Whatever ever happened to the little sign… ‘We have a right to refuse service’?

You aren't even worth debating because you're too stupid to get the points your opponent is making.
You very rarely have points, you have ideology. "But I don't like it" isn't debate.

ROFL! so says the guy who calls every argument "whining."

You are so fucking clueless it's off the scale.

You do whine a lot but that's another guy. I'm not actually a big fan of that word but it fits what most of the children here, like you, do most of the time.
Kaz, what part of government can be used for good or for evil are you having such trouble with? And why does no country in the world, not a single one, have a truly Free Market?

Why does no country in the world, not a single one, have a truly socialist utopia?

Legitimate functions of government are defense, police, civil and criminal courts, roads, management of limited resources and recognition of property rights. Everything else is an infringement and not an expansion of liberty.

I'll answer both our questions.

1) No one has free markets because to be a democracy opens up the masses to the message of fear and ignorance that socialists use to control them like they control you.

2) No one has your socialist utopia because the more power government has the more corrupt it becomes and the less it acts in the interest of the people and the more it acts in it's own interest.

I'll demonstrate this for you:

Freedom is the right to walk out of a store of a prick bastard who doesn't want to bake you a cake and give your money to his competition who don't judge you.

Running to government to use might of guns (which you want only government to have) to force the prick bastard to bake you a cake is not freedom in any sense of the word.

What you did is use the fear of liberty referred to in point to justify government power referred to in point two to the benefit of no one but the politicians.

Can we move on now?
Can we move on now?

If in this case Democracy causes such problems, what form of government do you suggest? Or is it the fault of the people for wanting the government to level the playing field?

And at what point are you going to listen to what I say instead of telling me, wrongly, what I think?
Can we move on now?
And at what point are you going to listen to what I say instead of telling me, wrongly, what I think?


I don't know what's funnier, the hypocrisy or the cluelessness...

You're looking in a mirror. It's hilarious how I keep mocking you with your strawmen and canards and you keep objecting to what you do.
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is it the fault of the people for wanting the government to level the playing field?

The people don't want a level playing field, they want free stuff. That is what they are voting for. "Level playing field" is just a thinly veiled rationalization for your raw appeal to greed.
And at what point are you going to listen to what I say instead of telling me, wrongly, what I think?


The hypocrisy...
I ask questions, you make statements. See how that works?

How it works was put perfectly by bripat, you're tripping over your own dick. When you make a point, you want credit for it as an actual argument. When you get a response, you say suck it up, that isn't how it works.

There's no brain activity going on here.

When some prick denies service to a gay, they should walk down the street to their competitor. And tell all their friends. In any system, that is what makes sense.
is it the fault of the people for wanting the government to level the playing field?

The people don't want a level playing field, they want free stuff. That is what they are voting for. "Level playing field" is just a thinly veiled rationalization for your raw appeal to greed.
Yet again, telling me what I think instead of asking.

And it's the fault of those stupid ******* being bought off with free cell phones and cheese eh, is that what you mean to say?
When some prick denies service to a gay, they should walk down the street to their competitor. And tell all their friends. In any system, that is what makes sense.
You still don't get why the Free Market doesn't fix all of the issues society faces and that's why no country on earth actually has one eh?

The Free Market can be great thing, it can also be a great evil. It's why we regulate it. You really need to learn some basic Capitalism. This is really basic stuff and even that is too much for this place, and you.
Case in point.

You aren't even worth debating because you're too stupid to get the points your opponent is making.
You very rarely have points, you have ideology. "But I don't like it" isn't debate.

'refusing service' is just another step in the long line of attacks on our moral society by the LEFTIST IDEOLOGY.....

lefties have pushed free porn....free 'love'.....free drugs....free 'choice'....now 'free market' for gays....

you will take notice that it is all immoral shit.....and that is their point....
You aren't even worth debating because you're too stupid to get the points your opponent is making.
You very rarely have points, you have ideology. "But I don't like it" isn't debate.

'refusing service' is just another step in the long line of attacks on our moral society by the LEFTIST IDEOLOGY.....

lefties have pushed free porn....free 'love'.....free drugs....free 'choice'....now 'free market' for gays....

you will take notice that it is all immoral shit.....and that is their point....
And Jerry Falwell speaks, from the grave no less! Remarkable.
People comply with unjust laws because they have no choice, not because they are "decent."
People fight unjust laws, and change them. They don't hide in a house full of guns waiting to shoot first.

What do you think I'm doing, asshole? When people fight unjust laws, you just tell them that the matter has been settled and that they should quit their whining.

You really are a major league idiot.

And I don't pay my taxes because I'm worried about men with guns showing up. I fought with the IRS for two years and all we did was talk on the phone from time to time until I won. No guns were required. It's my government, they aren't my enemy, that's you.

ROFL! and if you didn't win then you would comply like a meek little sheep going down the chute to the abattoir, that is unless you want guys with guns to show up at your door and take everything you own.

Again, I can't emphasize this enough: You are fucking stupid. Your claim are not just wrong, they are positively idiotic. You have to have a room temperature I.Q. to be so determined not to understand such blatantly obvious facts.
When some prick denies service to a gay, they should walk down the street to their competitor. And tell all their friends. In any system, that is what makes sense.
You still don't get why the Free Market doesn't fix all of the issues society faces and that's why no country on earth actually has one eh?

Your belief that government fixes all the issues of society is beyond stupid. Not only does government not fix all of society's problems, its fixes generally cause more problems than the one they supposedly solve.

Even if the market doesn't fix some social problem, that doesn't justify a bunch of libturd fascists using government to impose their solution on everyone. Fixing social problems is a legitimate function of government.

The Free Market can be great thing, it can also be a great evil. It's why we regulate it. You really need to learn some basic Capitalism. This is really basic stuff and even that is too much for this place, and you.

We regulate it because special interests want privileges. It has nothing to do with any "evils" of the free market.
is it the fault of the people for wanting the government to level the playing field?

The people don't want a level playing field, they want free stuff. That is what they are voting for. "Level playing field" is just a thinly veiled rationalization for your raw appeal to greed.
Yet again, telling me what I think instead of asking.

Kaz doesn't bother asking you what you think because you lie.

And it's the fault of those stupid ******* being bought off with free cell phones and cheese eh, is that what you mean to say?

Why are you so fond of using the N-word?
You very rarely have points, you have ideology. "But I don't like it" isn't debate.

'refusing service' is just another step in the long line of attacks on our moral society by the LEFTIST IDEOLOGY.....

lefties have pushed free porn....free 'love'.....free drugs....free 'choice'....now 'free market' for gays....

you will take notice that it is all immoral shit.....and that is their point....
And Jerry Falwell speaks, from the grave no less! Remarkable.

A great American Christian....

At least you get the point.....kudos....

Is that YOUR goal in life....to attack and tear down our Christian morals and society.....?
People comply with unjust laws because they have no choice, not because they are "decent."
People fight unjust laws, and change them. They don't hide in a house full of guns waiting to shoot first.

What do you think I'm doing, asshole? When people fight unjust laws, you just tell them that the matter has been settled and that they should quit their whining.

You really are a major league idiot.

And I don't pay my taxes because I'm worried about men with guns showing up. I fought with the IRS for two years and all we did was talk on the phone from time to time until I won. No guns were required. It's my government, they aren't my enemy, that's you.

ROFL! and if you didn't win then you would comply like a meek little sheep going down the chute to the abattoir, that is unless you want guys with guns to show up at your door and take everything you own.

Again, I can't emphasize this enough: You are fucking stupid. Your claim are not just wrong, they are positively idiotic. You have to have a room temperature I.Q. to be so determined not to understand such blatantly obvious facts.
Ah, your version of "debate" again I see?

And you don't fight unjust laws by posting your displeasure here. And what I tell your kind to do is start dealing with what you obviously avoid, reality.
'refusing service' is just another step in the long line of attacks on our moral society by the LEFTIST IDEOLOGY.....

lefties have pushed free porn....free 'love'.....free drugs....free 'choice'....now 'free market' for gays....

you will take notice that it is all immoral shit.....and that is their point....
And Jerry Falwell speaks, from the grave no less! Remarkable.

A great American Christian....

At least you get the point.....kudos....

Is that YOUR goal in life....to attack and tear down our Christian morals and society.....?
This society is a lot of things but moral isn't one of them. If it was we wouldn't need so many laws.

As for Christianity, that is a faith for fools, slaves, and children.
People fight unjust laws, and change them. They don't hide in a house full of guns waiting to shoot first.

What do you think I'm doing, asshole? When people fight unjust laws, you just tell them that the matter has been settled and that they should quit their whining.

You really are a major league idiot.

And I don't pay my taxes because I'm worried about men with guns showing up. I fought with the IRS for two years and all we did was talk on the phone from time to time until I won. No guns were required. It's my government, they aren't my enemy, that's you.

ROFL! and if you didn't win then you would comply like a meek little sheep going down the chute to the abattoir, that is unless you want guys with guns to show up at your door and take everything you own.

Again, I can't emphasize this enough: You are fucking stupid. Your claim are not just wrong, they are positively idiotic. You have to have a room temperature I.Q. to be so determined not to understand such blatantly obvious facts.
Ah, your version of "debate" again I see?

And you don't fight unjust laws by posting your displeasure here. And what I tell your kind to do is start dealing with what you obviously avoid, reality.

Wrong, knucklehead, what I do here is educate people about the huge swindle people like you are trying to put over on them. To fight unjust laws you have to make people aware that they are unjust.

"Dealing with reality" is just another way of saying "shut the fuck up." That's pretty much the only argument you have, unless you're a homo or an illegal alien, of course.
Wrong, knucklehead, what I do here is educate people about the huge swindle people like you are trying to put over on them. To fight unjust laws you have to make people aware that they are unjust.
50 years ago these kinds of laws were found to be not only Just, but Constitutional. Now what Teacher?

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