What would you do with the second amendment?

What should be done with the second amendment?

  • Repeal it and replace it with an amendment banning all guns in private hands

  • Repeal it and give Congress unlimited power over regulating guns, including banning them

  • Give States the power to decide what their gun rights and restrictions should be

  • Leave it, Congress already regulates guns, but they should not have the power to ban them

  • Follow the second amendment and declare most or all current gun regulations Unconstitutional

Results are only viewable after voting.
Ban guns and join the civilised world. If not, keep counting the bodies and make sure you have enough plastic bags.

Like Australia did? The result was rape at historic levels. You mean women getting raped is civilized?

Where ya from Bloke? Putting another shrimp on the barbie, you rascal?
Australia is a lot safer than the US, so are most of the civilized world hillbilly.
Leave it alone and institute sensible gun regulations
The problems with your so called "sensible" gun regulations are that they only affect law abiding citizens.
Do you think gangbangers and school shooters are also skillful gunsmiths? If we eradicated assault weapons, do you I,agile basement gun factories cranking them out?
Whats an assault weapon ? I've owned firearms for over 40 years and none of them functioned like the weapons I fired in the military which could be described as "assault weapons" I guess. I can't go down to my local gun store and buy these "assault" weapons.
Leave it alone and institute sensible gun regulations
The problems with your so called "sensible" gun regulations are that they only affect law abiding citizens.
Do you think gangbangers and school shooters are also skillful gunsmiths? If we eradicated assault weapons, do you I,agile basement gun factories cranking them out?

Where do all the recreational narcotics come from? As long as I've been on this earth, they were illegal as well.
I suppose a shake and bake meth lab is pretty much the same as a gun factory.
Leave it alone and institute sensible gun regulations
The problems with your so called "sensible" gun regulations are that they only affect law abiding citizens.
Do you think gangbangers and school shooters are also skillful gunsmiths? If we eradicated assault weapons, do you I,agile basement gun factories cranking them out?
Whats an assault weapon ? I've owned firearms for over 40 years and none of them functioned like the weapons I fired in the military which could be described as "assault weapons" I guess. I can't go down to my local gun store and buy these "assault" weapons.
A familiar primrose path most gun lovers like to venture down.

I suppose the weapons banned in the 1996 Assault Weapons Ban were not really 'assault weapons'. I suppose, in popular parlance the term 'assault weapons' is widely misunderstood to.

Nice try.
Leave it alone and institute sensible gun regulations
The problems with your so called "sensible" gun regulations are that they only affect law abiding citizens.
Do you think gangbangers and school shooters are also skillful gunsmiths? If we eradicated assault weapons, do you I,agile basement gun factories cranking them out?
Whats an assault weapon ? I've owned firearms for over 40 years and none of them functioned like the weapons I fired in the military which could be described as "assault weapons" I guess. I can't go down to my local gun store and buy these "assault" weapons.
A familiar primrose path most gun lovers like to venture down.

I suppose the weapons banned in the 1996 Assault Weapons Ban were not really 'assault weapons'. I suppose, in popular parlance the term 'assault weapons' is widely misunderstood to.

Nice try.
The Semi-automatic rifles available to the everyday citizen are not military weapons which as I stated are the only firearms that could be considered assault weapons. You loons want to ban weapons based on looks not function.
Also the 1994 ban accomplished fuck all.
The assault weapons ban didn't work. A new version won't, either
Leave it alone and institute sensible gun regulations
The problems with your so called "sensible" gun regulations are that they only affect law abiding citizens.
Do you think gangbangers and school shooters are also skillful gunsmiths? If we eradicated assault weapons, do you I,agile basement gun factories cranking them out?
Whats an assault weapon ? I've owned firearms for over 40 years and none of them functioned like the weapons I fired in the military which could be described as "assault weapons" I guess. I can't go down to my local gun store and buy these "assault" weapons.
A familiar primrose path most gun lovers like to venture down.

I suppose the weapons banned in the 1996 Assault Weapons Ban were not really 'assault weapons'. I suppose, in popular parlance the term 'assault weapons' is widely misunderstood to.

Nice try.
The Semi-automatic rifles available to the everyday citizen are not military weapons which as I stated are the only firearms that could be considered assault weapons. You loons want to ban weapons based on looks not function.
Also the 1994 ban accomplished fuck all.
The assault weapons ban didn't work. A new version won't, either
Why do you say that bill failed? It was overturned, or more precisely, allowed to expire.

And that ban was stuck in the mire from the get go. The gun lobby forced the debate onto cosmetics, not function. Grips, stocks and flash suppressors do not make a weapon as deadly as the firing mechanism and the magazine that feeds it.
The problems with your so called "sensible" gun regulations are that they only affect law abiding citizens.
Do you think gangbangers and school shooters are also skillful gunsmiths? If we eradicated assault weapons, do you I,agile basement gun factories cranking them out?
Whats an assault weapon ? I've owned firearms for over 40 years and none of them functioned like the weapons I fired in the military which could be described as "assault weapons" I guess. I can't go down to my local gun store and buy these "assault" weapons.
A familiar primrose path most gun lovers like to venture down.

I suppose the weapons banned in the 1996 Assault Weapons Ban were not really 'assault weapons'. I suppose, in popular parlance the term 'assault weapons' is widely misunderstood to.

Nice try.
The Semi-automatic rifles available to the everyday citizen are not military weapons which as I stated are the only firearms that could be considered assault weapons. You loons want to ban weapons based on looks not function.
Also the 1994 ban accomplished fuck all.
The assault weapons ban didn't work. A new version won't, either
Why do you say that bill failed? It was overturned, or more precisely, allowed to expire.

And that ban was stuck in the mire from the get go. The gun lobby forced the debate onto cosmetics, not function. Grips, stocks and flash suppressors do not make a weapon as deadly as the firing mechanism and the magazine that feeds it.
A .223 semi-automatic hunting rifle functions the same as an AR-15 it has always been about cosmetics with the anti-Constitution crowd.
You know nothing about the Military Tradition, Culture, UCMJ, Oath that makes up the Military. If a state tries to break free and votes to do so, the entire State Government becomes enemies of the United States. And in the Oath that each and every service member has taken, they are to protect the Nation against enemies of the United States of America both Foreign and Domestic. I took that oath 5 times as many other did as well. In fact, every Military Person that ever served took the same exact oath. The US Congress would be well within their powers to send in the United States Military to Arrest the offending State Government to be held for trial by the Civilian Courts. And if it got bloody, the Federal Military would win that battle. You over estimate the support that your bunch of traitors would receive even in your own state. So far, two states have recently tried to vote to secede and both times the vote has failed. Even if it was successful, the Supreme Court would render the vote null and void. So it would boil down that it would either have to be forgotten about or it would have to be done using lethal force with your little bunch of traitors have no chance of winning.

Once more, you are trying to incite traitorous acts against the United States of America. You are no better than the pseudo Patriot idiot.
if it came down to Left/right war so to speak, along the lines of firearm confiscation.
Courts would not matter whatsoever there would be millions dead on both sides…
Of course we take an oath, We all do when we joined. But the constitution is what’s important not the federal government....

Once again, your scenario is that of a wet dream. Your fondest wet dream of a left/right revolution where the left is trying to seize all the guns of the right just can't happen. Once again, you ignore the Constitution and other laws to suit yourself in promoting your treasonous acts. If it came down to the Government seizing your arms it would be because you are doing a treasonous act. If you are a law abiding Citizen, there is no reason under the laws for them to seize your weapons within reason. But as long as you keep bringing up promoting treasonous acts, yes, there is a possibility that it can happen. You would be a criminal and criminals get their weapons seized.
The federal government and the constitution are two different things, they really don’t have anything to do with each other…

And you have nothing to say either. Go back to licking your gun flavored lollypop.
From the gun-banning commie who voted for this:

"Repeal it and give Congress unlimited power over regulating guns, including banning them"

Yep, his true colors are obvious
What to do with the Second Amendment?

...and the first?
Only one of the Oldest, Most Respected and most reputable universities in the world.

You mean those quacks joe?

Yup, pretty much...

Not their field.

Let’s see the sceptics not funded by big Pharma joe. Links please

I'd trust the ones funded by Big Pharma before the ones Funded by the Church of Scientology.

When a Mass shooter gets scientific evidence introduced into court that the mean old drugs made them do it, let me know.

Not their field?

The FDA? Oxford?

You are too much Joe.

Of course, maybe that’s the antidepressant talking Joe?
Ban guns and join the civilised world. If not, keep counting the bodies and make sure you have enough plastic bags.

Like Australia did? The result was rape at historic levels. You mean women getting raped is civilized?

Where ya from Bloke? Putting another shrimp on the barbie, you rascal?
Australia is a lot safer than the US, so are most of the civilized world hillbilly.

Not for women it appears. Not nearly as safe as it was.
Ban guns and join the civilised world. If not, keep counting the bodies and make sure you have enough plastic bags.

Like Australia did? The result was rape at historic levels. You mean women getting raped is civilized?

Where ya from Bloke? Putting another shrimp on the barbie, you rascal?
Australia is a lot safer than the US, so are most of the civilized world hillbilly.

Not for women it appears. Not nearly as safe as it was.

Present your facts. You seem to not be doing that. Otherwise, you are just running off at the mouth once again.
Ban guns and join the civilised world. If not, keep counting the bodies and make sure you have enough plastic bags.

Like Australia did? The result was rape at historic levels. You mean women getting raped is civilized?

Where ya from Bloke? Putting another shrimp on the barbie, you rascal?
Australia is a lot safer than the US, so are most of the civilized world hillbilly.

Not for women it appears. Not nearly as safe as it was.
Ever been there? Is miles safer than the US. But if it makes feel a little better go ahead.
I know tons of Australians that live in the IS and are disgusted by the gun violence in the US.
Ban guns and join the civilised world. If not, keep counting the bodies and make sure you have enough plastic bags.

Like Australia did? The result was rape at historic levels. You mean women getting raped is civilized?

Where ya from Bloke? Putting another shrimp on the barbie, you rascal?
Australia is a lot safer than the US, so are most of the civilized world hillbilly.

Not for women it appears. Not nearly as safe as it was.
Ever been there? Is miles safer than the US. But if it makes feel a little better go ahead.
I know tons of Australians that live in the IS and are disgusted by the gun violence in the US.

TONS OF AUSTRALIANS. Yep, you just can't make these things up. Try living with the facts some time.

Why then does Australia have TWICE the violent crimes as the United States?

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.
By James Slack
UPDATED:18:14 EST, 2 July 2009

Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.

The figures comes on the day new Home Secretary Alan Johnson makes his first major speech on crime, promising to be tough on loutish behaviour.


The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 920 and South Africa 1,609.

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said: 'This is a damning indictment of this government's comprehensive failure over more than a decade to tackle the deep rooted social problems in our society, and the knock on effect on crime and anti-social behaviour.

Read more: The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Daily Mail Online

UK is violent crime capital of Europe
Ban guns and join the civilised world. If not, keep counting the bodies and make sure you have enough plastic bags.

Like Australia did? The result was rape at historic levels. You mean women getting raped is civilized?

Where ya from Bloke? Putting another shrimp on the barbie, you rascal?
Australia is a lot safer than the US, so are most of the civilized world hillbilly.

Not for women it appears. Not nearly as safe as it was.
Ever been there? Is miles safer than the US. But if it makes feel a little better go ahead.
I know tons of Australians that live in the IS and are disgusted by the gun violence in the US.

TONS OF AUSTRALIANS. Yep, you just can't make these things up. Try living with the facts some time.

Why then does Australia have TWICE the violent crimes as the United States?

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.
By James Slack
UPDATED:18:14 EST, 2 July 2009

Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.

The figures comes on the day new Home Secretary Alan Johnson makes his first major speech on crime, promising to be tough on loutish behaviour.


The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 920 and South Africa 1,609.

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said: 'This is a damning indictment of this government's comprehensive failure over more than a decade to tackle the deep rooted social problems in our society, and the knock on effect on crime and anti-social behaviour.

Read more: The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Daily Mail Online

UK is violent crime capital of Europe

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