What would happen to the United States if Conservatives left?

She was rubbed the wrong way by the law. That's what rubbed us the wrong way so we fixed things. That's called progress.

It's called breaking the law. I thought you supported laws? I thought law breakers were supposed to be bad? Having a change of heart? My job is done.

Exactly what is the difference between breaking the law and "being rubbed the wrong way by the law". LOL!!! You're really clutching at straws at this point, aren't ya?

She broke a local law. She suffered the consequences of that. It was when those consequences became publicized that we, the people realized the unfairness of that local law and put pressure on the Federal Government to outlaw unequal treatment of people by race just to support a local custom.

Were you unaware of all of this?

Harriet Tubman broke a local law? Tubman broke a state law. Most laws are state laws. What kind of nonsensical parsing are you attempting to do this time? I want to hear more about "being rubbed the wrong way by the law" theory. That's still my favorite grasping-at-straws moment.
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I am not saying any such thing. I realize you believe conservatives don't want government and I'm obviously not going to dissuade you from your "opinion without evidence". As for me being an outlaw (another opinion without evidence) I had no idea you knew me so well. Perhaps you can tell me what law I broke? Then give me a good spanking for it!

If your desire to live within the law is assumed, our laws have no impact on you as they have no impact on me. They impact only those who decide to live in conflict with them. Outlaws.

Laws impact everybody. One pays taxes like one should then one is impacted by the law. We are ALL impacted by laws. I happen to disagree with some laws. This does not make me an outlaw. To think for one second that disagreeing with the government should be illegal is a type of fascistic society I hope we don't ever become.

I doubt that anybody agrees with every law. But, I believe my point remains. All laws provide consequences for breaking them. I lead the life that I want to and suffer none of those consequences. That makes me free. Free, among other reasons, because outlaws are not free to compromise my rights for their gains.

Why would I want fewer laws when I am free because of the ones that allow me to live so?

I think the complaints of many like you is that they'd prefer to pay less in taxes. When I consider the benefits of living in the greatest country ever, I have a great deal of difficulty with any sympathy for you. To me it's just plain whining.
It's called breaking the law. I thought you supported laws? I thought law breakers were supposed to be bad? Having a change of heart? My job is done.

Exactly what is the difference between breaking the law and "being rubbed the wrong way by the law". LOL!!! You're really clutching at straws at this point, aren't ya?

She broke a local law. She suffered the consequences of that. It was when those consequences became publicized that we, the people realized the unfairness of that local law and put pressure on the Federal Government to outlaw unequal treatment of people by race just to support a local custom.

Were you unaware of all of this?

Harriet Tubman broke a local law? Tubman broke a state law. Most laws are state laws. What kind of nonsensical parsing are you attempting to do this time? I want to hear more about "being rubbed the wrong way by the law" theory. That's still my favorite grasping-at-straws moment.

Rosa Parks broke a local law. I'm not aware that Harriet Tubman broke any law.
She broke a local law. She suffered the consequences of that. It was when those consequences became publicized that we, the people realized the unfairness of that local law and put pressure on the Federal Government to outlaw unequal treatment of people by race just to support a local custom.

Were you unaware of all of this?

Harriet Tubman broke a local law? Tubman broke a state law. Most laws are state laws. What kind of nonsensical parsing are you attempting to do this time? I want to hear more about "being rubbed the wrong way by the law" theory. That's still my favorite grasping-at-straws moment.

Rosa Parks broke a local law. I'm not aware that Harriet Tubman broke any law.

You may want to read up on Harriet Tubman. Just a thought.
If your desire to live within the law is assumed, our laws have no impact on you as they have no impact on me. They impact only those who decide to live in conflict with them. Outlaws.

Laws impact everybody. One pays taxes like one should then one is impacted by the law. We are ALL impacted by laws. I happen to disagree with some laws. This does not make me an outlaw. To think for one second that disagreeing with the government should be illegal is a type of fascistic society I hope we don't ever become.

I doubt that anybody agrees with every law. But, I believe my point remains. All laws provide consequences for breaking them. I lead the life that I want to and suffer none of those consequences. That makes me free. Free, among other reasons, because outlaws are not free to compromise my rights for their gains.

Why would I want fewer laws when I am free because of the ones that allow me to live so?

I think the complaints of many like you is that they'd prefer to pay less in taxes. When I consider the benefits of living in the greatest country ever, I have a great deal of difficulty with any sympathy for you. To me it's just plain whining.

You may not have any sympathy for me but I certainly have sympathy for you and your complete ignorance of Harriet Tubman and your constant rephrasing of vacuous points that don't hold up to scrutiny and your odd definition of "outlaw" as being someone who questions authority. Oh well, as long as you're happy and placated then I guess that will have to do. Enjoy your jello and have a great evening.
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Harriet Tubman broke a local law? Tubman broke a state law. Most laws are state laws. What kind of nonsensical parsing are you attempting to do this time? I want to hear more about "being rubbed the wrong way by the law" theory. That's still my favorite grasping-at-straws moment.
What was she convicyted of?
Rosa Parks broke a local law. I'm not aware that Harriet Tubman broke any law.

You may want to read up on Harriet Tubman. Just a thought.

What law was she convicted of breaking?
Laws impact everybody. One pays taxes like one should then one is impacted by the law. We are ALL impacted by laws. I happen to disagree with some laws. This does not make me an outlaw. To think for one second that disagreeing with the government should be illegal is a type of fascistic society I hope we don't ever become.

I doubt that anybody agrees with every law. But, I believe my point remains. All laws provide consequences for breaking them. I lead the life that I want to and suffer none of those consequences. That makes me free. Free, among other reasons, because outlaws are not free to compromise my rights for their gains.

Why would I want fewer laws when I am free because of the ones that allow me to live so?

I think the complaints of many like you is that they'd prefer to pay less in taxes. When I consider the benefits of living in the greatest country ever, I have a great deal of difficulty with any sympathy for you. To me it's just plain whining.

You may not have any sympathy for me but I certainly have sympathy for you and your very tiny little world and complete ignorance of Harriet Tubman and constant rephrasing of vacuous points that don't hold up to scrutiny. Oh well, as long as your happy and placated then I guess that will have to do. Enjoy your jello and have a great evening.

One of my great joys is when Lazy Boy media bloated extremists realize that they are caught in an indefensible position and insulting me is all that they have.
I doubt that anybody agrees with every law. But, I believe my point remains. All laws provide consequences for breaking them. I lead the life that I want to and suffer none of those consequences. That makes me free. Free, among other reasons, because outlaws are not free to compromise my rights for their gains.

Why would I want fewer laws when I am free because of the ones that allow me to live so?

I think the complaints of many like you is that they'd prefer to pay less in taxes. When I consider the benefits of living in the greatest country ever, I have a great deal of difficulty with any sympathy for you. To me it's just plain whining.

You may not have any sympathy for me but I certainly have sympathy for you and your very tiny little world and complete ignorance of Harriet Tubman and constant rephrasing of vacuous points that don't hold up to scrutiny. Oh well, as long as your happy and placated then I guess that will have to do. Enjoy your jello and have a great evening.

One of my great joys is when Lazy Boy media bloated extremists realize that they are caught in an indefensible position and insulting me is all that they have.

Finally, we have something in common. When you started backing away from your original point and writhing in desperation by attempting to change definitions while all the time attacking me in a silly snooty sort of way truly made me smile. Thanks! You're a lot of fun to play with.
What was she convicyted of?
Rosa Parks broke a local law. I'm not aware that Harriet Tubman broke any law.

You may want to read up on Harriet Tubman. Just a thought.

What law was she convicted of breaking?

Did I say she was convicted of anything? We know she broke the law (thank God). Breaking the law and being convicted of breaking the law are two different things. Again, this is another example of you twisting in the wind by your own words. Aren't you dizzy?
You may not have any sympathy for me but I certainly have sympathy for you and your very tiny little world and complete ignorance of Harriet Tubman and constant rephrasing of vacuous points that don't hold up to scrutiny. Oh well, as long as your happy and placated then I guess that will have to do. Enjoy your jello and have a great evening.

One of my great joys is when Lazy Boy media bloated extremists realize that they are caught in an indefensible position and insulting me is all that they have.

Finally, we have something in common. When you started backing away from your original point and writhing in desperation by attempting to change definitions while all the time attacking me in a silly snooty sort of way truly made me smile. Thanks! You're a lot of fun to play with.

I don't blame you a bit for wishing that I "started backing away from your original point and writhing" was true. Not a bit.

Flexibility in truth is the hallmark of your heroes at the Rush and Rupert et al BS factory.

Me, I'm very hung up on it. Seems to me the only way to get things done. Progress, you know.
You may want to read up on Harriet Tubman. Just a thought.

What law was she convicted of breaking?

Did I say she was convicted of anything? We know she broke the law (thank God). Breaking the law and being convicted of breaking the law are two different things. Again, this is another example of you twisting in the wind by your own words. Aren't you dizzy?

What do we call people in the US not convicted of breaking the law.

I was always taught "innocent". What were you taught?
One of my great joys is when Lazy Boy media bloated extremists realize that they are caught in an indefensible position and insulting me is all that they have.

Finally, we have something in common. When you started backing away from your original point and writhing in desperation by attempting to change definitions while all the time attacking me in a silly snooty sort of way truly made me smile. Thanks! You're a lot of fun to play with.

I don't blame you a bit for wishing that I "started backing away from your original point and writhing" was true. Not a bit.

Flexibility in truth is the hallmark of your heroes at the Rush and Rupert et al BS factory.

Me, I'm very hung up on it. Seems to me the only way to get things done. Progress, you know.

Oh, we're back to Rush and Rupert in that liberal time/space repetitive continuum I was talking about earlier. Uhmmm.... yea, Rush and Rupert have cooties are whatever you're trying to say. Thanks for sharing.
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What law was she convicted of breaking?

Did I say she was convicted of anything? We know she broke the law (thank God). Breaking the law and being convicted of breaking the law are two different things. Again, this is another example of you twisting in the wind by your own words. Aren't you dizzy?

What do we call people in the US not convicted of breaking the law.

I was always taught "innocent". What were you taught?

I was taught to read books. Some of which were about Harriet Tubman. You may want to visit your local library.
Did I say she was convicted of anything? We know she broke the law (thank God). Breaking the law and being convicted of breaking the law are two different things. Again, this is another example of you twisting in the wind by your own words. Aren't you dizzy?

What do we call people in the US not convicted of breaking the law.

I was always taught "innocent". What were you taught?

I was taught to read books. Some of which were about Harriet Tubman. You may want to visit your local library.

Which book told you that she was guilty of breaking which law?
Finally, we have something in common. When you started backing away from your original point and writhing in desperation by attempting to change definitions while all the time attacking me in a silly snooty sort of way truly made me smile. Thanks! You're a lot of fun to play with.

I don't blame you a bit for wishing that I "started backing away from your original point and writhing" was true. Not a bit.

Flexibility in truth is the hallmark of your heroes at the Rush and Rupert et al BS factory.

Me, I'm very hung up on it. Seems to me the only way to get things done. Progress, you know.

Oh, we're back to Rush and Rupert in that liberal time/space repetitive continuum I was talking about earlier. Uhmmm.... yea, Rush and Rupert have cooties are whatever you're trying to say. Thanks for sharing.

It's just my experience that I've never met anyone who is a conservative extremist who didn't get it from overexposure to Fox News and/or Rush Limbaugh.

Maybe you're the first one?
Oh Lord, have a cookie before you pass out. If you want to read about Harriet Tubman and the underground railroad then look it up. Let me know when you want me to burp you.
Ah hell, I'm going to educate you just because I'm a nice guy (for an evil conservative, I mean). Harriet Tubman broke the fugitive slave law of 1850. Theft of property (slaves), abetting a runaway slave, being a runaway slave and helping out John Brown.
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Oh Lord, have a cookie before you pass out. If you want to read about Harriet Tubman and the underground railroad then look it up. Let me know when you want me to burp you.
Ah hell, I'm going to educate you just because I'm a nice guy (for an evil conservative, I mean). Harriet Tubman broke the fugitive slave law of 1850. Theft of property (slaves), abetting a runaway slave, being a runaway slave and helping out John Brown.

Isn't Wikipedia great?

I wonder why she was never convicted? I really do. No proof? Was she pardoned because she was a Union soldier? No, you have to be convicted before you can be pardoned.

BTW, I don't think that conservatives are evil. Even media extremists. I think that they are merely victims of their entertainment appetites.
I didn't get that information from Wikipedia! I got it from Wikipedia.answers.com thank you very much, lol. Jeez! Your not going to make me look up why Tubman wasn't convicted are ya? You're not even paying me!

BTW, I don't think liberals are evil. Even liberal media extremists (they're just making a buck by screaming the loudest), I think liberals are simply more focused on rhetoric as opposed to results. I chalk it up to naivety.
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I didn't get that information from Wikipedia! I got it from Wikipedia.answers.com thank you very much, lol. Jeez! Your not going to make me look up why Tubman wasn't convicted are ya? You're not even paying me!

BTW, I don't think liberals are evil. Even liberal media extremists (they're just making a buck by screaming the loudest), I think liberals are simply more focused on rhetoric as opposed to results. I chalk it up to naivety.

Yessir, you just gotta love those Bush results. I suspect we should have the bills from him paid off in only 100 years or so. Unless another one like him gets elected. But, how likely is that given candidates like the last load?
Not a big Bush fan myself. I'm a conservative, he's not. I don't blame Bush for everything either. Chris Dodd and Barney Frank, I believe, were also accomplices to todays economy.

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