What would happen to the United States if Conservatives left?

You said that it was your experience that outlaws live at the expense of others. Luckily Harriet Tubman and others didn't wallow in your moral pacifism . Did you know that there were slaves who wanted to stay on the plantation? They pretty much echoed what you said. So go ahead, tremble at the thought of not returning your library book in on time. I, however, have a world to piss off. Nice talking to ya though.

Feel free to piss off the world. My message was to anybody who might take you seriously. It's easy to piss off the world. In fact, Rush has made a billion dollars doing it. Hitler almost conquered the world that way. Some clowns paint on happy faces, some sad, yours is angry.

As you and Rush and Rupert and Grover and Rove and Beck lead your angry followers to political extinction your anger will consume you while the country footnotes you as another movement that we had to flush on our way to recovery.

Hmmm... are you sure I'M the angry one? Sheesh! Now this is why I have fun with vacuous silly posts like yours. I don't want to be sucked up into the political repetitive time/space continuum which is liberal spin . What do I mean by this? I mean that you bring up Rush,Rupert,Grover,Rove and Beck as angry leaders. So this is the part where I am supposed to bring up Mathews,Wiener (the politician),Moore,Media Matters, etc. Now that we have blocked each other with what we perceive as the other side's "haters" we would then go back and forth with quotes from people we don't like. It's really such a bore. So instead, I simply point out the shallowness of your post and the silliness of your point then we can all move on and have a beer. You're welcome.

You are certainly welcome to all of your opinions. They are irrelevent to me.

I've never met anyone that I couldn't learn from and teach to if they have an open mind.

So I don't care anything about opinions unless they are deliberate attempts to mislead others.

What I care about is evidence that suggests either that what I believe is right or wrong. That's how I learn and keep up with the dynamic world.

So far you've provided none.
Feel free to piss off the world. My message was to anybody who might take you seriously. It's easy to piss off the world. In fact, Rush has made a billion dollars doing it. Hitler almost conquered the world that way. Some clowns paint on happy faces, some sad, yours is angry.

As you and Rush and Rupert and Grover and Rove and Beck lead your angry followers to political extinction your anger will consume you while the country footnotes you as another movement that we had to flush on our way to recovery.

Hmmm... are you sure I'M the angry one? Sheesh!

I don't know if you are angry or not. I just know what you post. And that I've assumed that most outlaws are angry. That's what they have no compunction against taking from others.

What? I have no compunction of taking from others? I'm a conservative. I want people to have more, not less. More freedom, more of their earnings, more rights. All the things one doesn't get with a titanic government who needs to be fed the citizens property to remain obese and powerful.
One of the problems with today's political arena is some of it is fueled by the Rush and Rupert industry which deliberately mixes news (facts) with opinion (what they want to be, or are told to advertise as, truth).

So there are many of their audience who are equally unable to keep separate facts and opinions.

I think that applies to virtually all advertising so a modern artifact of culture is our confusion over what is, and what we want to be.
Hmmm... are you sure I'M the angry one? Sheesh!

I don't know if you are angry or not. I just know what you post. And that I've assumed that most outlaws are angry. That's what they have no compunction against taking from others.

What? I have no compunction of taking from others? I'm a conservative. I want people to have more, not less. More freedom, more of their earnings, more rights. All the things one doesn't get with a titanic government who needs to be fed the citizens property to remain obese and powerful.

People who are not outlaws are unaffected by the law. It merely defines how they would behave anyway.

People who want everyone to have more have to start with the belief that more is possible and that stems from the liberal belief in plenty.

As they say, conservatives and liberals want the same things. Liberals want them for everybody.
Feel free to piss off the world. My message was to anybody who might take you seriously. It's easy to piss off the world. In fact, Rush has made a billion dollars doing it. Hitler almost conquered the world that way. Some clowns paint on happy faces, some sad, yours is angry.

As you and Rush and Rupert and Grover and Rove and Beck lead your angry followers to political extinction your anger will consume you while the country footnotes you as another movement that we had to flush on our way to recovery.

Hmmm... are you sure I'M the angry one? Sheesh! Now this is why I have fun with vacuous silly posts like yours. I don't want to be sucked up into the political repetitive time/space continuum which is liberal spin . What do I mean by this? I mean that you bring up Rush,Rupert,Grover,Rove and Beck as angry leaders. So this is the part where I am supposed to bring up Mathews,Wiener (the politician),Moore,Media Matters, etc. Now that we have blocked each other with what we perceive as the other side's "haters" we would then go back and forth with quotes from people we don't like. It's really such a bore. So instead, I simply point out the shallowness of your post and the silliness of your point then we can all move on and have a beer. You're welcome.

You are certainly welcome to all of your opinions. They are irrelevent to me.

I've never met anyone that I couldn't learn from and teach to if they have an open mind.

So I don't care anything about opinions unless they are deliberate attempts to mislead others.

What I care about is evidence that suggests either that what I believe is right or wrong. That's how I learn and keep up with the dynamic world.

So far you've provided none.

Neither one of us has provided evidence of why we believe what we believe. By evidence I"m assuming you're talking about links to sources we both consider irrefutable? I have done what you have done. I've expressed an opinion. However, unlike you, I'm interested in other people's opinions. Even the ones I disagree with. Since you find my opinion irrelevant however then I guess there is no reason to continue the fun. I will always miss you and have an empty space in my heart where your name used to be.
I put this topic here because I want honest answers and no flaming. As a right leaning guy I love the left and wouldnt want to see them go. But why does the left hate Republicans so bad? Their history is after all the Anti-Slave party. p.s. sorry about any typo's I wrote this on the fly because I am so curious what would you think happen to the US if cons left

I guess that would depend on where they went.

Could you elaborate a little bit more on your hypothetical?
One of the products that the Rush and Rupert ad agency has been hired to sell is that US government is too big. Who hired them to sell that and why? Business, (and the wealthy) because less government makes their job of making more money regardless of the cost to others, easier.

Is the US government too big? Who knows? What is the evidence? Is General Motors too big? Is the Catholic Church? Are elephants? Are cockroaches?
It usually sounds as if only one individual, the president, is responsible for America's economy. It seems he has all the power to control jobs, budget, defense spending, the whole schmear. I wonder if the president should not be given the power to control and direct the economy, as so many seem to believe he, in fact, has the power?
Hmmm... are you sure I'M the angry one? Sheesh! Now this is why I have fun with vacuous silly posts like yours. I don't want to be sucked up into the political repetitive time/space continuum which is liberal spin . What do I mean by this? I mean that you bring up Rush,Rupert,Grover,Rove and Beck as angry leaders. So this is the part where I am supposed to bring up Mathews,Wiener (the politician),Moore,Media Matters, etc. Now that we have blocked each other with what we perceive as the other side's "haters" we would then go back and forth with quotes from people we don't like. It's really such a bore. So instead, I simply point out the shallowness of your post and the silliness of your point then we can all move on and have a beer. You're welcome.

You are certainly welcome to all of your opinions. They are irrelevent to me.

I've never met anyone that I couldn't learn from and teach to if they have an open mind.

So I don't care anything about opinions unless they are deliberate attempts to mislead others.

What I care about is evidence that suggests either that what I believe is right or wrong. That's how I learn and keep up with the dynamic world.

So far you've provided none.

Neither one of us has provided evidence of why we believe what we believe. By evidence I"m assuming you're talking about links to sources we both consider irrefutable? I have done what you have done. I've expressed an opinion. However, unlike you, I'm interested in other people's opinions. Even the ones I disagree with. Since you find my opinion irrelevant however then I guess there is no reason to continue the fun. I will always miss you and have an empty space in my heart where your name used to be.

Accepting opinions without evidence is called ignorance.
I don't know if you are angry or not. I just know what you post. And that I've assumed that most outlaws are angry. That's what they have no compunction against taking from others.

What? I have no compunction of taking from others? I'm a conservative. I want people to have more, not less. More freedom, more of their earnings, more rights. All the things one doesn't get with a titanic government who needs to be fed the citizens property to remain obese and powerful.

People who are not outlaws are unaffected by the law. It merely defines how they would behave anyway.

People who want everyone to have more have to start with the belief that more is possible and that stems from the liberal belief in plenty.

As they say, conservatives and liberals want the same things. Liberals want them for everybody.

Oh yes, the liberals belief in plenty. Plenty of high school drop outs, plenty of failing schools, plenty of censorship (speech codes in colleges). plenty of ghettos,plenty of coercion (IRS), etc.

As they say, conservatives and liberals want the same things. Liberals want them by force.
You are certainly welcome to all of your opinions. They are irrelevent to me.

I've never met anyone that I couldn't learn from and teach to if they have an open mind.

So I don't care anything about opinions unless they are deliberate attempts to mislead others.

What I care about is evidence that suggests either that what I believe is right or wrong. That's how I learn and keep up with the dynamic world.

So far you've provided none.

Neither one of us has provided evidence of why we believe what we believe. By evidence I"m assuming you're talking about links to sources we both consider irrefutable? I have done what you have done. I've expressed an opinion. However, unlike you, I'm interested in other people's opinions. Even the ones I disagree with. Since you find my opinion irrelevant however then I guess there is no reason to continue the fun. I will always miss you and have an empty space in my heart where your name used to be.

Accepting opinions without evidence is called ignorance.

Who's talking about accepting opinions? I'm talking about listening, disagreeing,thinking,agreeing and arguing. I'm not sure your reading comprehension is at the level it should be.
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It usually sounds as if only one individual, the president, is responsible for America's economy. It seems he has all the power to control jobs, budget, defense spending, the whole schmear. I wonder if the president should not be given the power to control and direct the economy, as so many seem to believe he, in fact, has the power?

IMO, business is the business of business. The role of government is to help its citizens weather times when business screws up.

That having been said, I am a keynesian as well. Government can borrow to create demand when consumers are unable to, in order to hasten the return of the time when they can.

What and when are exactly the limits of keynesian? That's the real trick.
What? I have no compunction of taking from others? I'm a conservative. I want people to have more, not less. More freedom, more of their earnings, more rights. All the things one doesn't get with a titanic government who needs to be fed the citizens property to remain obese and powerful.

People who are not outlaws are unaffected by the law. It merely defines how they would behave anyway.

People who want everyone to have more have to start with the belief that more is possible and that stems from the liberal belief in plenty.

As they say, conservatives and liberals want the same things. Liberals want them for everybody.

Oh yes, the liberals belief in plenty. Plenty of high school drop outs, plenty of failing schools, plenty of censorship (speech codes in colleges). plenty of ghettos,plenty of coercion (IRS), etc.

As they say, conservatives and liberals want the same things. Liberals want them by force.

Having plenty is the business of business, not government. Liberals and conservatives both want business success, liberals for everybody.

I think that what you are trying to say is that people will live responsibly, voluntarily. That's not my experience. If you are being rubbed the wrong way by the law, you are an outlaw, and should be rubbed the wrong way, IMO.
Ignorance, deviciveness and rhetoric are tools used by manipulators to keep people from objectively looking at the real problems and solutions as well as understanding the reprocussions of their own actions.

If the liberals or conservatives left there would be a new group founded to replace that polarizer to keep the in-fighting going strong because if the in-fighting stops people will see that their have lost control of the government and their destinies.
No it isn't.

naive, foolish, stupid, retarded, idiotic, or dumb... sure.

but it's not ignorance.

words have meanings :thup:

You're right. Ignorance is the effect caused by accepting opinions without evidence.

Except that in this case ignorance is most likely a pre-existing condition.

Ignorance is always a pre-existing condition. That's why life long learning takes effort, not sitting in front of a TV.
If you are being rubbed the wrong way by the law, you are an outlaw, and should be rubbed the wrong way, IMO.

Exactly, Rosa Parks should've kept her mouth shut and gone to the back of the bus. Afterall, the back gets her home just as quick as the front, right?
Ignorance, deviciveness and rhetoric are tools used by manipulators to keep people from objectively looking at the real problems and solutions as well as understanding the reprocussions of their own actions.

If the liberals or conservatives left there would be a new group founded to replace that polarizer to keep the in-fighting going strong because if the in-fighting stops people will see that their have lost control of the government and their destinies.

"Ignorance, deviciveness and rhetoric are tools used by manipulators to keep people from objectively looking at the real problems and solutions as well as understanding the reprocussions of their own actions."

They are also the raw materials that education turns into responsibility.

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