What's The Best Way To Fight and/or Stop Racism?

Sorry to hear that.

Now i know why you are so stupid

You proud to graduate retards that cant add or read

Take a look at the inner city schools with metal detectors on all the doors

What happened to the hospital?
Dude the garbage man makes more than you ....m

Is that supposed to bother me?

Just pointing out a fact Mr. Rodgers

No, you’re not.
Yes Mr Rodgers
Sorry to hear that.

Now i know why you are so stupid

You proud to graduate retards that cant add or read

Take a look at the inner city schools with metal detectors on all the doors

What happened to the hospital?

you have no clue

You are the problem

I think we have established that I know better than you about what happens in schools.

I’m trying to be part of the solution. How about you?

...you seem to believe that expulsion is illegal ...

I never said that. You’ve resorted to dishonesty because you know you don’t have a leg to stand on in this discussion. Maybe you should shut the fuck up and move onto another topic that you might possibly know anything about.
Then you aren't a Republican. I hope Republicans here will have the balls to step up and challenge you on this idea that you somehow have a right to your job. The idea that your years of service means anything is hilarious coming from a conservatives mouth. The company is only in business to maximize profits. If you are starting to cost the company too much, they need to let you go and replace you with younger cheaper workers who might actually be better than you because you are old.

You worked for 10 years. They paid you for 10 years. Beyond that, they owe you nothing. Now if you are willing to take a pay cut to keep your job then that's fine.

Everything you are saying is your opinion. Corruptly replaced? Isn't that the business' decision not yours? What do you want to do? Do you want to pass laws that say corporations have to keep you on even if they don't want to?

I thought that's what right to work states are all about. You have no right to your job. And they have the right to fire you
Don't try to twist this into something it ain't. Only ones merit earns the right to their job for as long as the company shall have them. The rest is just ethical practices on a companies part.

I'm not twisting anything. I've caught you sounding real fucking liberal when it comes to you having a right to your job. If you are a republican you can't possibly be serious right now. I can actually see you trying to back peddle out of this one.

No your merits don't earn you a right to your job. The company decides if you are worth what they pay you. And if they can find someone cheaper and they decide that's better for them, it doesn't really matter if it's fair or even a good decision. You're just the worker bee. Go find another job or start your own company.

Ethical practices? What if the company is being unethical? What do you want to do to them?

I think you are a worker bee who doesn't really understand what being a conservative Republican is all about. You probably work in a fucking union so you are used to having rights and job security.

What is it called when someone holds two conflicting views? God I can't think of the word right now.
Are you dense or something ??? Your merits earn you the right over other employees to keep your job just as long as your employer will have you. If you don't perform then your employer can of course fire you. The rest of what I said of course is employer discretion, and ethical behavior on their part.. It is nobodies business upon the relationship between employer and employee, but Demon-crats want to control that aspect of it as well... And yes I vote republican. Any other dumb questions ?

No I'm not dense. You've been stumped. You can talk all you want about merits and if you don't perform.....but originally you were crying that corportations might find blacks who will do your job better than you.

And when I say better, I might just mean cheaper. Because let's be honest, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to do what a lot of you do.

So, if a corporation can find a black American to do your job for $5 hr less than you charge, then I would be all for hiring that person because that's going to help me, a shareholder, and it's going to help consumer.

So really your original complaint was bullshit. You crying that American companies might find American workers who will do it for less. You have no right to complain. If you owned the company you wouldn't want a guy like you telling you who you can hire and how much you have to pay. You will pay whatever you have to pay. No more. And if a company finds that blacks can do it just as good or GOOD ENOUGH at a lower cost to them, who the fuck are you to say a god damn thing? Why don't you start a union? LOL
So you were for the Mexican illegal invasion into the interior of the countries business sectors, and therefore you were for giving those companies options in order to replace American workers by the thousands with illegals as it were ???...... You were for upsetting the natural balance, and the order in which was for years in this country (1st and foremost), to promote the American worker's labor forces, their product's, their product quality kept, and their standards kept , while instead promoting an illegal labor force that ended up being worked off the grid, living ten to a house, breeding like rabbits back home, and getting subsidized by government through stolen SS numbers given them, and on and on and on ad nauseum it went ????????

We must stop any collective efforts to organize the business sectors in a way as to easily exploit vulnerable groups who probably breed by the thousands, and then blame, complain, rob and steal in an unbalanced way (the job's and wages of American's), that depended on those wages to pursue their American dream's in life just like any other American does when applies themself in that way.
Who said anything about Mexican illegals? I’m talking about African Americans. Americans
Don't try to twist this into something it ain't. Only ones merit earns the right to their job for as long as the company shall have them. The rest is just ethical practices on a companies part.

I'm not twisting anything. I've caught you sounding real fucking liberal when it comes to you having a right to your job. If you are a republican you can't possibly be serious right now. I can actually see you trying to back peddle out of this one.

No your merits don't earn you a right to your job. The company decides if you are worth what they pay you. And if they can find someone cheaper and they decide that's better for them, it doesn't really matter if it's fair or even a good decision. You're just the worker bee. Go find another job or start your own company.

Ethical practices? What if the company is being unethical? What do you want to do to them?

I think you are a worker bee who doesn't really understand what being a conservative Republican is all about. You probably work in a fucking union so you are used to having rights and job security.

What is it called when someone holds two conflicting views? God I can't think of the word right now.
Are you dense or something ??? Your merits earn you the right over other employees to keep your job just as long as your employer will have you. If you don't perform then your employer can of course fire you. The rest of what I said of course is employer discretion, and ethical behavior on their part.. It is nobodies business upon the relationship between employer and employee, but Demon-crats want to control that aspect of it as well... And yes I vote republican. Any other dumb questions ?

No I'm not dense. You've been stumped. You can talk all you want about merits and if you don't perform.....but originally you were crying that corportations might find blacks who will do your job better than you.

And when I say better, I might just mean cheaper. Because let's be honest, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to do what a lot of you do.

So, if a corporation can find a black American to do your job for $5 hr less than you charge, then I would be all for hiring that person because that's going to help me, a shareholder, and it's going to help consumer.

So really your original complaint was bullshit. You crying that American companies might find American workers who will do it for less. You have no right to complain. If you owned the company you wouldn't want a guy like you telling you who you can hire and how much you have to pay. You will pay whatever you have to pay. No more. And if a company finds that blacks can do it just as good or GOOD ENOUGH at a lower cost to them, who the fuck are you to say a god damn thing? Why don't you start a union? LOL
So you were for the Mexican illegal invasion into the interior of the countries business sectors, and therefore you were for giving those companies options in order to replace American workers by the thousands with illegals as it were ???...... You were for upsetting the natural balance, and the order in which was for years in this country (1st and foremost), to promote the American worker's labor forces, their product's, their product quality kept, and their standards kept , while instead promoting an illegal labor force that ended up being worked off the grid, living ten to a house, breeding like rabbits back home, and getting subsidized by government through stolen SS numbers given them, and on and on and on ad nauseum it went ????????

We must stop any collective efforts to organize the business sectors in a way as to easily exploit vulnerable groups who probably breed by the thousands, and then blame, complain, rob and steal in an unbalanced way (the job's and wages of American's), that depended on those wages to pursue their American dream's in life just like any other American does when applies themself in that way.
Who said anything about Mexican illegals? I’m talking about African Americans. Americans
Ever hear of parralell's, comparison's etc ????
I didn't know that Trump was an NBA star once upon a time too. LOL

You live a shelteted life in a hospital

I’m a public school teacher.

Sorry to hear that.

Now i know why you are so stupid

You proud to graduate retards that cant add or read

Take a look at the inner city schools with metal detectors on all the doors

What happened to the hospital?

you have no clue

You are the problem

I think we have established that I know better than you about what happens in schools.

I’m trying to be part of the solution. How about you?
Well you cant teach kids to read, or not to do drugs but you are going to teach them to love everyone

So how is third grade art class coming
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Sorry to hear that.

Now i know why you are so stupid

You proud to graduate retards that cant add or read

Take a look at the inner city schools with metal detectors on all the doors

What happened to the hospital?

you have no clue

You are the problem

I think we have established that I know better than you about what happens in schools.

I’m trying to be part of the solution. How about you?
Well you cant teach kids to read, or not to do drugs but you are going to teach them to love everyone

So how is third art class coming
I bet the kids in his school score below the national average. That’s all I need to know. If his school system scores below the national average that would tell me unkotare isn’t that good of a teacher. He says he lives or works in a New England hood. Do those even exist?
Thats all of Boston....
To address the thread topic: How about everyone posting on this thread go out and actually do something to make the problem better - even just a little bit better. Not talking, not feeling, but real get-off-your-ass something out in the world.

Maybe in the end that's the best way (or the only way) to chip away at the problem.
To address the thread topic: How about everyone posting on this thread go out and actually do something to make the problem better - even just a little bit better. Not talking, not feeling, but real get-off-your-ass something out in the world.

Maybe in the end that's the best way (or the only way) to chip away at the problem.

I notice that nobody wants to take me up on my offer. That should tell you something.
Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"

Believe it or not I could give a flying you know what about whites being racist as long as they step aside when I come through on a mission. Whites are insecure which is why they are racist as a group. I simply ignore insecure people unless they get in my way and then I knock them on their ass.
To address the thread topic: How about everyone posting on this thread go out and actually do something to make the problem better - even just a little bit better. Not talking, not feeling, but real get-off-your-ass something out in the world.

Maybe in the end that's the best way (or the only way) to chip away at the problem.

I notice that nobody wants to take me up on my offer. That should tell you something.
I already do that. I talk to white people a lot. How do you think I understand how white people think?
To address the thread topic: How about everyone posting on this thread go out and actually do something to make the problem better - even just a little bit better. Not talking, not feeling, but real get-off-your-ass something out in the world.

Maybe in the end that's the best way (or the only way) to chip away at the problem.

I notice that nobody wants to take me up on my offer. That should tell you something.
I already do that. ... ...

No, you don't. To take me up on my offer you'd have to stop being a douche bag and sincerely try to do something real and practical in the world to make this particular problem better. You have proven that you are just a shit-talking racist liar with no more interest in making things better than the other racists who keep talking shit here. You, im2, Correll, brokeloser, sealybobo, rayfromcleveland, meathead, jits22 and all the other racists are all essentially the same. Go ahead and take me up on my offer if you can. You know you can't.
To address the thread topic: How about everyone posting on this thread go out and actually do something to make the problem better - even just a little bit better. Not talking, not feeling, but real get-off-your-ass something out in the world.

Maybe in the end that's the best way (or the only way) to chip away at the problem.

I notice that nobody wants to take me up on my offer. That should tell you something.
I already do that. ... ...

No, you don't. To take me up on my offer you'd have to stop being a douche bag and sincerely try to do something real and practical in the world to make this particular problem better. You have proven that you are just a shit-talking racist liar with no more interest in making things better than the other racists who keep talking shit here. You, im2, Correll, brokeloser, sealybobo, rayfromcleveland, meathead, jits22 and all the other racists are all essentially the same. Go ahead and take me up on my offer if you can. You know you can't.
I tell you I already do something and your answer is no I dont? WTF! How can someone take you up on your offer if you dont even believe them? :rolleyes:
Unkotare is an idiot. Whites are always bragging about how they have 5 times the number we do. This means that there are very few, if any, black people who has not had a large number of social interactions with whites. Stop telling us how we need to talk to whites like we haven't.
What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"
Wouldnt work. White women love Black men. They even have a sex cult called the queen of spades.
That's ok. If you want to stop "racism", separate the races. If there are members of one race who desire to live with a different race, and that race will take them, let them go. The white women who moved to a black country (assuming black women allowed it) just to be fucked by black guys would be generally on the left side of the bell curve. The more intelligent women (of any race) would make their life decisions based on considerations higher than dick and animal instinct. Higher IQ women look for men who will stick around and help raise children, high status men, financially successful men, faithful family men, and so on. High IQ women would be more likely to stay in their own country. Lower IQ women are more likely to look for dick. In general, the departure of those white women would be eugenic for the white country they left.

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