What's The Best Way To Fight and/or Stop Racism?


Well that's a bad attitude to have. I'm not saying it's completely unjustified but how do you know if it's racism keeping inner city blacks down when they look like this?


I'm not saying racism doesn't happen to good blacks I'm just talking about these inner city hoods where you see the people are so ghetto there is no way they could ever survive an interview. Is a white business owner racist when he won't hire a ghetto black? My point is you go into the city and you see so much ghetto attitude it's no wonder these people are stuck where they are.

My friend moved his business to Detroit 4 years ago. He just moved back to the suburbs because of the people in Detroit. Said he couldn't stand their bad attitudes.
He said he wasn't racist when he moved there but he is now. So what are us whites supposed to do when our experiences with blacks are always negative?

This is why I say blacks are going to have to change this behavior themselves. Poor black parents are going to have to do a better job. Young poor black kids are going to have to stop having kids until they can afford them.

It may be white racism that put blacks in that ghetto but it's blacks who decided to learn eubonics and have kids they won't raise right.

I'm sick and tired of arguing this and having you blacks come back and say things like, "worry about yourselves". Yes, poor white trash need to do better themselves too. That's why they too are stuck in poverty. It has nothing to do with racism.

People left Detroit because jobs left Detroit.

If you're sick go to a doctor. If you are tired then go take a nap. I don't know anybody black who learned ebonics. Nobody black in this forum speaks ebonics. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. You can't say it is not. When you turn black and live then you can come talk to me about how wrong I am. And we all can post pictures.

Whites have no room to be telling people what to do. And being told that seems to bother most of the whites here. So get something straight and embedded in your stupid white racist mind. Blacks are not the problem in this country. Whites are the majority. That means the majority of problems are caused by whites. Whites control the policy making process at every level. Any problems that result from those policies are the responsibility of the decision makers.

Rich whites have got away with all kinds of crimes and we see a prime example of that living in the white house. So since you are white work on telling other whites to change their behavior. I am black and I am telling your white ass from the perspective of living among blacks that you are talking about a very small number of blacks. Learn that black people know more about black people than your white --- does.

Then listen.

I call bullshit. Blacks like you aren’t experiencing any racism personally. Maybe you’ve experienced it in your life but so have I. And it doesn’t slow you down. And some of it might be just perceived or in a moment that didn’t really matter like when you’re out driving and you hear the n word. Big deal. You still live a good life and you figured it out.

So who I’m talking about are the people we see on shows like the first 48 hours. Those are real neighborhoods and real people. You can’t say tv is making that shit up. I wouldn’t be caught dead in one of those neighborhoods. And I lived in Detroit and my grandmother lived there till 2005. Pretty dangerous neighborhood. 6 and evergreen. So I know you know who I’m talking about when I talk about eubonics. Those people need to change their behavior. It’s not racism that white people dont want to move to where they have to deal with Those types.

Poor white people cant blame racism why can you?

What advice would you give a poor white person in a poor white neighborhood? You can have an opinion even though you’re black.

And I resent you calling me a racist just for thinking out loud and being completely unfiltered and honest.

I call you a racist because you consistently make racist comments. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. What you think about that conclusion doesn't matter. I've studied and worked on issues affecting blacks for the last 37 years and have lived as a black man for 58. So your opinion that denies racism because you don't have to face it is the opinion of a man with a paper asshole.

I can't give a poor white person advice. I don't understand why there are poor whites when the system is based on white racial preference. I do know what blacks have been denied, and those are things you don't want to admit exist. I understand the complete damage white racism causes. Things you say are bullshit. There are at least 40 million black people living with PTSD. I say that and whites like you hit the funny smiley. Yet what whites like you fail to understand is that every instance of racism we see or experience triggers the memory of the racism we have experienced. You do not have the first clue to how different blacks cope with it. You have no clue that positive and negatives coping mechanisms are used by blacks to deal with racism.

You call bullshit and that's another example of your ignorance pertaining to issues of race.

The thing about this is, while there may not be many who will openly support the KKK or show blatant overt racism, todays racism is done differently. So much of the opposition I get is due to people looking at how racism is done today by comparing them to how it was done in the past. You don't have to make signs saying no blacks allowed to advocate white supremacy anymore. You can go to stormfront, USMB, or other forums to congregate.

Modern racism, symbolic racism, symbolic prejudice, or racial resentment, are beliefs that reflect an underlying prejudice towards black and non-white people in the United States. The difference in modern racism than old time classic white racism is that the attacks focus on a groups culture. Modern racism is not face to face, it is primarily done online and in social media.

Aversive racism is a form of racism practiced today which is done in subtle and indirect ways. People who are aversive racists claim to be non racist while at the same time expressing negative feelings and beliefs about members of other races. It has also been called colorblind racism. However, since that term confuses some whites because they cannot understand why we can say they are colorblind and still be racist, we’ll stick with the term aversive racism. Regardless of it’s “softer” approach, aversive racism has resulted in significant and harmful consequences that parallel the effects of overt racism.

Notice the words in bold. You've done both.

I told ya so.
What have I said wrong?
Well that's a bad attitude to have. I'm not saying it's completely unjustified but how do you know if it's racism keeping inner city blacks down when they look like this?


I'm not saying racism doesn't happen to good blacks I'm just talking about these
Well that's a bad attitude to have. I'm not saying it's completely unjustified but how do you know if it's racism keeping inner city blacks down when they look like this?


I'm not saying racism doesn't happen to good blacks I'm just talking about these inner city hoods where you see the people are so ghetto there is no way they could ever survive an interview. Is a white business owner racist when he won't hire a ghetto black? My point is you go into the city and you see so much ghetto attitude it's no wonder these people are stuck where they are.

My friend moved his business to Detroit 4 years ago. He just moved back to the suburbs because of the people in Detroit. Said he couldn't stand their bad attitudes.
He said he wasn't racist when he moved there but he is now. So what are us whites supposed to do when our experiences with blacks are always negative?

This is why I say blacks are going to have to change this behavior themselves. Poor black parents are going to have to do a better job. Young poor black kids are going to have to stop having kids until they can afford them.

It may be white racism that put blacks in that ghetto but it's blacks who decided to learn eubonics and have kids they won't raise right.

I'm sick and tired of arguing this and having you blacks come back and say things like, "worry about yourselves". Yes, poor white trash need to do better themselves too. That's why they too are stuck in poverty. It has nothing to do with racism.

People left Detroit because jobs left Detroit.

If you're sick go to a doctor. If you are tired then go take a nap. I don't know anybody black who learned ebonics. Nobody black in this forum speaks ebonics. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. You can't say it is not. When you turn black and live then you can come talk to me about how wrong I am. And we all can post pictures.

Whites have no room to be telling people what to do. And being told that seems to bother most of the whites here. So get something straight and embedded in your stupid white racist mind. Blacks are not the problem in this country. Whites are the majority. That means the majority of problems are caused by whites. Whites control the policy making process at every level. Any problems that result from those policies are the responsibility of the decision makers.

Rich whites have got away with all kinds of crimes and we see a prime example of that living in the white house. So since you are white work on telling other whites to change their behavior. I am black and I am telling your white ass from the perspective of living among blacks that you are talking about a very small number of blacks. Learn that black people know more about black people than your white --- does.

Then listen.

I call bullshit. Blacks like you aren’t experiencing any racism personally. Maybe you’ve experienced it in your life but so have I. And it doesn’t slow you down. And some of it might be just perceived or in a moment that didn’t really matter like when you’re out driving and you hear the n word. Big deal. You still live a good life and you figured it out.

So who I’m talking about are the people we see on shows like the first 48 hours. Those are real neighborhoods and real people. You can’t say tv is making that shit up. I wouldn’t be caught dead in one of those neighborhoods. And I lived in Detroit and my grandmother lived there till 2005. Pretty dangerous neighborhood. 6 and evergreen. So I know you know who I’m talking about when I talk about eubonics. Those people need to change their behavior. It’s not racism that white people dont want to move to where they have to deal with Those types.

Poor white people cant blame racism why can you?

What advice would you give a poor white person in a poor white neighborhood? You can have an opinion even though you’re black.

And I resent you calling me a racist just for thinking out loud and being completely unfiltered and honest.

I call you a racist because you consistently make racist comments. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. What you think about that conclusion doesn't matter. I've studied and worked on issues affecting blacks for the last 37 years and have lived as a black man for 58. So your opinion that denies racism because you don't have to face it is the opinion of a man with a paper asshole.

I can't give a poor white person advice. I don't understand why there are poor whites when the system is based on white racial preference. I do know what blacks have been denied, and those are things you don't want to admit exist. I understand the complete damage white racism causes. Things you say are bullshit. There are at least 40 million black people living with PTSD. I say that and whites like you hit the funny smiley. Yet what whites like you fail to understand is that every instance of racism we see or experience triggers the memory of the racism we have experienced. You do not have the first clue to how different blacks cope with it. You have no clue that positive and negatives coping mechanisms are used by blacks to deal with racism.

You call bullshit and that's another example of your ignorance pertaining to issues of race.

The thing about this is, while there may not be many who will openly support the KKK or show blatant overt racism, todays racism is done differently. So much of the opposition I get is due to people looking at how racism is done today by comparing them to how it was done in the past. You don't have to make signs saying no blacks allowed to advocate white supremacy anymore. You can go to stormfront, USMB, or other forums to congregate.

Modern racism, symbolic racism, symbolic prejudice, or racial resentment, are beliefs that reflect an underlying prejudice towards black and non-white people in the United States. The difference in modern racism than old time classic white racism is that the attacks focus on a groups culture. Modern racism is not face to face, it is primarily done online and in social media.

Aversive racism is a form of racism practiced today which is done in subtle and indirect ways. People who are aversive racists claim to be non racist while at the same time expressing negative feelings and beliefs about members of other races. It has also been called colorblind racism. However, since that term confuses some whites because they cannot understand why we can say they are colorblind and still be racist, we’ll stick with the term aversive racism. Regardless of it’s “softer” approach, aversive racism has resulted in significant and harmful consequences that parallel the effects of overt racism.

Notice the words in bold. You've done both.
I don’t deny racism.

If the root problem in poor black neighborhoods is racism, what’s the root problem in poor white neighborhoods?

The root cause of poverty in poor predominantly black neighborhoods is abandonment of black owned businesses and the lack of recirculation of black earned dollars when segregation was abolished.

The delusional belief that there was more honor in sitting side by side with white citizens in white owned public establishments that begrudgingly were forced to integrate, rather than in rallying black communities towards self reliance and financial independence after the laws of the land were changed in the 1960's, contributed just as much to poverty in some black communtities than an army of Klansmen.

Why do you think every mall in Detroit closed? Too much violence, shoplifting and thefts in the parking lots.

Do you expect whites to go to those malls like we once did?

Rich Blacks have the opportunity to step in and take over these malls but they don’t want to deal with the troubles either. You know what I’m talking about. The troublemakers who loiter and rob people in the parking lot or rob stores. Or occasionally shots are fired because someone disrespected someone.

And when given the chance to create your own clothing lines you come up with wearing pants around their ankles or they start wearing dashikis. Lol. That was a joke
So your advice to a poor black person on how to get out of poverty is going to be different than the advice you give a poor white?
Their reasons for poverty are different.

A doctor prescribes different medications for different patients even if/when exhibiting the same symptoms and/or outcomes.

Why? Because each case is different.

Same thing applies.
What are the reasons for poverty that are different?
Reasons for poverty:
1. Born into poverty.
2. Parents didn’t do a good job pre k.
3. Didn’t go to college/no education.
4. Location/lack of opportunities.
5. Having kids before a career
6. No skills
7. Unwilling to work
8. Don’t save/spend too much. Don’t make enough
i dont care anymore
im gonna get called a racist no matter how cosmopolitan or color blind i was

cry baby outdated fuckin farm equipment .....that what i think of all you ****** left wing commie rats
I have zero respect for you ****** slaves still stuck on the democratic plantation

go join your low iq jungle brothers in the third world where you belong and go kill some white people who ran out of gas
It be a nice change of pace instead of killing each other ...EH house boy



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You've demonstrated clearly that you don't care if accusations of racism are true or not.

THat means that you are wiling to see innocent people destroyed.

If that is not hate,then what is it?

I have a little time to spare, so I will humor your penchant for extreme drama.....for a moment or two.

What makes you think that I want to see innocent people "destroyed"?

Your refusal to even consider the possibility of false accusations of racism, while employing accusations of racism.

That is embracing the idea that false accusations made against innocent people will be treated as real, with often harsh consequences for the falsely accused.

That is extremely vile of you, and is a great way to FOSTER racism, and hatred and division.

What do "innocent" people have to do with you?

I'm not wasting a second here hating anyone. I say what I believe based on what I see. Nothing personal.

But if you wish to believe that what is said in this tiny forum causes hate and division, you're wrong. Most individuals just come here to say what they actually feel without any repercussions, and others come here to see just how demented others are......from a distance.

Whatever hate or division that existed, already did.

The actions I refer to, your actions in support of false accusations of racism, are not limited to you, but used daily by millions of lefties like yourself.

Seriously, it is not credible that you thought I was putting this all on your actions in this "tiny forum".

That was just you playing dumb, to try to dodge my point.

As with this entire thread, you do not "have a point".

Keep looking in the mirror. At some point in time it will be eye opening.

I carefully explained how I thought my answer addressed the question of the op.

You have said NOTHING to challenge that, except to call me racist, and to be an ass.

Ironically, by doing that, you demonstrated my point. As I pointed out many times, and your response was to just call me names.

Do YOU own any mirrors in your house, apartment or padded cell?
I have a little time to spare, so I will humor your penchant for extreme drama.....for a moment or two.

What makes you think that I want to see innocent people "destroyed"?

Your refusal to even consider the possibility of false accusations of racism, while employing accusations of racism.

That is embracing the idea that false accusations made against innocent people will be treated as real, with often harsh consequences for the falsely accused.

That is extremely vile of you, and is a great way to FOSTER racism, and hatred and division.

What do "innocent" people have to do with you?

I'm not wasting a second here hating anyone. I say what I believe based on what I see. Nothing personal.

But if you wish to believe that what is said in this tiny forum causes hate and division, you're wrong. Most individuals just come here to say what they actually feel without any repercussions, and others come here to see just how demented others are......from a distance.

Whatever hate or division that existed, already did.

The actions I refer to, your actions in support of false accusations of racism, are not limited to you, but used daily by millions of lefties like yourself.

Seriously, it is not credible that you thought I was putting this all on your actions in this "tiny forum".

That was just you playing dumb, to try to dodge my point.

As with this entire thread, you do not "have a point".

Keep looking in the mirror. At some point in time it will be eye opening.

I carefully explained how I thought my answer addressed the question of the op.

You have said NOTHING to challenge that, except to call me racist, and to be an ass.

Ironically, by doing that, you demonstrated my point. As I pointed out many times, and your response was to just call me names.

Do YOU own any mirrors in your house, apartment or padded cell?

Your were called names in response to name calling.

As far as the rest of your repetitious rambling, I have addressed it before, but what I told you went over your head.....numerous times.

Enough said.
Last edited:
ROFLMAO. Look what just oozed out from underneath the message board sewer.

I was for stopping racism long before you were even thought of being spit out, you worthless piece of
victimized, minimum wage trailer trash.

I've been to South Africa several times. Once before you were even born.

You should try to save a few nickles to rub together, so that maybe one day you can leave bumfuck Kentucky and go see the world, as opposed to sitting in your caretakers basement and reading fake news on the internet, then vomiting nonsense on public message boards.
I have no doubt you left your shithole in 3rd world California to travel for quite a while.

You wish that you lived in this state, a state with actual history and culture that goes back to the founding of this country. Your dump of a state will never have any connection with the country thanks to the Democrats destroying single city there.

No stupid, i would not live in Kentucky or most other southern states if they were the very last option available.

I would leave America first.

But I have been there....twice. To a Kentucky Derby, stayed at the Brown hotel, had a Hot Brown sandwich, went to Muhsmmad Ali's memorial in 2016.

And as far as the "culture" that's where I draw the line. Even though Ali put Lousisville on the map by eventually becoming the most famous athlete ever born there, when he returned from the Rome Olympics in 1960, he still was unapologetically refused service in a shithole greasy spoon.

He was treated better in Rome than he was in his own so called "hometown"

At one point, nearly 25% of white males owned slaves in Kentucky.

Kentucky is a good place "to be from".

And as for you, you could not even afford a studio apartment in the worst neighborhood in California.
You couldn't pay me a billion dollars to live in fucking California.

The vast majority of your state outside of a few rural wastelands is a fucking ghetto or will be a ghetto in 20 years.

Not only is every other person in California a certified retard in a state that glamourizes being a retard and feels threatened by intelligence, if you are white you basically have no one who will give a damn what happens to you because everyone in charge is a Democrat who literally believes oppressing white people is the way to "progress".

and BTW the reason why Ali is credited with "putting Louisville on the map" is because Americans are largely historically illiterate and consider fucking useless cities in the western US more important than a city that has existed since fucking 1778 and named after the fucking king that allowed this country to be formed because we wouldn't have won the Revolutionary war without his cooperation. What the fuck does the dump you live in have to compare to that? Nothing. California is the shitstain of this country.

Newsflash Moron:

Existing since 1778 and being a state filled with poverty ridden trash in 2019, is no badge of honor.

*California as a state is ranked in the top 10 states in America as far as median household wealth.

*Kentucky ranks in 32nd place out of 50 states.

*The average annual income in Kentucky is less than 30k annually. In California you would be homeless earning that kind of money.

California is a great place to live for college educated, upwardly mobile people, and is also home to some of the brightest minds in America.

The policies that that have been in place AFTER dumbass Reagan granted amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants have made the state even better.

As far as "white people being oppresed" here, how the fuck could affluent cities like San Francisco, San Diego, and much of Los Angeles even exist if white people were as "oppressed" as you claim?

We don't need or want anymore uneducated, minimum wage leeches like you coming here sponging off of the people who actually contribute to one of the best states in America.

I agree that you should stay in Kentucky. You probably have to, because you can't afford to go anywhere else.

You will likely live your final years in a rundown trailer park somewhere in Appalachia.....not too far from where you already are.
I can drive all over Louisville and most of the county and never see one trailer park. You don’t know shit about this city.

There are some ghettos in the inner city though.

I know enough about your city to know that it is a good place to be "from".

If you can drive all over your "county" and not see a single trailer park, then you're obviously in a coma or have on blinders.
People left Detroit because jobs left Detroit.

If you're sick go to a doctor. If you are tired then go take a nap. I don't know anybody black who learned ebonics. Nobody black in this forum speaks ebonics. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. You can't say it is not. When you turn black and live then you can come talk to me about how wrong I am. And we all can post pictures.

Whites have no room to be telling people what to do. And being told that seems to bother most of the whites here. So get something straight and embedded in your stupid white racist mind. Blacks are not the problem in this country. Whites are the majority. That means the majority of problems are caused by whites. Whites control the policy making process at every level. Any problems that result from those policies are the responsibility of the decision makers.

Rich whites have got away with all kinds of crimes and we see a prime example of that living in the white house. So since you are white work on telling other whites to change their behavior. I am black and I am telling your white ass from the perspective of living among blacks that you are talking about a very small number of blacks. Learn that black people know more about black people than your white --- does.

Then listen.

I call bullshit. Blacks like you aren’t experiencing any racism personally. Maybe you’ve experienced it in your life but so have I. And it doesn’t slow you down. And some of it might be just perceived or in a moment that didn’t really matter like when you’re out driving and you hear the n word. Big deal. You still live a good life and you figured it out.

So who I’m talking about are the people we see on shows like the first 48 hours. Those are real neighborhoods and real people. You can’t say tv is making that shit up. I wouldn’t be caught dead in one of those neighborhoods. And I lived in Detroit and my grandmother lived there till 2005. Pretty dangerous neighborhood. 6 and evergreen. So I know you know who I’m talking about when I talk about eubonics. Those people need to change their behavior. It’s not racism that white people dont want to move to where they have to deal with Those types.

Poor white people cant blame racism why can you?

What advice would you give a poor white person in a poor white neighborhood? You can have an opinion even though you’re black.

And I resent you calling me a racist just for thinking out loud and being completely unfiltered and honest.

I call you a racist because you consistently make racist comments. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. What you think about that conclusion doesn't matter. I've studied and worked on issues affecting blacks for the last 37 years and have lived as a black man for 58. So your opinion that denies racism because you don't have to face it is the opinion of a man with a paper asshole.

I can't give a poor white person advice. I don't understand why there are poor whites when the system is based on white racial preference. I do know what blacks have been denied, and those are things you don't want to admit exist. I understand the complete damage white racism causes. Things you say are bullshit. There are at least 40 million black people living with PTSD. I say that and whites like you hit the funny smiley. Yet what whites like you fail to understand is that every instance of racism we see or experience triggers the memory of the racism we have experienced. You do not have the first clue to how different blacks cope with it. You have no clue that positive and negatives coping mechanisms are used by blacks to deal with racism.

You call bullshit and that's another example of your ignorance pertaining to issues of race.

The thing about this is, while there may not be many who will openly support the KKK or show blatant overt racism, todays racism is done differently. So much of the opposition I get is due to people looking at how racism is done today by comparing them to how it was done in the past. You don't have to make signs saying no blacks allowed to advocate white supremacy anymore. You can go to stormfront, USMB, or other forums to congregate.

Modern racism, symbolic racism, symbolic prejudice, or racial resentment, are beliefs that reflect an underlying prejudice towards black and non-white people in the United States. The difference in modern racism than old time classic white racism is that the attacks focus on a groups culture. Modern racism is not face to face, it is primarily done online and in social media.

Aversive racism is a form of racism practiced today which is done in subtle and indirect ways. People who are aversive racists claim to be non racist while at the same time expressing negative feelings and beliefs about members of other races. It has also been called colorblind racism. However, since that term confuses some whites because they cannot understand why we can say they are colorblind and still be racist, we’ll stick with the term aversive racism. Regardless of it’s “softer” approach, aversive racism has resulted in significant and harmful consequences that parallel the effects of overt racism.

Notice the words in bold. You've done both.
I don’t deny racism.

If the root problem in poor black neighborhoods is racism, what’s the root problem in poor white neighborhoods?

The root cause of poverty in poor predominantly black neighborhoods is abandonment of black owned businesses and the lack of recirculation of black earned dollars when segregation was abolished.

The delusional belief that there was more honor in sitting side by side with white citizens in white owned public establishments that begrudgingly were forced to integrate, rather than in rallying black communities towards self reliance and financial independence after the laws of the land were changed in the 1960's, contributed just as much to poverty in some black communtities than an army of Klansmen.

Are blacks not at all responsible for making themselves self reliant?

Most black people who make it out of the ghetto don’t go back and they give the people living in those ghettos the same advice I’m giving.

Blacks remind me of Israel Jews. They refuse to budge one inch on the blame for their situation with the Palestinians. It’s 100% not their fault and to suggest it is anti Semitic aka racist.

You apparently missed my point. I stated in so many words, that as opposed to being more supportive of black owned businesses after desegregation, that there was not enough focus by black citizens on creating
self reliant communities to allow black businesses to survive, and defecting to white owned establishments took black earned dollars out of black communities.
Your refusal to even consider the possibility of false accusations of racism, while employing accusations of racism.

That is embracing the idea that false accusations made against innocent people will be treated as real, with often harsh consequences for the falsely accused.

That is extremely vile of you, and is a great way to FOSTER racism, and hatred and division.

What do "innocent" people have to do with you?

I'm not wasting a second here hating anyone. I say what I believe based on what I see. Nothing personal.

But if you wish to believe that what is said in this tiny forum causes hate and division, you're wrong. Most individuals just come here to say what they actually feel without any repercussions, and others come here to see just how demented others are......from a distance.

Whatever hate or division that existed, already did.

The actions I refer to, your actions in support of false accusations of racism, are not limited to you, but used daily by millions of lefties like yourself.

Seriously, it is not credible that you thought I was putting this all on your actions in this "tiny forum".

That was just you playing dumb, to try to dodge my point.

As with this entire thread, you do not "have a point".

Keep looking in the mirror. At some point in time it will be eye opening.

I carefully explained how I thought my answer addressed the question of the op.

You have said NOTHING to challenge that, except to call me racist, and to be an ass.

Ironically, by doing that, you demonstrated my point. As I pointed out many times, and your response was to just call me names.

Do YOU own any mirrors in your house, apartment or padded cell?

Your were called names in response to name calling.

As far as the rest of your repetitious rambling, I have addressed it before, but what I told you went over your head.....numerous times.

Enough said.

Probably not. You leftards generally are so deluded, that you think calling someone one of the most reviled names in our culture, is a debating point.

So, what probably happened is that you vilely insulted me, and when I responded appropriately, you were like,

What do "innocent" people have to do with you?

I'm not wasting a second here hating anyone. I say what I believe based on what I see. Nothing personal.

But if you wish to believe that what is said in this tiny forum causes hate and division, you're wrong. Most individuals just come here to say what they actually feel without any repercussions, and others come here to see just how demented others are......from a distance.

Whatever hate or division that existed, already did.

The actions I refer to, your actions in support of false accusations of racism, are not limited to you, but used daily by millions of lefties like yourself.

Seriously, it is not credible that you thought I was putting this all on your actions in this "tiny forum".

That was just you playing dumb, to try to dodge my point.

As with this entire thread, you do not "have a point".

Keep looking in the mirror. At some point in time it will be eye opening.

I carefully explained how I thought my answer addressed the question of the op.

You have said NOTHING to challenge that, except to call me racist, and to be an ass.

Ironically, by doing that, you demonstrated my point. As I pointed out many times, and your response was to just call me names.

Do YOU own any mirrors in your house, apartment or padded cell?

Your were called names in response to name calling.

As far as the rest of your repetitious rambling, I have addressed it before, but what I told you went over your head.....numerous times.

Enough said.

Probably not. You leftards generally are so deluded, that you think calling someone one of the most reviled names in our culture, is a debating point.

So, what probably happened is that you vilely insulted me, and when I responded appropriately, you were like,


Probably so. You were called names in response to your own name calling......but you hypersensitive wingnuts typically have your heads so far up your own asses, that this is what happens when someone responds:

8e5 (1).jpg
What are the reasons for poverty that are different?
Dr. Paul Essien stated it best...

How did I benefit from racism?
I think I made my point but here at usmb people are never wrong or will never admit the other person is making valid points. Too easy to say I’m a racist when that is not my intent. Or to suggest I deny racism is a problem when I don’t. I just don’t believe it’s black peoples number one problem. Not ven close. Take you for example. In your life personally right now what is your number one problem? I bet it ain’t racism.

Im2 always wants to fall back on the fact white people arent perfect but there’s no denying poor black neighborhoods are way more dire than poor white neighborhoods. To deny it is insane. I’ve been binge watching the last 48. Those are real detectives in real cities in America. Real suspects. Real victims. Real witnesses or I didn’t see Nothins. Mostly black. Show me any black group who says the first 48 is misrepresenting the black community.

Also, bad white communities don’t blame their problems on racism. You claim their problems are different. Explain. Or tell me what advic you would give the poor whites. Humor me.

Every comeback you comeback with is a yea but. Forget the buts.

Poor blacks suffer the same problems poor whites suffer except for blacks have it way worse. That does not change the fact that the advice given is the same advice regardless.

For example they examine how black women raise their kids compared to how white women do and it’s not racist to say white women do a better job overall. Statistically. Don’t you think this would be a good thing to inform young black mothers? That the vocabulary that they use with the child pre k makes a huge difference on sat scores.
What are the reasons for poverty that are different?
Dr. Paul Essien stated it best...

How did I benefit from racism?

Here’s another thing that’s not fair but is it racism? It’s more white privilege. We have a cousin who graduated 2 years ago from University of Michigan and couldn’t find a good corporate gig. My brother, someone he knows, got him an intern at his company. Many blacks don’t have these connections.

I’m not trying to be a dick about this. And y’all need to stop with this calling people racist for wanting to have this conversation. I’m not a racist. I admit all the things you say are true.

One of the things some of you say needs to be done is black owned businesses. That’s something that blacks are going to have to do from the ground up. Don’t expect white investors. The first problem those black business owners are going to have to deal with is the cost of security. This is why many department stores closed in Detroit. Stores had to hire security guards. That and shoplifting ate up any profits.
The actions I refer to, your actions in support of false accusations of racism, are not limited to you, but used daily by millions of lefties like yourself.

Seriously, it is not credible that you thought I was putting this all on your actions in this "tiny forum".

That was just you playing dumb, to try to dodge my point.

As with this entire thread, you do not "have a point".

Keep looking in the mirror. At some point in time it will be eye opening.

I carefully explained how I thought my answer addressed the question of the op.

You have said NOTHING to challenge that, except to call me racist, and to be an ass.

Ironically, by doing that, you demonstrated my point. As I pointed out many times, and your response was to just call me names.

Do YOU own any mirrors in your house, apartment or padded cell?

Your were called names in response to name calling.

As far as the rest of your repetitious rambling, I have addressed it before, but what I told you went over your head.....numerous times.

Enough said.

Probably not. You leftards generally are so deluded, that you think calling someone one of the most reviled names in our culture, is a debating point.

So, what probably happened is that you vilely insulted me, and when I responded appropriately, you were like,


Probably so. You were called names in response to your own name calling......but you hypersensitive wingnuts typically have your heads so far up your own asses, that this is what happens when someone responds:

View attachment 263104

Responding to some one being an asshole, but calling them out of their asshole behavior, is not "butthurt" but a normal, healthy response.

That you pretend otherwise, is just you being a dishonest prick.
I'm not going to sit and watch some random bearded redneck talk for 10 minutes. If you want me to care about what he has to say then give me a synopsis. If it sounds interesting, then I might be interested in investing my time towards his opinions.

Anyway, the best way to end racism is nationalism. Gays, blacks, hispanics, whites. If everyone is proud to live under a single banner, they will be able to bond easier. I am close friends with a black coworker. She's a die-hard liberal that HATES Trump and I'm a strong conservative that loves him. The reason we get along to so well is because we bond over Christianity and our desire to help others. We just see the world through different lenses and know this. Because of that, even though we have completely different political view points, we can still respect and trust each other.

All you need to find is one (maybe 2) common grounds and strengthen that resolve to the point where racism becomes a back seat opinion that can eventually fade away in a few generations. Something we all have in common is that we all live in the USA. If we're all able to forgive the crimes of past Americans and strive to make the USA a better place for ALL Americans through nationalism, then that can be a common ground for all races living in the USA to bond over. Some Alabama patriotic redneck with a MAGA hat is more likely to bond with a black person wearing an American flag T-shirt and open carrying, rather than hate on him.

However, that's just a hypothetical solution I believe will work. I'm not going to go around advocating for the federal government to push this agenda.

Of course, another solution would be for BLM to start pushing MLK's dream of judging people by character and not by skin color. That way, when another black teenager gets shot attacking a cop or Hispanic neighborhood watch guard, they should condemn the kids for attacking authority figures rather than revering them as martyrs. Rap music stop praising drugs, sex, and violence. Once urban communities idolize morality over vice, other communities will open their arms and want to welcome them.

Another white racist misquoting King. King did not say anything about ignoring racism so whites can feel good. And spare us the lecture about morality white... When whites like you begin acting morally come talk.
I can see why Silver Blooded's post would piss you off.

I got a little annoyed by this part:
That way, when another black teenager gets shot attacking a cop or Hispanic neighborhood watch guard, they should condemn the kids for attacking authority figures rather than revering them as martyrs.
The kid still died and a lot of people didn't seem to give a shit, including myself (which is a fault I failed to address in myself). What teenager respects authority? Should that be a death sentence? Why did Zimmerman get NOTHING? (that's a different issue, but still would rightly raise suspicion).

I also got annoyed with this part:
Rap music stop praising drugs, sex, and violence. Once urban communities idolize morality over vice, other communities will open their arms and want to welcome them.
Anyone who ever really listened to the hard "gangster" rap knows it was not really praising violence, but giving an outlet for anger felt by many black folks at injustice.

I was a teen when NWA released Straight Outta Compton so, of course, I listened to it...a lot. Sure, it had a bunch of violent messages about guns and murder and all that crap, but it was really a somewhat healthy expression of anger that many white kids like me heard. I never had the sudden desire to grab a gun a commit murder. I started having a better understanding the lives and struggles of young black men. I suspect a lot of other white kids heard that message, and didn't suddenly become violent, sex-crazed druggies. How can that be a bad thing. I would ask Silver Blooded to take a much closer look at other forms of music to recognize his hypocrisy.

Silver Blooded did make a good point about unity being an avenue to reduce racism (I don't think we can ever end racism). You see that proved in the military and in team sports. Teammates become brothers, regardless of race or background. The mutual goal of the team makes every team member's efforts important and valued (especially in the military, where lives of team members matter to the whole). Although Silver Blooded failed to address it and misappropriated Dr. King's message, he unwittingly did state a message that Dr. King advocated.


Was unity not a key component of Dr. King's message?

Well that's a bad attitude to have. I'm not saying it's completely unjustified but how do you know if it's racism keeping inner city blacks down when they look like this?


I'm not saying racism doesn't happen to good blacks I'm just talking about these
Well that's a bad attitude to have. I'm not saying it's completely unjustified but how do you know if it's racism keeping inner city blacks down when they look like this?


I'm not saying racism doesn't happen to good blacks I'm just talking about these inner city hoods where you see the people are so ghetto there is no way they could ever survive an interview. Is a white business owner racist when he won't hire a ghetto black? My point is you go into the city and you see so much ghetto attitude it's no wonder these people are stuck where they are.

My friend moved his business to Detroit 4 years ago. He just moved back to the suburbs because of the people in Detroit. Said he couldn't stand their bad attitudes.
He said he wasn't racist when he moved there but he is now. So what are us whites supposed to do when our experiences with blacks are always negative?

This is why I say blacks are going to have to change this behavior themselves. Poor black parents are going to have to do a better job. Young poor black kids are going to have to stop having kids until they can afford them.

It may be white racism that put blacks in that ghetto but it's blacks who decided to learn eubonics and have kids they won't raise right.

I'm sick and tired of arguing this and having you blacks come back and say things like, "worry about yourselves". Yes, poor white trash need to do better themselves too. That's why they too are stuck in poverty. It has nothing to do with racism.

People left Detroit because jobs left Detroit.

If you're sick go to a doctor. If you are tired then go take a nap. I don't know anybody black who learned ebonics. Nobody black in this forum speaks ebonics. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. You can't say it is not. When you turn black and live then you can come talk to me about how wrong I am. And we all can post pictures.

Whites have no room to be telling people what to do. And being told that seems to bother most of the whites here. So get something straight and embedded in your stupid white racist mind. Blacks are not the problem in this country. Whites are the majority. That means the majority of problems are caused by whites. Whites control the policy making process at every level. Any problems that result from those policies are the responsibility of the decision makers.

Rich whites have got away with all kinds of crimes and we see a prime example of that living in the white house. So since you are white work on telling other whites to change their behavior. I am black and I am telling your white ass from the perspective of living among blacks that you are talking about a very small number of blacks. Learn that black people know more about black people than your white --- does.

Then listen.

I call bullshit. Blacks like you aren’t experiencing any racism personally. Maybe you’ve experienced it in your life but so have I. And it doesn’t slow you down. And some of it might be just perceived or in a moment that didn’t really matter like when you’re out driving and you hear the n word. Big deal. You still live a good life and you figured it out.

So who I’m talking about are the people we see on shows like the first 48 hours. Those are real neighborhoods and real people. You can’t say tv is making that shit up. I wouldn’t be caught dead in one of those neighborhoods. And I lived in Detroit and my grandmother lived there till 2005. Pretty dangerous neighborhood. 6 and evergreen. So I know you know who I’m talking about when I talk about eubonics. Those people need to change their behavior. It’s not racism that white people dont want to move to where they have to deal with Those types.

Poor white people cant blame racism why can you?

What advice would you give a poor white person in a poor white neighborhood? You can have an opinion even though you’re black.

And I resent you calling me a racist just for thinking out loud and being completely unfiltered and honest.

I call you a racist because you consistently make racist comments. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. What you think about that conclusion doesn't matter. I've studied and worked on issues affecting blacks for the last 37 years and have lived as a black man for 58. So your opinion that denies racism because you don't have to face it is the opinion of a man with a paper asshole.

I can't give a poor white person advice. I don't understand why there are poor whites when the system is based on white racial preference. I do know what blacks have been denied, and those are things you don't want to admit exist. I understand the complete damage white racism causes. Things you say are bullshit. There are at least 40 million black people living with PTSD. I say that and whites like you hit the funny smiley. Yet what whites like you fail to understand is that every instance of racism we see or experience triggers the memory of the racism we have experienced. You do not have the first clue to how different blacks cope with it. You have no clue that positive and negatives coping mechanisms are used by blacks to deal with racism.

You call bullshit and that's another example of your ignorance pertaining to issues of race.

The thing about this is, while there may not be many who will openly support the KKK or show blatant overt racism, todays racism is done differently. So much of the opposition I get is due to people looking at how racism is done today by comparing them to how it was done in the past. You don't have to make signs saying no blacks allowed to advocate white supremacy anymore. You can go to stormfront, USMB, or other forums to congregate.

Modern racism, symbolic racism, symbolic prejudice, or racial resentment, are beliefs that reflect an underlying prejudice towards black and non-white people in the United States. The difference in modern racism than old time classic white racism is that the attacks focus on a groups culture. Modern racism is not face to face, it is primarily done online and in social media.

Aversive racism is a form of racism practiced today which is done in subtle and indirect ways. People who are aversive racists claim to be non racist while at the same time expressing negative feelings and beliefs about members of other races. It has also been called colorblind racism. However, since that term confuses some whites because they cannot understand why we can say they are colorblind and still be racist, we’ll stick with the term aversive racism. Regardless of it’s “softer” approach, aversive racism has resulted in significant and harmful consequences that parallel the effects of overt racism.

Notice the words in bold. You've done both.
I don’t deny racism.

If the root problem in poor black neighborhoods is racism, what’s the root problem in poor white neighborhoods?

The root cause of poverty in poor predominantly black neighborhoods is abandonment of black owned businesses and the lack of recirculation of black earned dollars when segregation was abolished.

The delusional belief that there was more honor in sitting side by side with white citizens in white owned public establishments that begrudgingly were forced to integrate, rather than in rallying black communities towards self reliance and financial independence after the laws of the land were changed in the 1960's, contributed just as much to poverty in some black communtities than an army of Klansmen.

This was part of it, but why I say the root cause is white racism is that blacks were excluded from some industries by law and segregated education meant segregated learning materials. Malcolm X was not wrong when he talked about controlling the economy of your community and if there was one mistake King made was not being more focused on economics.

However if blacks did not have equal protection under the law, economic progress would have been weak. After all, blacks are still trying to rebuild the Greenwood district in Tulsa even after everybody knows that a white riot based on no reason is what destroyed that community.

Sealybobo, name a time when whites have been self reliant. Even today whites are rich because non whites spent money with them. In Detroit there are over 32,000 black businesses and 347,000 businesses. How much money do YOU spend in black owned businesses? We spend our money with whites then have to listen to whites talking about somebody being self reliant.
I'm not going to sit and watch some random bearded redneck talk for 10 minutes. If you want me to care about what he has to say then give me a synopsis. If it sounds interesting, then I might be interested in investing my time towards his opinions.

Anyway, the best way to end racism is nationalism. Gays, blacks, hispanics, whites. If everyone is proud to live under a single banner, they will be able to bond easier. I am close friends with a black coworker. She's a die-hard liberal that HATES Trump and I'm a strong conservative that loves him. The reason we get along to so well is because we bond over Christianity and our desire to help others. We just see the world through different lenses and know this. Because of that, even though we have completely different political view points, we can still respect and trust each other.

All you need to find is one (maybe 2) common grounds and strengthen that resolve to the point where racism becomes a back seat opinion that can eventually fade away in a few generations. Something we all have in common is that we all live in the USA. If we're all able to forgive the crimes of past Americans and strive to make the USA a better place for ALL Americans through nationalism, then that can be a common ground for all races living in the USA to bond over. Some Alabama patriotic redneck with a MAGA hat is more likely to bond with a black person wearing an American flag T-shirt and open carrying, rather than hate on him.

However, that's just a hypothetical solution I believe will work. I'm not going to go around advocating for the federal government to push this agenda.

Of course, another solution would be for BLM to start pushing MLK's dream of judging people by character and not by skin color. That way, when another black teenager gets shot attacking a cop or Hispanic neighborhood watch guard, they should condemn the kids for attacking authority figures rather than revering them as martyrs. Rap music stop praising drugs, sex, and violence. Once urban communities idolize morality over vice, other communities will open their arms and want to welcome them.

Another white racist misquoting King. King did not say anything about ignoring racism so whites can feel good. And spare us the lecture about morality white... When whites like you begin acting morally come talk.
I can see why Silver Blooded's post would piss you off.

I got a little annoyed by this part:
That way, when another black teenager gets shot attacking a cop or Hispanic neighborhood watch guard, they should condemn the kids for attacking authority figures rather than revering them as martyrs.
The kid still died and a lot of people didn't seem to give a shit, including myself (which is a fault I failed to address in myself). What teenager respects authority? Should that be a death sentence? Why did Zimmerman get NOTHING? (that's a different issue, but still would rightly raise suspicion).

I also got annoyed with this part:
Rap music stop praising drugs, sex, and violence. Once urban communities idolize morality over vice, other communities will open their arms and want to welcome them.
Anyone who ever really listened to the hard "gangster" rap knows it was not really praising violence, but giving an outlet for anger felt by many black folks at injustice.

I was a teen when NWA released Straight Outta Compton so, of course, I listened to it...a lot. Sure, it had a bunch of violent messages about guns and murder and all that crap, but it was really a somewhat healthy expression of anger that many white kids like me heard. I never had the sudden desire to grab a gun a commit murder. I started having a better understanding the lives and struggles of young black men. I suspect a lot of other white kids heard that message, and didn't suddenly become violent, sex-crazed druggies. How can that be a bad thing. I would ask Silver Blooded to take a much closer look at other forms of music to recognize his hypocrisy.

Silver Blooded did make a good point about unity being an avenue to reduce racism (I don't think we can ever end racism). You see that proved in the military and in team sports. Teammates become brothers, regardless of race or background. The mutual goal of the team makes every team member's efforts important and valued (especially in the military, where lives of team members matter to the whole). Although Silver Blooded failed to address it and misappropriated Dr. King's message, he unwittingly did state a message that Dr. King advocated.


Was unity not a key component of Dr. King's message?


Unity means that everyones experience is respected. Unity cannot happen by white terms only. Things have been done by whites that have caused great damage which are unfixed. For us to demand these things get fixed causes the white lecture about how we are the ones wanting division.
Unity means that everyones experience is respected. Unity cannot happen by white terms only. Things have been done by whites that have caused great damage which are unfixed. For us to demand these things get fixed causes the white lecture about how we are the ones wanting division.
I don't disagree. I am just saying that unity was the message and unity is one of the solutions.

How we get there is a different issue.
Unity means that everyones experience is respected. Unity cannot happen by white terms only. Things have been done by whites that have caused great damage which are unfixed. For us to demand these things get fixed causes the white lecture about how we are the ones wanting division.
I don't disagree. I am just saying that unity was the message and unity is one of the solutions.

How we get there is a different issue.


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