What would jesus do?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
What does Jesus do when he catches one of his children lying. He kills them. (Annaias and his wife) I am not suggesting killing Romney/Ryan but give them a spanking as any good father would when his child lies like Biden gave Ryan last night. When Ryan was caught in a lie, it frustrated Biden and he interrupted and call him out as he should and correct him.

Obama was not aggressive enough and Biden too aggressive? Romney and Lehrer interrupted Obama and Martha and Biden interrupted Ryan. Romney won with his attack dogs techniques and Biden lost with his attack dog techniques. Tit for tat.
Biden gave Ryan a long needed spanking last night.
What does Jesus do when he catches one of his children lying. He kills them. (Annaias and his wife) I am not suggesting killing Romney/Ryan but give them a spanking as any good father would when his child lies like Biden gave Ryan last night. When Ryan was caught in a lie, it frustrated Biden and he interrupted and call him out as he should and correct him.

Obama was not aggressive enough and Biden too aggressive? Romney and Lehrer interrupted Obama and Martha and Biden interrupted Ryan. Romney won with his attack dogs techniques and Biden lost with his attack dog techniques. Tit for tat.
Biden gave Ryan a long needed spanking last night.
My ass. In fact Biden started out by shamelessly lying about Ben Ghazi, then he simply turned into a heckler and a clown. Ryan came across as a decent human being and a concerned about America while Biden spent most of his time fear mongering, demonizing and using the same old tired class warfare tactics. And that's why Biden lost the debate. What's Hussein Obama going to do now that Biden has failed as well? He's basically shit out of luck.
What does Jesus do when he catches one of his children lying. He kills them. (Annaias and his wife) I am not suggesting killing Romney/Ryan but give them a spanking as any good father would when his child lies like Biden gave Ryan last night. When Ryan was caught in a lie, it frustrated Biden and he interrupted and call him out as he should and correct him.

Obama was not aggressive enough and Biden too aggressive? Romney and Lehrer interrupted Obama and Martha and Biden interrupted Ryan. Romney won with his attack dogs techniques and Biden lost with his attack dog techniques. Tit for tat.
Biden gave Ryan a long needed spanking last night.

2 failed threads in one day. Are you trying to get an award? Jesus christ, did you even watch it last night? Do you even know the truth about stuff? :confused:

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