What would you do with the second amendment?

What should be done with the second amendment?

  • Repeal it and replace it with an amendment banning all guns in private hands

  • Repeal it and give Congress unlimited power over regulating guns, including banning them

  • Give States the power to decide what their gun rights and restrictions should be

  • Leave it, Congress already regulates guns, but they should not have the power to ban them

  • Follow the second amendment and declare most or all current gun regulations Unconstitutional

Results are only viewable after voting.
Like Australia did? The result was rape at historic levels. You mean women getting raped is civilized?

Where ya from Bloke? Putting another shrimp on the barbie, you rascal?
Australia is a lot safer than the US, so are most of the civilized world hillbilly.

Not for women it appears. Not nearly as safe as it was.

Present your facts. You seem to not be doing that. Otherwise, you are just running off at the mouth once again.

Here ya go Duhryl

Rate of sexual violence against women has risen dramatically since 2012, ABS says

One big problem with your cite. It's an op ed piece with no supporting documentation. It says that it does have but has no links back to the source. And then it asks for money. Usually I ding the rightwingers sources. This time I am dinging a leftwingers source. The Guardian is a sister to the Observer which is a British Sensational Rag. Both are owned by the same people. And both often use the same tactics. The only difference is, the Guardian is sometimes more right than the Observer. But when you see an op ed piece on the net that doesn't link back then there is a very good chance it's mostly made up. And this is one of them.

Now, where is the Australian Proof. You presented the English Rag version which means absolutely nothing. Now where is the Australian.
For the record (again), Daryl would repeal the 2nd Amendment and ban all guns, per his vote.

He has no credibility.

He is a fucking commie.

Carry on.
Nothing (first choice). Second choice, let’s have an exercise between the first Army and gun owners. Hopefully the owners will see the silliness of the “we have to defend ourselves against the gubberment” when they are rolled up in about 10 mins; this rendering the 2nd Amendment null and void
The military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment, they would tell your beloved deep state to fuck off...

But the left, and at least one loony ex-military that we both know on this board, seems to THINK (i use the word loosely), that our Soldiers swear an Oath to the Government when they actually swear an Oath to the Constitution. Have you noticed how they are trying to change that fact. At first it was subtle, now it's gone full bore.

Just waiting for Duhryl to accuse me (for the 10th time) of Treason for stating the obvious!

I swore an oath to protect the Constitution of the United States America. You seem to have sworn and oath to destroying it. I can live with that. In the end, can you?
Like Australia did? The result was rape at historic levels. You mean women getting raped is civilized?

Where ya from Bloke? Putting another shrimp on the barbie, you rascal?
Australia is a lot safer than the US, so are most of the civilized world hillbilly.

Not for women it appears. Not nearly as safe as it was.

Present your facts. You seem to not be doing that. Otherwise, you are just running off at the mouth once again.

Here ya go Duhryl

Rate of sexual violence against women has risen dramatically since 2012, ABS says

One big problem with your cite. It's an op ed piece with no supporting documentation. It says that it does have but has no links back to the source. And then it asks for money. Usually I ding the rightwingers sources. This time I am dinging a leftwingers source. The Guardian is a sister to the Observer which is a British Sensational Rag. Both are owned by the same people. And both often use the same tactics. The only difference is, the Guardian is sometimes more right than the Observer. But when you see an op ed piece on the net that doesn't link back then there is a very good chance it's mostly made up. And this is one of them.

Now, where is the Australian Proof. You presented the English Rag version which means absolutely nothing. Now where is the Australian.

Oh, Duh-ryl, you asking for backup is funny as hell.

You say I made a treasonous post, and can’t even supply proof it exists, then this?

Oh you are an adorable head case, aren’t you?
Australia is a lot safer than the US, so are most of the civilized world hillbilly.

Not for women it appears. Not nearly as safe as it was.

Present your facts. You seem to not be doing that. Otherwise, you are just running off at the mouth once again.

Here ya go Duhryl

Rate of sexual violence against women has risen dramatically since 2012, ABS says

One big problem with your cite. It's an op ed piece with no supporting documentation. It says that it does have but has no links back to the source. And then it asks for money. Usually I ding the rightwingers sources. This time I am dinging a leftwingers source. The Guardian is a sister to the Observer which is a British Sensational Rag. Both are owned by the same people. And both often use the same tactics. The only difference is, the Guardian is sometimes more right than the Observer. But when you see an op ed piece on the net that doesn't link back then there is a very good chance it's mostly made up. And this is one of them.

Now, where is the Australian Proof. You presented the English Rag version which means absolutely nothing. Now where is the Australian.
For the record (again), Daryl would repeal the 2nd Amendment and ban all guns, per his vote.

He has no credibility.

He is a fucking commie.

Carry on.

I am so proud that you think I am such a threat that you and your buddies are now on a character assassination on me. I should feel flattered. As I explained, I hit the wrong one and there is no way to change the vote. I wanted to vote for giving all the rights to the states and taking it completely away from the Feds. But I do feel that power you have bestowed me. It's wonderful.
Nothing (first choice). Second choice, let’s have an exercise between the first Army and gun owners. Hopefully the owners will see the silliness of the “we have to defend ourselves against the gubberment” when they are rolled up in about 10 mins; this rendering the 2nd Amendment null and void
The military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment, they would tell your beloved deep state to fuck off...

But the left, and at least one loony ex-military that we both know on this board, seems to THINK (i use the word loosely), that our Soldiers swear an Oath to the Government when they actually swear an Oath to the Constitution. Have you noticed how they are trying to change that fact. At first it was subtle, now it's gone full bore.

Just waiting for Duhryl to accuse me (for the 10th time) of Treason for stating the obvious!

I swore an oath to protect the Constitution of the United States America. You seem to have sworn and oath to destroying it. I can live with that. In the end, can you?

Hey Duh-rle have you found that post yet?

I’ve been waiting for the DOJ to come a knockin. I even bought beer!
Australia is a lot safer than the US, so are most of the civilized world hillbilly.

Not for women it appears. Not nearly as safe as it was.

Present your facts. You seem to not be doing that. Otherwise, you are just running off at the mouth once again.

Here ya go Duhryl

Rate of sexual violence against women has risen dramatically since 2012, ABS says

One big problem with your cite. It's an op ed piece with no supporting documentation. It says that it does have but has no links back to the source. And then it asks for money. Usually I ding the rightwingers sources. This time I am dinging a leftwingers source. The Guardian is a sister to the Observer which is a British Sensational Rag. Both are owned by the same people. And both often use the same tactics. The only difference is, the Guardian is sometimes more right than the Observer. But when you see an op ed piece on the net that doesn't link back then there is a very good chance it's mostly made up. And this is one of them.

Now, where is the Australian Proof. You presented the English Rag version which means absolutely nothing. Now where is the Australian.
For the record (again), Daryl would repeal the 2nd Amendment and ban all guns, per his vote.

He has no credibility.

He is a fucking commie.

Carry on.

Agreed bootie dude, can’t trust the dude
I swore an oath to protect the Constitution of the United States America. You seem to have sworn and oath to destroying it. I can live with that. In the end, can you?
You also voted to repeal part of it, and ban an inalienable right in this very thread. You swore no oath.

There you go again. I just love it when you get that bone and keep gnawing away. I already stated that I clicked on 2 when I meant to click on 3. And Yes, I voted to abolish the 2nd amendment. Always have. It's pretty damned worthless today and needs to be updated. Let the States update it where you can decide if you wish to live in a specific state with specific laws or not. Let's face it, the Poll was poorly written in the first place. Banning should be decided by the State, County and Township, not the Federal Government. And the Supreme Court agrees. Making it legal.

So go back to your "You are trying to take my lollypop away from me" routine.
As I explained, I hit the wrong one and there is no way to change the vote. I wanted to vote for giving all the rights to the states and taking it completely away from the Feds.
This is new. In another thread, you wanted everyone to do what Colorado is doing. When I said "fine, let Texas have full-autos" you responded differently. Now you are coming around on the 2nd Amendment? That it is a ban on Congressional action?
Nothing (first choice). Second choice, let’s have an exercise between the first Army and gun owners. Hopefully the owners will see the silliness of the “we have to defend ourselves against the gubberment” when they are rolled up in about 10 mins; this rendering the 2nd Amendment null and void
The military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment, they would tell your beloved deep state to fuck off...

But the left, and at least one loony ex-military that we both know on this board, seems to THINK (i use the word loosely), that our Soldiers swear an Oath to the Government when they actually swear an Oath to the Constitution. Have you noticed how they are trying to change that fact. At first it was subtle, now it's gone full bore.

Just waiting for Duhryl to accuse me (for the 10th time) of Treason for stating the obvious!

I swore an oath to protect the Constitution of the United States America. You seem to have sworn and oath to destroying it. I can live with that. In the end, can you?

Hey Duh-rle have you found that post yet?

I’ve been waiting for the DOJ to come a knockin. I even bought beer!

I don't have to find it. Another one will come along any time now. Something will trigger you. It always does. And I don't need to be doing this over and over again. You think that people forget things over time if you hammer them over and over with this type of nonsense. Well, you are partially correct. But you just can't help yourself. We'll just wait for another stage to come and find you riding under it.
There you go again. I just love it when you get that bone and keep gnawing away. I already stated that I clicked on 2 when I meant to click on 3. And Yes, I voted to abolish the 2nd amendment. Always have. It's pretty damned worthless today and needs to be updated. Let the States update it where you can decide if you wish to live in a specific state with specific laws or not. Let's face it, the Poll was poorly written in the first place. Banning should be decided by the State, County and Township, not the Federal Government. And the Supreme Court agrees. Making it legal.

So go back to your "You are trying to take my lollypop away from me" routine.
Wait. So, you did intend to vote for 2, but you also wanted to add 3, but by default, you voted for 2?

Nothing (first choice). Second choice, let’s have an exercise between the first Army and gun owners. Hopefully the owners will see the silliness of the “we have to defend ourselves against the gubberment” when they are rolled up in about 10 mins; this rendering the 2nd Amendment null and void
The military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment, they would tell your beloved deep state to fuck off...

But the left, and at least one loony ex-military that we both know on this board, seems to THINK (i use the word loosely), that our Soldiers swear an Oath to the Government when they actually swear an Oath to the Constitution. Have you noticed how they are trying to change that fact. At first it was subtle, now it's gone full bore.

Just waiting for Duhryl to accuse me (for the 10th time) of Treason for stating the obvious!

I swore an oath to protect the Constitution of the United States America. You seem to have sworn and oath to destroying it. I can live with that. In the end, can you?

Hey Duh-rle have you found that post yet?

I’ve been waiting for the DOJ to come a knockin. I even bought beer!

I don't have to find it. Another one will come along any time now. Something will trigger you. It always does. And I don't need to be doing this over and over again. You think that people forget things over time if you hammer them over and over with this type of nonsense. Well, you are partially correct. But you just can't help yourself. We'll just wait for another stage to come and find you riding under it.

Dude, nobody trusts you anyway. You probably lie to yourself.
There you go again. I just love it when you get that bone and keep gnawing away. I already stated that I clicked on 2 when I meant to click on 3. And Yes, I voted to abolish the 2nd amendment. Always have. It's pretty damned worthless today and needs to be updated. Let the States update it where you can decide if you wish to live in a specific state with specific laws or not. Let's face it, the Poll was poorly written in the first place. Banning should be decided by the State, County and Township, not the Federal Government. And the Supreme Court agrees. Making it legal.

So go back to your "You are trying to take my lollypop away from me" routine.
Wait. So, you did intend to vote for 2, but you also wanted to add 3, but by default, you voted for 2?


As I explained, I hit the wrong one and there is no way to change the vote. I wanted to vote for giving all the rights to the states and taking it completely away from the Feds.
This is new. In another thread, you wanted everyone to do what Colorado is doing. When I said "fine, let Texas have full-autos" you responded differently. Now you are coming around on the 2nd Amendment? That it is a ban on Congressional action?

I still want common sense Gun Regulation. It's like forcing manufacturers of Toasters to have to comply with the UL regulations for public safety. You don't want any regulation and public safety be damned. As for full autos, that should still be illegal as much as explosives, hand grenades, rockets and the like. You can't justify them as home defense or personal defense of any kind. And we need to modify the 2nd amendment to note as such. The 2nd worked well until about 1850 but the Weapons out grew it. Until the 1970s, America was a lot more sane (with an insane time in the 20s and 30s) than we are today. These discussion just didn't come up and these weapons just weren't made available to the general public because the general public had no use for them. The General Public still doesn't. But there is a very small minority that keep yelling very loudly claiming that they are the majority and they want them. So, really, nothing has changed except that the News Groups have given the small group of nutcases a platform that artificially inflates their importance. In many ways, it's the News Agencies that are driving all this.
The military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment, they would tell your beloved deep state to fuck off...

But the left, and at least one loony ex-military that we both know on this board, seems to THINK (i use the word loosely), that our Soldiers swear an Oath to the Government when they actually swear an Oath to the Constitution. Have you noticed how they are trying to change that fact. At first it was subtle, now it's gone full bore.

Just waiting for Duhryl to accuse me (for the 10th time) of Treason for stating the obvious!

I swore an oath to protect the Constitution of the United States America. You seem to have sworn and oath to destroying it. I can live with that. In the end, can you?

Hey Duh-rle have you found that post yet?

I’ve been waiting for the DOJ to come a knockin. I even bought beer!

I don't have to find it. Another one will come along any time now. Something will trigger you. It always does. And I don't need to be doing this over and over again. You think that people forget things over time if you hammer them over and over with this type of nonsense. Well, you are partially correct. But you just can't help yourself. We'll just wait for another stage to come and find you riding under it.

Dude, nobody trusts you anyway. You probably lie to yourself.

Wow, the 7 year old method of winning an argument. "Nobody Likes You" as said by every bully that ever lived.
I still want common sense Gun Regulation. It's like forcing manufacturers of Toasters to have to comply with the UL regulations for public safety. You don't want any regulation and public safety be damned. As for full autos, that should still be illegal as much as explosives, hand grenades, rockets and the like. You can't justify them as home defense or personal defense of any kind. And we need to modify the 2nd amendment to note as such. The 2nd worked well until about 1850 but the Weapons out grew it. Until the 1970s, America was a lot more sane (with an insane time in the 20s and 30s) than we are today. These discussion just didn't come up and these weapons just weren't made available to the general public because the general public had no use for them. The General Public still doesn't. But there is a very small minority that keep yelling very loudly claiming that they are the majority and they want them. So, really, nothing has changed except that the News Groups have given the small group of nutcases a platform that artificially inflates their importance. In many ways, it's the News Agencies that are driving all this.
So, how are you any different than the gun-grabbers?
I still want common sense Gun Regulation. It's like forcing manufacturers of Toasters to have to comply with the UL regulations for public safety. You don't want any regulation and public safety be damned. As for full autos, that should still be illegal as much as explosives, hand grenades, rockets and the like. You can't justify them as home defense or personal defense of any kind. And we need to modify the 2nd amendment to note as such. The 2nd worked well until about 1850 but the Weapons out grew it. Until the 1970s, America was a lot more sane (with an insane time in the 20s and 30s) than we are today. These discussion just didn't come up and these weapons just weren't made available to the general public because the general public had no use for them. The General Public still doesn't. But there is a very small minority that keep yelling very loudly claiming that they are the majority and they want them. So, really, nothing has changed except that the News Groups have given the small group of nutcases a platform that artificially inflates their importance. In many ways, it's the News Agencies that are driving all this.
So, how are you any different than the gun-grabbers?

If you have to ask (and you don't) how are you different than ISIS.
Nothing (first choice). Second choice, let’s have an exercise between the first Army and gun owners. Hopefully the owners will see the silliness of the “we have to defend ourselves against the gubberment” when they are rolled up in about 10 mins; this rendering the 2nd Amendment null and void
The military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment, they would tell your beloved deep state to fuck off...

But the left, and at least one loony ex-military that we both know on this board, seems to THINK (i use the word loosely), that our Soldiers swear an Oath to the Government when they actually swear an Oath to the Constitution. Have you noticed how they are trying to change that fact. At first it was subtle, now it's gone full bore.

Just waiting for Duhryl to accuse me (for the 10th time) of Treason for stating the obvious!

I swore an oath to protect the Constitution of the United States America. You seem to have sworn and oath to destroying it. I can live with that. In the end, can you?
The federal government and the constitution are not even close to the same thing, fuck the federal government.
In fact they are on opposing sides...

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