What would Ron Paul do?


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
The angst among Ron Paul delegates, some of whom walked out of the convention Wednesday night in protest of recent party rules changes, hasn’t abated in Tampa. There’s talk of another protest Thursday night, prompting an open letter from Arizona alternate delegate Edward Vallejo imploring his fellow Ron Paul supporters not to air their grievances publicly at this time.

What would Ron Paul do? - POLITICO.com

I think Lew Rockwell had a great response to this question.

"Don't air your grievances," say some delegates to their colleagues, behavior Politico describes as copying Ron Paul. But, folks, if you really want to emulate this great gentleman, leave the RNC snake pit, as he did on Tuesday. Go quietly and without fuss. Go back to your lives. Just skedaddle. Go. Get out of there. Believe me, it will be good for your spirits. And it is a great political statement: that you refuse to be abused by the scum of the earth.

‘What Would Ron Do?’ « LewRockwell.com Blog

Leaving probably would be the best message Ron Paul delegates could send at this point. I certainly don't think they should make any kind of spectacle of themselves.
The angst among Ron Paul delegates, some of whom walked out of the convention Wednesday night in protest of recent party rules changes, hasn’t abated in Tampa. There’s talk of another protest Thursday night, prompting an open letter from Arizona alternate delegate Edward Vallejo imploring his fellow Ron Paul supporters not to air their grievances publicly at this time.

What would Ron Paul do? - POLITICO.com

I think Lew Rockwell had a great response to this question.

"Don't air your grievances," say some delegates to their colleagues, behavior Politico describes as copying Ron Paul. But, folks, if you really want to emulate this great gentleman, leave the RNC snake pit, as he did on Tuesday. Go quietly and without fuss. Go back to your lives. Just skedaddle. Go. Get out of there. Believe me, it will be good for your spirits. And it is a great political statement: that you refuse to be abused by the scum of the earth.

‘What Would Ron Do?’ « LewRockwell.com Blog

Leaving probably would be the best message Ron Paul delegates could send at this point. I certainly don't think they should make any kind of spectacle of themselves.

I think they should stand up and walk out SILENTLY, just as Mitt Romney takes the stage.
You realize the conventions over tonight?

I am not really sure what you guys expected. At no point did Ron Paul ever have a chance of winning the nomination.
Paul's foreign policy is incoherent and his domestic policy is laughable. He was a dark horse candidate and he never had a chance so his supporters should grow up and think about the future of the United states.
You realize the conventions over tonight?

I am not really sure what you guys expected. At no point did Ron Paul ever have a chance of winning the nomination.


We expected that duly elected delegates would be treated with respect, that they would be seated, that the support Ron Paul did receive would be publicly declared, and that the Republican Party would follow its own rules. None of that happened. And you're right, Ron Paul still wouldn't be the nominee if all of those things happened, but that just makes the fact that they didn't happen all the more puzzling. The GOP didn't have to kick Ron Paul supporters in the teeth, but they did anyway. Though I guess I shouldn't say it was puzzling, it really wasn't since this was never really a convention but rather a coronation.

With that in mind, I think GuyPinestra's idea that every delegate for Ron Paul get up and walk out as Mitt takes the stage is sound.
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You realize the conventions over tonight?

I am not really sure what you guys expected. At no point did Ron Paul ever have a chance of winning the nomination.

That's not the point, Avatar, and I'm disappointed you keep missing it. Had the rules been followed Ron Paul would have been put up for the nomination and his delegate count would have assured him a speaking spot at the convention.

I don't know what the Romneybots were so fucking afraid of that they had to cheat their own fucking rules to silence the man that brought new life, hope and energy into the Party.

But cheat they did, and y'all will get Obummer for 4 more years because of it.
You realize the conventions over tonight?

I am not really sure what you guys expected. At no point did Ron Paul ever have a chance of winning the nomination.

Ron Paul told Neil Cavuto ( whom I respect and listen to ) a few days ago that he would not endorse Obama and is undecided on whether to endorse Romney.

He was charming and fun, as usual. :lol:
You realize the conventions over tonight?

I am not really sure what you guys expected. At no point did Ron Paul ever have a chance of winning the nomination.

Ron Paul told Neil Cavuto ( whom I respect and listen to ) a few days ago that he would not endorse Obama and is undecided on whether to endorse Romney.

He was charming and fun, as usual. :lol:

No, he said he would not endorse Romney, and that he was undecided as to how he was actually going to vote himself. I'd imagine he'll vote Gary Johnson, but isn't going to endorse him.
You realize the conventions over tonight?

I am not really sure what you guys expected. At no point did Ron Paul ever have a chance of winning the nomination.

That's not the point, Avatar, and I'm disappointed you keep missing it. Had the rules been followed Ron Paul would have been put up for the nomination and his delegate count would have assured him a speaking spot at the convention.

I don't know what the Romneybots were so fucking afraid of that they had to cheat their own fucking rules to silence the man that brought new life, hope and energy into the Party.

But cheat they did, and y'all will get Obummer for 4 more years because of it.
Can't rep you again. So I'll do this.

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