What would it take for the Obama-fluffers to admit Romney won the debates?

Just like it sounds. We know that no matter what Romney says or does a sizeable contingent here will call his performance "disaster." They will swear with a straight face that Obama's performance was brilliant.
So what will it take on Romney's part for them to admit he won?

Nothing. Romney could not do or say anything that would force democrats into admitting he won the debate. Even if the pro obama media admitted it, democrats would not.

Now that we know for a fact that the attack on the Libyan embassy had nothing to do with an offensive video but was an Al Quaeda operation. Democrats won't even admit that.

Why is that relevent? Besides the fact that everyone kind of suspected Al Qaeda involvement from day one....

That Romney is trying to use the Ambassador's coffin is a soapbox is just as unseemly now as when he first did it.

I'd still like to know why the debates matter since (as I'm told) Romney's winning by a landslide anyway.

No reason to burn the time then, I reckon.

The Rabbi seriously thought Rick Perry was the best choice for the Republican nomination.

His reputation will never recover.

Initially, I thought Perry would have been a good pick. I still think in some ways he would be an impovement over Romney. Yeah, he said some dumb things, but so did Bush-43.

The advantage Perry would have had that's killing Romney right now is having come from humble origins, he'd have a better chance connecting with the middle class, which is where Romney is losing it.

Perry's flaw was thinking that he could just waltz right in, and people would rally behind him. It doesn't work like that. It didn't work like that for Fred Thompson.
Just like it sounds. We know that no matter what Romney says or does a sizeable contingent here will call his performance "disaster." They will swear with a straight face that Obama's performance was brilliant.
So what will it take on Romney's part for them to admit he won?

Nothing. Romney could not do or say anything that would force democrats into admitting he won the debate. Even if the pro obama media admitted it, democrats would not.

Now that we know for a fact that the attack on the Libyan embassy had nothing to do with an offensive video but was an Al Quaeda operation. Democrats won't even admit that.

Why is that relevent? Besides the fact that everyone kind of suspected Al Qaeda involvement from day one....

That Romney is trying to use the Ambassador's coffin is a soapbox is just as unseemly now as when he first did it.

The only one I saw looking quite bored standing on the ambassador's coffin was obama. There are people who won't vote for a Mormon like there are people who won't vote for a black. Big deal. There are probably more who won't vote black, especially after THIS, than won't vote Mormon.
Just like it sounds. We know that no matter what Romney says or does a sizeable contingent here will call his performance "disaster." They will swear with a straight face that Obama's performance was brilliant.
So what will it take on Romney's part for them to admit he won?


ROmney's campaign was over the minute he blurted out the 47% of us are on welfare and worthless comments.

He was done. That day. Obama could roast and eat a puppy on stage, and Romney STILL would be done.

But I know you just need to beleive that the debates are what he needs to turn it around.

Well, you certainly fall into the worthless category. But you're a good example. Nothing Romney could say or do could elicit a compliment from you. This is because you're a stupid bigot.

Pot calling the kettle black.

Well, you certainly fall into the worthless category. But you're a good example. Nothing Obama could say or do could elicit a compliment from you. This is because you're a stupid bigot.

He he, that was easy, and fun.
Nothing. Romney could not do or say anything that would force democrats into admitting he won the debate. Even if the pro obama media admitted it, democrats would not.

Now that we know for a fact that the attack on the Libyan embassy had nothing to do with an offensive video but was an Al Quaeda operation. Democrats won't even admit that.

Why is that relevent? Besides the fact that everyone kind of suspected Al Qaeda involvement from day one....

That Romney is trying to use the Ambassador's coffin is a soapbox is just as unseemly now as when he first did it.

The only one I saw looking quite bored standing on the ambassador's coffin was obama. There are people who won't vote for a Mormon like there are people who won't vote for a black. Big deal. There are probably more who won't vote black, especially after THIS, than won't vote Mormon.

I thought what Obama did at his funeral was dignified and exactly what we expect out our commander in cheif.

And I don't think he actually STOOD on the coffin. Perhaps you've got a picture.

Guy, you're boy is losing. The wheels have come off the wagon, he's gone over the cliff and he's jumped the shark.
I'm not sure that Romney actually parting the Red Sea would actually do it for Obamaites. They would probably say that Bush II was actually Ramses II and it was his fault there was water in the sea.
Just like it sounds. We know that no matter what Romney says or does a sizeable contingent here will call his performance "disaster." They will swear with a straight face that Obama's performance was brilliant.
So what will it take on Romney's part for them to admit he won?

No one can ‘win’ a presidential debate, one can only lose. Romney’s performance is therefore irrelevant, the pressure will be on Obama alone.

Otherwise, the OP has started whining even before the end of the first debate.

The Rabbi seriously thought Rick Perry was the best choice for the Republican nomination.

His reputation will never recover.

To be fair, all the GOP candidates were equally dreadful; and given the governor’s poor performance since the end of the primaries, initial Romney supporters don’t have much of a reputation now, either.
I'm not sure that Romney actually parting the Red Sea would actually do it for Obamaites. They would probably say that Bush II was actually Ramses II and it was his fault there was water in the sea.

Oh my! Aren't you a clever wordsmith. We'd better watch out for you. You seem wicked smaaaaaat!
Just like it sounds. We know that no matter what Romney says or does a sizeable contingent here will call his performance "disaster." They will swear with a straight face that Obama's performance was brilliant.
So what will it take on Romney's part for them to admit he won?

No one can ‘win’ a presidential debate, one can only lose. Romney’s performance is therefore irrelevant, the pressure will be on Obama alone.

Otherwise, the OP has started whining even before the end of the first debate.

The Rabbi seriously thought Rick Perry was the best choice for the Republican nomination.

His reputation will never recover.

To be fair, all the GOP candidates were equally dreadful; and given the governor’s poor performance since the end of the primaries, initial Romney supporters don’t have much of a reputation now, either.

I disagree, Perry was without a doubt the most incompetent of all candidates. The only one who could compete with him was Bachmann.
Just like it sounds. We know that no matter what Romney says or does a sizeable contingent here will call his performance "disaster." They will swear with a straight face that Obama's performance was brilliant.
So what will it take on Romney's part for them to admit he won?

Uh....why don't we, like....you know....wait until they actually have a debate before explaining why we think either one lost or won?
It doesn't really matter, the right will claim victory no matter what happens.

They still think W won the debates in 2004.
It doesn't really matter, the right will claim victory no matter what happens.

They still think W won the debates in 2004.

Point being, he lost all three debates, put in a particularly bad performance in the first one, ("it's haaaaaard") and still won the election.

So I'm not sure why the right has staked so much on these debates....

Other than every other "turning point" in the campaign- The convention, picking Ryan, the SCOTUS ObamaCare decision, etc - has not helped their guy.
It doesn't really matter, the right will claim victory no matter what happens.

They still think W won the debates in 2004.

Point being, he lost all three debates, put in a particularly bad performance in the first one, ("it's haaaaaard") and still won the election.

So I'm not sure why the right has staked so much on these debates....

Other than every other "turning point" in the campaign- The convention, picking Ryan, the SCOTUS ObamaCare decision, etc - has not helped their guy.

It's called desperately clinging to hope.
The left will cling to their sinking ship as obama slips beneath the waves of voters.
Perhaps if the GOP had focused on facts, jobs, and the economy rather than birth certificates, teleprompters, and scary Muslims in 2009, they wouldn’t be desperately clinging to hope today.
Just like it sounds. We know that no matter what Romney says or does a sizeable contingent here will call his performance "disaster." They will swear with a straight face that Obama's performance was brilliant.
So what will it take on Romney's part for them to admit he won?

He'd have to win the debate.

What would it take for Sean Hannity to admit Romney got his ass kicked?

I don't bother asking about what it would take for the far-righties to do the same, because they do whatever Sean says.

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