What would happen to the economy if minimum wages are raised?

dude; he doubled autoworker wages, not minimum wages. That was the point.

Why did he double wages?
he wanted his workers to make more so they could buy more cars.

That would be a moronic reason to raise wages.
I can see why you believe it.
read it for yourself; it was one reason. the other was he needed a better trained work force to improve his assembly line process.
And again, the only reason he could do that was that he was making enough money to do it. Most companies are not in that situation.
he had to face competition; he did not start out as one of the one percent with business.
no. what you want is for everyone else to pay your bills so you can be a lazy shit
not at all; it is called, full employment of capital resources. it isn't my fault, capitalists are so useless when it comes to that. not even John Henry can "bail them out" of that.
This country is the best place in the world If you want to provide for yourself.
that is why we have "corporate welfare".
That makes no sense.
why only complain about welfare for Individuals?
Perhaps you're in too much of a hurry to see what people actually write. Go back through the thread. Just this morning I commented on corporate welfare. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Why did he double wages?
he wanted his workers to make more so they could buy more cars.

That would be a moronic reason to raise wages.
I can see why you believe it.
read it for yourself; it was one reason. the other was he needed a better trained work force to improve his assembly line process.
And again, the only reason he could do that was that he was making enough money to do it. Most companies are not in that situation.
he had to face competition; he did not start out as one of the one percent with business.
Most company owners start that way, but it's irrelevant to the point. He could not have doubled his workers' wages (for whatever reason) if he did not make enough money to do so.
not at all; it is called, full employment of capital resources. it isn't my fault, capitalists are so useless when it comes to that. not even John Henry can "bail them out" of that.
This country is the best place in the world If you want to provide for yourself.
that is why we have "corporate welfare".
That makes no sense.
why only complain about welfare for Individuals?
Perhaps you're in too much of a hurry to see what people actually write. Go back through the thread. Just this morning I commented on corporate welfare. Go ahead, I'll wait.
You say that, just like the right claims to abhor the drug war. But, are all talk and no action on that front.
he wanted his workers to make more so they could buy more cars.

That would be a moronic reason to raise wages.
I can see why you believe it.
read it for yourself; it was one reason. the other was he needed a better trained work force to improve his assembly line process.
And again, the only reason he could do that was that he was making enough money to do it. Most companies are not in that situation.
he had to face competition; he did not start out as one of the one percent with business.
Most company owners start that way, but it's irrelevant to the point. He could not have doubled his workers' wages (for whatever reason) if he did not make enough money to do so.
everybody thought he was crazy; he made it work. he did not whine about it and ask for corporate welfare or tax holidays.
This country is the best place in the world If you want to provide for yourself.
that is why we have "corporate welfare".
That makes no sense.
why only complain about welfare for Individuals?
Perhaps you're in too much of a hurry to see what people actually write. Go back through the thread. Just this morning I commented on corporate welfare. Go ahead, I'll wait.
You say that, just like the right claims to abhor the drug war. But, are all talk and no action on that front.
I'm not in Congress, so there is literally nothing I can do. You were talking about complaining, that's just talk, no action.
That would be a moronic reason to raise wages.
I can see why you believe it.
read it for yourself; it was one reason. the other was he needed a better trained work force to improve his assembly line process.
And again, the only reason he could do that was that he was making enough money to do it. Most companies are not in that situation.
he had to face competition; he did not start out as one of the one percent with business.
Most company owners start that way, but it's irrelevant to the point. He could not have doubled his workers' wages (for whatever reason) if he did not make enough money to do so.
everybody thought he was crazy; he made it work. he did not whine about it and ask for corporate welfare or tax holidays.
Yeah, he was a great guy. We get it. Again, though, he was a great RICH guy. Only RICH guys have the ability to pay more for the same amount of work.
Henry Ford voluntarily raised wages because it made economic sense.
Because it increased his profits.
The minimum wage, and raising it to $15, does not make economic sense.
It would not increase profits. It would not increase employment.
It would reduce both. It would be a bad idea.
I can see why you support that.
dude; he doubled autoworker wages, not minimum wages. That was the point.

Why did he double wages?
he wanted his workers to make more so they could buy more cars.

That would be a moronic reason to raise wages.
I can see why you believe it.
read it for yourself; it was one reason. the other was he needed a better trained work force to improve his assembly line process.

the other was he needed a better trained work force to improve his assembly line process.

Yeah, like I said, he did it to make more money.
that is why we have "corporate welfare".
That makes no sense.
why only complain about welfare for Individuals?
Perhaps you're in too much of a hurry to see what people actually write. Go back through the thread. Just this morning I commented on corporate welfare. Go ahead, I'll wait.
You say that, just like the right claims to abhor the drug war. But, are all talk and no action on that front.
I'm not in Congress, so there is literally nothing I can do. You were talking about complaining, that's just talk, no action.
I am advocating for equal protection of the law, every chance i get.
That makes no sense.
why only complain about welfare for Individuals?
Perhaps you're in too much of a hurry to see what people actually write. Go back through the thread. Just this morning I commented on corporate welfare. Go ahead, I'll wait.
You say that, just like the right claims to abhor the drug war. But, are all talk and no action on that front.
I'm not in Congress, so there is literally nothing I can do. You were talking about complaining, that's just talk, no action.
I am advocating for equal protection of the law, every chance i get.
We already have it. Everyone who gets laid off can collect unemployment. Everyone who quits a job cannot. That's equal.
dude; he doubled autoworker wages, not minimum wages. That was the point.

Why did he double wages?
he wanted his workers to make more so they could buy more cars.

That would be a moronic reason to raise wages.
I can see why you believe it.
read it for yourself; it was one reason. the other was he needed a better trained work force to improve his assembly line process.

the other was he needed a better trained work force to improve his assembly line process.

Yeah, like I said, he did it to make more money.
of course; he doubled autoworker wages not minimum wage to provide incentive to make more money. it is called, long run full employment and an economic stimulus to achieve that end.
why only complain about welfare for Individuals?
Perhaps you're in too much of a hurry to see what people actually write. Go back through the thread. Just this morning I commented on corporate welfare. Go ahead, I'll wait.
You say that, just like the right claims to abhor the drug war. But, are all talk and no action on that front.
I'm not in Congress, so there is literally nothing I can do. You were talking about complaining, that's just talk, no action.
I am advocating for equal protection of the law, every chance i get.
We already have it. Everyone who gets laid off can collect unemployment. Everyone who quits a job cannot. That's equal.
that is not equal. employment is at the will of either party, not just the employer for unemployment compensation purposes.

that is why, no one takes the right seriously about economics or the law.
Why did he double wages?
he wanted his workers to make more so they could buy more cars.

That would be a moronic reason to raise wages.
I can see why you believe it.
read it for yourself; it was one reason. the other was he needed a better trained work force to improve his assembly line process.

the other was he needed a better trained work force to improve his assembly line process.

Yeah, like I said, he did it to make more money.
of course; he doubled autoworker wages not minimum wage to provide incentive to make more money. it is called, long run full employment and an economic stimulus to achieve that end.

Yes, it made economic sense for him to increase wages.
Hiking the minimum wage to $15 does not make economic sense.
Well it doesn't and it never will.
UI is meant for people who are forced out of employment against their will, or who were fired for insufficient cause not for lazy fucks who choose not to work
haven't actually read the law? it is about employment, at-will.
All employment is employment at will yet as far as UI is concerned there are specific conditions that must be met before one is eligible to collect and being a lazy fuck who refuses to work isn't one of them
those conditions are extra-lawful. only the right, never gets it.

It has nothing to do with right or left.
You are responsible for getting a ob to pay your own bills
You are not entitled to a job
No one is under mandate to hire employees
You control how much you make and how much your skill set is worth

what you want to do is blame employers because you can't pay your bills when the responsibility and blame for that is all yours
equal protection of the law is in our Constitution. Only the right, never gets it in our First World economy which even provides Corporate Welfare.

You know you really have to get out of the 2 dimensional thinking rut

I am not a democrat nor am I a republican. I do not belong to the right or the left.
I know that pigeonholing others makes it easier for you to understand the world around you but you're not doing yourself any favors by being so deliberately obtuse

I do not believe in governemnt interference in business that includes bail outs, cronyism or the MW.

WHat you refuse to acknowledge is that you and only you are responsible for how much money you earn. It is not anyone else's responsibility to pay your bills or wipe your ass which is what you seem to want
Perhaps you're in too much of a hurry to see what people actually write. Go back through the thread. Just this morning I commented on corporate welfare. Go ahead, I'll wait.
You say that, just like the right claims to abhor the drug war. But, are all talk and no action on that front.
I'm not in Congress, so there is literally nothing I can do. You were talking about complaining, that's just talk, no action.
I am advocating for equal protection of the law, every chance i get.
We already have it. Everyone who gets laid off can collect unemployment. Everyone who quits a job cannot. That's equal.
that is not equal. employment is at the will of either party, not just the employer for unemployment compensation purposes.

that is why, no one takes the right seriously about economics or the law.
Yes the employer offers you a job if you refuse you do not have the right to unemployment compensation if you accept (at will) then you have a righteous claim to collect unemployment as long as you were not fired for cause or if you quit
Perhaps you're in too much of a hurry to see what people actually write. Go back through the thread. Just this morning I commented on corporate welfare. Go ahead, I'll wait.
You say that, just like the right claims to abhor the drug war. But, are all talk and no action on that front.
I'm not in Congress, so there is literally nothing I can do. You were talking about complaining, that's just talk, no action.
I am advocating for equal protection of the law, every chance i get.
We already have it. Everyone who gets laid off can collect unemployment. Everyone who quits a job cannot. That's equal.
that is not equal. employment is at the will of either party, not just the employer for unemployment compensation purposes.

that is why, no one takes the right seriously about economics or the law.
the employer owns the job it is his to offer and for you to either accept or refuse you cannot tell an employer to give you a job.
If you want to own the job then work for yourself
Why did he double wages?
he wanted his workers to make more so they could buy more cars.

That would be a moronic reason to raise wages.
I can see why you believe it.
read it for yourself; it was one reason. the other was he needed a better trained work force to improve his assembly line process.
And again, the only reason he could do that was that he was making enough money to do it. Most companies are not in that situation.
he had to face competition; he did not start out as one of the one percent with business.
Ford had very little competition.
And most businesses are not started by the 1% but by people in the middle class

12 Facts About Entrepreneurs That Will Likely Surprise You
This country is the best place in the world If you want to provide for yourself.
that is why we have "corporate welfare".
That makes no sense.
why only complain about welfare for Individuals?
Perhaps you're in too much of a hurry to see what people actually write. Go back through the thread. Just this morning I commented on corporate welfare. Go ahead, I'll wait.
You say that, just like the right claims to abhor the drug war. But, are all talk and no action on that front.
the "right" wants the war on drugs. It's the "left" that wants to end it
People unable to perform labor that is worth at least the new minimum wage won't be allowed to work.
so what; they should be able to go on unemployment compensation and go to school.

They should be able to work for whoever will hire them. If they're not harming anyone else, it's none of the government's business what wage they are willing to accept.
he wanted his workers to make more so they could buy more cars.

That would be a moronic reason to raise wages.
I can see why you believe it.
read it for yourself; it was one reason. the other was he needed a better trained work force to improve his assembly line process.

the other was he needed a better trained work force to improve his assembly line process.

Yeah, like I said, he did it to make more money.
of course; he doubled autoworker wages not minimum wage to provide incentive to make more money. it is called, long run full employment and an economic stimulus to achieve that end.

Yes, it made economic sense for him to increase wages.
Hiking the minimum wage to $15 does not make economic sense.
yes, it does; it makes the same sense. only the right, never gets it.

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