What's Going On In Baghdad???????

I'm seeing reports that our embassy in Baghdad is being overrun and they're using helos to evacuate the building.

Has anyone else heard the same thing?

I first saw it in Twitter and now they're talking about it on Rumble.

Happy Afghanistan Withdrawal Anniversary, muppets!! :thanks:.
Perceived weakness on the world stage has it's consequences.

The problem with Iraq is the opposite of "perceived weakness".
We illegally massacred innocent Iraqis with "Shock and Awe", under the deliberate false claim of WMD.
The Iraqis now universally hate us.
Fear is not a good means of establishing long term relations, and is bound to end badly eventually.
Happy Afghanistan Withdrawal Anniversary, muppets!! :thanks:.

And it was illegal for us to invade Afghanistan based on lies also.
The Taliban were allies the CIA started in 1979, and they offered to turn bin Laden to any Islamic court in the world, many times.
Anyone claiming the Taliban were our enemy, is a liar.
We were the ones at fault and attacked them for no reason.
How many American will brandon abandon behind enemy lines this time?
How many American weapons will Potatohead leave behind?

How many barrels of cash will the Iranian Mullahs get from Potatohead because of this?

Obama hardly ever got anything right but the exception was when he said "never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to fuck something up".

Biden fucked up the withdrawal from Afghanistan and now it looks like our embassy is under attack in Iraq.

Dat boy fucks up everything, doesn't he?
Now Iraq. As of May, we still had 2.500 US troops there, and an unknown number of civilians.

I hope they get the fuck out of there ok.
I want them get out also BUT I don't want them to get kicked out by the Muslim assholes.

I don't want to see another Afghanistan debacle.
Somehow, this anger at this clerics resignation was Biden's fault.
The globalist are now punishing any allie Americans have. Iraqi allies are next.

Democrats will call this a huge win for pedo peter.
How will the left blame THIS on Trump? No links yet...situation unfolding...

Fighters have overrun the presidential palace. Reports of some being evacuated by helicopter from the US embassy. Chaos/shooting in the streets...


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Lol, anyone with a brain knows Iraq is Bushes baby. So maybe curb your TDS there a bit.
Lol, anyone with a brain knows Iraq is Bushes baby. So maybe curb your TDS there a bit.

But it is not the fault of Senators Kerry, Clinton and Biden who all voted for the resolution to go to war? Even Slick Willy supported it although he didn't hold an office at the time.

It is not the fault of that piece of shit Obama that fought the war for three years and who sent my son and the men of the 6/1 Cav to Iraq?

One thing you can always depend upon the Moon Bats to do and that is to blame their failures on somebody else.

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