What would you do with the second amendment?

What should be done with the second amendment?

  • Repeal it and replace it with an amendment banning all guns in private hands

  • Repeal it and give Congress unlimited power over regulating guns, including banning them

  • Give States the power to decide what their gun rights and restrictions should be

  • Leave it, Congress already regulates guns, but they should not have the power to ban them

  • Follow the second amendment and declare most or all current gun regulations Unconstitutional

Results are only viewable after voting.
The US Government needs a list of all gun owners and the weapons they have.

It is the only way we can form well regulated militias

Based on the fact that not one of those lists exist from the era, your claim is ridiculous. The FF's had a healthy fear of big government so made it as difficult as possible for the government to interfere with the Peoples gun ownership. They would have thrown any person making your claims into the sewer had you had the audacity to make your claim to their faces.

Monarchies in the 1700's terrorized and abused their own people, they forbid them from owning arms so they could not fight back. Hence the 2nd amendment. It does not surprise me that the 1st amendment guaranteed free speech followed by the 2nd amendment which guaranteed the 1st could not be taken away.
Leave it alone and institute sensible gun regulations

Sounds like you have a desire to infringe.

Background Checks, Registration, required training, licensing.......it is what our founders wanted
Na, not under progressives terms...
Posse registry and militia enrollment, should be enough.
Self regulated is good enough… Fuck the collective
Our Second Amendment is clear as to what is Necessary.

Yes it is clear what is necessary

A well regulated militia, being necessary to a free state

Well regulated militias need to register their members, train them, know what kind of weapons their members carry
Read it in the context of the era... you Might learn something for once.

The context of well regulated hasn’t changed

Well regulated has never meant a bunch of gun nuts running around
There you go again, reading it out of context. The federal government has no right to know what individual firearm ownership is.

Of course they do. They need to know who owns guns so they can have well regulated militias

Don’t you care about the security of a free state?
Na, It’s on a need to know basis, the fucking federal government does not need to know
Leave it alone and institute sensible gun regulations

Sounds like you have a desire to infringe.

Background Checks, Registration, required training, licensing.......it is what our founders wanted
Na, not under progressives terms...
Posse registry and militia enrollment, should be enough.
Self regulated is good enough… Fuck the collective
Anarchy or Chaos, are Not in our Constitution.
Our Second Amendment is clear as to what is Necessary.

Yes it is clear what is necessary

A well regulated militia, being necessary to a free state

Well regulated militias need to register their members, train them, know what kind of weapons their members carry
Read it in the context of the era... you Might learn something for once.

The context of well regulated hasn’t changed

Well regulated has never meant a bunch of gun nuts running around
There you go again, reading it out of context. The federal government has no right to know what individual firearm ownership is.
Have you read the militia acts?
Shall not be infringed, that’s all the federal government needs to know. It’s none of their fucking business
Sounds like you have a desire to infringe.

Background Checks, Registration, required training, licensing.......it is what our founders wanted
Na, not under progressives terms...
Posse registry and militia enrollment, should be enough.
Self regulated is good enough… Fuck the collective
Anarchy or Chaos, are Not in our Constitution.
There would not be, there would be less of that…
Sounds like you have a desire to infringe.

Background Checks, Registration, required training, licensing.......it is what our founders wanted
Na, not under progressives terms...
Posse registry and militia enrollment, should be enough.
Self regulated is good enough… Fuck the collective
Anarchy or Chaos, are Not in our Constitution.

Training yes, background checks yes, licensing HELL NO, registration HELL NO. Both of the latter have been abused to infringe in our rights its not a theory its already happened. You give government an inch they take a mile, FACT! Just because we have a constitution does not mean government abides by it.
Leave it alone and institute sensible gun regulations

Sounds like you have a desire to infringe.

Background Checks, Registration, required training, licensing.......it is what our founders wanted

No...the Founders didn't want any of that.

Background checks.....don't stop criminals or mass shooters. Universal Background checks will end in registration of guns...

Registration...unConstitutional...Haynes v United States ruled that criminals do not have to register their illegal guns...therefore, normal, law abiding gun owners do not have to register their legal guns

Required training....un Constitutional the same way that Literacy Tests were declared unConstitutional when democrats used them to keep black Americans from voting.

Licensing, unnecessary......criminals can't buy, own or carry guns so they can't get a license in the first place. Mass shooters will simply get a license. Also, unConstitutional if you charge any fee....that would be the same as Poll Tax for voting. We don't need a license, since law abiding people can legally own and carry guns. If you are stopped by the police and they find you with a gun, they run your name for felony convictions, if you don't pop up on that, they have no reason to hassle you. If you do...you can already be arrested. See, no reason for a license other than to make owning a gun more expensive and to put law abiding gun owners in legal peril....
All perfectly allowable by the second amendment
Na, None of those things are necessary. The federal government does not have a clue
The US Government needs a list of all gun owners and the weapons they have.

It is the only way we can form well regulated militias
Good luck, It’s on a need to know basis and the federal government doesn’t need to know
Yes it is clear what is necessary

A well regulated militia, being necessary to a free state

Well regulated militias need to register their members, train them, know what kind of weapons their members carry
Read it in the context of the era... you Might learn something for once.

The context of well regulated hasn’t changed

Well regulated has never meant a bunch of gun nuts running around
There you go again, reading it out of context. The federal government has no right to know what individual firearm ownership is.
Have you read the militia acts?
Shall not be infringed, that’s all the federal government needs to know. It’s none of their fucking business

Government's thirst for power and control has no bounds. They already twist, ignore, and undermine the Constitution. To combat this we have to drag them into court, slap them around and force them to obey the Constitution.
Yes it is clear what is necessary

A well regulated militia, being necessary to a free state

Well regulated militias need to register their members, train them, know what kind of weapons their members carry
Read it in the context of the era... you Might learn something for once.

The context of well regulated hasn’t changed

Well regulated has never meant a bunch of gun nuts running around
There you go again, reading it out of context. The federal government has no right to know what individual firearm ownership is.
Have you read the militia acts?
Shall not be infringed, that’s all the federal government needs to know. It’s none of their fucking business
that is Only when keeping and bearing Arms for their State or the Union; not natural rights.
Leave it alone and institute sensible gun regulations

Sounds like you have a desire to infringe.

Background Checks, Registration, required training, licensing.......it is what our founders wanted

No...the Founders didn't want any of that.

Background checks.....don't stop criminals or mass shooters. Universal Background checks will end in registration of guns...

Registration...unConstitutional...Haynes v United States ruled that criminals do not have to register their illegal guns...therefore, normal, law abiding gun owners do not have to register their legal guns

Required training....un Constitutional the same way that Literacy Tests were declared unConstitutional when democrats used them to keep black Americans from voting.

Licensing, unnecessary......criminals can't buy, own or carry guns so they can't get a license in the first place. Mass shooters will simply get a license. Also, unConstitutional if you charge any fee....that would be the same as Poll Tax for voting. We don't need a license, since law abiding people can legally own and carry guns. If you are stopped by the police and they find you with a gun, they run your name for felony convictions, if you don't pop up on that, they have no reason to hassle you. If you do...you can already be arrested. See, no reason for a license other than to make owning a gun more expensive and to put law abiding gun owners in legal peril....
All perfectly allowable by the second amendment

No...none of it is.....not according to the 2nd Amendment, the 5th Amendment, the 14th Amendment, legal precedent, and Supreme Court rulings...but thanks for playing...
The US Government needs a list of all gun owners and the weapons they have.

It is the only way we can form well regulated militias

wrong.....gun ownership and carrying a gun are not attached to militia service.....you need to read your Supreme Court cases....
The US Government needs a list of all gun owners and the weapons they have.

It is the only way we can form well regulated militias

Based on the fact that not one of those lists exist from the era, your claim is ridiculous. The FF's had a healthy fear of big government so made it as difficult as possible for the government to interfere with the Peoples gun ownership. They would have thrown any person making your claims into the sewer had you had the audacity to make your claim to their faces.

Monarchies in the 1700's terrorized and abused their own people, they forbid them from owning arms so they could not fight back. Hence the 2nd amendment. It does not surprise me that the 1st amendment guaranteed free speech followed by the 2nd amendment which guaranteed the 1st could not be taken away.
Read: England.
Background Checks, Registration, required training, licensing.......it is what our founders wanted
Na, not under progressives terms...
Posse registry and militia enrollment, should be enough.
Self regulated is good enough… Fuck the collective
Anarchy or Chaos, are Not in our Constitution.

Training yes, background checks yes, licensing HELL NO, registration HELL NO. Both of the latter have been abused to infringe in our rights its not a theory its already happened. You give government an inch they take a mile, FACT! Just because we have a constitution does not mean government abides by it.

Mandatory training is no different from the mandatory Literacy Tests used by democrats to keep blacks from voting. Background checks, universal background checks, are only desired by anti gunners so they can next demand universal gun registration....and background checks do not stop criminals or mass shooters from gettting guns.
One would think the term 'militia' ,at least in the FF's 2nd context, would be anything but gub'mit conscripts. In fact,one could easily read 10th'ers stance into it.

How bad would it be if each state was in fact responsible for the creation , and maintenance of it's own militia ?

Something that would not bow to the Feds (funding strings)

Wouldn't that be in step with FF's constitutional foersight?

The States' national guards are already subject to their own governors.
Read it in the context of the era... you Might learn something for once.

The context of well regulated hasn’t changed

Well regulated has never meant a bunch of gun nuts running around
There you go again, reading it out of context. The federal government has no right to know what individual firearm ownership is.
Have you read the militia acts?
Shall not be infringed, that’s all the federal government needs to know. It’s none of their fucking business
that is Only when keeping and bearing Arms for their State or the Union; not natural rights.
Self regulation is the only regulation needed when it comes to the second amendment. The federal government is in the dark and shall always remain in the dark on personal firearm ownership.
The federal government should be seen and not heard...
One would think the term 'militia' ,at least in the FF's 2nd context, would be anything but gub'mit conscripts. In fact,one could easily read 10th'ers stance into it.

How bad would it be if each state was in fact responsible for the creation , and maintenance of it's own militia ?

Something that would not bow to the Feds (funding strings)

Wouldn't that be in step with FF's constitutional foersight?

The States' national guards are already subject to their own governors.
Yep, Exactly it’s a “well regulated” militia... Controlled by the states as it should be. Fuck the federal government and their pussy whipped deep state
One would think the term 'militia' ,at least in the FF's 2nd context, would be anything but gub'mit conscripts. In fact,one could easily read 10th'ers stance into it.

How bad would it be if each state was in fact responsible for the creation , and maintenance of it's own militia ?

Something that would not bow to the Feds (funding strings)

Wouldn't that be in step with FF's constitutional foersight?

The States' national guards are already subject to their own governors.

And the Federal Government can federalize those national guard units....so they are not the block against the federal government that anti gunners like to claim they are...
The US Government needs a list of all gun owners and the weapons they have.

It is the only way we can form well regulated militias

Yes, well we on the right believe that we need to have positive identification of everybody voting, and you on the left insist it's government intrusion, racism and voter oppression.

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