a presidential election. WTF, dude, are you living under a rock?
Reflexive whataboutism. And even if those were equal, you would only be strenghtening and putting an exclamation point on my point. Thanks for the assist...will you be assisting me all day?

I will be correcting your lies, but I have no intention of staying on this silly message board all day, unlike you, I have a life.
Trump supporters like red lead a life of lying and accepting BS from their King
Tea baggers are still around,
Yes, they are now trump cultists supporting the biggest national debt increase amd executive power grabs in history. It seems kind of a stretch to say they are still teabaggers. Joe Wilson is trying to appeal to them, and he is getting absolutely nowhere. That's definitive proof.

OWS? Packing Bernie and Warren rallies. Their platform hasnt changed. That's quite the contrast to the teabaggers.

What OWS give up on trashing the streets, raping women and pooping on cop cars?

I thought they grew up, got a job, married bought a house paid taxes/settled down and these new kids became ANIFTA
He won't be available to run in that case. The State of NY Federal Court has a Grand Jury waiting on him on Rico Act Charges, Fraud, Tax evasion and a few more little tidbits. Barr won't be able to do a thing about that. In order to get anything overturned, it will have to go to the Supreme Court and I doubt if Rump wants to be in front of those people anytime soon since hasn't had nearly enough time to Mussolini up the Court yet.
didn't we hear this same bull shit with the Mueller investigation?
you reek of desperation its sadly pathetic
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What If we surround the White House with the military that loves him and tells any democrat if you pass .. well you know haha

Haha haha...no, I dont see you peeling your fat ass off the couch to do that any time in this century.

But hey...if you morons want 3 hots and a cot in a DC jail, be my guest.
Ha you gonna arrest me beta male lol my thoughts make you scared haha
Then he is the president. Senate isn't going to convict him. If he is impeached, 2020 won't be IF but by how big his victory will be.
What If we surround the White House with the military that loves him and tells any democrat if you pass .. well you know haha

Haha haha...no, I dont see you peeling your fat ass off the couch to do that any time in this century.

But hey...if you morons want 3 hots and a cot in a DC jail, be my guest.
Ha you gonna arrest me beta male lol my thoughts make you scared haha
Arrest you... For what? Watching Duck Dynasty too many times? For eating enough cheetohs to add to world hunger? You are no threat to anyone, you puddle of shit.
What If we surround the White House with the military that loves him and tells any democrat if you pass .. well you know haha

Haha haha...no, I dont see you peeling your fat ass off the couch to do that any time in this century.

But hey...if you morons want 3 hots and a cot in a DC jail, be my guest.
Ha you gonna arrest me beta male lol my thoughts make you scared haha
Arrest you... For what? Watching Duck Dynasty too many times? For eating enough cheetohs to add to world hunger? You are no threat to anyone, you puddle of shit.
Lol sure sure
What would happen if America's crazy uncle, Joe Biden, suddenly becomes rational? Both scenarios are ludicrous.
It's really sad to see the left reduced to wishful thinking about preposterous scenarios. Did they give up on the clown car?
Then he is the president. Senate isn't going to convict him. If he is impeached, 2020 won't be IF but by how big his victory will be.
Brownie Thanks for the laugh. I needed one before seeing all my football picks go down in flames

You're welcome. This will be your one sure bet payday.
Obama had scandals too...Remember when he wore that tan suit???

Still waiting for health insurance to cost $10 bucks a month and my free Obama house.

It's really sad to see the left reduced to wishful thinking about preposterous scenarios. Did they give up on the clown car?
Trump is trying to help Russia and Putin again. And, I ask why is he trying to exonerate Putin? Is trump really that thin skinned and OCD that he's still thinking about the 2016 election and the fact that he didn't win it on his own, he needed help through another country's criminal activity(hacking). Trump even invited Russia to hack the DNC in public, I saw it on TV back then. No, No, No, something is crazy about trump, and something is hellishly deceitful about trump. This is "The favor? Investigate a debunked conspiracy theory that Russia wasn't really behind the 2016 hack of the Democratic National Committee, and "the other thing," Trump said, "there's a lot of talk about Biden's son." Trump urged Zelenskiy to work with Attorney General Bill Barr and his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani on an investigation into the Biden family."
This is a person who is against America, and only for himself. Always only for himself. Only for himself.
8 Takeaways From The Trump-Ukraine Scandal
If Trump is impeached and removed from office, he would be ineligible to hold office again per the Constitution Article 1, Section 3, Clause 7.

I really doubt that the repugs in the Senate would vote to convict Trump no matter what his guilt, so it is unlikely at best.

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