What's The Best Way To Fight and/or Stop Racism?

Does anyone really expect to be taken seriously citing Wikipedia as a source?
Who do you cite?

A legitimate source relevant to the topic, of course. Wiki is for lazy children.

I'm not providing you idiots with a link anymore. You never like my sources. So, go find your your sources. For example I just told a guy 28 people died in Anchorage Alaska last year. He asked for a link. I will not provide him one because if he's like you he will just blow off my number because he chooses not to like the source. So, he should go use his own internet sources and if he can find a number that is not 28, come here and show me. Then we can find out who's source is wrong and who's is right.

He is denying normal human behavior, ie generalizing and first impressions, and demanding that I provide a source to support their existence.

HE doesn't provide anything other than some snark to support HIS position, of course.
Nothing that you have stated has been "dodged"....because you've SAID nothing, therefore I have nothing to defend, unlike you, who is defending how angry you are, at my calling you a name.

IN RESPONSE, to your own name calling.

You were dismissed about 100 posts ago, but are still here.

i pointed out the way that people like you, use false accusations of racism, and predicted that you would do so, and then you demonstrated my point, several times.

That is a point, and your insults is just your way of dodging it.

You never had a point. And I predicted/knew that you would squeal like a swine in a slaughterhouse when I turned your own insult, name calling tactics on you.

Read the thread further, I'm not the only one here who referred to you as the racist that you are.

Cry foul to your hearts content. It is what it is.

Except that I did have a point, and you did demonstrate it.

I've admitted that I find your insults, insulting, D'uh And that I respond appropriately, with the difference that my insults to you, are actually true, while the ones that you spew from your face anus are complete shit.

Duh....of course you find my insults to be insulting, because the most bitter pill that a delusional, racist asshat is forced to swallow is THE TRUTH. That's thr only REAL point here.

And you continue to prove it for me....and will keep doing so, because you can't help it.

In turn, I don't take anything that you say personally, nor do I take offense to it, because you are emotionally handicapped.

You say that I "prove" your accusation that I am "racist" that it is such an obvious "truth"...

BUt when I challenge you to back it up with anything, you just spout more insults and accusations.

Watch, as I have done before, and will do so again. I will make you demonstrate MY point, AGAIN.

So, fucktard, it I so often prove your case, then show me/us an example of saying or doing anything "Racist".

That was a rhetorical demand, because I know that you cannot do it and indeed, won't even try.

Why would I waste a second pointing out the obvious to "you"?.....and as far as "us" goes, I'm not the only one here who has the same view of you, ask someone who is willing to spoon feed you, to act as your therapist.

Read your own posts without your blinders on, asshole.

You might learn something.
Does anyone really expect to be taken seriously citing Wikipedia as a source?
Who do you cite?

A legitimate source relevant to the topic, of course. Wiki is for lazy children.

I'm not providing you idiots with a link anymore. You never like my sources. So, go find your your sources. For example I just told a guy 28 people died in Anchorage Alaska last year. He asked for a link. I will not provide him one because if he's like you he will just blow off my number because he chooses not to like the source. So, he should go use his own internet sources and if he can find a number that is not 28, come here and show me. Then we can find out who's source is wrong and who's is right.

He is denying normal human behavior,.....

Your racist behavior is not "normal," for a reasonably intelligent adult.
It's funny how the whites in this thread propose solutions that do not involve them doing anything about their racism. Their whole thing is that we ignore and be silent about their racism and they'll stop being racists. And this is what we are expected to believe.
Does anyone really expect to be taken seriously citing Wikipedia as a source?
Who do you cite?

A legitimate source relevant to the topic, of course. Wiki is for lazy children.

I'm not providing you idiots with a link anymore. You never like my sources. So, go find your your sources. For example I just told a guy 28 people died in Anchorage Alaska last year. He asked for a link. I will not provide him one because if he's like you he will just blow off my number because he chooses not to like the source. So, he should go use his own internet sources and if he can find a number that is not 28, come here and show me. Then we can find out who's source is wrong and who's is right.
You made the assertion so it is up to you to prove it's true.
It's funny how the whites in this thread propose solutions that do not involve them doing anything about their racism. Their whole thing is that we ignore and be silent about their racism and they'll stop being racists. And this is what we are expected to believe.
I'm not racist so I don't have to do a damn thing to fix your problem. I do find it weird that when I'm in the tv room on a college campus trying to watch tv and a group of people talking at the top of their lungs come into the room they are always black. It isn't racism if it's true.

There are plenty of examples for you blacks to follow that have made it good without relying on handouts. Follow their examples instead of calling them names.
i pointed out the way that people like you, use false accusations of racism, and predicted that you would do so, and then you demonstrated my point, several times.

That is a point, and your insults is just your way of dodging it.

You never had a point. And I predicted/knew that you would squeal like a swine in a slaughterhouse when I turned your own insult, name calling tactics on you.

Read the thread further, I'm not the only one here who referred to you as the racist that you are.

Cry foul to your hearts content. It is what it is.

Except that I did have a point, and you did demonstrate it.

I've admitted that I find your insults, insulting, D'uh And that I respond appropriately, with the difference that my insults to you, are actually true, while the ones that you spew from your face anus are complete shit.

Duh....of course you find my insults to be insulting, because the most bitter pill that a delusional, racist asshat is forced to swallow is THE TRUTH. That's thr only REAL point here.

And you continue to prove it for me....and will keep doing so, because you can't help it.

In turn, I don't take anything that you say personally, nor do I take offense to it, because you are emotionally handicapped.

You say that I "prove" your accusation that I am "racist" that it is such an obvious "truth"...

BUt when I challenge you to back it up with anything, you just spout more insults and accusations.

Watch, as I have done before, and will do so again. I will make you demonstrate MY point, AGAIN.

So, fucktard, it I so often prove your case, then show me/us an example of saying or doing anything "Racist".

That was a rhetorical demand, because I know that you cannot do it and indeed, won't even try.

Why would I waste a second pointing out the obvious to "you"?.....and as far as "us" goes, I'm not the only one here who has the same view of you, ask someone who is willing to spoon feed you, to act as your therapist.

Read your own posts without your blinders on, asshole.

You might learn something.

You say that my behavior is obvious, but when I call you on that, and predict that you will not be able to support your accusation, and will instead just spout insults,

you instead of supporting your accusation, instead just spout more insults.

Dude, I've lost count of the number of times, that you have demonstrated my point, ie, that people like YOU, you vile race baiter, are the ones tearing this country apart and fostering hatred and division.
Does anyone really expect to be taken seriously citing Wikipedia as a source?
Who do you cite?

A legitimate source relevant to the topic, of course. Wiki is for lazy children.

I'm not providing you idiots with a link anymore. You never like my sources. So, go find your your sources. For example I just told a guy 28 people died in Anchorage Alaska last year. He asked for a link. I will not provide him one because if he's like you he will just blow off my number because he chooses not to like the source. So, he should go use his own internet sources and if he can find a number that is not 28, come here and show me. Then we can find out who's source is wrong and who's is right.

He is denying normal human behavior,.....

Your racist behavior is not "normal," for a reasonably intelligent adult.

There is nothing racist about my behavior, and it is completely normal for all people, intelligent or not, adult or not.

Your ignorance of this topic, is pretty shocking. You should really read up on the topic.

And while you, and people like you, are in a swoon, because of concerns about semantics, people are dying, and the reasons, don't even get discussed, let along addressed.

Good job.
Does anyone really expect to be taken seriously citing Wikipedia as a source?
Who do you cite?

A legitimate source relevant to the topic, of course. Wiki is for lazy children.

I'm not providing you idiots with a link anymore. You never like my sources. So, go find your your sources. For example I just told a guy 28 people died in Anchorage Alaska last year. He asked for a link. I will not provide him one because if he's like you he will just blow off my number because he chooses not to like the source. So, he should go use his own internet sources and if he can find a number that is not 28, come here and show me. Then we can find out who's source is wrong and who's is right.

He is denying normal human behavior,.....

Your racist behavior is not "normal," for a reasonably intelligent adult.
Your behavior is not normal. You're the weirdest asshole on USMB. You never answer questions, you troll, you're a dick. And a tattle tale.
Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"


Russian troll

Secret documents show Russian plot to stoke racial violence in America

Republicans love stoking racial tensions. It gets blacks to stay home and it gets whites to show up. We see how effective it was for Trump to call Mexican's murderers and rapists. That's how you have to talk to deplorables.
using socialism to correct for capitalism's, inequality.
True. Like if the oil companies are gouging us, maybe we nationalize them. If the healthcare giants are gouging us and denying people coverage, maybe we socialize medicine.

We the People are the boss. Corporations are allowed to do business in this country.

But over the years corporations have taken over. The best Republicans can say is they own both parties, which is true. The only thing us citizens can do is vote out the bums who serve corporations over people.

Big Business Keeps Winning at the Supreme Court
While the nation was focused on big, controversial cases, corporate America was quietly racking up a remarkable string of victories in the high court this term.

JUL 2, 2018
Most Americans pay attention to the Court only when it decides hot-button social or political issues like marriage equality, abortion, and immigration. As is often the case, however, this term the Court’s docket was packed with under-the-radar disputes with broad implications for business and the economy. So while Americans were debating whether the liberals or conservatives were winning, corporations and business interests were spending enormous resources to be sure that they came out once again on top.
Big Business Keeps Winning at the Supreme Court
It's funny how the whites in this thread propose solutions that do not involve them doing anything about their racism. Their whole thing is that we ignore and be silent about their racism and they'll stop being racists. And this is what we are expected to believe.
You said that with a straight face ??? What about black racism, is it a myth or real ??

What if black racism today is driving white racism today ? Ever think about that one ??

Acting as if there is only one side with a problem is highly disengenious.

Stoking the flames of racism is an unforgivable sin, and the Demon-crats are up to their eyeballs in it these days.

Sure there was racism back in the day, and it was driven by certain forces on either side at any given time, but as does everything the times do change, and the excuses change, and the voices change.

There is nothing racist about my behavior, and it is completely normal for all people, intelligent or not, adult or not.


Of course you want to tell yourself that your weaknesses and failings are "normal," but they aren't. A certain type of block-head needs to believe the rest of the world is just as bone-stupid as they are. The perfect mindlessness for a liberal.

And while you, and people like you, are in a swoon, because of concerns about semantics, people are dying, and the reasons, don't even get discussed, let along addressed.

Good job.

Oh, I'm sorry! What exactly are you doing to improve anything for anyone?
Who do you cite?

A legitimate source relevant to the topic, of course. Wiki is for lazy children.

I'm not providing you idiots with a link anymore. You never like my sources. So, go find your your sources. For example I just told a guy 28 people died in Anchorage Alaska last year. He asked for a link. I will not provide him one because if he's like you he will just blow off my number because he chooses not to like the source. So, he should go use his own internet sources and if he can find a number that is not 28, come here and show me. Then we can find out who's source is wrong and who's is right.

He is denying normal human behavior,.....

Your racist behavior is not "normal," for a reasonably intelligent adult.
Your behavior is not normal. You're the weirdest asshole on USMB. You never answer questions, you troll, you're a dick. And a tattle tale.

Address the thread topic for once, fish.
A legitimate source relevant to the topic, of course. Wiki is for lazy children.

I'm not providing you idiots with a link anymore. You never like my sources. So, go find your your sources. For example I just told a guy 28 people died in Anchorage Alaska last year. He asked for a link. I will not provide him one because if he's like you he will just blow off my number because he chooses not to like the source. So, he should go use his own internet sources and if he can find a number that is not 28, come here and show me. Then we can find out who's source is wrong and who's is right.

He is denying normal human behavior,.....

Your racist behavior is not "normal," for a reasonably intelligent adult.
Your behavior is not normal. You're the weirdest asshole on USMB. You never answer questions, you troll, you're a dick. And a tattle tale.

Address the thread topic for once, fish.
The best way to fight racism is to not raise racist kids. We may have to write off this generation. People are who they are. But I see our kids are less racist and more inclusive. But that’s out in the burbs. How do we fight the racism in detroit? Very segregated and a lot of blacks feel America is racist. What would you say to them?
I'm not providing you idiots with a link anymore. You never like my sources. So, go find your your sources. For example I just told a guy 28 people died in Anchorage Alaska last year. He asked for a link. I will not provide him one because if he's like you he will just blow off my number because he chooses not to like the source. So, he should go use his own internet sources and if he can find a number that is not 28, come here and show me. Then we can find out who's source is wrong and who's is right.

He is denying normal human behavior,.....

Your racist behavior is not "normal," for a reasonably intelligent adult.
Your behavior is not normal. You're the weirdest asshole on USMB. You never answer questions, you troll, you're a dick. And a tattle tale.

Address the thread topic for once, fish.
The best way to fight racism is to not raise racist kids. We may have to write off this generation. People are who they are. But I see our kids are less racist and more inclusive. But that’s out in the burbs. How do we fight the racism in detroit? Very segregated and a lot of blacks feel America is racist. What would you say to them?
Not raise racist kids ??? With the broadened meaning of racism today, and it encompassing any and everything now, just how does one go about raising a kid not to be racist in the eyes of a leftist who is freely choosing and applying racism to that kid where racism doesn't actually exist ????

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