What would happen?


VIP Member
Jul 1, 2012
What would happen if the United States finally decided to stop policing the world?

You know, pull all our troops out, close our military bases and stop patrolling shipping lanes?

What would happen?

Would another country step up and do the job?
Personally I would love to see it.''

Leave one Joint service base in each region of the world with the U.S. Embassy at that base and bring everyone else home.
What would happen if the United States finally decided to stop policing the world?

You know, pull all our troops out, close our military bases and stop patrolling shipping lanes?

What would happen?

Would another country step up and do the job?

Does another country need to?
You can pretty much bet your ass that no other country would expend they're own MONEY and TREASURE to interfere in another country.

You can also bet that no other country has the well trained, battle hardened Army that we have.

I doubt seriously anyone would pick up the mantle of WORLDS POLICEMAN.
What would happen if the United States finally decided to stop policing the world?

You know, pull all our troops out, close our military bases and stop patrolling shipping lanes?

What would happen?

Would another country step up and do the job?

Policing the world? The real reason (I believe) we're over in Iraq, Afghanistan for ridiculously long expended periods of time comes down to strategic positioning of our military and foreign political leaders, and greed (ie oil, drugs, and defense industry).

So What would Happen?

I suppose if we got out of those countries, we would (a) lose some imperial dominance of weaker countries (and strategic footing in the middle east), and (b) a lot of very powerful companies would go bankrupt (what does a missile manufacturer sell when there's no one to be missiled?).

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What would happen if the United States finally decided to stop policing the world?

I believe that overall, trade would continue and I suspect, increase. And when people trade, they're far less likely to war. Our military may help ensure the flow of oil through certain countries, but overall, their presence is not conducive to free trade between people and nations.

As capital was kept in the private sector and not redirected towards military intervention, the economy would see a boost. The private sector ALWAYS uses capital more efficiently than central planners.

Our deficits would decrease dramatically...though it's still entitlements that contribute to most of the debt.

Terrorism against Americans would decrease...assuming the stated reasons for jihad have any basis in reality.

Would another country step up and do the job??

Maybe, but then they'd face the same spending/backlash problems we do.
What would happen if the United States finally decided to stop policing the world?

You know, pull all our troops out, close our military bases and stop patrolling shipping lanes?

What would happen?

Would another country step up and do the job?

I think we would largely see the same situation we have now; hot spots in some places, tranquility in others. I doubt much would change.
What would happen if the United States finally decided to stop policing the world?

You know, pull all our troops out, close our military bases and stop patrolling shipping lanes?

What would happen?

Would another country step up and do the job?

We are not nor have we ever policed the world.
What would happen if the United States finally decided to stop policing the world?

You know, pull all our troops out, close our military bases and stop patrolling shipping lanes?

What would happen?

Would another country step up and do the job?

Policing the world? The real reason (I believe) we're over in Iraq, Afghanistan for ridiculously long expended periods of time comes down to strategic positioning of our military and foreign political leaders, and greed (ie oil, drugs, and defense industry).

So What would Happen?

I suppose if we got out of those countries, we would (a) lose some imperial dominance of weaker countries (and strategic footing in the middle east), and (b) a lot of very powerful companies would go bankrupt (what does a missile manufacturer sell when there's no one to be missiled?).


What have we gained from any of the wars you mentioned?
That would leave a void and someone else would fill it. Not right away of course. Piracy would likely take over international shipping for quite awhile. There would be wars as world powers fought for a position of leadership. What happened when Rome stopped policing the world? Eventually there would be some other country who wins. Perhaps someone not quite as "nice" as we are who would eventually police US.

Whether you think it's a good idea or a bad idea, that day is approaching. The United States is simply too fractured to continue in a position of leadership. Now that we have lost the capacity for the nation to recognize one person as our leader, other nations won't need to pay attention to whatever figurehead we put forth.
What would happen if the United States finally decided to stop policing the world?

You know, pull all our troops out, close our military bases and stop patrolling shipping lanes?

What would happen?

Would another country step up and do the job?

Policing the world? The real reason (I believe) we're over in Iraq, Afghanistan for ridiculously long expended periods of time comes down to strategic positioning of our military and foreign political leaders, and greed (ie oil, drugs, and defense industry).

So What would Happen?

I suppose if we got out of those countries, we would (a) lose some imperial dominance of weaker countries (and strategic footing in the middle east), and (b) a lot of very powerful companies would go bankrupt (what does a missile manufacturer sell when there's no one to be missiled?).


What have we gained from any of the wars you mentioned?

I don't think we (in general) have gained much. With over six thousand US dead and 3 Trillion of taxpayer dollars spent funding Halliburton and Boeing revenues, I think the US people didn't get much in return for their investment.

Sure, Saddam was no Saint, but at least he was a wedge that kept the region stable (just like Assad). You pull those guys out, and couple it with US-provoked violence (estimated that 300,000+ died), we are left with both a highly unstable region and a lot of pissed off children coming to age who have nothing but disdain for our country. Mission accomplished?

Maybe I'm being naive, but I just don't understand how starting a war that resulted in almost a half a million middle eastern deaths is supposed to somehow reduce the amount of terrorism on our planet. Sounds like a scam to me.

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We assumed the position as the worlds police force at the close of WWII, primarily to keep the lanes of commerce open and stop the spread of communism. I for one would welcome sending the UN back to Paris, directing our attention to the lanes of commerce, and supporting our Allies.

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