What's Going On In Baghdad???????

Yea I’m sure you’d be saying that if it was under President Trump.

You aren’t fooling anyone.

Moqtada Sadr, the Shiite leader in Iraq, is basically the Donald Trump of the Shiite faction In Iraq. He announced he would no longer participate in the internal politics of the government there, of which he holds no position. Turns out he had a Trump humpers base of losers just like dotard does, so they held their own insurrection invasion of the Republican Palace in the Green Zone.
Nobody is saying that Bush is not responsible for starting the stupid war in Iraq. His action is one of the reasons I don't consider myself to be a Republican anymore. I was against the war when most of my fellow Conservatives were supporting it.


That does not excuse most of the filthy Democrat leadership, including three Presidential nominees, from supporting it.

Instead of trying to deny, deflect and shift responsibility away just admit that John "Traitor" Kerry, Crooked Hillary and Joe Potatohead all supported the invasion of Iraq. You can't deny facts.

It was wrong for Bush to invade Iraq and it was wrong for the Democrat leadership to support him. Crooked Hillary and Joe Potatohead did it big time. The Traitor Kerry tried to vacillate but he voted for the the funding of the invasion.

Then you have the undeniable fact that The Worthless Negro fought the war for three years. He sent my son over to Iraq. He also bombed Libya for no fucking reason having to do with the security of the US and the sonofabitch escalated the war in Afghanistan. This was on top of that stupid debacle in Benghazi.

Do not deny that the Democrats own a big part of the Iraq shit sandwich. It just makes you look like a partisan asshole when you do.

One of the reasons you Moon Bats don't have any credibility is because you never take responsibilty for the damage you do. When confronted with the facts all you little turds do is go into a denial mode or tying to blame somebody else.

You are so ignorant you're pathetic.
Moqtada Sadr, the Shiite leader in Iraq, is basically the Donald Trump of the Shiite faction In Iraq. He announced he would no longer participate in the internal politics of the government there, of which he holds no position. Turns out he had a Trump humpers base of losers just like dotard does, so they held their own insurrection invasion of the Republican Palace in the Green Zone.

Yep. Sadr has his own army... Private militias... Like the idiot militias we have here who yap about civil war.
Nope it wasn't.. it was always the crackpots like Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Boogaloo Bois.. the same morons that attacked the Capitol.
Surada... I read posts here from libs calling for a war and calling the 2016 election fraudulent.... There was a person here that openly wished I'd get sick and die....
Surada... I read posts here from libs calling for a war and calling the 2016 election fraudulent.... There was a person here that openly wished I'd get sick and die....

Libs weren't calling for war. The 2016 election wasn't contested. Trump claimed that 3 to 5 million illegals voted for Hillary.
Moqtada Sadr, the Shiite leader in Iraq, is basically the Donald Trump of the Shiite faction In Iraq. He announced he would no longer participate in the internal politics of the government there, of which he holds no position. Turns out he had a Trump humpers base of losers just like dotard does, so they held their own insurrection invasion of the Republican Palace in the Green Zone.
Iraqis were mainly Ba'ath, no?

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