Whatever ever happened to the little sign… ‘We have a right to refuse service’?

Actually, I said that I do business with both Planned Parenthood and several Democratic candidates, I don't care about politics at work.

Good, that's business. Now grow up and realize if you want religion to be your business, open a church. Serve one, serve all. That's business.

You telling anyone to grow up is priceless. And wow, you're a moron. The discussion is not whether someone should do business with people they disagree with, the discussion is whether government should use force to make them. We agree we would do business with whatever group. The difference is I say it's not up to me to use force to make other people do the same. You say it is up to you to use force to make them do the same, and because I don't believe that, I need to grow up.

Grow up.

This is what's truly sick about liberals. You think that whatever you think, government should use force to make everyone else do the same. The idea that government would allow you to make your choice and you make a different one than someone else is just inconceivable to you. I don't feel compelled to force anyone to do anything that doesn't harm anyone. And in a free market, there is no reason to. Everyone has plenty of choices because most businesses are driven by paying customers.

Personally, I want to see you eat the cake someone made because you used force to make them bake it for you. LOL. I hope no one's blocking your path to the bathroom...

Really a professed Liberal, shit she should have asked you what happened to your motto : "Let me do my thing and I let you do yours!!".
Wait I see, you want to fly a Liberal flag but want to write your own definition, talk about a SHIT STORM OF HYPOCRISY!!

[lib-er-uhl, lib-ruhl] Show IPA
favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
( often initial capital letter ) noting or pertaining to a political party advocating measures of progressive political reform.
of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism, especially the freedom of the individual and governmental guarantees of individual rights and liberties.
favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
favoring or permitting freedom of action, especially with respect to matters of personal belief or expression: a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.
When you force me to bake you a cake you take away my individual freedom to refuse the work!!

And that's just it chief - the baker never promised to bake a cake for gay people. If he had, I would absolutely support forcing him to as he would have broken a contract. But he didn't. Would you like to try again?

He promised to bake Wedding Cakes. That's an implied contract with the public.

He promised no such thing and has no such "implied" contract with the public. Each potential customer is a private agreement which either party can refuse to enter into. If this baker has an "implied contract with the public", then that means the public (ie every single person) must purchase at least one cake from him (a contract is agreement between two parties - and you just said the other party is the public). Oops... :lol:

But I guess when you don't have an argument, lying is all you are left with.

Now, if you don't like the Public Accommedation Laws, you should go to the state legislature and demand 'I should have the right to discriminate against fags and dykes and coons and Hebes because that's what the Founding Fathers would have wanted!"

I don't have to go to the state legislature junior - the U.S. Constitution protects me from them (and libtards such as yourself).

good luck enforcing that.

Because it doesn't look like the couts or the states are too keen on your fantasies.
When you force me to bake you a cake you take away my individual freedom to refuse the work!!

When you bake cakes for a living and you are required by law to treat all people paying for cakes as equals, we have a different name for that, it's called ---------------------------- Doing Your Fucking Job! Grow up and do it.
[lib-er-uhl, lib-ruhl] Show IPA
favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
( often initial capital letter ) noting or pertaining to a political party advocating measures of progressive political reform.
of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism, especially the freedom of the individual and governmental guarantees of individual rights and liberties.
favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
favoring or permitting freedom of action, especially with respect to matters of personal belief or expression: a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.
The No ******* or Jews gas station doesn't promote American Freedom. The ability to pull in, regardless of who you are, and buy gas however does.
...Well, that was a different America, before we were discussing how the Constitution was written by rich white slave owners and how the country needed to be fundamentally changed. So that's gone, sorry...
And that is why the Homosexual Community and their End-Justifies-the-Means Progressive-ism-at-Any-Cost supporter-base is going to be in for a very nasty surprise, the next time that the Left takes its hands off the wheel of the Ship of State.

The Left has already lost the House for a while, in the 2010 mid-terms; the Right retained the House in 2012, and will retain it again in 2014; thanks to ObamaCare, the Bergdahl Incident, the Benghazi Incident, and the like, as well as a seriously under-performing economy, a weakened military, the VA scandal, and a paradigm shift in US foreign policy towards pussification. Chances are good that the Right will also retain the House in 2016, barring any unforeseen developments.

Not to cut your masturbation fantasy short here, guy. But here's the ugly truth.

The Republican Party itself wants you homophobes to go the fuck away. It's Republican Governors and Republican Judges who are striking down these idiotic laws.

The only reason why the GOP will retain the house is because they gerrymandering after the 2010 census. Not because they are winning any more elections with angry White Men only.
Yes they are ...

Why would you force someone to prepare food for you?? There are films of people urinating in office coffee posts, stories of works urinating in pickle vats, buggers on burgers, etc, etc, etc. Now as an adult if ordered to prepare you food, I would not stoop to such childish acts, but should one or more ingredients be off just slightly then the hero cake could become a zero cake.
Really, you forced me to bake this, will I actually pull out all the stops and give you that dream cake you had your little faggot heart set on, probably not!! Most likely would be sumthen like Betty Crocker cakes out of a box with canned icing and a couple of cheesy Wal-Mart candy toppers.

Do you folks not have any common senses at all!!

This is factually wrong and devoid of any ‘common sense.’

You’re actually making the ‘argument’ that gay Americans should be discriminated against to avoid acts of hate and ignorance exacted upon them by you and others on the right.

Actually this is very telling, and goes to the heart of conservative opposition to public accommodations laws, where most on the right seek to expose gay Americans to a regime of intolerance and hateful threats in the hope that gay Americans might ‘go away,’ and no longer be visible members of public society.

Fortunately this won’t happen, gay Americans are not going to return to a status of being second class citizens, no matter how aggressive and pervasive your hate.
And that's just it chief - the baker never promised to bake a cake for gay people. If he had, I would absolutely support forcing him to as he would have broken a contract. But he didn't. Would you like to try again?

He promised to bake Wedding Cakes. That's an implied contract with the public.

He promised no such thing and has no such "implied" contract with the public. Each potential customer is a private agreement which either party can refuse to enter into. If this baker has an "implied contract with the public", then that means the public (ie every single person) must purchase at least one cake from him (a contract is agreement between two parties - and you just said the other party is the public). Oops... :lol:

But I guess when you don't have an argument, lying is all you are left with.

The "implied contract" with the public is something like the social contract. In other words, it's a myth the left invented to justify expropriating our freedom.
Quote: Originally Posted by JoeB131 View Post
I'm wondering if Rottie would be so understanding if someone said, "We don't serve Christians here."

I guarantee he would be just as understanding.

In my opinion he would denounce the person, refuse to do business with the person and tell his friends not to do business with them. But he would respect their right to their beliefs. He wouldn't try and get a law passed to stop the person from believing what they believe. But that is just my opinion.

:clap: :clap:

I guarantee you I would respect and defend their right to hate Christians. And then I would tell Christians that I know that they hate Christians so that those people could decide for themselves whether or not they want to do business with someone like that.

Freedom and choice....incomprehensible concepts to little Nazi liberals.

Amazing that you'd even need to say this.

But I'll guarantee you, it does not register with them.


I think the phrase that works here is "Check Your Privilege".

Just sayin'
You continue to confuse voluntary acceptance with some 'conspiracy theory' that doesn't exist. No one is forcing conformity. And if you had half a brain to understand what people like Kondor are saying, if Republicans ever gain enough power CONFORMITY will be dictum.

You are such a partisan hack.

Yes, the standard third grade personal insults and name-calling that make communicating with people like you such an intellectual challenge.

I notice that you put "conspiracy theory" in quotations as if I had said that. Is it genetically impossible for you people to engage in honest, mature, discourse?

You can deny whatever you want, in the face of constant and ongoing proof. Even in the face of countless posts on this very board that confirm what I'm saying. Perhaps you folks should get your stories straight.

You can't even get "partisan hack" right. For which party, precisely? Already today I've been accused of being a conservative and of being a liberal. Those of us who choose to think for ourselves really drop a big ol' wrench into the simplistic, binary thought processes of people like you.


You think for yourself. That does not make you right. On this issue....you are wrong. Allowing bigots another moment of tolerance is a moment too many.

If you stand for LGTB rights........as you claim.......why would you willingly allow someone to refuse service based on sexual orientation?

By the way....do you get hard whenever someone accuses you of being left or right? It appears that you live for it. Calm down. Nobody cares.
And in a free market, there is no reason to.
We don't have a Free Market, no country does, and tampering with food means I will shortly own that business. Most of my clients, who owe me money, are attorneys.

First, you keep stripping out the parts I'm bitch slapping you, LOL.

And here you're changing the dimensions of the point. That we don't have a totally free market doesn't change that for cakes there are endless people who will gladly bake a gay themed cake. There is zero reason government needs to use force.

Now government and government protected monopolies like electricity absolutely should be banned from discrimination based on religion, sexual orientation or other attributes. Not being able to get electricity because you are gay when government forces there to be only one provider would be wrong. But baking a cake? There is no issue.
[lib-er-uhl, lib-ruhl] Show IPA
favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
( often initial capital letter ) noting or pertaining to a political party advocating measures of progressive political reform.
of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism, especially the freedom of the individual and governmental guarantees of individual rights and liberties.
favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
favoring or permitting freedom of action, especially with respect to matters of personal belief or expression: a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.
The No ******* or Jews gas station doesn't promote American Freedom. The ability to pull in, regardless of who you are, and buy gas however does.
There are no multi-millenia -old religious prohibitions on being Black or Jewish.

There are no communicable diseases associated with being Black or Jewish.

There is no history of dissipated nations losing their martial vigor due - in whole or in part - to being Black or Jewish.

There is no unclean-ness nor unnatural-ness nor filth nor perversion nor aberration associated with being Black or Jewish.

There is no drop in the birth rate associated with being Black or Jewish.

There have never been any laws in this country against being Black or Jewish.

There is no unmanly sissification nor unwomanly butch behavior associated with being Black or Jewish.

There is nothing about innocent children associating with Blacks nor Jews that requires parental intervention or particular watchfulness or anxiety or embarrassment or shame or difficulty in explaining why they should be tolerant of perverts and people whose brains are wired the wrong way.
[lib-er-uhl, lib-ruhl] Show IPA
favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
( often initial capital letter ) noting or pertaining to a political party advocating measures of progressive political reform.
of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism, especially the freedom of the individual and governmental guarantees of individual rights and liberties.
favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
favoring or permitting freedom of action, especially with respect to matters of personal belief or expression: a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.
The No ******* or Jews gas station doesn't promote American Freedom. The ability to pull in, regardless of who you are, and buy gas however does.

Freedom includes the freedom to discriminate. It's nonsensical to claim that freedom doesn't promote freedom. The idea that you are not allowed to choose who you do business with is so stupid that only a libturd could have conceived it. It's literally a blank check for government to do whatever it likes to you.
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:clap: :clap:

I guarantee you I would respect and defend their right to hate Christians. And then I would tell Christians that I know that they hate Christians so that those people could decide for themselves whether or not they want to do business with someone like that.

Freedom and choice....incomprehensible concepts to little Nazi liberals.

Amazing that you'd even need to say this.

But I'll guarantee you, it does not register with them.


I think the phrase that works here is "Check Your Privilege".

Just sayin'

That works for brain damaged drones who aren't able to think on their own.
:clap: :clap:

I guarantee you I would respect and defend their right to hate Christians. And then I would tell Christians that I know that they hate Christians so that those people could decide for themselves whether or not they want to do business with someone like that.

Freedom and choice....incomprehensible concepts to little Nazi liberals.

Amazing that you'd even need to say this.

But I'll guarantee you, it does not register with them.


I think the phrase that works here is "Check Your Privilege".

Just sayin'

Our government is pro-gay and anti-Christian, you're full of it
The No ******* or Jews gas station doesn't promote American Freedom. The ability to pull in, regardless of who you are, and buy gas however does.

Freedom includes the freedom to discriminate. It's nonsensical to claim that freedom doesn't promote freedom. The idea that you are not allowed to choose who you do business with is so stupid that only a libturd could have conceived it. It's literally a blank check for government to do whatever it likes to you.

You nailed it. That ... is the point ...
And in a free market, there is no reason to.
We don't have a Free Market, no country does, and tampering with food means I will shortly own that business. Most of my clients, who owe me money, are attorneys.

First, you keep stripping out the parts I'm bitch slapping you, LOL.

And here you're changing the dimensions of the point. That we don't have a totally free market doesn't change that for cakes there are endless people who will gladly bake a gay themed cake. There is zero reason government needs to use force.

Now government and government protected monopolies like electricity absolutely should be banned from discrimination based on religion, sexual orientation or other attributes. Not being able to get electricity because you are gay when government forces there to be only one provider would be wrong. But baking a cake? There is no issue.
The courts agree with me, a bakery isn't a church. I strip out your nonsense because no one need bother to read it twice, and there is no gay-themed wedding cake. It's a stupid cake, bake it and move on. That's business.
When you force me to bake you a cake you take away my individual freedom to refuse the work!!

When you bake cakes for a living and you are required by law to treat all people paying for cakes as equals, we have a different name for that, it's called ---------------------------- Doing Your Fucking Job! Grow up and do it.

That's what boot-licking Obama dick sucking drones call it. The rest of us call it tyranny.

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