What's Next for the Left After Bathrooms?

Still can't explain why you want to hang out with little girls in the bathroom?
We know.
Wow look at you being a weirdo :cuckoo:
Answer his question.
No you perverted little weirdo. Get your head out of the gutter.
You're scared, I understand. You don't want to end up on a pedo watchlist before you get to fulfill your fantasy of squatting with the real girls in the ladies room. I get it.
Everyone knows you just want to volunteer to be on the potty patrol and look up little girls skirts. Or maybe you want to see some little boy dong? Fucking perv.

He's got his own definition of what "glass ceiling" means.
I have lived in cities with sizeable tranny populations, none that you see in broad daylight pass for women. The only ones that pass are on daytime talk shows and they only pass because of talented airbrush artists and make up artists that most trannys will never be able to afford.
The left try to attempt to pretend men have to dress up like women with their perverted law. As if there is some dress code now for using the women's bathrooms.
who will enforce your bathroom laws? (again, the only people passing bathroom laws are the ridiculous right)
You have to attend 4 years in a university to learn to be that stupid.
outing yourself as uneducated? don't worry, that wasn't the first time.

can you answer the question?

Will you next propose a law that states any woman who claims she was raped who doesn't have 4 male witnesses to corroborate her story shall be stoned for being a whore?
what. the. fuck?

seriously, you have issues

Why? YOU are the one who said right in this thread that a woman had to prove she was harmed to prove she needed a right.
lol. you have comprehension problems

Comprehension problems? I asked "why don't you support a woman's right not to have a man in the bathroom with her?"

an you responded with "what is the harm"

Explain what you meant if it was somehow different than I comprehended.
The left try to attempt to pretend men have to dress up like women with their perverted law. As if there is some dress code now for using the women's bathrooms.
who will enforce your bathroom laws? (again, the only people passing bathroom laws are the ridiculous right)
Shitforbrains is unaware of the last 200 years.
Can someone enlighten Rip Van Winkle here?
The left try to attempt to pretend men have to dress up like women with their perverted law. As if there is some dress code now for using the women's bathrooms.
who will enforce your bathroom laws? (again, the only people passing bathroom laws are the ridiculous right)
Shitforbrains is unaware of the last 200 years.
Can someone enlighten Rip Van Winkle here?
lol. you really are ignorant.
The left try to attempt to pretend men have to dress up like women with their perverted law. As if there is some dress code now for using the women's bathrooms.
who will enforce your bathroom laws? (again, the only people passing bathroom laws are the ridiculous right)
Shitforbrains is unaware of the last 200 years.
Can someone enlighten Rip Van Winkle here?
lol. you really are ignorant.
Einstein who asks what's the problem with letting pedophiles hangout with little girls in the bathroom calls me ignorant.

A1 comedy.
2016, the year saying a man should not be hanging out in the women's bathroom became controversial.

What's next?

Incest marriage?

My guess is outlawing Christianity. It's the only threat to the lefts ability to serve their master, Satan.
Outlawing Christianity is always at the back of everything they do.

Their next overt action will be to legalize faggot arranged marriages for underaged kids. Watch. Taint already started a thread about homo arranged marriage. They're going to pretend it is to give young unwanted children "protection".
Pedophiles is a stupid argument by lazy conservatives. Just as more gun laws isn't going to prevent criminals from committing gun crimes, more bathroom laws will have ZERO effect on pedophiles.

Private businesses can o whatever they like visa vie bathrooms. If you don't like it shop elsewhere. The ONLY area where this should be any concern of the government's is in government buildings, IE schools and such where a woman should absolutely have the right to use the ladies room confident that the law does not allow a man to enter the room.

OR, and this is radical thinking I know, place a lock on the door so a woman can lock it while she's in there, then just whoever goes in there will have privacy.
Pedophiles is a stupid argument by lazy conservatives. Just as more gun laws isn't going to prevent criminals from committing gun crimes, more bathroom laws will have ZERO effect on pedophiles.

Private businesses can o whatever they like visa vie bathrooms. If you don't like it shop elsewhere. The ONLY area where this should be any concern of the government's is in government buildings, IE schools and such where a woman should absolutely have the right to use the ladies room confident that the law does not allow a man to enter the room.

OR, and this is radical thinking I know, place a lock on the door so a woman can lock it while she's in there, then just whoever goes in there will have privacy.
For the umpteenth time...the new laws don't create more pedophiles, nobody said it did. It just makes it easier for them to access females.

Pedophiles are ALWAYS a problem in bathrooms...now they just have access to more bathrooms and more children. As it was, they rarely hung out in men's bathrooms because men see that shit and beat the crap out of you, and the beatings are severe.
This is something the market should and could straighten out, pun not intended. Most people will not frequent businesses where their children are at risk of being flashed or sexually assaulted. Keep the government out of this....all they'll do is fuck up as usual.
outing yourself as uneducated? don't worry, that wasn't the first time.

can you answer the question?

Will you next propose a law that states any woman who claims she was raped who doesn't have 4 male witnesses to corroborate her story shall be stoned for being a whore?
what. the. fuck?

seriously, you have issues

Why? YOU are the one who said right in this thread that a woman had to prove she was harmed to prove she needed a right.
lol. you have comprehension problems

Comprehension problems? I asked "why don't you support a woman's right not to have a man in the bathroom with her?"

an you responded with "what is the harm"

Explain what you meant if it was somehow different than I comprehended.
the question being what harm is done to a woman, or man, if the anonymous person in the stall next to them is not of the same biological makeup? if there is no harm why should that anonymous person lose their right to privacy and have to out themselves in public as transgender?
This is something the market should and could straighten out, pun not intended. Most people will not frequent businesses where their children are at risk of being flashed or sexually assaulted. Keep the government out of this....all they'll do is fuck up as usual.
What they're doing is forcing everybody else into the one single toilet bathroom. So there will always be a freaking line for women with children, while the faggots and the freaks hang out in the empty multi-stall bathrooms.

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