Whatever ever happened to the little sign… ‘We have a right to refuse service’?

Yes, you saw me repeat back to you what you said and you saw yourself as a Drama Queen, stupid and with an inability to grow up.

I used your words BECAUSE it was stupid Drama Queen. And even with your own words in the same quote, you didn't see yourself, and when I told you it was you you still don't. How stupid are you exactly?
I have no drama about this, that's you guys. It's a cake, it's business, bake it. My crisis pregnancy center client doesn't care about my politics nor do I care about theirs. They care that I do my job and I care that their checks clear. That's all that matters, it's business. Grownups know this which is why you don't.
You kill babies for a living?
They are pro-life little dummy. I'm pro-choice. Neither of us do abortions.
Now that's funny, I repeated your post back to you and you saw it in the mirror but didn't recognize it was your own reflection.

Liberals, no one could make you people up. LOL.

What I saw was your stupidity, and inability to grow up, like these cake bakers.

Yes, you saw me repeat back to you what you said and you saw yourself as a Drama Queen, stupid and with an inability to grow up.

I used your words BECAUSE it was stupid Drama Queen. And even with your own words in the same quote, you didn't see yourself, and when I told you it was you you still don't. How stupid are you exactly?

It keeps coming back for it's foibles to be further exposed...so I would venture to say 100% stupid.
What I saw was your stupidity, and inability to grow up, like these cake bakers.

Yes, you saw me repeat back to you what you said and you saw yourself as a Drama Queen, stupid and with an inability to grow up.

I used your words BECAUSE it was stupid Drama Queen. And even with your own words in the same quote, you didn't see yourself, and when I told you it was you you still don't. How stupid are you exactly?
I have no drama about this, that's you guys. It's a cake, it's business, bake it. My crisis pregnancy center client doesn't care about my politics nor do I care about theirs. They care that I do my job and I care that their checks clear. That's all that matters, it's business. Grownups know this which is why you don't.
You work for Planned Parenthood? Really? Ms. Sanger must be so proud of you being a good little socialist. Now, SIT! Good BOY!
No, pretty much just you right wingers.

Survey: Americans turn sharply favorable on gay issues | Religion News Service

Stand proud with your brethren...

The Global Divide on Homosexuality | Pew Research Center's Global Attitudes Project


Oh Lookie! Another worthless Graph from BuFu...

They continue to purposely conflate voluntary acceptance with forced conformity.

If they were to admit that they're forcing conformity, they would have to admit how far they have strayed from the time that liberals were strongly for individual thought and freedom of expression.

They know what they're doing, they know how far they have strayed, but they sure as hell won't admit it.


You continue to confuse voluntary acceptance with some 'conspiracy theory' that doesn't exist. No one is forcing conformity. And if you had half a brain to understand what people like Kondor are saying, if Republicans ever gain enough power CONFORMITY will be dictum.

You are such a partisan hack.
You continue to confuse voluntary acceptance with some 'conspiracy theory' that doesn't exist. No one is forcing conformity. And if you had half a brain to understand what people like Kondor are saying, if Republicans ever gain enough power CONFORMITY will be dictum.

You are such a partisan hack.

Yes, the standard third grade personal insults and name-calling that make communicating with people like you such an intellectual challenge.

I notice that you put "conspiracy theory" in quotations as if I had said that. Is it genetically impossible for you people to engage in honest, mature, discourse?

You can deny whatever you want, in the face of constant and ongoing proof. Even in the face of countless posts on this very board that confirm what I'm saying. Perhaps you folks should get your stories straight.

You can't even get "partisan hack" right. For which party, precisely? Already today I've been accused of being a conservative and of being a liberal. Those of us who choose to think for ourselves really drop a big ol' wrench into the simplistic, binary thought processes of people like you.

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I have no drama about this, that's you guys. It's a cake, it's business, bake it. My crisis pregnancy center client doesn't care about my politics nor do I care about theirs. They care that I do my job and I care that their checks clear. That's all that matters, it's business. Grownups know this which is why you don't.


Seriously, you didn't get this was mocking you?

Or you could stay in the wedding cake business by just growing the fuck up and baking the stupid cake. That's always an option.

Or you could grow the fuck up and go to a baker who wants to bake the cake you want to buy instead of running to government to use guns to force people to do your bidding.


Are liberals as stupid as they say they are? It's hard to believe. But why would they say they are that stupid if they aren't?
My crisis pregnancy center client doesn't care about my politics
nor do I care about theirs. They care that I do my job and I care that their checks clear. That's all that matters, it's business. Grownups know this which is why you don't.

Actually, I said that I do business with both Planned Parenthood and several Democratic candidates, I don't care about politics at work.

That has nothing to do with forcing a business to do business with someone they don't' want to do business with. Just because I do doesn't mean I would use force to make someone else do it
Yes...after giving it some more thought, I think it is better to wait until all the bigots aren't bigots any longer. Then gay people can have equal rights. It shouldn't take very long. We can change hearts and minds by allowing bigots to be bigots. Let's leave them alone! The more we ignore their bigotry, the faster they will come around to supporting gay rights.

If a guy is a bigot why on earth would you want to patronize his store?

Find another person who wants your business and values you as a customer.

You don’t understand.

This sort of ignorance and hate have an adverse effect on local markets and all interrelated markets, where government is authorized by the Constitution to regulate and prohibit this sort of disruption.

And as already correctly noted, the notion of turning away friends, family, and members of our communities from establishments that accommodate the general public solely because of who they are is repugnant to the fundamental principles upon which this Nation was founded; it’s anathema to the tenets of a free and democratic society that values diversity and inclusion.

It also exhibits the hypocrisy of most conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws, where rightist dogma purports the concepts of ‘morality’ and ‘values’ along with the belief that there are some things which are simply ‘wrong’; it’s telling how most on the right are incapable of understanding why denying particular classes of persons access to public accommodations is in fact immoral, wrong, and devoid of any values whatsoever.
Yes they are ...

Why would you force someone to prepare food for you?? There are films of people urinating in office coffee posts, stories of works urinating in pickle vats, buggers on burgers, etc, etc, etc. Now as an adult if ordered to prepare you food, I would not stoop to such childish acts, but should one or more ingredients be off just slightly then the hero cake could become a zero cake.
Really, you forced me to bake this, will I actually pull out all the stops and give you that dream cake you had your little faggot heart set on, probably not!! Most likely would be sumthen like Betty Crocker cakes out of a box with canned icing and a couple of cheesy Wal-Mart candy toppers.

Do you folks not have any common senses at all!!
Yes they are ...

Why would you force someone to prepare food for you?? There are films of people urinating in office coffee posts, stories of works urinating in pickle vats, buggers on burgers, etc, etc, etc. Now as an adult if ordered to prepare you food, I would not stoop to such childish acts, but should one or more ingredients be off just slightly then the hero cake could become a zero cake.
Really, you forced me to bake this, will I actually pull out all the stops and give you that dream cake you had your little faggot heart set on, probably not!! Most likely would be sumthen like Betty Crocker cakes out of a box with canned icing and a couple of cheesy Wal-Mart candy toppers.

Do you folks not have any common senses at all!!

Don't make me serve gays or I may pee in their coffee.
Yes...after giving it some more thought, I think it is better to wait until all the bigots aren't bigots any longer. Then gay people can have equal rights. It shouldn't take very long. We can change hearts and minds by allowing bigots to be bigots. Let's leave them alone! The more we ignore their bigotry, the faster they will come around to supporting gay rights.

If a guy is a bigot why on earth would you want to patronize his store?

Find another person who wants your business and values you as a customer.

You don’t understand.

This sort of ignorance and hate have an adverse effect on local markets and all interrelated markets, where government is authorized by the Constitution to regulate and prohibit this sort of disruption.

And as already correctly noted, the notion of turning away friends, family, and members of our communities from establishments that accommodate the general public solely because of who they are is repugnant to the fundamental principles upon which this Nation was founded; it’s anathema to the tenets of a free and democratic society that values diversity and inclusion.

It also exhibits the hypocrisy of most conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws, where rightist dogma purports the concepts of ‘morality’ and ‘values’ along with the belief that there are some things which are simply ‘wrong’; it’s telling how most on the right are incapable of understanding why denying particular classes of persons access to public accommodations is in fact immoral, wrong, and devoid of any values whatsoever.
It is not anathema to proscribe unnatural, unclean, filthy perversion.

We have been doing it for many millenia.

With the exception of a little deviation (bad pun intended) from the norm, from time to time, as we see unfolding at-present, within the United States.

No matter, however.

The People will sort this out, in the coming months and years.

Just not in a way that you support.
Yes, you saw me repeat back to you what you said and you saw yourself as a Drama Queen, stupid and with an inability to grow up.

I used your words BECAUSE it was stupid Drama Queen. And even with your own words in the same quote, you didn't see yourself, and when I told you it was you you still don't. How stupid are you exactly?
I have no drama about this, that's you guys. It's a cake, it's business, bake it. My crisis pregnancy center client doesn't care about my politics nor do I care about theirs. They care that I do my job and I care that their checks clear. That's all that matters, it's business. Grownups know this which is why you don't.
You work for Planned Parenthood? Really? Ms. Sanger must be so proud of you being a good little socialist. Now, SIT! Good BOY!
Boy are you dumb and I'd have no issues working for them, except they can't afford me, since I already send them checks.
Yes...after giving it some more thought, I think it is better to wait until all the bigots aren't bigots any longer. Then gay people can have equal rights. It shouldn't take very long. We can change hearts and minds by allowing bigots to be bigots. Let's leave them alone! The more we ignore their bigotry, the faster they will come around to supporting gay rights.

If a guy is a bigot why on earth would you want to patronize his store?

Find another person who wants your business and values you as a customer.

You don’t understand.

This sort of ignorance and hate have an adverse effect on local markets and all interrelated markets, where government is authorized by the Constitution to regulate and prohibit this sort of disruption.

And as already correctly noted, the notion of turning away friends, family, and members of our communities from establishments that accommodate the general public solely because of who they are is repugnant to the fundamental principles upon which this Nation was founded; it’s anathema to the tenets of a free and democratic society that values diversity and inclusion.

It also exhibits the hypocrisy of most conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws, where rightist dogma purports the concepts of ‘morality’ and ‘values’ along with the belief that there are some things which are simply ‘wrong’; it’s telling how most on the right are incapable of understanding why denying particular classes of persons access to public accommodations is in fact immoral, wrong, and devoid of any values whatsoever.

And the problem you have is you can not force your views on me, you can get me to acknowledge it but you can not make me embrace it!! Why can you folks not understand that concept and leave the straight segment of the populace alone?? Why must you force your faggot views down our throats?? Talk about wrong, keep your fucking views to your self and your supporting community.
Actually, I said that I do business with both Planned Parenthood and several Democratic candidates, I don't care about politics at work.

Good, that's business. Now grow up and realize if you want religion to be your business, open a church. Serve one, serve all. That's business.
Your religion is not a special privilege that exempts you from obeying the law.

Like everything else in life, you have it completely backwards...

The law does not get to impede on my religion. You would know that if you ever actually read the U.S. Constitution.

Like all your other posts, you have it completely wrong, where you once again exhibit your comprehensive ignorance of the Constitution and its case law.

Public accommodations laws are necessary, proper, and in fact Constitutional, they in no way ‘impede’ anyone’s religious practice (Employment Division v. Smith (1990)).
And the problem you have is you can not force your views on me, you can get me to acknowledge it but you can not make me embrace it!! Why can you folks not understand that concept and leave the straight segment of the populace alone?? Why must you force your faggot views down our throats?? Talk about wrong, keep your fucking views to your self and your supporting community.

Can't force views on you? You couldn't be more wrong. That is what society does, and while you don't have to agree, you do have to comply, or deal with the consequences of your actions like an adult.
You continue to confuse voluntary acceptance with some 'conspiracy theory' that doesn't exist. No one is forcing conformity. And if you had half a brain to understand what people like Kondor are saying, if Republicans ever gain enough power CONFORMITY will be dictum.

You are such a partisan hack.

Yes, the standard third grade personal insults and name-calling that make communicating with people like you such an intellectual challenge.

I notice that you put "conspiracy theory" in quotations as if I had said that. Is it genetically impossible for you people to engage in honest, mature, discourse?

You can deny whatever you want, in the face of constant and ongoing proof. Even in the face of countless posts on this very board that confirm what I'm saying. Perhaps you folks should get your stories straight.

You can't even get "partisan hack" right. For which party, precisely? Already today I've been accused of being a conservative and of being a liberal. Those of us who choose to think for ourselves really drop a big ol' wrench into the simplistic, binary thought processes of people like you.


Do you have a brain? The movement toward acceptance is not driven by ideology, some whacky conspiracy or forced conformity...it is being driven by demographics.

Here's an idea...TALK to some young people...


Actually, I said that I do business with both Planned Parenthood and several Democratic candidates, I don't care about politics at work.

Good, that's business. Now grow up and realize if you want religion to be your business, open a church. Serve one, serve all. That's business.

You telling anyone to grow up is priceless. And wow, you're a moron. The discussion is not whether someone should do business with people they disagree with, the discussion is whether government should use force to make them. We agree we would do business with whatever group. The difference is I say it's not up to me to use force to make other people do the same. You say it is up to you to use force to make them do the same, and because I don't believe that, I need to grow up.

Grow up.

This is what's truly sick about liberals. You think that whatever you think, government should use force to make everyone else do the same. The idea that government would allow you to make your choice and you make a different one than someone else is just inconceivable to you. I don't feel compelled to force anyone to do anything that doesn't harm anyone. And in a free market, there is no reason to. Everyone has plenty of choices because most businesses are driven by paying customers.

Personally, I want to see you eat the cake someone made because you used force to make them bake it for you. LOL. I hope no one's blocking your path to the bathroom...
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And the problem you have is you can not force your views on me, you can get me to acknowledge it but you can not make me embrace it!! Why can you folks not understand that concept and leave the straight segment of the populace alone?? Why must you force your faggot views down our throats?? Talk about wrong, keep your fucking views to your self and your supporting community.

Can't force views on you? You couldn't be more wrong. That is what society does, and while you don't have to agree, you do have to comply, or deal with the consequences of your actions like an adult.

Like I tried to convey, perhaps the more intelligent actually got the point, is that the results you get when you force someone is often not what you are expecting.

Perhaps you missed the other point, while you may FORCE your views on me, I may acknowledge them, but you can never make me ACCEPT them!!

You are comparing apples to oranges!!

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