What would you do with the second amendment?

What should be done with the second amendment?

  • Repeal it and replace it with an amendment banning all guns in private hands

  • Repeal it and give Congress unlimited power over regulating guns, including banning them

  • Give States the power to decide what their gun rights and restrictions should be

  • Leave it, Congress already regulates guns, but they should not have the power to ban them

  • Follow the second amendment and declare most or all current gun regulations Unconstitutional

Results are only viewable after voting.
Australia is a lot safer than the US, so are most of the civilized world hillbilly.

Not for women it appears. Not nearly as safe as it was.

Present your facts. You seem to not be doing that. Otherwise, you are just running off at the mouth once again.

Here ya go Duhryl

Rate of sexual violence against women has risen dramatically since 2012, ABS says

One big problem with your cite. It's an op ed piece with no supporting documentation. It says that it does have but has no links back to the source. And then it asks for money. Usually I ding the rightwingers sources. This time I am dinging a leftwingers source. The Guardian is a sister to the Observer which is a British Sensational Rag. Both are owned by the same people. And both often use the same tactics. The only difference is, the Guardian is sometimes more right than the Observer. But when you see an op ed piece on the net that doesn't link back then there is a very good chance it's mostly made up. And this is one of them.

Now, where is the Australian Proof. You presented the English Rag version which means absolutely nothing. Now where is the Australian.
For the record (again), Daryl would repeal the 2nd Amendment and ban all guns, per his vote.

He has no credibility.

He is a fucking commie.

Carry on.
My kids and lot of other kids will repeal it hopefully in our time. Gun ownership is for the 1700s you don't need it now.
Arming the Teachers is a bust. Most won't accept being armed. It's against their grain

No one is going to force anyone to be armed. Grow up and cut the stupid shit. Plenty of teachers have CC permits. Many of them have military and law enforcement experience. You don't need most people to be armed. You just need shooters not to know which ones are armed

I see you are using another generic term "Plenty of". Is that a seudonym for "Many" or how about "Few" or "Lots". Is there an exact number you can come up with with a governmental backup? It's like saying that MOST homes are armed when in reality only 37% of the households in the US have at least one gun. If you look at the number of guns out there you can make the determination that MOST or ALL have guns until you add in the factor that some of the households have multiple guns. And I doubt the over 300 million guns are in the hands of small children. Well, at least I hope not.

In reality, MOST Teachers are NOT armed nor will they elect to be armed. It goes against their very fiber. This is not an answer to the problem. Try again. But before you do, also present on who is going to pay to resolve the problem.
I swore an oath to protect the Constitution of the United States America. You seem to have sworn and oath to destroying it. I can live with that. In the end, can you?

Hey Duh-rle have you found that post yet?

I’ve been waiting for the DOJ to come a knockin. I even bought beer!

I don't have to find it. Another one will come along any time now. Something will trigger you. It always does. And I don't need to be doing this over and over again. You think that people forget things over time if you hammer them over and over with this type of nonsense. Well, you are partially correct. But you just can't help yourself. We'll just wait for another stage to come and find you riding under it.

Dude, nobody trusts you anyway. You probably lie to yourself.

Wow, the 7 year old method of winning an argument. "Nobody Likes You" as said by every bully that ever lived.

What a flippin moron. You have zero honor. When you said I wrote something that is punishable by the Death Penalty. Then refuse to produce the evidence, then you are dishonorable.

No one gives a shit what someone who would accuse another of such a serious crime, but can’t produce the evidence, thinks.

You are just a fraud if you think I believe for a second you were ever in the United States Military, you are simply fucked in the head

They are Men of Honor. You are not.


You should note that the rest of us are continuing with our discussion. You have pretty well been placed on disregard. You have, essentially, been sent to your room.
In reality, MOST Teachers are NOT armed nor will they elect to be armed. It goes against their very fiber. This is not an answer to the problem. Try again. But before you do, also present on who is going to pay to resolve the problem.
Such a condecending fuck.

Is that what you did when you"accidentally" voted for the total ban (no.2)?
Not for women it appears. Not nearly as safe as it was.

Present your facts. You seem to not be doing that. Otherwise, you are just running off at the mouth once again.

Here ya go Duhryl

Rate of sexual violence against women has risen dramatically since 2012, ABS says

One big problem with your cite. It's an op ed piece with no supporting documentation. It says that it does have but has no links back to the source. And then it asks for money. Usually I ding the rightwingers sources. This time I am dinging a leftwingers source. The Guardian is a sister to the Observer which is a British Sensational Rag. Both are owned by the same people. And both often use the same tactics. The only difference is, the Guardian is sometimes more right than the Observer. But when you see an op ed piece on the net that doesn't link back then there is a very good chance it's mostly made up. And this is one of them.

Now, where is the Australian Proof. You presented the English Rag version which means absolutely nothing. Now where is the Australian.
For the record (again), Daryl would repeal the 2nd Amendment and ban all guns, per his vote.

He has no credibility.

He is a fucking commie.

Carry on.
My kids and lot of other kids will repeal it hopefully in our time. Gun ownership is for the 1700s you don't need it now.

Things were much simpler in 1780. The writing of the 2nd amendment made sense then. We still need a 2nd amendment but updated for todays needs. In order to do that, it would have to be repealed because a new amendment that would supercede it would do exactly that in order to bring it into the modern world. This is what we should be talking about. Not banning all guns. Banning all guns just ain't going to happen. Insisting on that makes about as much sense as the gun crazies saying that all regulations are Unconstitutional.
Not for women it appears. Not nearly as safe as it was.

Present your facts. You seem to not be doing that. Otherwise, you are just running off at the mouth once again.

Here ya go Duhryl

Rate of sexual violence against women has risen dramatically since 2012, ABS says

One big problem with your cite. It's an op ed piece with no supporting documentation. It says that it does have but has no links back to the source. And then it asks for money. Usually I ding the rightwingers sources. This time I am dinging a leftwingers source. The Guardian is a sister to the Observer which is a British Sensational Rag. Both are owned by the same people. And both often use the same tactics. The only difference is, the Guardian is sometimes more right than the Observer. But when you see an op ed piece on the net that doesn't link back then there is a very good chance it's mostly made up. And this is one of them.

Now, where is the Australian Proof. You presented the English Rag version which means absolutely nothing. Now where is the Australian.
For the record (again), Daryl would repeal the 2nd Amendment and ban all guns, per his vote.

He has no credibility.

He is a fucking commie.

Carry on.
My kids and lot of other kids will repeal it hopefully in our time. Gun ownership is for the 1700s you don't need it now.

So when did we eradicate evil in the world? Oh that's right, we haven't. Murder still exists, assault still exists. Rape still exists, as does theft. Yeah, we still need weapons to protect ourselves...
When you sign for it, that’s consent pinhead

Um. No. When you are told by a medical professional "This will make you better' and it makes you worse, that's not consent.

If that were actually happening, other than the fevered imagination of Lord Zenu's followers.

Present your facts. You seem to not be doing that. Otherwise, you are just running off at the mouth once again.

Here ya go Duhryl

Rate of sexual violence against women has risen dramatically since 2012, ABS says

One big problem with your cite. It's an op ed piece with no supporting documentation. It says that it does have but has no links back to the source. And then it asks for money. Usually I ding the rightwingers sources. This time I am dinging a leftwingers source. The Guardian is a sister to the Observer which is a British Sensational Rag. Both are owned by the same people. And both often use the same tactics. The only difference is, the Guardian is sometimes more right than the Observer. But when you see an op ed piece on the net that doesn't link back then there is a very good chance it's mostly made up. And this is one of them.

Now, where is the Australian Proof. You presented the English Rag version which means absolutely nothing. Now where is the Australian.
For the record (again), Daryl would repeal the 2nd Amendment and ban all guns, per his vote.

He has no credibility.

He is a fucking commie.

Carry on.
My kids and lot of other kids will repeal it hopefully in our time. Gun ownership is for the 1700s you don't need it now.

So when did we eradicate evil in the world? Oh that's right, we haven't. Murder still exists, assault still exists. Rape still exists, as does theft. Yeah, we still need weapons to protect ourselves...

There are many things to make it safer. But even weapons are not completely foolproof for the really dedicated murderer. But keeping on your weapons scheme, the weapons do not necessarily have to be in each persons hands. They can also be in the hands of a professional like the Police or Armed Security which actually is much safer and does bring more security and safety. Only some people have the ability to act appropriately in the situation we are alluding to. It's against the common natural human instincts. But it can be gotten around with constant training. I read in here about how the gun crazies say they would handle it. Experience says otherwise. There will be so many errant rounds going off, all Civilians would have to be issued Bullet Proof Vests instead of guns to survive it.

Yes, we need weapons but in the right hands in the public. In the wrong hands and it becomes Dodge City just before they outlawed the open carry of Weapons right around 1871. And for the same reasons.
Leave it alone and institute sensible gun regulations
The problems with your so called "sensible" gun regulations are that they only affect law abiding citizens.
Do you think gangbangers and school shooters are also skillful gunsmiths? If we eradicated assault weapons, do you I,agile basement gun factories cranking them out?
I'm not giving up my AR-15 any law passed that says I do will be ignored and deemed unconstitutional.
A familiar primrose path most gun lovers like to venture down.

I suppose the weapons banned in the 1996 Assault Weapons Ban were not really 'assault weapons'. I suppose, in popular parlance the term 'assault weapons' is widely misunderstood to.

Nice try.

That's 100 percent true. That's one reason it was allowed to expire. No one could come up with a viable legal description of an assault weapon.

The black one makes cons feel more manly. :rolleyes:
I'll take both. Now what ?
Nothing (first choice). Second choice, let’s have an exercise between the first Army and gun owners. Hopefully the owners will see the silliness of the “we have to defend ourselves against the gubberment” when they are rolled up in about 10 mins; this rendering the 2nd Amendment null and void
I'm pretty sure the majority of the Military will refuse to follow an unlawful order to disarm US citizens exercising their constitutional right to bear arms. I know I would have when i served,
Nothing (first choice). Second choice, let’s have an exercise between the first Army and gun owners. Hopefully the owners will see the silliness of the “we have to defend ourselves against the gubberment” when they are rolled up in about 10 mins; this rendering the 2nd Amendment null and void
The military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment, they would tell your beloved deep state to fuck off...

But the left, and at least one loony ex-military that we both know on this board, seems to THINK (i use the word loosely), that our Soldiers swear an Oath to the Government when they actually swear an Oath to the Constitution. Have you noticed how they are trying to change that fact. At first it was subtle, now it's gone full bore.

Just waiting for Duhryl to accuse me (for the 10th time) of Treason for stating the obvious!

I swore an oath to protect the Constitution of the United States America. You seem to have sworn and oath to destroying it. I can live with that. In the end, can you?
I swore the same which means protecting the rights of US citizens to bear arms.
When you sign for it, that’s consent pinhead

Um. No. When you are told by a medical professional "This will make you better' and it makes you worse, that's not consent.

If that were actually happening, other than the fevered imagination of Lord Zenu's followers.

View attachment 194971

You’ve avoided the legal reality.

But that’s what you do, isn’t it?
Not for women it appears. Not nearly as safe as it was.

Present your facts. You seem to not be doing that. Otherwise, you are just running off at the mouth once again.

Here ya go Duhryl

Rate of sexual violence against women has risen dramatically since 2012, ABS says

One big problem with your cite. It's an op ed piece with no supporting documentation. It says that it does have but has no links back to the source. And then it asks for money. Usually I ding the rightwingers sources. This time I am dinging a leftwingers source. The Guardian is a sister to the Observer which is a British Sensational Rag. Both are owned by the same people. And both often use the same tactics. The only difference is, the Guardian is sometimes more right than the Observer. But when you see an op ed piece on the net that doesn't link back then there is a very good chance it's mostly made up. And this is one of them.

Now, where is the Australian Proof. You presented the English Rag version which means absolutely nothing. Now where is the Australian.
For the record (again), Daryl would repeal the 2nd Amendment and ban all guns, per his vote.

He has no credibility.

He is a fucking commie.

Carry on.
My kids and lot of other kids will repeal it hopefully in our time. Gun ownership is for the 1700s you don't need it now.
Constitutionally ignorant statement..
I'm pretty sure the majority of the Military will refuse to follow an unlawful order to disarm US citizens exercising their constitutional right to bear arms. I know I would have when i served,

Law enforcement followed that exact order post-Katrina in New Orleans.
Leave it alone and institute sensible gun regulations
The problems with your so called "sensible" gun regulations are that they only affect law abiding citizens.
Do you think gangbangers and school shooters are also skillful gunsmiths? If we eradicated assault weapons, do you I,agile basement gun factories cranking them out?
I'm not giving up my AR-15 any law passed that says I do will be ignored and deemed unconstitutional.

Then you are not part of any discussion that will take care of any problem because you are willing to become another problem. You input is noted.
Leave it alone and institute sensible gun regulations
The problems with your so called "sensible" gun regulations are that they only affect law abiding citizens.
Do you think gangbangers and school shooters are also skillful gunsmiths? If we eradicated assault weapons, do you I,agile basement gun factories cranking them out?
I'm not giving up my AR-15 any law passed that says I do will be ignored and deemed unconstitutional.

Then you are not part of any discussion that will take care of any problem because you are willing to become another problem. You input is noted.
You may be willing to sacrifice rights and freedoms but I'm not,
Leave it alone and institute sensible gun regulations
The problems with your so called "sensible" gun regulations are that they only affect law abiding citizens.
Do you think gangbangers and school shooters are also skillful gunsmiths? If we eradicated assault weapons, do you I,agile basement gun factories cranking them out?
I'm not giving up my AR-15 any law passed that says I do will be ignored and deemed unconstitutional.

Then you are not part of any discussion that will take care of any problem because you are willing to become another problem. You input is noted.
You may be willing to sacrifice rights and freedoms but I'm not,

When public safety becomes at jeapordy then what? Do you want me to say that you have a right to go on mass shooting sprees because you have determined that you have that right? When a Right jeapordizes the life of another person it's no longer a right.
Present your facts. You seem to not be doing that. Otherwise, you are just running off at the mouth once again.

Here ya go Duhryl

Rate of sexual violence against women has risen dramatically since 2012, ABS says

One big problem with your cite. It's an op ed piece with no supporting documentation. It says that it does have but has no links back to the source. And then it asks for money. Usually I ding the rightwingers sources. This time I am dinging a leftwingers source. The Guardian is a sister to the Observer which is a British Sensational Rag. Both are owned by the same people. And both often use the same tactics. The only difference is, the Guardian is sometimes more right than the Observer. But when you see an op ed piece on the net that doesn't link back then there is a very good chance it's mostly made up. And this is one of them.

Now, where is the Australian Proof. You presented the English Rag version which means absolutely nothing. Now where is the Australian.
For the record (again), Daryl would repeal the 2nd Amendment and ban all guns, per his vote.

He has no credibility.

He is a fucking commie.

Carry on.
My kids and lot of other kids will repeal it hopefully in our time. Gun ownership is for the 1700s you don't need it now.

Things were much simpler in 1780. The writing of the 2nd amendment made sense then. We still need a 2nd amendment but updated for todays needs. In order to do that, it would have to be repealed because a new amendment that would supercede it would do exactly that in order to bring it into the modern world. This is what we should be talking about. Not banning all guns. Banning all guns just ain't going to happen. Insisting on that makes about as much sense as the gun crazies saying that all regulations are Unconstitutional.

What would you suggest then?


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