What would your reaction be if Donald Trump resigns?

If Donald Trump decided to resign as US President, what would your reaction be?

Sadness? Happy? Confused?

I wouldn't know how to react, but it will definitely be a shocked feeling

I don't believe Pence is involved in all the corruption and lies going on in the White House. Like a good Scout, he is saying whatever the Pres tells him to. That's what a VP does. On his own, I think he'd be okay. He's a conservative, but he would respect the norms of the office and get informed on the issues before rendering a command.

I really think a lot of this "Pence is dirty too" began with the Republicans to discourage anyone from impeaching Trump. I haven't actually read anything convincing yet to make me think that.

I think you might want to go look at Pences record while governor of Indiana.

Was he using a charity to launder money or giving Putin huge amounts of uranium or sending out top secret information via personal e-mail?

That kind of dirty?
I would be happy. We got rid of the lying, proven fraud, business cheat, conman, women abusing POS.

If it happens soon, the Republicans would be happy as it would guarantee they keep Congress.

Pence is an asshole but not even Republicans will put up with his religion based bullshit.
If Donald Trump decided to resign as US President, what would your reaction be?

Sadness? Happy? Confused?

I wouldn't know how to react, but it will definitely be a shocked feeling

Pfft, It's hunting season already. It's kind of hard to get upset about anything, but late next April I may care.

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If Donald Trump decided to resign as US President, what would your reaction be?

Sadness? Happy? Confused?

I wouldn't know how to react, but it will definitely be a shocked feeling

"Now what". Exactly as it is when I get up every morning when there is a new tweet storm.
I would be happy. We got rid of the lying, proven fraud, business cheat, conman, women abusing POS.

If it happens soon, the Republicans would be happy as it would guarantee they keep Congress.

Pence is an asshole but not even Republicans will put up with his religion based bullshit.

But Bill Clinton left office years ago.
I would feel disappointment and anger if the resignation wasn't for health reason. I'm not a supporter of Trump (I didn't vote for him or Hillary) but I do support our system of government and if Trump was forced to resign I would feel that system was dealt a critical blow.

If Trump is forced to resign, it will be due to the evidence that shows Trump violated the system and broke the law.

Russian collusion is not even against the law spanky. that is, assuming it ever happened.


Conspiracy to use foreign source to influence an election is. And that's one of the things he's done. So is obstructing justice in the investigation. Just to name a couple.
You mean like Hillary conspiring with the Ukraine to have the Ukrainian leader come out in full support of Hillary instead of Trump?

Surely you jest.


"Donald Trump wasn’t the only presidential candidate whose campaign was boosted by officials of a former Soviet bloc country.

Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.

A Ukrainian-American operative who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation.

The Ukrainian efforts had an impact in the race, helping to force Manafort’s resignation and advancing the narrative that Trump’s campaign was deeply connected to Ukraine’s foe to the east, Russia. But they were far less concerted or centrally directed than Russia’s alleged hacking and dissemination of Democratic emails.

Russia’s effort was personally directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, involved the country’s military and foreign intelligence services, according to U.S. intelligence officials. They reportedly briefed Trump last week on the possibility that Russian operatives might have compromising information on the president-elect. And at a Senate hearing last week on the hacking, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said “I don't think we've ever encountered a more aggressive or direct campaign to interfere in our election process than we've seen in this case.”

There’s little evidence of such a top-down effort by Ukraine. Longtime observers suggest that the rampant corruption, factionalism and economic struggles plaguing the country — not to mention its ongoing strife with Russia — would render it unable to pull off an ambitious covert interference campaign in another country’s election. And President Petro Poroshenko’s administration, along with the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, insists that Ukraine stayed neutral in the race.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

It looks like there was no meeting with Clinton or her campaign.
If Donald Trump decided to resign as US President, what would your reaction be?

Apathy, given that he'd just be replaced by some other clueless Republicrat clown fixated on how to screw the tax payers to further enrich the well connected and which country to bomb next.

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss" -- The Who, Won't Get Fooled Again
Pence is dirty too. Just a matter of time.

I don't know if he is dirty but he sure is a dominionist who believes HIS christian religion should be the law of the land......Pence IS the christian ayatollah.......and he is already surrounded by like minded zealots throughout the government and military.....
If Donald Trump decided to resign as US President, what would your reaction be?

Sadness? Happy? Confused?

I wouldn't know how to react, but it will definitely be a shocked feeling
It is something you don't have to worry about.
Pence is dirty too. Just a matter of time.

I don't know if he is dirty but he sure is a dominionist who believes HIS christian religion should be the law of the land......Pence IS the christian ayatollah.......and he is already surrounded by like minded zealots throughout the government and military.....
he sure is a dominionist who believes HIS christian religion should be the law of the land.
What leads you to believe that? Has he ever said anything to make you think he would insist on me believing in his religion?
Out of the frying pan, into the fire.

Pence is as bad as Trump, if not worse – Pence is just as wrong on the issues as Trump, Pence would likely keep most of the Trump cabinet, many of whom are just as unfit as Trump, and Pence would follow the same failed, wrongheaded policy agenda as Trump.

Oh, I agree, he would. And Democrats have no one to blame but themselves for that, because they INSISTED on running Hillary when no one liked her.

But let's be pragmatic here. If given a choice between Trump and Pence, we know Pence isn't going to alienate our allies, isn't going to start an ill-advised trade war, isn't going to insist on building a wall that won't work.

Here's the biggest problem I see that the Dems have right now. I don't see anyone that they are suggesting to run that is all that impressive.

There might be a point where Republicans realize Trump is electoral poison, but they can get Pence elected.

Apparently people in 30 out o 50 primaries did like her. And in the general, 3 million more people liked her than Trump. Drop the "progressive" tales of woe please. Trump used division and resentment in any way he could which gave him votes in small rural towns in the rust belt, aided by a Russia disinformation campaign that also helped Trump get electoral votes. Then we have voter suppression whereby over 200,000 people were unable to vote in hose rust belt states.

Had Sanders won, he would have got destroyed by the republicans who had films of him standing with South American dictators denouncing the American government. Then we have the matter of a paper he wrote whereby he stated that women fantasize about being raped. His vote for the Clinton Crime bill. His vote to move toxic waste out of Vermont into a poor Hispanic neighborhood in Texas, Campaign finance violations. some 2,000 of them. I mean Bernie had some skeletons that you did not want to see.
LOL right? Remember when Trump called 30+ million people deplorables? :rolleyes:
If Donald Trump decided to resign as US President, what would your reaction be?

Sadness? Happy? Confused?

I wouldn't know how to react, but it will definitely be a shocked feeling
It will never happen. Trump will ride the missile all the way to the ground.

If Donald Trump decided to resign as US President, what would your reaction be?

Sadness? Happy? Confused?

I wouldn't know how to react, but it will definitely be a shocked feeling

I don't believe Pence is involved in all the corruption and lies going on in the White House. Like a good Scout, he is saying whatever the Pres tells him to. That's what a VP does. On his own, I think he'd be okay. He's a conservative, but he would respect the norms of the office and get informed on the issues before rendering a command.

I really think a lot of this "Pence is dirty too" began with the Republicans to discourage anyone from impeaching Trump. I haven't actually read anything convincing yet to make me think that.

I think you might want to go look at Pences record while governor of Indiana.

Was he using a charity to launder money or giving Putin huge amounts of uranium or sending out top secret information via personal e-mail?

That kind of dirty?
Putin did not receive a single gram of uranium, retard.

Jesus, why do you tards keep parroting this fucking bullshit? It is amazing how openly you show off your stupidity, ignorance, and credulity.
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If Donald Trump decided to resign as US President, what would your reaction be?

Sadness? Happy? Confused?

I wouldn't know how to react, but it will definitely be a shocked feeling

I'd be happy as hell, but he won't resign, too into himself.
I wouldn't mind it happening.
It could be the trigger to start the civil war.
Liberals are not going to get it until there are bodies in the street.
Absolute shock. I can’t imagine he’d resign unless someone somehow forced him to.
If Donald Trump decided to resign as US President, what would your reaction be?

Sadness? Happy? Confused?

I wouldn't know how to react, but it will definitely be a shocked feeling

I don't believe Pence is involved in all the corruption and lies going on in the White House. Like a good Scout, he is saying whatever the Pres tells him to. That's what a VP does. On his own, I think he'd be okay. He's a conservative, but he would respect the norms of the office and get informed on the issues before rendering a command.

I really think a lot of this "Pence is dirty too" began with the Republicans to discourage anyone from impeaching Trump. I haven't actually read anything convincing yet to make me think that.

I think you might want to go look at Pences record while governor of Indiana.

Was he using a charity to launder money or giving Putin huge amounts of uranium or sending out top secret information via personal e-mail?

That kind of dirty?
Putin did not receive a single gram of uranium, retard.

Jesus, why do you tards keep parroting this fucking bullshit? It is amazing how openly you show off your stupidity, ignorance, and credulity.

Prove it ....

Uranium can and has left the country since the 1940s...


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