What would you do with the second amendment?

What should be done with the second amendment?

  • Repeal it and replace it with an amendment banning all guns in private hands

  • Repeal it and give Congress unlimited power over regulating guns, including banning them

  • Give States the power to decide what their gun rights and restrictions should be

  • Leave it, Congress already regulates guns, but they should not have the power to ban them

  • Follow the second amendment and declare most or all current gun regulations Unconstitutional

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...It's the us government that has ignored the constitution. It is not legitimate and needs to be removed...
Here we see Right Wing Madness in its extreme form... advocating the overthrow of the United States government.

...None of that said states can be forced to remain in the union. That's clearly not consent of the governed, the basis of the constitution
This matter was settled, April 9, 1865, at Appomattox Court House in Virginia.
Read the 10th amendment
This matter was settled, April 9, 1865, at Appomattox Court House in Virginia.
So you're not going to read the actual constitution. Got it
Read it.

Assessed it.

The right to secede does not exist.

April 9, 1865, Appomattox Court House, Virginia.
Sure. So quote the constitution
Remembering your lies is stalking. Hmm. No, actually it's not. A dictionary isn't in your past or future is it?

See, there you go again. Only one lying here is you buddy, when you claim I said things I didn't say...

I mean, look, man, whatever I did to you that hurt your feelings so bad, I'm really, really sorry, man, but you need to let it go, man.
Remembering your lies is stalking. Hmm. No, actually it's not. A dictionary isn't in your past or future is it?

See, there you go again. Only one lying here is you buddy, when you claim I said things I didn't say...

I mean, look, man, whatever I did to you that hurt your feelings so bad, I'm really, really sorry, man, but you need to let it go, man.
You go girl. There there
Remembering your lies is stalking. Hmm. No, actually it's not. A dictionary isn't in your past or future is it?

See, there you go again. Only one lying here is you buddy, when you claim I said things I didn't say...

I mean, look, man, whatever I did to you that hurt your feelings so bad, I'm really, really sorry, man, but you need to let it go, man.
You go girl. There there

Girls have much more honor than that fool.
Here we see Right Wing Madness in its extreme form... advocating the overthrow of the United States government.

This matter was settled, April 9, 1865, at Appomattox Court House in Virginia.
Read the 10th amendment
This matter was settled, April 9, 1865, at Appomattox Court House in Virginia.
So you're not going to read the actual constitution. Got it
Read it.

Assessed it.

The right to secede does not exist.

April 9, 1865, Appomattox Court House, Virginia.
Sure. So quote the constitution
No need.

The Supreme Court - the highest arbiter of the law of the United States - has long-since ruled.

Texas v. White, 1869.

Reinforcing what had already been decided in the Real World by force of arms.
Read the 10th amendment
This matter was settled, April 9, 1865, at Appomattox Court House in Virginia.
So you're not going to read the actual constitution. Got it
Read it.

Assessed it.

The right to secede does not exist.

April 9, 1865, Appomattox Court House, Virginia.
Sure. So quote the constitution
No need.

The Supreme Court - the highest arbiter of the law of the United States - has long-since ruled.

Texas v. White, 1869.

Reinforcing what had already been decided in the Real World by force of arms.
Yes. You do love despots
Leave it alone and institute sensible gun regulations
The problems with your so called "sensible" gun regulations are that they only affect law abiding citizens.
Do you think gangbangers and school shooters are also skillful gunsmiths? If we eradicated assault weapons, do you I,agile basement gun factories cranking them out?
No, a University does not, itself have a mouth, but a group of researchers, expert in their field did.

So a bunch of quacks with an opinion not accepted by most specialists in their field.

Got it.
Only one of the Oldest, Most Respected and most reputable universities in the world.

You mean those quacks joe?

Let’s see the sceptics not funded by big Pharma joe. Links please

Oh, and why did big Pharma fail to publish studies that showed that SSRIs were both dangerous and not highly effective?

Antidepressant Studies Unpublished
Last edited:
Leave it alone and institute sensible gun regulations
The problems with your so called "sensible" gun regulations are that they only affect law abiding citizens.
Do you think gangbangers and school shooters are also skillful gunsmiths? If we eradicated assault weapons, do you I,agile basement gun factories cranking them out?

You think gangbangers going to have trouble getting drug lords to get em for them?

Naive much?
Leave it alone and institute sensible gun regulations
The problems with your so called "sensible" gun regulations are that they only affect law abiding citizens.
Do you think gangbangers and school shooters are also skillful gunsmiths? If we eradicated assault weapons, do you I,agile basement gun factories cranking them out?
You think they won’t learn?

You underestimate EVERYONE don’t you?
Only one of the Oldest, Most Respected and most reputable universities in the world.

You mean those quacks joe?

Yup, pretty much...

Not their field.

Let’s see the sceptics not funded by big Pharma joe. Links please

I'd trust the ones funded by Big Pharma before the ones Funded by the Church of Scientology.

When a Mass shooter gets scientific evidence introduced into court that the mean old drugs made them do it, let me know.
Leave it alone and institute sensible gun regulations
The problems with your so called "sensible" gun regulations are that they only affect law abiding citizens.
Do you think gangbangers and school shooters are also skillful gunsmiths? If we eradicated assault weapons, do you I,agile basement gun factories cranking them out?

Where do all the recreational narcotics come from? As long as I've been on this earth, they were illegal as well.
The meaning is clear so all gun laws are unconstitutional. That said, absent incorporation progressives would be constitutionally free to attempt to ban guns at the state level. But since they insist everything be a federal issue they have no leg to stand on.

Regardless of the Constitution, however, people have the right to defend themselves.

The meaning is clear as expressed by the Heller and McDonald Courts: the Second Amendment acknowledges an individual right to possess a handgun pursuant to lawful self-defense unconnected with militia service.

Measures seeking to ban handguns are un-Constitutional regardless the level of judicial review.

Moreover, state and local governments are subject to Second Amendment case law.

Again, all gun laws are not ‘un-Constitutional’ if they comport with current Second Amendment jurisprudence.
Honestly I find questions of constitutionality entirely unimportant these days. Of course those laws are unconstitutional, but what does that mean practically? Nothing.

Constitutionality is just a talking point for both sides based on whatever they're arguing. Neither side means it
Which is why the Constitution is largely irrelevant. I mean the argument is hilarious. The amendment was written over 200 years ago, but we can't know what it means yet. But since everyone essentially accepts that argument when it's convenient for them, what is the point of the Constitution?
You cut out my point 2 that addressed your response to point 1, dumb ass liar.

I cut out anything that is a personal attack and stalking and try to pare your lame ass arguments down to salient points. Admittedly, after I do that, there usually isn't much left to discuss.

And you have no answers for

I have a perfectly good answer.

First, we get rid of this DELUSION that gun ownership is a right.

Second, we hold the gun industry responsible when it gives a gun to a Nickolas Cruz. After they pay out a few seven figure judgments, they'll be totally paying attention to who they give guns to.

Right now, they WANT the crazies to have the guns, so the rest of you will be all scared and stuff and want guns to. It's a pretty simple business model. Totally degenerate and evil, but simple.

And when mass murders take place with vehicles, do we sue Ford or perhaps Penske rental trucks? After that, we will sue beer manufacturers for DUI deaths. Maybe swimming pool and bathtub companies for drownings. Hell, why stop there? Here by the great lakes, people drown just jumping off the boat into the water for a refreshing swim. Sue the boat manufacturers too.

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